4,391 research outputs found

    Segmented superconducting magnet for a broadband traveling wave maser Patent

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    Segmented superconducting magnet producing staggered magnetic field and suitable for broadband traveling wave maser

    Observations of Subarcsecond Bright Dots in the Transition Region above Sunspots with the Interface Region Imaging Spectrograph

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    Observations with the Interface Region Imaging Spectrograph (IRIS) have revealed numerous sub-arcsecond bright dots in the transition region above sunspots. These bright dots are seen in the 1400\AA{} and 1330\AA{} slit-jaw images. They are clearly present in all sunspots we investigated, mostly in the penumbrae, but also occasionally in some umbrae and light bridges. The bright dots in the penumbrae typically appear slightly elongated, with the two dimensions being 300--600 km and 250--450 km, respectively. The long sides of these dots are often nearly parallel to the bright filamentary structures in the penumbrae but sometimes clearly deviate from the radial direction. Their lifetimes are mostly less than one minute, although some dots last for a few minutes or even longer. Their intensities are often a few times stronger than the intensities of the surrounding environment in the slit-jaw images. About half of the bright dots show apparent movement with speeds of ∼\sim10--40~km~s−1^{-1} in the radial direction. Spectra of a few bright dots were obtained and the Si~{\sc{iv}}~1402.77\AA{} line profiles in these dots are significantly broadened. The line intensity can be enhanced by one to two orders of magnitude. Some relatively bright and long-lasting dots are also observed in several passbands of the Atmospheric Imaging Assembly onboard the Solar Dynamics Observatory, and they appear to be located at the bases of loop-like structures. Many of these bright dots are likely associated with small-scale energy release events at the transition region footpoints of magnetic loops.Comment: 5 figures, will appear in ApJ

    Nonlinear Force-Free Field Modeling of the Solar Magnetic Carpet and Comparison with SDO/HMI and Sunrise/IMaX Observations

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    In the quiet solar photosphere, the mixed polarity fields form a magnetic carpet, which continuously evolves due to dynamical interaction between the convective motions and magnetic field. This interplay is a viable source to heat the solar atmosphere. In this work, we used the line-of-sight (LOS) magnetograms obtained from the Helioseismic and Magnetic Imager (HMI) on the \textit{Solar Dynamics Observatory} (\textit{SDO}), and the Imaging Magnetograph eXperiment (IMaX) instrument on the \textit{Sunrise} balloon-borne observatory, as time dependent lower boundary conditions, to study the evolution of the coronal magnetic field. We use a magneto-frictional relaxation method, including hyperdiffusion, to produce time series of three-dimensional (3D) nonlinear force-free fields from a sequence of photospheric LOS magnetograms. Vertical flows are added up to a height of 0.7 Mm in the modeling to simulate the non-force-freeness at the photosphere-chromosphere layers. Among the derived quantities, we study the spatial and temporal variations of the energy dissipation rate, and energy flux. Our results show that the energy deposited in the solar atmosphere is concentrated within 2 Mm of the photosphere and there is not sufficient energy flux at the base of the corona to cover radiative and conductive losses. Possible reasons and implications are discussed. Better observational constraints of the magnetic field in the chromosphere are crucial to understand the role of the magnetic carpet in coronal heating.Comment: Accepted for publication in The Astrophysical Journal (13 pages, 10 figures

    Dynamics of the solar magnetic bright points derived from their horizontal motions

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    The sub-arcsec bright points (BP) associated with the small scale magnetic fields in the lower solar atmosphere are advected by the evolution of the photospheric granules. We measure various quantities related to the horizontal motions of the BPs observed in two wavelengths, including the velocity auto-correlation function. A 1 hr time sequence of wideband Hα\alpha observations conducted at the \textit{Swedish 1-m Solar Telescope} (\textit{SST}), and a 4 hr \textit{Hinode} \textit{G}-band time sequence observed with the Solar Optical telescope are used in this work. We follow 97 \textit{SST} and 212 \textit{Hinode} BPs with 3800 and 1950 individual velocity measurements respectively. For its high cadence of 5 s as compared to 30 s for \textit{Hinode} data, we emphasize more on the results from \textit{SST} data. The BP positional uncertainty achieved by \textit{SST} is as low as 3 km. The position errors contribute 0.75 km2^2 s−2^{-2} to the variance of the observed velocities. The \textit{raw} and \textit{corrected} velocity measurements in both directions, i.e., (vx,vy)(v_x,v_y), have Gaussian distributions with standard deviations of (1.32,1.22)(1.32,1.22) and (1.00,0.86)(1.00, 0.86) km s−1^{-1} respectively. The BP motions have correlation times of about 22−3022 - 30 s. We construct the power spectrum of the horizontal motions as a function of frequency, a quantity that is useful and relevant to the studies of generation of Alfv\'en waves. Photospheric turbulent diffusion at time scales less than 200 s is found to satisfy a power law with an index of 1.59.Comment: Accepted for publication in The Astrophysical Journal. 24 pages, 9 figures, and 1 movie (not included

    Testing the Integrity of Liquid Containing Hermetically Sealed Containers by the Use of Radioactive Markers

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    A method for detecting leaky ampules filled with a liquid such as a parenteral solution. The ampules to be tested are immersed in a solution containing a short-lived radionuclide, and a pressure differential is imposed between the solution containing the radionuclide and the parenteral solution or other liquid contained in the ampules. The ampules are then removed from solution, decontaminated to remove any solution adhering to the outer surface and pores thereof, dried, and finally examined for electromagnetic radiation, preferably gamma radiation, emanating from the interior of the ampules which would indicate a leaky condition thereof

    Effect of Concave Wall Geometry on Heat Transfer in Hypersonic Boundary Layers

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    Heat transfer measurements are made to investigate the effects of concave surface curvature on a high-stagnation enthalpy boundary layer in a Mach 5.1 flow. Experiments are carried out using two curved models with 16 and 25 degree turning angles, and baseline planar models (at plate and linear ramp) for comparative study. Streamwise and spanwise cross-sections are obtained. Significant destabilization of the boundary layer is observed over the adverse pressure gradient geometries. For the curved surfaces, the heat flux distribution appears to exhibit a quadratic dependence with streamwise distance, in contrast with the linear dependence observed on the linear ramp

    Propagating EUV disturbances in the solar corona : two-wavelength observations

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    Quasi-periodic EUV disturbances simultaneously observed in 171 Ã… and 195 Ã… TRACE bandpasses propagating outwardly in a fan-like magnetic structure of a coronal active region are analysed. Time series of disturbances observed in the different bandpasses have a relatively high correlation coefficient (up to about 0.7). The correlation has a tendency to decrease with distance along the structure: this is consistent with an interpretation of the disturbances in terms of parallel-propagating slow magnetoacoustic waves. The wavelet analysis does not show a significant difference between waves observed in different bandpasses. Periodic patterns of two distinct periods: 2-3 min and 5-8 min are detected in both bandpasses, existing simultaneously and at the same distance along the loop, suggesting the nonlinear generation of the second harmonics
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