47 research outputs found

    Unravelling the mass spectrum of destroyed dwarf galaxies with the metallicity distribution function

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    Accreted stellar populations are comprised of the remnants of destroyed galaxies, and often dominate the ‘stellar haloes’ of galaxies such as the Milky Way (MW). This ensemble of external contributors is a key indicator of the past assembly history of a galaxy. We introduce a novel statistical method that uses the unbinned metallicity distribution function (MDF) of a stellar population to estimate the mass spectrum of its progenitors. Our model makes use of the well-known mass–metallicity relation of galaxies and assumes Gaussian MDF distributions for individual progenitors: the overall MDF is thus a mixture of MDFs from smaller galaxies. We apply the method to the stellar halo of the MW, as well as the classical MW satellite galaxies. The stellar components of the satellite galaxies have relatively small sample sizes, but we do not find any evidence for accreted populations with L > Lhost/100. We find that the MW stellar halo has N ∼ 1−3 massive progenitors (L ≳ 108L⊙) within 10 kpc, and likely several hundred progenitors in total. We also test our method on simulations of MW-mass haloes, and find that our method is able to recover the true accreted population within a factor of 2. Future data sets will provide MDFs with orders of magnitude more stars, and this method could be a powerful technique to quantify the accreted populations down to the ultra-faint dwarf mass scale for both the MW and its satellites

    The chemo-dynamical groups of Galactic globular clusters

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    We introduce a multicomponent chemo-dynamical method for splitting the Galactic population of globular clusters (GCs) into three distinct constituents: bulge, disc, and stellar halo. The latter is further decomposed into the individual large accretion events that built up the Galactic stellar halo: the Gaia -Enceladus-Sausage, Kraken and Sequoia structures, and the Sagittarius and Helmi streams. Our modelling is extensively tested using mock GC samples constructed from the AURIGA suite of hydrodynamical simulations of Milky Way (MW)-like galaxies. We find that, on average, a proportion of the accreted GCs cannot be associated with their true infall group and are left ungrouped, biasing our recovered population numbers to ∼80 per cent of their true value. Furthermore, the identified groups have a completeness and a purity of only ∼65 percent. This reflects the difficulty of the problem, a result of the large degree of overlap in energy-action space of the debris from past accretion events. We apply the method to the Galactic data to infer, in a statistically robust and easily quantifiable way, the GCs associated with each MW accretion event. The resulting groups' population numbers of GCs, corrected for biases, are then used to infer the halo and stellar masses of the now defunct satellites that built up the halo of the MW

    The biggest splash

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    Using a large sample of bright nearby stars with accurate Gaia Data Release 2 astrometry and auxiliary spectroscopy we map out the properties of the principle Galactic components such as the ‘thin’ and ‘thick’ discs and the halo. We confirm previous claims that in the Solar neighbourhood, there exists a large population of metal-rich ([Fe/H] > −0.7) stars on highly eccentric orbits. By studying the evolution of elemental abundances, kinematics, and stellar ages in the plane of azimuthal velocity vφ and metallicity [Fe/H], we demonstrate that this metal-rich halo-like component, which we dub the Splash, is linked to the α-rich (or ‘thick’) disc. Splash stars have little to no angular momentum and many are on retrograde orbits. They are predominantly old, but not as old as the stars deposited into the Milky Way (MW) in the last major merger. We argue, in agreement with several recent studies, that the Splash stars may have been born in the MW’s protodisc prior to the massive ancient accretion event which drastically altered their orbits. We cannot, however, rule out other (alternative) formation channels. Taking advantage of the causal connection between the merger and the Splash, we put constraints of the epoch of the last massive accretion event to have finished 9.5 Gyr ago. The link between the local metal-rich and metal-poor retrograde stars is confirmed using a large suite of cutting-edge numerical simulations of the MW’s formation

