66 research outputs found

    The Experimental Reduction of Rock in a Camas Oven: Towards an Understanding of the Behavioral Significance of Fire-cracked Rock

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    The selection and management of rock for roasting ovens, hearths, and sweat lodges were not trivial concerns for prehistoric households. The results of replicating a camas roasting oven are used to address the use-life and use-stages of fire-cracked rock. We concluded that the industry associated with the procurement and management of fire-cracked rock in the Pacific Northwest required significant quantities of labor and expertise to manage the raw materials and camas roasting byproducts. Recording the technological performance characteristics of fire-cracked rocks, including composition, size, and durability, is a necessary step to interpret and compare fire-cracked rock features at archaeological sites


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    ABSTRAKSI Mardian, Maria Magdalena Delyria, 531611306261 K, 2020, “Analisi Dampak Adanya Bencana Alam Terhadap Proses Pengiriman Barang oleh PT. Adi Bahari Nuansa di Perairan Merak”, Program Diploma IV, Program Studi Ketatalaksanaan Angkutan Laut dan Kepelabuhanan, Politeknik Ilmu Pelayaran Semarang, Pembimbing I: Dr. Riyanto, S.E, M.Pd., Pembimbing II: Capt. Karolus Geleuk Sengadji, M.M. Pengangkutan melalui laut mempunyai peran yang sangat besar dalam pengangkutan bagi Indonesia. Banyak faktor yang perlu diperhatikan dalam pengangkutan melalui jalur laut yaitu manusia (man), waktu tunggu (leadtime), metode (method), alat (machine), dan lingkungan (environment). Faktor lingkungan contohnya bencana alam. Bencana alam sangat memengaruhi kegiatan pengiriman barang, dan memimbulkan dampak yang luar biasa. Maka, perlu dilakukan penanganan yang terbaik agar tidak merugikan beberapa pihak. Metode penelitian ini adalah dengan pendekatan kualitatif, studi kasus, dan desain penelitian deskriptif. Sumber data penelitian yang diambil adalah data primer dan sekunder. Teknik pengumpulan data dengan riset lapangan serta studi pustaka dan dokumentasi, sehingga didapatkan teknik keabsahan data. Hasil dari penelitian ini adalah terdapat pada kegiatan pengiriman KM. Sekishu Indah oleh PT. Adi Bahari Nuansa yang terjadi pada tanggal 22 Desember 2018. Dalam hal ini faktor bencana alam saat memengaruhi kegiatan pengiriman barang tersebut. Saat kejadian, yang gilakukan adalah pengevakuasian terhadap crew kapal dan penundaan pengiriman barang. Dampak yang terjadi ialah terlambatnya pengiriman barang, pembengkakan biaya tambat, ketidakpuasan konsumen terhadap kinerja perusahaan. Peneliti menyarankan agar lebih memperhatikan kepuasan pelanggan (konsumen) dengan beretikad baik untuk menjelaskan permasalahan

    Typicality within well defined categories in aphasia

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    Two experiments were conducted to investigate the nature of category typicality in well defined categories in patients with aphasia: (a) an online category verification experiment, and (b) a naming treatment experiment. Results of the online category verification experiment illustrated that atypical shapes were consistently more difficult to judge than typical examples and other atypical examples (females, body parts). Results of the treatment experiment showed that training atypical examples of shapes and their semantic features resulted in generalization to naming of typical examples of the category in two patients. Training typical examples and their semantic features, however, did not result in generalization to atypical examples in one participant

    Interleukin-17A promotes parietal cell atrophy by inducing apoptosis

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    Background & Aims: Atrophic gastritis caused by chronic inflammation in the gastric mucosa leads to the loss of gastric glandular cells, including acid-secreting parietal cells. Parietal cell atrophy in a setting of chronic inflammation induces spasmolytic polypeptide expressing metaplasia, a critical step in gastric carcinogenesis. However, the mechanisms by which inflammation causes parietal cell atrophy and spasmolytic polypeptide expressing metaplasia are not well defined. We investigated the role of interleukin-17A (IL-17A) in causing parietal cell atrophy. Methods: A mouse model of autoimmune atrophic gastritis was used to examine IL-17A production during early and late stages of disease. Organoids derived from corpus glands were used to determine the direct effects of IL-17A on gastric epithelial cells. Immunofluorescent staining was used to examine IL-17A receptors and the direct effect of signaling on parietal cells. Mice were infected with an IL-17A-producing adenovirus to determine the effects of IL-17A on parietal cells in vivo. Finally, IL-17A neutralizing antibodies were administered to mice with active atrophic gastritis to evaluate the effects on parietal cell atrophy and metaplasia. Results: Increased IL-17A correlated with disease severity in mice with chronic atrophic gastritis. IL-17A caused caspase-dependent gastric organoid degeneration, which could not be rescued with a necroptosis inhibitor. Parietal cells expressed IL-17A receptors and IL-17A treatment induced apoptosis in parietal cells. Overexpressing IL-17A in vivo induced caspase-3 activation and terminal deoxynucleotidyl transferase–mediated deoxyuridine triphosphate nick-end labeling staining in parietal cells. Finally, IL-17A neutralizing antibody decreased parietal cell atrophy and metaplasia in mice with chronic atrophic gastritis. Conclusions: These data identify IL-17A as a cytokine that promotes parietal cell apoptosis during atrophic gastritis, a precursor lesion for gastric cancer. Keywords: IL-17A, Atrophy, Metaplasia, Apoptosi

