1,948 research outputs found

    Comparação entre tomografia computadorizada e ressonância magnética nos esclarecimento etiológico de epilepsias parciais.

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    Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso - Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina, Centro de Ciências da Saúde, Departamento de Clínica Médica, Curso de Medicina, Florianópolis, 200

    Previsão de vulnerabilidade a incêndios florestais utilizando regressão logística e redes neurais artificiais : um estudo de caso no Distrito Federal brasileiro

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    Dissertação (mestrado)—Universidade de Brasília, Instituto de Ciências Humanas, Departamento de Geografia, Programa de Pós-graduação, 2017.Incêndios florestais são um problema global e queimam milhões de hectares de vegetação nativa todos os anos. O Cerrado brasileiro é a savana neotropical mais rica em biodiversidade do mundo, e uma das regiões mais afetadas por incêndios, sendo considerado um ecossistema tolerante ao fogo. Apesar da adaptação do bioma ao fogo, a alta frequência de incêndios trazida pela ocupação humana tem danificado o ecossistema mais rápido do que ele é capaz de se recuperar. O combate a incêndios é custoso e, portanto, medidas de prevenção de incêndios são a melhor maneira de evitar seus danos em longo prazo. Prever a distribuição espacial da ocorrência de incêndios florestais é um passo importante para a realização do manejo do fogo. Para isto, podem ser utilizados modelos que relacionem a ocorrência do fogo às variáveis que o influenciam. Neste estudo, dois modelos distintos de previsão — Regressão Logística (RL) e uma Rede Neural Artificial (RNA) — foram aplicados à região do Distrito Federal brasileiro, que se encontra inserida dentro do bioma Cerrado. Produtos de área queimada baseados em imagens LANDSAT foram utilizados para gerar a variável dependente, e nove outras variáveis espacialmente explícitas e de origem antropogênica ou ambiental foram utilizadas como variáveis independentes. Os modelos foram otimizados em função da melhor medida de Area under Receiver Operating Characteristic (AUROC, ou simplesmente AUC) a partir da seleção de atributos, e posteriormente validados utilizando dados reais de áreas queimadas. Os modelos mostraram performances similares, mas o modelo utilizando a RNA demonstrou melhor AUC (0.7755), e melhor acurácia ao classificar áreas não queimadas (73.39%), porém pior acurácia média (66.55%) e ao classificar áreas queimadas, para as quais o modelo LR apresentou o melhor resultado (65.24%). Adicionalmente, foi comparada a importância de cada variável aos modelos, contribuindo para o conhecimento das causas principais de incêndios na região. As variáveis demonstraram importâncias similares em ambos os modelos utilizados, e as variáveis de maior importância foram a elevação do terreno e o tipo de uso do solo. Os resultados demonstraram bons desempenhos de todos os modelos testados, mas recomenda-se a execução de mais estudos similares mais detalhados em outras áreas de na savana Brasileira, dado que ainda são poucos os estudos deste tipo.Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES).Wildfires are a global problem, burning millions of hectares of natural forests every year. The Brazilian Cerrado is the richest neotropical savanna of the world in regards to biodiversity, and one of the regions most affected by fires, and also considered a firedependent ecosystem. Despite being adapted to the occurrence of fire, the high frequency of wildfires in the region due to human occupation is damaging the ecosystem faster than it can recover. Fighting fires is costly, and therefore the best way to avoid damages in the long-term is through prevention techniques. Predicting the spatial distribution of wildfires is an important step towards proper wildfire management. For that purpose, models that relate the occurrence of fire to certain variables can be used. In this work, we applied two distinct prediction models — Logistic Regression (LR) and an Artificial Neural Network (ANN) — to the region of Brazil’s Federal District, located inside the Brazilian Cerrado, the largest savanna in South America and the world’s richest Neotropical Savanna. We used LANDSAT based burned area products to generate the dependent variable, and nine different anthropogenic and environmental factors were used as the explanatory variables. The models were optimized via feature selection for best Area Under Receiver Operating Characteristic Curve (AUROC) and then validated with real burn area data. The models had similar performance, but the ANN model showed a better AUC value (0.7755) and better accuracy when evaluating exclusively nonburned areas (73.39%), while it had worse accuracy overall (66.55%) and when classifying burned areas, in which LR performed better (65.24%). Moreover, we compared the contribution of each variable to the models, adding some insight into the main causes of wildfires in the region. Variables had similar contributions to the models, and the main driving aspects of the distribution of burned areas in the region were the land use type and elevation. The results showed good performance for both models tested, but further research regarding wildfire in the Brazilian savanna is recommended, as such studies are still scarce

