207 research outputs found

    El “Chapo”, capo escapista, peligroso y mediático

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    Un texto dedicado a quien, en el imaginario social, es el estereotipo del delincuente que nació en una situación de marginación hasta ascender al pequeño grupo de quienes son dueños de cientos de millones de dólares. En este texto se aborda el origen, la trayectoria, la captura y recaptura de Joaquín Archibaldo Guzmán Loera, el “Chapo”, jefe del cártel de Sinaloa, “una de las más poderosas asociaciones criminales del narcotráfico del mundo”, y se contrasta su historia con el manejo que el gobierno federal ha hecho del caso.ITESO, A.C

    L’impact de la violence conjugale sur les enfants : quel parent est responsable?

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    Ce texte est le fruit d’une réflexion axée sur la pratique des auteures en matière d’intervention concernant la violence conjugale auprès de femmes qui en sont victimes et de leurs enfants. Leur but est de démontrer que les droits parentaux évoluent à la faveur des transformations sociales et qu’ils entrent trop souvent aujourd’hui, au Québec, en concurrence avec les droits fondamentaux des victimes d’actes criminels lorsque ceux-ci se produisent au sein de la famille. En d’autres termes, la Politique québécoise en matière de violence conjugale ne pénètre pas la sphère du droit familial où se transigent les droits parentaux des auteurs de cette violence, ce qui amène à reconstruire des rôles parentaux sexués.This article is based on our experience as practitioners in women’s shelters in Québec and in particular with children who have witnessed domestic violence. It addresses how parental rights too often contradict those of the victims of these crimes. In fact, we note very little impact of the governmental policies protecting children against domestic violence on the Family Court system which deals with custody. This seems to render victims rather than aggressors responsible for the consequences of this violence on children

    Ayotzinapa es México

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    Recorrido por los hechos en torno a los 43 estudiantes de Ayotzinapa desaparecidos el 26 de septiembre de 2014 en Iguala, Guerrero, y lo sucedido en los meses siguientes. Se presentan diferentes momentos y declaraciones y se destacan las diversas manifestaciones nacionales e internacionales que exigen esclarecer el caso y su demanda por hacer justicia.ITESO, A.C

    Poor health outcomes amongst Afro-Colombians are driven by discrimination as well as economic disadvantage

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    Differential health outcomes are driven by both structural and internalised forms of discrimination, so strategies targeting health disparities amongst Afro-Colombians must adopt an integrated approach, writes Maria Cecilia Dedios (LSE Psychological and Behavioural Science)

    La izquierda mexicana después de 2012

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    Recorrido por distintas representaciones de la izquierda mexicana, desde organismos civiles hasta partidos políticos. El autor se apoya en Rosaura Ruiz y Bruno Velázquez para asegurar que ser de izquierda es, sobre todo, una praxis. Una izquierda que plantea la necesidad de renovarse para alcanzar lo que llama una nueva sociedad de justicia. Una izquierda y dos vertientes, una como partido político y otra que ha encontrado una forma de hacer política que es no partidista ni electoral.ITESO, A.C

    Is violence ever right? Moral reasoning about violence among youngsters belonging to gangs and peacebuilding groups

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    Objective: We investigate cultural group-level understandings of violence and their connections to individual moral reasoning about violence among disadvantaged young people belonging to gangs (n = 33) and peacebuilding (n = 30) groups. Methods: Drawing from in-depth interviews in two low-income neighborhoods in Colombia, we use thematic analysis to explore and compare group-level understandings of violence-entailing definitions of violence, causal attributions of violence, and strategies to handle violence in everyday life-by type of youth group. Next, we use a chi-square analysis to assess between-group differences in the proportion of participants endorsing the morality of violence according to eight potential moral violence triggers. Results: Youths from both types of groups define violence in similar terms with one key difference. Only gang members ascribe agency to "the group" (i.e., the gang and the family) describing it as a social entity capable of harming and being harmed. This taken-for-granted cultural assumption frames the gang members' justifications of violence as moral to defend one's group. Concurrently, a higher proportion of youths from violent groups support the morality of violence to defend one's reputation (p = .001), honor (p <.001), and group (p = .001). Conclusions: Between-group differences in shared understandings of violence are consistent with differences in individual moral reasoning about violence across group type. The findings have implications for improving the efficacy of violence prevention interventions, which rarely account for the link between young people's shared understandings of violence and moral reasoning about its use

    Depresión y consumo de alcohol en adolescentes del I.E Mariscal Ramon Castilla - Piura 2020

