44 research outputs found

    Effect Of Pasteurization On The Decay Of Mycobacterium Bovis In Milk Cream

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    Milk cream must be pasteurized in order to be sold in Brazil. However, there are no specific legal requirements for this product, and producers set their own pasteurization parameters using the ones approved for milk as a reference. Considering that fat protects bacteria from heat, that no thermal inactivation studies have been performed on Mycobacterium bovis present in cream, and that bovine tuberculosis is endemic in Brazil, the aim of this study was to evaluate the inactivation of M. bovis in milk cream subjected to commercial parameters of pasteurization. Milk cream samples were contaminated and pasteurized in a water bath at 75, 80, 85, and 90°C for 5 and 15 s. M. bovis cells were plated onto Stonebrink-Leslie medium, incubated at 36°C for 45 days, and quantified; the result was expressed in log CFU mL-1. The fat content of the samples ranged from 34% to 37% and the average initial load of M. bovis was 8.0 Log CFU mL-1. The average decay of the M. bovis populations was 4.0, 4.3, 4.9 and 6.7 log CFU mL-1 when the cream was treated for 15 sec at 75, 80, 85 and 90°C, respectively, showing that the efficiency of the heat treatment was improved by increasing the temperature of the process. Given the lipophilic nature of M. bovis, the cream should be subjected to more intense parameters of pasteurization than those applied to milk.3753737374

    Kalanchosine dimalate, an anti-inflammatory salt from Kalanchoe brasiliensis

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    International audienceThis report describes the isolation and characterization of kalanchosine dimalate (KMC), an anti-inflammatory salt from the fresh juice of the aerial parts of Kalanchoe brasiliensis. KMC comprises the new metabolite kalanchosine (1) and malic acid (2) in a 1:2 stoichiometric ratio. Kalanchosine (1), 3,6-diamino-4,5-dihydroxyoctanedioic acid, is the first naturally occurring dimeric bis(γ-hydroxy-β-amino acid) and is at least partially responsible for the anti-inflammatory properties of K. brasiliensis. © 2006 American Chemical Society and American Society of Pharmacognosy

    Simulações de experimentos didáticos em física médica com TOPAS MC

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    O ensino de Física Médica evolui a cada ano no Brasil. A necessidade de métodos didáticos e interativos cresce de maneira proporcional visando uma maior motivação e melhor aprendizagem por parte dos alunos. Nos cursos de graduação em Física Médica no Brasil, a disciplina de Física das Radiações é fundamental para a formação profissional do estudante. O objetivo deste trabalho é utilizar o código de Monte Carlo TOPAS para simular experimentos que possibilitem a discussão de conteúdos abordados na disciplina de Física das Radiações. A ferramenta poderá ser utilizada por docentes ao ministrar essa disciplina e por alunos que queiram aprofundar seus conhecimentos e serem introduzidos ao método de Monte Carlo. Inicialmente, foi realizada a validação do TOPAS para os espectros de fótons utilizados através da comparação com dados da literatura. Com isso, foi possível elaborar os arquivos de entrada e realizar a análise de dados dos arquivos de saída para diferentes configurações de irradiação abordadas academicamente de modo a evidenciar a influência de fatores como: estatística das curvas pelo número de histórias; tamanho do campo de irradiação; meios homogêneos e heterogêneos; feixes incidentes de diferentes naturezas. Os resultados obtidos mostram que as simulações elaboradas possibilitam uma análise correta e dinâmica dos processos de interação da radiação com a matéria abordados em Física das Radiações

    Galaxy Decomposition in Multispectral Images Using Markov Chain Monte Carlo Algorithms

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    International audienceAstronomers still lack a multiwavelength analysis scheme for galaxy classification. In this paper we propose a way of analysing multispectral observations aiming at refining existing classifications with spectral information. We propose a global approach which consists of decomposing the galaxy into a parametric model using physically meaningful structures. Physical interpretation of the results will be straightforward even if the method is limited to regular galaxies. The proposed approach is fully automatic and performed using Markov Chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) algorithms. Evaluation on simulated and real 5-band images shows that this new method is robust and accurate