910 research outputs found

    Naturalistic model of classification and its relevance to some controversies in botanical systematics, 1900-1950

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    There is currently considerable controversy within philosophy over how a natural kind term's extension is determined. Adherents to traditional theories of meaning argue that extension is determined by intensional properties which usually consist of identifying descriptions. Recently a new, essentialist alternative to these traditional accounts has been advocated; proponents of this view maintain that a term's extension includes all objects which are essentially the same as a given paradigm instance of the term's use. In the present thesis it is argued that both description theories and essentalism describe not how classification must proceed but rather two alternative strategies for how a classification of natural kinds might be attempted. A term's extension is not determined in advance by either identifying descriptions or hidden essential properties since stress on either of these is itself a choice. This claim is exemplified by using empirical material drawn from the recent (post 1900) history of a classifictory science, botanical systematics. By means of this evidence it is shown that both "descriptionist" and "essentialist" strategies of concept application have been (and still are) pursued by different groups of taxonomists. One consequence of the position outlined above is that classifications are conventions and that they are evaluated instrumentally. The force of this argument is best illustrated by conceiving of classifications as part of a wider network of beliefs which are socially transmitted and sustained. Changes in networks are designed to further the interests to which a network is being put. It is argued here that the main kinds of interests which have been important in twentieth century systematics are 1) interests in technical prediction and control and 2) professional vested interests. An important aspect of both these kinds of interests is that they are normally considered to be "internal" to science. It follows that to understand scientific knowledge from a sociological perspective does not, of necessity, entail commitment to "external" explanations of scientific change

    The analysis of impedance spectra for core–shell microstructures : why a multiformalism approach is essential

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    The impedance response of a core–shell microstructure with 80% core volume fraction has been simulated using finite‐element modeling and compared to two equivalent circuits for a wide range of shell permittivity and conductivity values. Different equivalent circuits, corresponding to different variants of the well‐known brick layer model, are applicable for different combinations of material properties in the microstructure. When the shell has a similar conductivity or permittivity to the core, adding a parallel pathway increases the accuracy of the fit by ≈±10%. When both the conductivity and permittivity values of the core and shell regions are different the series circuit is a better fit. This is confirmed by multiformalism impedance analysis, which reveals features in the data that are not apparent using a single formalism. Finally, the conductivity and permittivity values for both the shell and core are extracted from the simulated spectra using all formalisms and compared to the original input values. The accuracy of the extracted values often depends on the impedance formalism used. It is concluded that impedance spectroscopy data must be analyzed using multiple formalisms when considering core–shell microstructures

    J. N. Srivastava and experimental design

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    J. N. Srivastava was a tremendously productive statistical researcher for five decades. He made significant contributions in many areas of statistics, including multivariate analysis and sampling theory. A constant throughout his career was the attention he gave to problems in discrete experimental design, where many of his best known publications are found. This paper focuses on his design work, tracing its progression, recounting his key contributions and ideas, and assessing its continuing impact. A synopsis of his design-related editorial and organizational roles is also included

    Evidence that the multifunctional polypeptides of vertebrate and fungal fatty acid synthases have arisen by independent gene fusion events

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    AbstractThe enoyl reductase (NADPH binding site) of rabbit mammary fatty acid synthase has been radioactively labelled using pyridoxal phosphate and sodium [3H]borohydride. Using this method we have been able to add this site to the four sites whose location has already been mapped within the multifunctional polypeptide chain of the protein. The results show that the enoyl reductase lies between the 3-oxoacylsynthase and the acyl carrier. This confirms that the active sites occur in a different order on the single multifunctional polypeptide of vertebrate fatty acid synthase and the two multifunctional polypeptides of fungal fatty acid synthase, and suggests that these two systems have arisen by independent gene fusion events

    Non-linear Response of the trap model in the aging regime : Exact results in the strong disorder limit

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    We study the dynamics of the one dimensional disordered trap model presenting a broad distribution of trapping times p(τ)∌1/τ1+ÎŒp(\tau) \sim 1/\tau^{1+\mu}, when an external force is applied from the very beginning at t=0t=0, or only after a waiting time twt_w, in the linear as well as in the non-linear response regime. Using a real-space renormalization procedure that becomes exact in the limit of strong disorder Ό→0\mu \to 0, we obtain explicit results for many observables, such as the diffusion front, the mean position, the thermal width, the localization parameters and the two-particle correlation function. In particular, the scaling functions for these observables give access to the complete interpolation between the unbiased case and the directed case. Finally, we discuss in details the various regimes that exist for the averaged position in terms of the two times and the external field.Comment: 27 pages, 1 eps figur

