512 research outputs found

    Magnetization Dynamics in Synthetic Antiferromagnets with Perpendicular Magnetic Anisotropy

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    Understanding the rich physics of magnetization dynamics in perpendicular synthetic antiferromagnets (p-SAFs) is crucial for developing next-generation spintronic devices. In this work, we systematically investigate the magnetization dynamics in p-SAFs combining time-resolved magneto-optical Kerr effect (TR-MOKE) measurements with theoretical modeling. These model analyses, based on a Landau-Lifshitz-Gilbert approach incorporating exchange coupling, provide details about the magnetization dynamic characteristics including the amplitudes, directions, and phases of the precession of p-SAFs under varying magnetic fields. These model-predicted characteristics are in excellent quantitative agreement with TR-MOKE measurements on an asymmetric p-SAF. We further reveal the damping mechanisms of two procession modes co-existing in the p-SAF and successfully identify individual contributions from different sources, including Gilbert damping of each ferromagnetic layer, spin pumping, and inhomogeneous broadening. Such a comprehensive understanding of magnetization dynamics in p-SAFs, obtained by integrating high-fidelity TR-MOKE measurements and theoretical modeling, can guide the design of p-SAF-based architectures for spintronic applications.Comment: 24 pages, 5 figure

    Cardioprotective Effect of the Compound Yangshen Granule in Rat Models with Acute Myocardial Infarction

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    The protective effect of Compound Yangshen Granules was observed in myocardial infarction rat model. Rats were randomly divided into 6 groups: the model group, the control group (sham operated), the positive drug group, and small, medium, and large dosage of the Yangshen granule groups, respectively. The rats in the 3 Yangshen granule groups were orally administrated with 0.7 g/kg, 1.4 g/kg, and 2.8 g/kg for 7 consecutive days, whereas the rats of the positive drug group treated with 0.14 g/kg of Danshen Dropping Pills, and rats in the control and model groups orally administrated with saline. The rat model of acute myocardial infarction was established with ligation of coronary artery. Electrocardiograms at different time points, the blood rheology, myocardial enzymes, infarct size, and myocardial morphologic changes were measured. The results demonstrated that the granules could improve blood rheology, decrease st-segment of electrocardiograms and the activities of LDH and CK in serum, reduce myocardial infarction size, and alleviate myocardial histopathologic changes. In addition, the effect of the granules depended on the dose administrated orally. The results suggest that the Yangshen granules could produce cardioprotection effect and have potential benefits in the prevention of ischemic heart disease

    Guaranteed Verification of Finite Element Solutions of Heat Conduction

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    This dissertation addresses the accuracy of a-posteriori error estimators for finite element solutions of problems with high orthotropy especially for cases where rather coarse meshes are used, which are often encountered in engineering computations. We present sample computations which indicate lack of robustness of all standard residual estimators with respect to high orthotropy. The investigation shows that the main culprit behind the lack of robustness of residual estimators is the coarseness of the finite element meshes relative to the thickness of the boundary and interface layers in the solution. With the introduction of an elliptic reconstruction procedure, a new error estimator based on the solution of the elliptic reconstruction problem is invented to estimate the exact error measured in space-time C-norm for both semi-discrete and fully discrete finite element solutions to linear parabolic problem. For a fully discrete solution, a temporal error estimator is also introduced to evaluate the discretization error in the temporal field. In the meantime, the implicit Neumann subdomain residual estimator for elliptic equations, which involves the solution of the local residual problem, is combined with the elliptic reconstruction procedure to carry out a posteriori error estimation for the linear parabolic problem. Numerical examples are presented to illustrate the superconvergence properties in the elliptic reconstruction and the performance of the bounds based on the space-time C-norm. The results show that in the case of L^2 norm for smooth solution there is no superconvergence in elliptic reconstruction for linear element, and for singular solution the superconvergence does not exist for element of any order while in the case of energy norm the superconvergence always exists in elliptic reconstruction. The research also shows that the performance of the bounds based on space-time C-norm is robust, and in the case of fully discrete finite element solution the bounds for the temporal error are sharp

    Towards Nonlinear-Motion-Aware and Occlusion-Robust Rolling Shutter Correction

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    This paper addresses the problem of rolling shutter correction in complex nonlinear and dynamic scenes with extreme occlusion. Existing methods suffer from two main drawbacks. Firstly, they face challenges in estimating the accurate correction field due to the uniform velocity assumption, leading to significant image correction errors under complex motion. Secondly, the drastic occlusion in dynamic scenes prevents current solutions from achieving better image quality because of the inherent difficulties in aligning and aggregating multiple frames. To tackle these challenges, we model the curvilinear trajectory of pixels analytically and propose a geometry-based Quadratic Rolling Shutter (QRS) motion solver, which precisely estimates the high-order correction field of individual pixels. Besides, to reconstruct high-quality occlusion frames in dynamic scenes, we present a 3D video architecture that effectively Aligns and Aggregates multi-frame context, namely, RSA2-Net. We evaluate our method across a broad range of cameras and video sequences, demonstrating its significant superiority. Specifically, our method surpasses the state-of-the-art by +4.98, +0.77, and +4.33 of PSNR on Carla-RS, Fastec-RS, and BS-RSC datasets, respectively. Code is available at https://github.com/DelinQu/qrsc.Comment: accepted at ICCV 202

    Transcriptome Sequencing and Comparative Analysis of Saccharina japonica (Laminariales, Phaeophyceae) under Blue Light Induction

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    BACKGROUND: Light has significant effect on the growth and development of Saccharina japonica, but there are limited reports on blue light mediated physiological responses and molecular mechanism. In this study, high-throughput paired-end RNA-sequencing (RNA-Seq) technology was applied to transcriptomes of S. japonica exposed to blue light and darkness, respectively. Comparative analysis of gene expression was designed to correlate the effect of blue light and physiological mechanisms on the molecular level. PRINCIPAL FINDINGS: RNA-seq analysis yielded 70,497 non-redundant unigenes with an average length of 538 bp. 28,358 (40.2%) functional transcripts encoding regions were identified. Annotation through Swissprot, Nr, GO, KEGG, and COG databases showed 25,924 unigenes compared well (E-value <10(-5)) with known gene sequences, and 43 unigenes were putative BL photoreceptor. 10,440 unigenes were classified into Gene Ontology, and 8,476 unigenes were involved in 114 known pathways. Based on RPKM values, 11,660 (16.5%) differentially expressed unigenes were detected between blue light and dark exposed treatments, including 7,808 upregulated and 3,852 downregulated unigenes, suggesting S. japonica had undergone extensive transcriptome re-orchestration during BL exposure. The BL-specific responsive genes were indentified to function in processes of circadian rhythm, flavonoid biosynthesis, photoreactivation and photomorphogenesis. SIGNIFICANCE: Transcriptome profiling of S. japonica provides clues to potential genes identification and future functional genomics study. The global survey of expression changes under blue light will enhance our understanding of molecular mechanisms underlying blue light induced responses in lower plants as well as facilitate future blue light photoreceptor identification and specific responsive pathways analysis