1,447 research outputs found

    Ku band deployed assembly and gimbal

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    Requirements for shuttle orbiter missions to locate satellites for servicing and to communicate when out of touch with a direct ground link were established. A Ku Band deployed antenna system providing an integrated radar and communications function was designed to meet these requirements. The unique features of the gimbal assembly are described with emphasis on the following: edge mounted antenna to minimize stowage volume in shuttle and maximize gain; unique two axis housing and shaft arrangement to accommodate two runs of waveguide and 55 electrical conductors without requiring slip rings; maximum use of aluminum in gimbal structure to reduce costs; and lubricant chosen to survive Earth and space environments

    Simulator study of stall/post-stall characteristics of a fighter airplane with relaxed longitudinal static stability

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    A real-time piloted simulation was conducted to evaluate the high-angle-of-attack characteristics of a fighter configuration based on wind-tunnel testing of the F-16, with particular emphasis on the effects of various levels of relaxed longitudinal static stability. The aerodynamic data used in the simulation was conducted on the Langley differential maneuvering simulator, and the evaluation involved representative low-speed combat maneuvering. Results of the investigation show that the airplane with the basic control system was resistant to the classical yaw departure; however, it was susceptible to pitch departures induced by inertia coupling during rapid, large-amplitude rolls at low airspeed. The airplane also exhibited a deep-stall trim which could be flown into and from which it was difficult to recover. Control-system modifications were developed which greatly decreased the airplane susceptibility to the inertia-coupling departure and which provided a reliable means for recovering from the deep stall

    PSS21 Assessing Pruritus Among Patients with Atopic Dermatitis: Targeted Literature and Instrument Review

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    The future of the subsurface chlorophyll-a maximum in the Canada Basin-A model intercomparison

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    Six Earth system models and three ocean-ice-ecosystem models are analyzed to evaluate magnitude and depth of the subsurface Chl-a maximum (SCM) in the Canada Basin and ratio of surface to subsurface Chl-a in a future climate scenario. Differences in simulated Chl-a are caused by large intermodel differences in available nitrate in the Arctic Ocean and to some extent by ecosystem complexity. Most models reproduce the observed SCM and nitracline deepening and indicate a continued deepening in the future until the models reach a new state with seasonal ice-free waters. Models not representing a SCM show either too much nitrate and hence no surface limitation or too little nitrate with limited surface growth only. The models suggest that suppression of the nitracline and deepening of the SCM are caused by enhanced stratification, likely driven by enhanced Ekman convergence and freshwater contributions with primarily large-scale atmospheric driving mechanisms. The simulated ratio of near-surface Chl-a to depth-integrated Chl-a is slightly decreasing in most areas of the Arctic Ocean due to enhanced contributions of subsurface Chl-a. Exceptions are some shelf areas and regions where the continued ice thinning leaves winter ice too thin to provide a barrier to momentum fluxes, allowing winter mixing to break up the strong stratification. Results confirm that algorithms determining vertically integrated Chl-a from surface Chl-a need to be tuned to Arctic conditions, but likely require little or no adjustments in the future

    Three Keys to Success for Principals (and Their Teachers)

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    This is the author's accepted manuscript, post peer-review. The publisher's official version is available at: http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/00228958.2008.10516527.What is successful leadership and how can leadership concepts be applied to schools? Hundreds of books and articles and a plethora of executive seminars describe what leadership is and propose strategies for what effective leaders do. Most of these writings and presentations, however, focus on business, with much less information available about how to lead schools. In addition, there is a diversity of opinions about what makes leaders effective. This article suggests that it is possible to extract, reframe, and apply the best of what is known about leadership to help principals be more successful. Moreover, if principals are successful, teachers also are positioned to be successful, with the ultimate impact being successful student learning

    School organizational culture: The peak of research in the context of neoliberal policies

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    Inscrita numa matriz teórica multirreferencial, a problemática da cultura organizacional tem sido objecto de múltiplos desenvolvimentos conceptuais e diversificadas apropriações políticas e ideológicas. No campo da educação e no contexto mais específico das organizações escolares, as abordagens culturais e simbólicas sofreram algumas inflexões teóricas apenas compreensíveis quando contextualizadas no quadro mais global das políticas internacionais de cariz neoliberal e neoconservador. Neste trabalho, procura-se reflectir criticamente sobre a forma como a problemática da cultura organizacional em contexto escolar passa a ser (re)perspectivada numa altura em que se expandem alguns objectivos e valores políticos associados às ideologias da modernização e da racionalização. Num segundo momento, tomando como ponto de partida a análise de um vasto número de investigações integradas em quatro bases de dados electrónicas de âmbito internacional, debatemos as principais tendências teóricas, conceptuais e metodológicas deste campo de estudo, fazendo sobressair o lugar e o estatuto da escola enquanto contexto privilegiado de investigação, designadamente nos domínios crítico-reflexivos.Within a multi-referential theoretical framework, the issue of organizational culture has been a subject for multiple conceptual developments and different ideological and political appropriations. In the field of education and in the specific context of school organizations, the cultural and symbolic approaches were subjected to some theoretical inflections. These can only be understood in the global framework of international policies of neoliberal and neoconservative nature. First, this paper critically discusses how the issue of organizational culture in school context was put in perspectives at a time when some political-ideological objectives and values were associated to modernization and rationalization ideologies. Based on the analysis of a great number of researches included in four electronic databases with an international scope, it then discusses the main theoretical, conceptual and methodological trends of this field of study, stressing the place and statute of school as a privileged research context, namely in the reflexive and critical domain.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Structure and oxidation kinetics of the Si(100)-SiO2 interface