    Bilingual Adults with TBI and ABI: Current State of Portland Metro SLP Assessment Resources

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    This study aims to identify the extent and nature of available resources in inpatient, outpatient, and rehabilitation settings for speech-language assessment and treatment in Spanish-speaking adults with traumatic brain injury (TBI) and acquired brain injury (ABI) in the Portland Metro area. Identification of lack of resources could be used for future improvements in resources. To investigate this, a web-based survey was answered by 25 participants via Qualtrics. Participants were speech-language pathologists (SLPs) in the Portland metro area who have treated bilingual / multilingual clients in the past 1-2 years. Results are presented descriptively to answer four research questions: (1) Have Portland Metro medical SLPs received training in assessment and treatment of CLD adults? (2) Do Portland Metro medical SLPs have a Spanish-speaking interpreter readily available in their workplace for the assessment and treatment of their patients? Are they aware of the resources available in their workplace? (3) If Portland Metro medical SLPs do not have a Spanish-speaking interpreter readily available in their workplace for the assessment and treatment of their patients, what resources do they use to address communication barriers? (untrained interpreters, friends or family of patients, bilingual SLPs) (4) If available, what assessment tools do Portland Metro medical SLPs use most often with Spanish-speaking clients

    Revealing Subtle Cognitive-Linguistic Differences in Adults with Mild Traumatic Brain Injury Through Discourse Analysis

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    Discourse abilities of individuals with traumatic brain injury presented at the Portland State University Student Research Symposium. The findings of this study support the idea that discourse analysis may be a useful tool for determining subtle, cognitive-communication deficits in the TBI population that common neuropsychological tests may not detect. Such information may be important clinically for validating persisting cognitive symptoms and guiding effective therapy goals. Linguistic disruptions may reveal cognitive impairments due to diffuse damage of the brain

    Upaya Penanggulangan Dampak Bencana Alam Terhadap Proses Pengiriman Barang oleh PT. Adi Bahari Nuansa Di Perairan Merak

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    Intisari- Pengangkutan melalui laut mempunyai peran yang sangat besar dalam pengangkutan bagi Indonesia. Banyak faktor yang perlu diperhatikan dalam pengangkutan melalui jalur laut yaitu manusia (man), waktu tunggu (leadtime), metode (method), alat (machine), dan lingkungan (environment). Maka, perlu dilakukan penanganan yang terbaik agar tidak merugikan beberapa pihak. Metode penelitian ini adalah dengan pendekatan kualitatif, studi kasus, dan desain penelitian deskriptif. Sumber data penelitian yang diambil adalah data primer dan sekunder. Teknik pengumpulan data dengan riset lapangan serta studi pustaka dan dokumentasi, sehingga didapatkan teknik keabsahan data. Hasil dari penelitian ini adalah pada kegiatan pengiriman KM. Sekishu Indah oleh PT. Adi Bahari Nuansa yang terjadi pada tanggal 22 Desember 2018. Dalam hal ini faktor bencana alam sangat memengaruhi kegiatan pengiriman barang tersebut. Dampak yang terjadi ialah terlambatnya pengiriman barang dan pembengkakan biaya tambat. Peneliti menyarankan agar lebih memperhatikan kepuasan pelanggan (konsumen) dengan beretikad baik untuk menjelaskan permasalahan

    An Ocean of Brain Waves: Analyzing Methods to Find ERP Signals in the Noise

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    Questions:Will the N400 ERP be observed when participants read word pairs that are either related (semantically, causally, hierarchically, or associatively) or unrelated? Will a replication of a study using word pairs with varying degrees of relatedness produce similar results to the model study in terms of N400 latency and amplitude? Can results from a robust, easily-recognizable ERP be used to validate methods for the discovery of more subtle ERP’s? Hypotheses: It is expected that our results will mirror the findings of our model study, revealing significant negative-going neural activity between 200 and 500ms after seeing the stimulus. We anticipate this effect to be robust enough to identify as the N400 ERP. Further, we expect to be able to use these findings in later studies as a means of validating the methods and procedures for investigating more subtle ERP-related neurolinguistic events

    The Use of Individual Component Analysis for N400 Events

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    The purpose of this study is to clarify the uses of Individual Component Analysis (ICA) to process language related event-related potential (ERP) data. ICA is a method of time series analysis that is particularly powerful when analyzing multiple, non-Gaussian, signals at once, where each signal is independent of one another. Previous research has shown that the runica and binica via the EEGLAB toolbox methods are valid for this purpose, but it is unclear which method is most efficient for our current data with minimal data loss. The current dataset focuses on the N400, a linguistic component that indexes semantic processing. Both ICA methods are applied to the current dataset. Data loss is compared between binica and runica methods and will be analyzed to see how effectively the signal is kept intact while removing noise and participant error. Results will be used to determine which method to apply to future ERP research. A better understanding of the validity of the processing tools will contribute to future work regarding noisier language-related ERPs
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