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    A nivel mundial al menos la quinta parte de los jóvenes padece de depresión y abusa de sustancias psicoactivas lo cual conlleva a un deterioro del estado físico y mental. Objetivo: Determinar la relación entre la depresión y el consumo de alcohol, en adolescentes de la I.E Mariscal Ramón Castilla – Piura 2020 Metodología: Estudio de tipo analítico transversal con toma de datos primarios mediante encuestas aplicadas vía virtual a estudiantes del primero al quinto de secundaria de la I.E Mariscal Ramón Castilla – Piura Resultados: Se encuestaron un total de 249 estudiantes de secundaria, en donde el 39.35% tiene entre 14 a 15 años. El 82.32% de estudiantes no se encontraron dentro del grupo de riesgo para consumo y dependencia de alcohol, el 13.25% de los estudiantes posee un riesgo moderado de consumo de alcohol y un 4.41% de estudiantes presento consumo de dependencia de alcohol. En un 42,57% de estudiantes no se encontró indicios de depresión. Un 39.35% presenta depresión leve, el 14,45% padece de depresión moderada y un 3.21% presenta depresión severa. En la prueba de chi2 el valor de (p=0.03) lo que nos permite establecer una relación significativa entre el consumo de alto riesgo de dependencia al alcohol con la depresión severa. Se halló un Odd Ratio (OR=2.1) para el consumo de alto riesgo de dependencia al alcohol, estableciendo que los estudiantes con un alto consumo de alcohol tienen 2.1 mayor riesgo de presentar depresión severa que los estudiantes que consumen alcohol con un bajo riesgo o menos. Conclusión: El consumo de alto riesgo de dependencia al alcohol está asociado a depresión severa en adolescentes estudiantes de la I.E Mariscal Ramón Castilla – Piura.Worldwide at least a fifth of young people suffer from depression and abuse of psychoactive substances, which leads to a deterioration in their physical and mental state. Objective: To determine the relationship between depression and alcohol consumption, in adolescents of the I.E Mariscal Ramón Castilla - Piura 2020 Methods: Cross-sectional analytical study with primary data collection through virtual surveys applied to students from the first to the fifth year of secondary education at the Mariscal Ramón Castilla - Piura I.E. Results: A total of 249 high school students were surveyed, where 39.35% are between 14 and 15 years old. 82.32% of students were not found within the risk group for alcohol consumption and dependence, 13.25% of students have a moderate risk of alcohol consumption and 4.41% of students presented alcohol dependence consumption. In 42.57% of students no signs of depression were found. 39.35% have mild depression, 14.45% have moderate depression and 3.21% have severe depression. In the chi2 test, the value of (p=0.03) allows us to establish a significant relationship between the consumption of high risk of alcohol dependence with severe depression. An Odd Ratio (OR=2.1) was found for the consumption of high risk of alcohol dependence, establishing that students with high alcohol consumption have a 2.1 greater risk of presenting severe depression than students who consume alcohol with a low risk or less. Conclusion: The consumption of high risk of alcohol dependence is associated with severe depression in adolescent students of the I.E Mariscal Ramón Castilla - Piura.Tesi

    Forgiveness as a vehicle to improve wellbeing in post-conflict Colombia

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    Practising forgiveness contributes to developing personal skills and opens up horizons for the youth in a post-conflict scenario and the programme ES.PE.RE has had a positive impact on the mental health of their participants in a country where the offer of these services is scarce, write Sandra Jovchelovitch (LSE), María Cecilia Dedios (LSE) and Natalia Concha (LSE)

    Prevalencia y factores de riesgo asociados a la ruptura prematura de membrana en partos pretérmino atendidos en el Hospital de Apoyo II-2 Sullana 2013-2018

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    Objetivo: Determinar la prevalencia y factores de riesgo asociados a la Ruptura Prematura de Membrana en Partos Pretérmino atendidas en el Hospital de Apoyo II-2 Sullana. Materiales y métodos: Se realizó un estudio tipo observacional, de casos y controles, con una población de 400 gestantes pretérmino distribuidas equitativamente para el presente estudio. Resultados: La prevalencia RPM corresponde a 5.4% del total de gestantes atendidas durante ese periodo, siendo de las cuales el 81.7% a término y 18.2% pretérmino, siendo entre los factores de riesgo asociados: Proceder de una zona Rural y Urbano Marginal, estar en Edad de Riesgo, un Bajo Nivel educativo, poseer menos de 6 CPNs, ser Multípara y Gran Multípara, Gestación Múltiple, Sexo Masculino del RN, además acarrear patologías como Vaginosis, Corioamnionitis y Anemia. Conclusión: Existen múltiples causas que determinar la posibilidad de una Ruptura Prematura de Membrana, lo importante es conocerlos y evitar en lo posible futuros partos pretérminos.Objective: To determine the prevalence and risk factors associated with Premature Membrane Rupture in Preterm Births attended in the Support Hospital II-2 Sullana. Materials and methods: An observational, case-control study was conducted, with a population of 400 preterm pregnant women equally distributed for the present study. Results: The prevalence of RPM corresponds to 5.4% of the total number of pregnant women attended during that period, of which 81.7% at term and 18.2% preterm, being among the associated risk factors: Proceeding from a Rural and Urban Marginal zone, being in Age of Risk, a Low Educational Level, to have less than 6 CPNs, to be Multiparous and Large Multiparous, Multiple Gestalt, Male Sex of the RN. Also pathologies such as Vaginosis, Chorioamnionitis and Anemia. Conclusion: There are multiple causes that determine the possibility of a premature rupture of the membrane, the important thing is to know them and avoid future preterm births as much as possible.Tesi