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    We present first-principles calculations of the structural and electronic properties of Si(001)-SiO2 interfaces. We first arrive at reasonable structures for the c-Si/a-SiO2 interface via a Monte-Carlo simulated annealing applied to an empirical interatomic potential, and then relax these structures using first-principles calculations within the framework of density-functional theory. We find a transition region at the interface, having a thickness on the order of 20\AA, in which there is some oxygen deficiency and a corresponding presence of sub-oxide Si species (mostly Si^+2 and Si^+3). Distributions of bond lengths and bond angles, and the nature of the electronic states at the interface, are investigated and discussed. The behavior of atomic oxygen in a-SiO2 is also investigated. The peroxyl linkage configuration is found to be lower in energy than interstitial or threefold configurations. Based on these results, we suggest a possible mechanism for oxygen diffusion in a-SiO2 that may be relevant to the oxidation process.Comment: 7 pages, two-column style with 6 postscript figures embedded. Uses REVTEX and epsf macros. Also available at http://www.physics.rutgers.edu/~dhv/preprints/index.html#ng_sio

    Safety outcomes during pediatric GH therapy: final results from the prospective GeNeSIS observational program

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    CONTEXT: Safety concerns regarding premature mortality, diabetes, neoplasia and cerebrovascular disease in association with growth hormone (GH) therapy have been raised. OBJECTIVE: To assess incidence of key safety outcomes. DESIGN: Prospective, multinational, observational study (1999-2015). SETTING: 22,311 GH-treated children from 827 investigative sites in 30 countries. PATIENTS: Children with growth disorders. INTERVENTIONS: GH treatment. MAIN OUTCOME MEASURES: Standardized mortality (SMR) and incidence (SIR) ratios with 95% confidence intervals (CI) for mortality, diabetes, and primary cancer, using general population registries. RESULTS: Predominant short stature diagnoses were GH deficiency (63%), idiopathic short stature (13%), and Turner syndrome (8%), with mean±SD follow-up of 4.2±3.2 years (∼92,000 person-years [PY]). Forty-two deaths occurred in patients with follow-up, with SMR (95% CI) of 0.61 (0.44-0.82); the SMR was elevated for patients with cancer-related organic GH deficiency (5.87 [3.21-9.85]). Based on 18 cases, Type 2 diabetes (T2DM) risk was elevated (SIR 3.77 [2.24-5.96]), but 72% had risk factors. In patients without cancer history, 14 primary cancers were observed (SIR 0.71 [0.39-1.20]). Second neoplasms occurred in 31/622 (5.0%) cancer survivors (10.7 [7.5-15.2] cases/1000 PY), and intracranial tumor recurrences in 67/823 (8.1%) tumor survivors (16.9 [13.3-21.5] cases/1000 PY). All 3 hemorrhagic stroke cases had risk factors. CONCLUSIONS: GeNeSIS data support the favourable safety profile of pediatric GH treatment. Overall risk for death or primary cancer was not elevated in GH-treated children, and no hemorrhagic strokes occurred in patients without risk factors. T2DM incidence was elevated compared to the general population, but most cases had diabetes risk factors

    A qualitative study of independent fast food vendors near secondary schools in disadvantaged Scottish neighbourhoods

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    Background: Preventing and reducing childhood and adolescent obesity is a growing priority in many countries. Recent UK data suggest that children in more deprived areas have higher rates of obesity and poorer diet quality than those in less deprived areas. As adolescents spend a large proportion of time in school, interventions to improve the food environment in and around schools are being considered. Nutrient standards for school meals are mandatory in the UK, but many secondary pupils purchase foods outside schools at break or lunchtime that may not meet these standards. Methods: Qualitative interviews were conducted with fast food shop managers to explore barriers to offering healthier menu options. Recruitment targeted independently-owned shops near secondary schools (pupils aged c.12-17) in low-income areas of three Scottish cities. Ten interviews were completed, recorded, and transcribed for analysis. An inductive qualitative approach was used to analyse the data in NVivo 10. Results: Five themes emerged from the data: pride in what is sold; individual autonomy and responsibility; customer demand; profit margin; and neighbourhood context. Interviewees consistently expressed pride in the foods they sold, most of which were homemade. They felt that healthy eating and general wellbeing are the responsibility of the individual and that offering what customers want to eat, not necessarily what they should eat, was the only way to stay in business. Most vendors felt they were struggling to maintain a profit, and that many aspects of the low-income neighbourhood context would make change difficult or impossible. Conclusions: Independent food shops in low-income areas face barriers to offering healthy food choices, and interventions and policies that target the food environment around schools should take the neighbourhood context into consideration
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