50 research outputs found

    Rediscovery of Glauconycteris superba Hayman, 1939 (Chiroptera: Vespertilionidae) after 40 years at Mbiye Island, Democratic Republic of the Congo

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    We report the rediscovery of the Pied Butterfl y Bat, Glauconycteris superba Hayman, 1939, 40 years after this species was last recorded. The new specimen from Mbiye Island, Democratic Republic of the Congo, is compared with the type specimens of G. s. superba and G. superba sheila Hayman, 1947 and a specimen from Matonguiné, Ivory Coast. The variation in the striking colouration of the pelage as well as in morphometric data is considered to be individual rather than geographic variation and we tentatively regard G. s. sheila as a synonym of the nominate form. Despite the wide distribution of this species in the tropical forest zone of West and Central Africa, only four specimens from four localities are known to date, which might indicate very specific habitat preferences. Contemporary land cover information around historic collection sites shows degraded landscapes. Given the highly uncertain area of occupancy of this species, we suggest changing the status of G. superba in the IUCN Red List of Threatened Species from “Least Concern” to “Data Defi cient”

    Prey capture in the lizard Agama stellio

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    ABSTRACT Prey capture in Agama stellio was recorded by high-speed video in combination with the electrical activity of both jaw and hyolingual muscles. Quantification of kinematics and muscle activity patterns facilitated their correlation during kinematic phases. Changes in angular velocity of the gape let the strike be subdivided into four kinematic phases: slow open (SO1 and SOII), fast open (FO), fast close (FC), and slow close-power stroke (SC/PS). The SO1 phase is marked by initial activity in the tongue protractor, the hyoid protractor, and the ring muscle. These muscles project the tongue beyond the anterior margin of the jaw. During the SO11 phase, a low level of activity in the jaw closers correlates with a decline of the jaw-opening velocity. Next, bilateral activity in the jaw openers defines the start of the FO phase. This activity ends at maximal gape. Simultaneously, the hyoid retractor and the hyoglossus become active, causing tongue retraction during the FO phase. At maximal gape, the jaw closers contract simultaneously, initiating the FC phase. After a short pause, they contract again and the prey is crushed during the SC/PS phase. Our results support the hypothesis of tongue projection in agamids by Smith ([ 19881 J. Morphol. 196:157-171), and show some striking similarities with muscle activity patterns during the strike in chameleons (Wainwright and Bennett [ 1992al J. Exp. Biol. 168:l-21). Differences are in the activation pattern of the hyoglossus. The agamid tongue projection mechanism appears to be an ideal mechanical precursor for the ballistic tongue projection mechanism of chameleonids; the key derived feature in the chameleon tongue projection mechanism most likely lies in the changed motor pattern controlling the hyoglossus muscle. B 1995 Wiley-Liss, Inc