    The slight spin of the old stellar halo

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    We combine Gaia data release 1 astrometry with Sloan Digital Sky Survey (SDSS) images taken some ∼10-15 years earlier, to measure proper motions of stars in the halo of our Galaxy. The SDSS-Gaia proper motions have typical statistical errors of 2 mas yr-1 down to r ∼ 20 mag, and are robust to variations with magnitude and colour. Armed with this exquisite set of halo proper motions, we identify RR Lyrae, blue horizontal branch (BHB), and K giant stars in the halo, and measure their net rotation with respect to the Galactic disc. We find evidence for a gently rotating prograde signal (〈Vφ〉 ∼ 5-25 km s-1) in the halo stars, which shows little variation with Galactocentric radius out to 50 kpc. The average rotation signal for the three populations is 〈Vφ〉 = 14 ± 2 ± 10 (syst.) km s-1. There is also tentative evidence for a kinematic correlation with metallicity, whereby the metal richer BHB and K giant stars have slightly stronger prograde rotation than the metal poorer stars. Using the Auriga simulation suite, we find that the old (T >10 Gyr) stars in the simulated haloes exhibit mild prograde rotation, with little dependence on radius or metallicity, in general agreement with the observations. The weak halo rotation suggests that the Milky Way has a minor in situ halo component, and has undergone a relatively quiet accretion history

    The effects of dynamical substructure on Milky Way mass estimates from the high-velocity tail of the local stellar halo

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    We investigate the impact of dynamical streams and substructure on estimates of the local escape speed and total mass of Milky-Way-mass galaxies from modelling the high-velocity tail of local halo stars. We use a suite of high-resolution magnetohydrodynamical cosmological zoom-in simulations that resolve phase space substructure in local volumes around solar-like positions. We show that phase space structure varies significantly between positions in individual galaxies and across the suite. Substructure populates the high-velocity tail unevenly and leads to discrepancies in the mass estimates. We show that a combination of streams, sample noise, and truncation of the high-velocity tail below the escape speed leads to a distribution of mass estimates with a median that falls below the true value by ∼20 per cent{\sim } 20 {{\ \rm per\ cent}}, and a spread of a factor of 2 across the suite. Correcting for these biases, we derive a revised value for the Milky Way mass presented in Deason et al. of 1.29−0.47+0.37×1012 M⊙1.29 ^{+0.37}_{-0.47} \times 10^{12}\, \rm M_{\odot }

    The local high-velocity tail and the Galactic escape speed

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    We model the fastest moving (vtot > 300 km s−1) local (D 3 kpc) halo stars using cosmological simulations and six-dimensional Gaia data. Our approach is to use our knowledge of the assembly history and phase-space distribution of halo stars to constrain the form of the high-velocity tail of the stellar halo. Using simple analytical models and cosmological simulations, we find that the shape of the high-velocity tail is strongly dependent on the velocity anisotropy and number density profile of the halo stars - highly eccentric orbits and/or shallow density profiles have more extended high-velocity tails. The halo stars in the solar vicinity are known to have a strongly radial velocity anisotropy, and it has recently been shown the origin of these highly eccentric orbits is the early accretion of a massive (Mstar ∼ 109 M☉) dwarf satellite. We use this knowledge to construct a prior on the shape of the high-velocity tail. Moreover, we use the simulations to define an appropriate outer boundary of 2r200, beyond which stars can escape. After applying our methodology to the Gaia data, we find a local (r0 = 8.3 kpc) escape speed of vesc(r0) = 528+−2425 km s−1. We use our measurement of the escape velocity to estimate the total Milky Way mass, and dark halo concentration: M200,tot = 1.00+−003124 × 1012 M☉, c200 = 10.9+−4343. Our estimated mass agrees with recent results in the literature that seem to be converging on a Milky Way mass of M200,tot ∼ 1012 M☉

    The orbital phase space of contracted dark matter haloes

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    We study the orbital phase space of dark matter (DM) haloes in the AURIGA suite of cosmological hydrodynamics simulations of Milky Way (MW) analogues. We characterize haloes by their spherical action distribution, F (Jr, L), a function of the specific angular momentum, L, and the radial action, Jr, of the DM particles. By comparing DM-only and hydrodynamical simulations of the same haloes, we investigate the contraction of DM haloes caused by the accumulation of baryons at the centre. We find a small systematic suppression of the radial action in the DM haloes of the hydrodynamical simulations, suggesting that the commonly used adiabatic contraction approximation can result in an underestimate of the density by ∼ 8 per cent. We apply an iterative algorithm to contract the AURIGA DM haloes given a baryon density profile and halo mass, recovering the true contracted DM profiles with an accuracy of ∼ 15 per cent, that reflects halo-to-halo variation. Using this algorithm, we infer the total mass profile of the MW’s contracted DM halo. We derive updated values for the key astrophysical inputs to DM direct detection experiments: the DM density and velocity distribution in the Solar neighbourhood

