77 research outputs found

    Using compact GML to deploy interactive maps on mobile devices

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    As users get connected with new-generation smart programmable phones and Personal Digital Assistants, they look for geographic information and location-aware services. In such a scenario, developers need infrastructures and standards in order to provide geographic data and cartographic tools to a wide set of applications and small mobile devices. GIS market offers a rich set of powerful tools for geographic information management, but a simple and lightweight protocol to easily add cartographic functionalities to mobile applications is still missing. This paper presents the compact Geographic Markup Language (cGML), a custom version of GML tailored for mobile devices. By using small tags, server side pre-projected and pre-scaled coordinates, it allows development and deployment of map-based software for mobile phones and PDAs with strong constraints on connection, CPU and memory

    Lightweight client-pull protocol for mobile communication

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    Consumer mobile devices, such as cellular phones and PDAs, rely on TCP/IP as main communication protocol. However, cellular networks are not reliable as wired and wireless LAN, due to both users mobility and geographical obstacles. Moreover, limited bandwidth outside urban areas requires an application level data priority management, in order to improve user experience and avoid communication stack deadlocks. This paper presents early specification and first prototype of the LCPP (Lightweight Client-Pull Protocol), a UDP-based communication protocol specially designed to provide better performance, fast responsiveness and save processing power on mobile devices. Using some concepts adopted in the field of P2P file sharing, LCPP provides data priority management approach, which enables application to negotiate concurrent access to communication channel and to be notified about delaying, network congestion or remote device inability to process data

    Il cgml: una soluzione basata su xml per la rappresentazione di mappe vettoriali su dispositivi mobili

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    L’evoluzione tecnologica dei dispositivi mobili, in termini di potenza di calcolo, capacità di visualizzazione e memorizzazione, e il proliferare di sistemi di connessione a banda larga su rete locale wireless (WiFi) e cellulare (UMTS), permette la gestione di dati complessi quali le mappe vettoriali e l’accesso ai Location Based Service (LBS) per mezzo di un telefono cellulare o un palmare. L’uso di linguaggi XML nel settore dei LBS condiziona la struttura delle funzionalità e dei dati ma garantisce l’interoperabilità dei servizi. Un esempio è il linguaggio GML (Geographic Markup Language) standard de facto nello scambio dei dati tra sistemi GIS e nella rappresentazione dell’informazione geografica. Il GML non è orientato alla rappresentazione di mappe vettoriali, è quindi necessario trasformarlo in un altro linguaggio XML, ad esempio il linguaggio grafico SVG (Scalable Vector Graphics). Per evitare la separazione tra il dato geografico (GML) e la sua visualizzazione (Mobile SVG) ma usando comunque le mappe vettoriali su dispositivi mobili, abbiamo definito il cGML (compact Geographic Markup Language). La rappresentazione di un dato tramite cGML è una mappa vettoriale e come tale può essere utilizzata nella presentazione grafica, ma allo stesso momento è anche un contenitore di insiemi di dati geo-riferiti, omogenei per semantica, utilizzabili in elaborazioni locali sul dispositivo mobile.Enhanced mobile device performances, in terms of CPU power, memory capacity, display capabilities and adoption of wideband connectivity based on local wireless (WiFi) and cellular (UMTS) networks, bring interactive mapping and access to Location Based Services (LBS) to mobile phones and PDAs. The use of XML language in the LBS influences data structure, functionalities and performances; although it could be time and memory expensive, it guarantees service interoperability. The GML language (Geographic Markup Language) is "de facto" standard in data exchanging between Geographic Information Systems. The GML has not been designed to represent vector map: it has to be transformed into another XML language, for example the graphical-oriented XML language Mobile SVG. To avoid the separation between the geographic data (GML) and its visualization (Mobile SVG), keeping vector mapping on mobile devices, we have designed the cGML (compact Geographic Markup Language). The data encoded using cGML is a vector map, so that it can be used in the graphic representation, but at the same time it is a container of geographical related data set, homogenous for semantic and usable in local processing on the mobile device

    The cgml: a xml language for mobile cartography

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    Increasing processing power and storage capabilities encourage systematic adoption of high-end mobile devices, such as programmable cellular phones and wireless-enabled PDA to implement new exciting applications. The performances of modern mobile devices are bringing innovative scenarios, based on position awareness and ambient intelligence paradigms. The market is moving from old 'Wireless Applications' approach to Mobile Computing, which aims to exploit mobile host capabilities. This paper presents the compact Geographic Markup Language (cGML), an XML-based language defined to enable design and development of LBS applications specific for mobile devices, and an example of client-server architecture using it

    Compact gml: merging mobile computing and mobile cartography

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    The use of portable devices is moving from "Wireless Applications", typically implemented as browsing-on-the-road, to "Mobile Computing", which aims to exploit increasing processing power of consumer devices. As users get connected with smartphones and PDAs, they look for geographic information and location-aware services. While browser-based approaches have been explored (using static images or graphics formats such as Mobile SVG), a data model tailored for local computation on mobile devices is still missing. This paper presents the Compact Geographic Markup Language (cGML) that enables design and development of specific purpose GIS applications for portable consumer devices where a cGML document can be used as a spatial query result as well