    Economic convergence: a regional and subregional view

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    Economic convergence: a regional and subregional view Manuel Pérez Montiel Gislaine Cristina de Souza Rech Judite Sanson de Bem The study of economic convergence among nations is based on the initial work of Barro and Sala-i-Martin (1991), a topic of spatial econometric analysis Recently, research on economic convergence have been directed towards smaller spatial scales: regions in a country and urban regions and microregions in a Region. Economic convergence is a structural process, which occurs in the long term. The availability of comprehensive information and accurate for very long periods of time, and new processing techniques of spatial information,allows to study of economic convergence processes from a more detailed view. In this paper it is postulated that the processes of economic convergence, regional and subregional level, are produced according to different models. It tries to identify these different patterns of economic convergence within a nation or a region. We show, first, a model that identifies the different types of convergence that may occur simultaneously in the process of economic convergence of the spatial units of a region or sub-areas of a region. We study the dynamics of population and GDP in each subarea and shows how the convergence process can take place according to different guidelines. To Implement the model we can use two types of tools: a) the statistical treatment of available databases detailed spatial scale-provinces, urban regions and cities. b) the generation of graphs and maps with GIS tools. The model presented in this document is tested by applying it to the process of economic convergence in the long term in Spain, on the study period 1957 - 2006 and as spatial units, the provinces. For the period 1957 to 1991, we use the publications of the studies service of Banco de Bilbao on Spain's national income and its regional distribution. for the period 1986-2006 we use the statistical series of the National Institute of Statistics. Results show that economic convergence in Spain has occurred following different patterns. Keywords: Convergence, Regional and Subregional Scales, GIS. Regional GDP and Population

    HvZ Website: The Re-Engineering

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    As part of our Software Design and Development class, we were given a customer and tasked with providing them a product that they specifically request. Our customer was the Humans vs Zombies (HvZ) student group here on campus. They are a group that periodically plays a campus-wide game of tag using their own online resources, and they requested that we provide them a new, updated website. Their problem was that they needed to both update their site and acquire a more maintable version. The current site that they own now is three years old with code that is difficult to decipher

    Enxerto ósseo tipo autógeno em maxilares atróficos

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    TCC (graduação) - Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina. Centro de Ciências da Saúde. Odontologia.Rebordos alveolares severamente reabsorvidos nos maxilares atróficos tem sido um problema na reabilitação protética dos pacientes, tanto para colocação de implantes osteointegráveis, quanto para reabilitação com próteses removíveis. Nos casos de rebordos reabsorvidos, é necessário que se tenha uma quantidade óssea mínima, quando isso não ocorre, o enxerto ósseo autógeno é a primeira opção de escolha. Sua capacidade osteogênica, osteoindutora e osteocondutora, torna o enxerto ósseo autógeno padrão ouro nas reconstruções maxilomandibulares. As áreas doadoras intrabucais oferecem opção segura para devolver o volume ósseo em reabilitações de menor porte, no entanto quando maiores volumes ósseos forem necessários podemos utilizar áreas doadoras extra bucais Devido a sua microarquitetura, o enxerto autógeno tem baixo potencial de reabsorção, sendo considerado uma opção de tratamento previsível e com mínimas complicações quando realizado de maneira correta.Atrophic alveolar ridges severely absorbed in jaws has been a problem in prosthetic rehabilitation of patients, both for placement of osseointegrated implants, and for rehabilitation with removable dentures. When it is chosen by the placement of dental implants, care recipient area and the correct selection of attachment to be used should be analyzed. It is essential in these cases that have a minimum bone quantity necessary for osseointegration to occur. When this does not occur, the autogenous bone graft is the first option of choice. Their osteogenic and osteoinductive properties and osteoconductive, makes the gold standard autogenous bone graft in maxillomandibular reconstruction. The intraoral donor sites offer safe option to return the bone volume in rehabilitation smaller, however when larger bone volumes are required we can use extra oral donor sites Due to its microarchitecture, the autograft has low potential for absorption and is considered an option and predictable treatment with minimal complications when performed correctl


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    TCC(graduação) - Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina. Araranguá. Fisioterapia.Introdução: A cafeína é um fármaco largamente usado em todo o mundo principalmente devido a sua ação no sistema nervoso central e periférico, seus efeitos sobre as catecolaminas e no metabolismo energético. Porém os estudos exibidos na literatura ainda apresentam resultados contraditórios, principalmente devido ao efeito placebo, que está ausente nos animais. Este estudo baseou-se na hipótese de que os efeitos da cafeína nos heterodímeros de receptor D2/A2A no córtex pré-frontal poderiam ajudar a esclarecer o papel da cafeína na fadiga central, e na melhora do desempenho físico ou atlético. Métodos: A amostra foi constituída de 40 camundongos C57BL6 machos com 60 dias de idade, divididos randomicamente em 2 grupos (salina e cafeína 6 mg/kg, i.p.). Os testes escolhidos para a coleta de dados foram a tarefa de Campo Aberto e o teste Incremental de Esforço em Esteira Ergométrica, além disso, foram analisadas as concentrações plasmáticas de lactato durante o desempenho físico máximo no teste de esteira. Resultados: O grupo cafeína obteve resultados superiores aos do grupo salina no teste de esforço e na tarefa do campo aberto (p<0.05), e a concentração de lactato sanguíneo também se mostrou significantemente maior no grupo cafeína quando comparada ao grupo salina (p<0.05). Conclusão: Nossos resultados reforçam o potencial efeito ergogênico e psicoestimulante da cafeín