    Apostle-Auriga: Effects of different subgrid models on the baryon cycle around Milky Way-mass galaxies

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    Modern hydrodynamical simulations reproduce many properties of the real Universe. These simulations model various physical processes, but many of these are included using 'subgrid models' due to resolution limits. Although different subgrid models have been successful in modelling the effects of supernovae (SNe) and active galactic nuclei (AGNs) feedback on galactic properties, it remains unclear if, and by how much, these differing implementations affect observable halo gas properties. In this work, we use 'zoom-in' cosmological initial conditions of two volumes selected to resemble the Local Group (LG) evolved with both the Auriga and Apostle galaxy formation models. While the subgrid physics models in both simulations reproduce realistic stellar components of L< galaxies, they exhibit different gas properties. Namely, Auriga predicts that the Milky Way is almost baryonically closed, whereas Apostle suggests that only half of the expected baryons reside within the halo. Furthermore, Apostle predicts that this baryon deficiency extends to the LG (r ≤ 1 Mpc). Some of the baryon deficiency in Apostle is due to SNe feedback at high redshift, which generates halo-wide outflows, with high covering fractions and radial velocities, which both eject baryons and significantly impede cosmic gas accretion. Conversely, in Auriga, gas accretion into the halo appears to be almost unaffected by feedback. These differences appear to result from the different energy injection methods from feedback (both SNe and AGNs) to gas. Our results suggest that both quasar absorption lines and fast radio burst dispersion measures could constrain these two regimes with future observations

    Energy wrinkles and phase-space folds of the last major merger

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    Relying on the dramatic increase in the number of stars with full 6D phase-space information provided by the Gaia Data Release 3, we resolve the distribution of the stellar halo around the Sun to uncover signatures of incomplete phase-mixing. We show that, for the stars likely belonging to the last massive merger, the (vr, r) distribution contains a series of long and thin chevron-like overdensities. These phase-space substructures have been predicted to emerge following the dissolution of a satellite, when its tidal debris is given time to wind up, thin out, and fold. Such chevrons have been spotted in external galaxies before; here, we report the first detection in our own Milky Way. We also show that the observed angular momentum Lz distribution appears more prograde at high energies, possibly revealing the original orbital angular momentum of the in-falling galaxy. The energy distribution of the debris is strongly asymmetric with a peak at low E – which, we surmise, may be evidence of the dwarf’s rapid sinking – and riddled with wrinkles and bumps. We demonstrate that similar phase-space and (E, Lz) substructures are present in numerical simulations of galaxy interactions, both in bespoke N-body runs and in cosmological hydrodynamical zoom-in suites. The remnant traces of the progenitor’s disruption and the signatures of the on-going phase-mixing discovered here will not only help to constrain the properties of our Galaxy’s most important interaction, but also can be used as a novel tool to map out the Milky Way’s current gravitational potential and its perturbations

    The edge of the Galaxy

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    We use cosmological simulations of isolated MilkyWay (MW)-mass galaxies, as well as Local Group (LG) analogues, to define the 'edge'- A caustic manifested in a drop in density or radial velocity-of Galactic-sized haloes, both in dark matter and in stars. In the dark matter, we typically identify two caustics: The outermost caustic located at ∼1.4r200m, corresponding to the 'splashback' radius, and a second caustic located at ∼0.6r200m, which likely corresponds to the edge of the virialized material that has completed at least two pericentric passages. The splashback radius is ill defined in LG-type environments where the haloes of the two galaxies overlap. However, the second caustic is less affected by the presence of a companion, and is a more useful definition for the boundary of the MWhalo. Curiously, the stellar distribution also has a clearly defined caustic, which, in most cases, coincides with the second caustic of the darkmatter. This can be identified in both radial density and radial velocity profiles, and should be measurable in future observational programmes. Finally, we show that the second caustic can also be identified in the phase-space distribution of dwarf galaxies in the LG. Using the current dwarf galaxy population, we predict the edge of the MW halo to be 292 ± 61 kpc