12 research outputs found


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    Redox-active metal complexes for imaging hypoxic tissues: structure-activity relationships in copper(II) bis(thiosemicarbazone) complexes

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    Reduction potential and lipophilicity of the copper(II) bis(thiosemicarbazone) complexes can be independently controlled by alkylation in the diketone backbone and the N-termini of the ligand, allowing optimisation of radiopharmaceuticals strongly selective for hypoxic tissues

    Redox-active metal complexes for imaging hypoxic tissues: structure-activity relationships in copper(II) bis(thiosemicarbazone) complexes

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    Reduction potential and lipophilicity of the copper(II) bis(thiosemicarbazone) complexes can be independently controlled by alkylation in the diketone backbone and the N-termini of the ligand, allowing optimisation of radiopharmaceuticals strongly selective for hypoxic tissues

    Copper(I) bis(diphosphine) complexes as a basis for radiopharmaceuticals for positron emission tomography and targeted radiotherapy

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    Copper(I) bis(diphosphine) complexes provide an excellent basis for development of short/medium-lived PET (positron emission tomography) imaging and therapy agents containing copper radioisotopes, because of their extreme facility of synthesis and scope for derivatisation and bioconjugate formation

    Copper bis(thiosemicarbazone) complexes as hypoxia imaging agents: structure-activity relationships

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    Copper(II) bis(thiosemicarbazone) complexes labelled with Cu-60/62/64 are useful radiopharmaceuticals for imaging blood flow and hypoxic tissues in vivo. The aim of this study was to identify structure-activity relationships within a series of analogues with different alkyl substitution patterns in the ligand, in order to design improved hypoxia imaging agents and elucidate hypoxia selectivity mechanisms. Thirteen such complexes were synthesised and characterised spectroscopically and electrochemically. The uptake of each (labelled with Cu-64) in EMT6 tumour cells in vitro under normoxic and hypoxic conditions was studied. All complexes were taken up efficiently into cells, and some showed strong hypoxia selectivity, which was highly correlated with the Cu(II/I) redox potential. Redox potentials at the low end of the range were found to be essential for hypoxia selectivity. In turn, the redox potential was strongly correlated with alkyl substitution pattern, and the most important determinant of the redox potential was the number of alkyl groups on the diimine backbone of the ligand. Several complexes in the series warrant further evaluation as hypoxia imaging agents. The radioactivity uptake/release behaviour in the cells provides insight into possible mechanisms, and a model for hypoxia-selective intracellular trapping is discussed

    Design of hypoxia-targeting radiopharmaceuticals: selective uptake of copper-64 complexes in hypoxic cells in vitro

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    The well-known perfusion tracer CuPTSM, labelled with 62Cu or 64Cu, is believed to be trapped in cells non-selectively by a bioreductive mechanism. It is proposed that by modifying the ligand to increase its electron donor strength (for example by adding alkyl functionality or replacing sulphur ligands with oxygen ligands), the copper complexes will become less easily reduced and tracers with selectivity for hypoxic tissues could thus be developed. The aim of this work was to prepare 64Cu-labelled complexes of two series of ligands, based on the bis(thiosemicarbazone) (13 ligands) and bis(salicylaldimine) (3 ligands) skeletons, and to evaluate the hypoxia dependence of their uptake in cells. The complexes were incubated with Chinese hamster ovary cells under normoxic and hypoxic conditions, and the cells isolated by centrifugation to determine radioactivity uptake at various time points up to 90 min. Several members of both series demonstrated significant (

    Copper bis(diphosphine) complexes: radiopharmaceuticals for the detection of multi-drug resistance in tumours by PET

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    Experience with imaging of the multi-drug resistance (MDR) phenotype in rumours using technetium-99m sestamibi, a substrate of the P-glycoprotein (Pgp) transporter, suggests that better quantification of images and separation of MDR from other variables affecting tracer uptake in tumours are required. One approach to these problems is the development of short half-lift positron-emitting tracers which are substrates of Pgp. Several lipophilic cationic copper(I) bis(diphosphine) complexes labelled with copper-64 have been synthesised and evaluated in vitro as substrates for Pgp. The synthesis is rapid and efficient with no need for purification steps. The chemistry is suitable fur use with very short half-lift: radionuclides such as copper-62 (9.7 min) and copper-60 (23.7 min). Incubation of the complexes with human serum in vitro showed that they are sufficiently stable in serum to support clinical imaging, and the more lipophilic members of the series are taken up rapidly by cells (Chinese hamster ovary and human ovarian carcinoma) in vitro with great avidity. Uptake in human ovarian carcinoma cells is significantly reduced after several months of conditioning in the presence of doxorubicin, which induces increased Pgp expression. Uptake in hooded rat sarcoma (HSN) cells, which express Pgp, is significantly increased in the presence of the MDR modulator cyclosporin A. Biodistribution studies in hooded rats show rapid blood clearance, excretion through both kidneys and liver, and low uptake in other tissues. The one complex investigated in HSN tumour-bearing rats showed uptake in tumour increasing up to 30 min p.i. while it was decreasing in other tissues. for development of radiopharmaceuticals containing copper radionuclides, and that this series of complexes should undergo further evaluation in vivo as position emission tomography imaging agents fur MDR

    Predicting Response to Radioimmunotherapy from the Tumor Microenvironment of Colorectal Carcinomas

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    Solid tumors have a heterogeneous pathophysiology, which directly affects antibody-targeted therapies. Here, we consider the influence of selected tumor parameters on radioimmunotherapy, by comparing the gross biodistribution, microdistribution, and therapeutic efficacy of either radiolabeled or fluorescently labeled antibodies (A5B7 anti-carcinoembryonic antigen antibody and a nonspecific control) after i.v. injection in two contrasting human colorectal xenografts in MF1 nude mice. The LS174T is moderately/poorly differentiated, whereas SW1222 has a well-differentiated glandular structure. Biodistribution studies (1.8 MBq (131) I-labeled A5B7, four mice per group) showed similar gross tumor uptake at 48 It in the two models (25.1% and 24.0% injected dose per gram, respectively). However, in therapy studies (six mice per group), LS174T required a 3-fold increase in dose (18 versus 6 MBq) to equal SW1222 growth inhibition (similar to 55 versus similar to 60 days, respectively). To investigate the basis of this discrepancy, high-resolution multifluorescence microscopy was used to study antibody localization in relation to tumor parameters (5 min, I and 24 h, four mice per time point). Three-dimensional microvascular corrosion casting and transmission electron microscopy showed further structural differences between xenografts. Vascular supply, overall antigen distribution, and tumor structure varied greatly between models, and were principally responsible for major differences in antibody localization and subsequent therapeutic efficacy. The study shows that multiparameter, high-resolution imaging of both therapeutic and tumor microenvironment is required to comprehend complex antibody-tumor interactions, and to determine which tumor regions are being successfully treated. This will inform the design of optimized clinical trials of single and combined agents, and aid individual patient selection for antibody-targeted therapies