1 research outputs found

    Reading and reading comprehension through information and communication technologies in basic education

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    La lectura juega un papel importante en el desarrollo integral de los educandos, fortaleciendo y potenciando sus capacidades de interpretaci贸n, comprensi贸n y habilidades comunicativas b谩sicas para un buen desempe帽o escolar. El estudio busco fortalecer la lectura y comprensi贸n lectora mediante las Tecnolog铆as de la Informaci贸n y Comunicaci贸n (TIC) en educaci贸n b谩sica. Con un dise帽o metodol贸gico de tipo cualitativo bajo el modelo de investigaci贸n Acci贸n Participativa (IAP), las t茅cnicas de recolecci贸n de datos utilizadas fueron la observaci贸n participante y el diario de campo. Se cont贸 con ciento veintinueve (129) participantes de la instituci贸n educativa Francisco de Paula Santander, sede Jos茅 Mar铆a C贸rdoba. Los resultados de la observaci贸n evidenciaron falencias en los procesos de lectura y comprensi贸n lectora, omitiendo y confundiendo letras, poca fluidez verbal y desinter茅s por la lectura, para lo cual los docentes dise帽aron estrategias pedag贸gicas basadas en las TIC para dar soluci贸n a dicha problem谩tica.Reading plays an important role in the integral development of students, strengthening and enhancing their abilities of interpretation, understanding and basic communication skills for good school performance. The study sought to strengthen reading and reading comprehension through Information and Communication Technologies (TIC) in basic education. With a qualitative methodological design under the participatory action research (IAP) model, the data collection techniques used were the participant observation and the field diary. There were one hundred twenty-nine (129) participants from the Francisco de Paula Santander educational institution, Jos茅 Maria C贸rdoba headquarters. The results of the observation showed weaknesses in the reading and reading comprehension processes, omitting and confusing letters, low verbal fluency and lack of interest in reading, for which the teachers designed pedagogical strategies based on ICT to solve this problem