13 research outputs found

    The relationship of ambient temperature and humidity with mortality on the Maltese Islands 1992-2005

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    Key messages -Daily mortality rates during winter are higher than during the remaining seasons - this difference is more conspicuous in persons aged 65 years and over;-The optimum average apparent temperature during which mortality rate was at a minimum was found to be around 27°C;-Mean average apparent temperature during winter during the period 1992-2005 was 11.57oC and average daily mortality rate during this season was 18.07/100000 in persons over 65 years and 0.64/100000 in persons under 65 years. During the summer the mean average apparent temperature was 29.93oC and the average daily mortality rate during this season was 12.46/100000 in persons over 65 years and 0.57/100000 in persons under 65 years.-At temperatures above 27oC the daily mortality rate increases more rapidly per degree compared to when it drops below 27oC;peer-reviewe

    Risk communication : climate change as a human-health threat, a survey of public perceptions in Malta

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    Background: Scientific evidence shows that climate change is very likely the product of human behaviour and lifestyle. The effects of climate change on human health are diverse in nature and range from direct effects due to extreme weather events such as heat waves, floods and storms, to indirect effects such as those caused by water and food shortages. Methods: A telephone survey was conducted between January and February 2009, on a stratified representative random sample of the Maltese population over the age of 18 years (N= 310 819). Results: Five hundred and forty-three individuals successfully participated in the survey giving a response rate of 92.7%. The respondent sample was very similar to the target population by gender ( P = 0.977), age (P = 0.767) and district (P = 0.812). The results of the study demonstrate a very strong relationship between the perception of climate change as a threat to health and well-being, support for climate change mitigation policy and a willingness to implement measures to address climate change. Conclusion: The findings of this study show that the perception that climate change may claim lives, cause disease, reduce the standard of living and worsen water shortages, may be the strongest driver behind support for climate change mitigation policy and a willingness to act. It is recommended that, in order to gain more public support, climate change campaigns and risk communication strategies should frame climate change as a threat to human health and general well-being.peer-reviewe

    Hypothyroidism and perchlorate : an ecological study of hypothyroidism in the Maltese Islands

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    BACKGROUND: One of the lesser-known causes of hypothyroidism is perchlorate exposure, a by-product of fireworks. Recent studies in the Maltese islands showed increased concentration of perchlorate in dust fall, leading to public concerns about its health effects. This study aims to examine the hypothyroidism trends in the resident Maltese population and assess for a link with perchlorate exposure.METHODS: A retrospective ecological study using laboratory and population data was carried out to calculate the crude and direct age-standardised incidence rates of hypothyroidism in the resident population.RESULTS: Significantly lower overall age-standardised incidence rates for hypothyroidism were found in the region of Gozo; however no clearly discernible geographical pattern of hypothyroidism with clear potential link to perchlorate exposure was found.CONCLUSION: The lower hypothyroid incidence rates in Gozo warrant a comparative study to establish whether this difference is attributable to differing levels of perchlorate exposure from different scale of firework use.peer-reviewe

    Public perceptions of climate change as a human health risk : surveys of the United States, Canada and Malta

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    We used data from nationally representative surveys conducted in the United States, Canada and Malta between 2008 and 2009 to answer three questions: Does the public believe that climate change poses human health risks, and if so, are they seen as current or future risks? Whose health does the public think will be harmed? In what specific ways does the public believe climate change will harm human health? When asked directly about the potential impacts of climate change on health and well-being, a majority of people in all three nations said that it poses significant risks; moreover, about one third of Americans, one half of Canadians, and two-thirds of Maltese said that people are already being harmed. About a third or more of people in the United States and Canada saw themselves (United States, 32%; Canada, 67%), their family (United States, 35%; Canada, 46%), and people in their community (United States, 39%; Canada, 76%) as being vulnerable to at least moderate harm from climate change. About one third of Maltese (31%) said they were most concerned about the risk to themselves and their families. Many Canadians said that the elderly (45%) and children (33%) are at heightened risk of harm, while Americans were more likely to see people in developing countries as being at risk than people in their own nation. When prompted, large numbers of Canadians and Maltese said that climate change can cause respiratory problems (78–91%), heat-related problems (75–84%), cancer (61–90%), and infectious diseases (49–62%). Canadians also named sunburn (79%) and injuries from extreme weather events (73%), and Maltese cited allergies (84%). However, climate change appears to lack salience as a health issue in allthree countries: relatively few people answered open-ended questions in a manner that indicated clear top-of-mind associations between climate change and human health risks. We recommend mounting public health communication initiatives that increase the salience of the human health consequences associated with climate change.peer-reviewe

    Involvement of social partners in policymaking during the COVID-19 outbreak

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    Aquesta publicaciĂł s'elabora a partir de les contribucions de cadascĂş dels membres nacionals que integren la Network of Eufound Correspondent. Pel cas d'Espanya la contribuciĂł ha estat realitzada per l'Oscar Molina GodinoSince 2016, Eurofound has closely monitored the involvement of national social partners in policymaking as part of the European Semester cycle. In 2020, the focus was on their involvement during the first months of the COVID-19 outbreak. While the pandemic has presented a huge challenge to social dialogue, the results of the analysis highlight how social dialogue can be an effective tool in shaping policy initiatives and finding solutions to emergency situations affecting businesses, workers, the economy and society. It is clear that the participation of social partners in the design and implementation of national recovery and resilience plans in 2021 will be key in the recovery process and for strengthening social dialogue going forward

    Female entrepreneurship : Public and private funding

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    Aquesta publicaciĂł s'elabora a partir de les contribucions de cadascĂş dels membres nacionals que integren la Network of Eufound Correspondent. Pel cas d'Espanya la contribuciĂł ha estat realitzada per l'Oscar MolinaFemale entrepreneurs represent just a small proportion of the total number of entrepreneurs in the European Union today. Some of the hurdles facing female entrepreneurs - or would-be entrepreneurs - are related to getting adequate funding, access to the right networks, and finding the right information and advice. In the last few years, some private funds have realised that female founders are not always well served and there is a market gap when it comes to investing in women-led enterprises. This report examines the use of private funds to invest in female entrepreneurs in the European Union and Norway. In addition, it investigates the prevalence of public finance tools and public support schemes that effectively remove barriers and enable women to become competent entrepreneurs

    Minimum wages in 2021 : annual review

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    Aquesta publicaciĂł s'elabora a partir de les contribucions de cadascĂş dels membres nacionals que integren la Network of Eufound Correspondent. Pel cas d'Espanya la contribuciĂł ha estat realitzada per l'Oscar MolinaThis report summarises how minimum wage rates for 2021 were set during 2020 - the year marked by the COVID-19 pandemic. It reviews the difficulties faced by national decision-makers and how they reacted to the challenges of the economic and social fall-out of the pandemic when making decisions regarding the minimum wage. It maps the extent to which minimum wages were referred to in COVID-19-related support measures. It discusses advances made on the EU initiative on adequate minimum wages and maps the reactions of the EU-level social partners and national decision-makers. The report is accompanied by two complementary working papers: one providing an analysis of developments for low-paid employees and minimum wage workers over the past decade; the other summarising the most recent research on minimum wages in EU countries, Norway and the UK