    The awareness and acceptance of anti-COVID 19 vaccination in adolescence

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    Background: COVID-19 had devastating effects on children's and adolescents' life, including neuropsychological impairment, discontinuation of social life and education. Since June 2021, antiCOVID19 vaccination has become available to adolescents in Italy up to 12 years and since December 2021 to children aged more than 5 years. The pediatric population represents a challenging target for vaccination. Aim of the study is to perform a survey among adolescents to explore factors associated with COVID 19 immunization and their perceptions about COVID-19 vaccines. Methods: Italian students aged 10-17 years were invited to participate in an anonymous online survey regarding their immunization against COVID-19 and their opinion on the immunization practice through a web link to the questionnaire. The study period was March-June 2022. Statistical analysis was performed with SPSS v 21. Results: In the study period, 895 students entered the survey. A total of 87.3% of respondents were immunized against SARS-CoV2. The most important predictors of being immunized against SARS-CoV2 were having both parents immunized (p < 0, 001) and being aged over 12 years. In the unvaccinated group, the decision was mostly influenced by the family (65.8%). Regardless the immunization status, respondents were willing to receive information about COVID 19 vaccination mostly by their family doctor (51.8%) and at school (28.9%). Conclusions: Parents' decisions and attitudes strongly affected the immunization status of adolescents. Students' willing to receive COVID 19 vaccine information by family doctors and at school, underline the potential role of paediatricians and school educators in contributing to an increased vaccine coverage among the paediatric age

    DART: the distributed agent based retrieval toolkit

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    The technology of search engines is evolving from indexing and classification of web resources based on keywords to more sophisticated techniques which take into account the meaning and the context of textual information and usage. Replying to query, commercial search engines face the user requests with a large amount of results, mostly useless or only partially related to the request; the subsequent refinement, operated downloading and examining as much pages as possible and simply ignoring whatever stays behind the first few pages, is left up to the user. Furthermore, architectures based on centralized indexes, allow commercial search engines to control the advertisement of online information, in contrast to P2P architectures that focus the attention on user requirements involving the end user in search engine maintenance and operation. To address such wishes, new search engines should focus on three key aspects: semantics, geo-referencing, collaboration/distribution. Semantic analysis lets to increase the results relevance. The geo-referencing of catalogued resources allows contextualisation based on user position. Collaboration distributes storage, processing, and trust on a world-wide network of nodes running on users’ computers, getting rid of bottlenecks and central points of failures. In this paper, we describe the studies, the concepts and the solutions developed in the DART project to introduce these three key features in a novel search engine architecture

    A collaborative, semantic and context-aware search engine

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    Search engines help people to find information in the largest public knowledge system of the world: the Web. Unfortunately its size makes very complex to discover the right information. The users are faced lots of useless results forcing them to select one by one the most suitable. The new generation of search engines evolve from keyword-based indexing and classification to more sophisticated techniques considering the meaning, the context and the usage of information. We argue about the three key aspects: collaboration, geo-referencing and semantics. Collaboration distributes storage, processing and trust on a world-wide network of nodes running on users’ computers, getting rid of bottlenecks and central points of failures. The geo-referencing of catalogued resources allows contextualisation based on user position. Semantic analysis lets to increase the results relevance. In this paper, we expose the studies, the concepts and the solutions of a research project to introduce these three key features in a novel search engine architecture.213-21

    Benefits of glucocorticoids in non-ambulant boys/men with Duchenne muscular dystrophy: A multicentric longitudinal study using the Performance of Upper Limb test

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    The aim of this study was to establish the possible effect of glucocorticoid treatment on upper limb function in a cohort of 91 non-ambulant DMD boys and adults of age between 11 and 26 years. All 91 were assessed using the Performance of Upper Limb test. Forty-eight were still on glucocorticoid after loss of ambulation, 25 stopped steroids at the time they lost ambulation and 18 were GC naive or had steroids while ambulant for less than a year. At baseline the total scores ranged between 0 and 74 (mean 41.20). The mean total scores were 47.92 in the glucocorticoid group, 36 in those who stopped at loss of ambulation and 30.5 in the naive group (p <0.001). The 12-month changes ranged between -20 and 4 (mean -4.4). The mean changes were -3.79 in the glucocorticoid group, -5.52 in those who stopped at loss of ambulation and -4.44 in the naive group. This was more obvious in the patients between 12 and 18 years and at shoulder and elbow levels. Our findings suggest that continuing glucocorticoids throughout teenage years and adulthood after loss of ambulation appears to have a beneficial effect on upper limb function. (C) 2015 The Authors. Published by Elsevier B.V

    Reliability of the Performance of Upper Limb assessment in Duchenne muscular dystrophy

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    Abstract The Performance of Upper Limb was specifically designed to assess upper limb function in Duchenne muscular dystrophy. The aim of this study was to assess (1) a cohort of typically developing children from the age of 3 years onwards in order to identify the age when the activities assessed in the individual items are consistently achieved, and (2) a cohort of 322 Duchenne children and young adults to establish the range of findings at different ages. We collected normative data for the scale validation on 277 typically developing subjects from 3 to 25 years old. A full score was consistently achieved by the age of 5 years. In the Duchenne cohort there was early involvement of the proximal muscles and a proximal to distal progressive involvement. The scale was capable of measuring small distal movements, related to activities of daily living, even in the oldest and weakest patients. Our data suggest that the assessment can be reliably used in both ambulant and non ambulant Duchenne patients in a multicentric setting and could therefore be considered as an outcome measure for future trials
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