    Morphology characterisation of inclusions to predict the breakdown strength in electro-ceramic materials: Microstructure modelling

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    Microstructural features such as pores, secondary phases and inclusions can significantly alter the electrical response of ceramics. Here we present a morphological finite element approach to better understand the effect of such microstructural defects on the behaviour of electroceramics. We generate irregular three-dimensional geometric models with realistic features and controllable parameters providing a method of characterising their morphology using sphericity, signifying irregularity, and projected area. The inclusion models are solved for their electrical response for changes in the material properties, making the feature either insulating or conductive in relation to the surrounding material. The electric field distribution analysis indicates the irregularity has a significant effect on the electric response, increasing the field concentration up to 12 times more than the applied field. Plotting the electric field distribution using a Weibull cumulative Probability Distribution Function we have also estimated the breakdown strength of the material. This shows that a material's breakdown strength can be reduced to 55% for an 87.5% dense sample if the inclusion is insulative and has a low sphericity or high projected area. This can be further reduced to only 40% if the feature is more conductive than the ceramic

    The mean field theory of spin glasses: the heuristic replica approach and recent rigorous results

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    The mathematically correct computation of the spin glasses free energy in the infinite range limit crowns 25 years of mathematic efforts in solving this model. The exact solution of the model was found many years ago by using a heuristic approach; the results coming from the heuristic approach were crucial in deriving the mathematical results. The mathematical tools used in the rigorous approach are quite different from those of the heuristic approach. In this note we will review the heuristic approach to spin glasses in the light of the rigorous results; we will also discuss some conjectures that may be useful to derive the solution of the model in an alternative way.Comment: 12 pages, 1 figure; lecture at the Flato Colloquia Day, Thursday 27 November, 200

    Electric field enhancement in ceramic capacitors due to interface amplitude roughness

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    The electrical behaviour of the interface between the ceramic and electrode layers in multi layer ceramic capacitors has been studied using finite element modelling. Interface models were produced with varying amplitudes of roughness based upon analysis of micrographs both captured in-house and from the literature. The impedance responses, direct current electric field and current density distributions of the different interfaces were compared. Increasing the root-mean-squared amplitude roughness from 0 to 0.16 ÎŒm increased the maximum field strength by over a factor of four. The electric field distribution showed that fluctuations in the increase of field strength were due to local interface morphology. Sharp intrusions of the electrode into the ceramic layer resulted in particularly large field enhancements and should be avoided to reduce the likelihood of device breakdown

    Isovector and isoscalar superfluid phases in rotating nuclei

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    The subtle interplay between the two nuclear superfluids, isovector T=1 and isoscalar T=0 phases, are investigated in an exactly soluble model. It is shown that T=1 and T=0 pair-modes decouple in the exact calculations with the T=1 pair-energy being independent of the T=0 pair-strength and vice-versa. In the rotating-field, the isoscalar correlations remain constant in contrast to the well known quenching of isovector pairing. An increase of the isoscalar (J=1, T=0) pair-field results in a delay of the bandcrossing frequency. This behaviour is shown to be present only near the N=Z line and its experimental confirmation would imply a strong signature for isoscalar pairing collectivity. The solutions of the exact model are also discussed in the Hartree-Fock-Bogoliubov approximation.Comment: 5 pages, 4 figures, submitted to PR

    Structure and play: rethinking regulation in the higher education sector

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    This paper explores possible tactics for academics working within a context of increasing regulation and constraint. One suggested tactic is to move outside of a creativity-conformity binary. Rather than understanding creativity and conformity as separable, where one is seen as excluding the other, the authors consider the potential of examining the relationships between them. The theme of 'structure and play' illustrates the argument. In the first part of the paper, using various examples from art and design - fields generally associated with creativity - the authors explore the interrelatedness of creativity and conformity. For example, how might design styles, which are generally understood as creative outcomes, constrain creativity and lead to conformity within the design field? Is fashion producing creativity or conformity? Conversely, the ways in which conformity provides the conditions for creativity are also examined. For example, the conformity imposed by the state on artists in the former communist bloc contributed to a thriving underground arts movement which challenged conformity and state regulation. Continuing the theme of 'structure and play', the authors recount a story from an Australian university which foregrounds the ongoing renegotiation of power relations in the academy. This account illustrates how programmatic government in a university, with its aim of regulating conduct, can contribute to unanticipated outcomes. The authors propose that a Foucauldian view of distributed power is useful for academics operating in a context of increasing regulation, as it brings into view sites where power might begin to be renegotiated