    The creation of jobs and productive units of the Creative Economy in the Region of Corede Vale do Rio dos Sinos - CONSINOS - RS / Brazil from 1996 to 2009. New Perspective Development.

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    Activities that develop in a region, using resources to be produced and generating results that affect the economy and trigger a multiplier effect on employment and income. The activities on the economy of culture have this effect on the economy, namely the impact that investments generate benefits they bring on other productive activities. The United Nations Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD) - UN Special Body was established in 1964 as a result of demands from countries with lower levels of development, aiming to establish a permanent international court which would be based approach to development. This has pursued the implications of the importance of activities from creative industries, cultural activities linked to a region and argues that the value generated by them is able to turn them economically as their commercial value is transferred to different areas of economic a region. From this perspective, the creative industries are large group activities can boost a city economically; therefore they are highly creative ability of the population of this region. The Corede Vale do Rio dos Sinos - CONSINOS - is a region politically instituted in the early-1990s, the State Government of RS and aims to formulate and implement regional strategies, consolidating them into regional strategic development plans. It consists of 14 municipalities, with industrial production is strongly focused on five cities: Campo Bom Canoas, Novo Hamburgo, São Leopoldo and Sapucaia. Economically, it presents a strong dependence on the leather-footwear industry and its components which have resulted in a dynamic problem for the region, because it undergoes large swings forward exchange rate issues and export entry of Chinese products, among others. The objective is to define what is meant by creative industries and verify by the number of jobs and production units, whether the region can develop in the medium term other activities that may replace the dependence of the footwear sector and, therefore, make other possibilities in the production matrix. Keywords: Employment, Creative Economy, Creative Industries, Consinos

    Relatório de estágio e efeito de diferentes dietas no desempenho larval de jundiá rhamdia quelen (quoy e gaimard, 1824)

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    TCC (graduação) - Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina, Centro de Ciências Agrárias, Curso de Agronomia.O estágio foi realizado no Laboratório de Biologia e Cultivo de Peixes de Água Doce (LAPAD/AQI/CCA/UFSC), de março a junho de 2013. No decorrer deste período foram acompanhadas diversas atividades laboratoriais referentes ao desenvolvimento de tecnologia de cultivo para peixes nativos da bacia do rio Uruguai. Entre elas, experimentos com reversão sexual, bioflocos, e reprodução (todos com jundiá Rhamdia quelen). Este estágio teve como tema central a realização do experimento intitulado "Efeito de diferentes dietas no desempenho larval de jundiá Rhamdia quelen (QUOY e GAIMARD, 1824)". Tanto a implantação do experimento, como o acompanhamento das atividades e de toda a rotina do laboratório, foram de suma importância para o enriquecimento teórico e prático do acadêmico na área.The practice was performed at the Laboratory of Biology and Cultivation of Freshwater Fish (LAPAD / AQI / CCA / UFSC), March-June 2013. Throughout this period were accompanied by several laboratory activities relating to the development of cultivation technology for native fishes of the Uruguay river. Among them, experimenting with sex reversal, biofloc, and reproduction (all with the black catfish Rhamdia quelen). This practice had as its central theme the experiment entitled "Effect of different diets on larval performance of black catfish Rhamdia quelen (Quoy and Gaimard, 1824)." The implementation of the experiment as a well activities and all the routine laboratory, were critical to the enrichment of the academic theory and practice in the area

    Contributions of women entrepreneurship studies for policymakers

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    In the knowledge society, the issue of gender-linked to entrepreneurship is gaining more and more space in the academic community. Thus this paper aims to map the intersections between entrepreneurship and the female gender. For this, the bibliometric analysis was performed from a systematic search in the Scopus database. As a result, it was identified that the research emerges Economy, Econometrics and Finance; Social Sciences; Business, Management and Accounting; Agrarian and Biological Sciences; Medicine; Arts and Humanities; Biochemistry, genetics and molecular biology; Computer Science; Environmental Science; Engineering; Multidisciplinary; Psychology; Energy; Nursing; Earth and Planetary Sciences; Health Professions; Mathematics; Neuroscience and Pharmacology, Toxicology and Pharmaceuticals, which allows us to weave the state of the art of the theme from the consulted database.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio