668 research outputs found

    A cross-sectional study on prevalence and predictors of burnout among a sample of pharmacists employed in pharmacies in Central Italy

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    Burnout is defined as an occupational phenomenon linked to chronic workplace stress that has not been successfully managed and included among the factors influencing health status or contact with health services. Although several studies were performed for assessing this phenomenon, there is a lack of data on the prevalence of burnout and associated predictors, due to different definitions of the syndrome and heterogeneity of assessment methods. One of the well-known evidences on burnout is related to the highest risk professions, which include policemen, firemen, teachers, psychologists, medical students, nurses, physicians, and other health professionals, such as pharmacists. Objective. The aims of the present study were to (1) assess the occurrence of burnout syndrome among a sample of pharmacists employed in public and private pharmacies located in Rome province (Latium Region; central Italy); (2) evaluate the role of some potential predictors for the development of the syndrome. Materials and Methods. A questionnaire elaborated ad hoc was administered online to 2,000 members of the Association of Professional Pharmacists of Rome and its province and employed in public or private pharmacies. The questionnaire included the 14-item Shirom-Melamed Burnout Measure (SMBM) tool and questions on demographic characteristics and working conditions. Results. Physical exhaustion was the burnout dimension with the highest score; besides, approximately 11% of the studied pharmacists were categorized as having clinically relevant burnout levels (≥4.40). Several of the investigated variables significantly influenced the single burnout dimensions at the univariate analyses; multivariate analyses demonstrated that alcohol consumption and workplace location have a significant independent role on the overall SMBM index, while working time significantly influences clinically relevant burnout level. Conclusions. The results revealed that pharmacists are at risk of burnout, and thus, it is necessary to perform specific preventive intervention for managing this occupational threat

    Migrant workers and psychological health: A systematic review

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    Migrant workers show an increase in the incidence of serious, psychotic, anxiety, and post-traumatic disorders due to a series of socio-environmental variables, such as loss of social status, discrimination, and separations from the family. The purpose is to elaborate a systematic review and highlight the prevailing psychological pathologies of these workers and categories most at risk. Our research included articles published from 2009 to 2019 on the major databases (Pub Med, Cochrane Library, and Scopus) using a combination of some keywords. The online search indicated 1.228 references. Using inclusion and exclusion criteria, we analyzed 127 articles, in particular 12 reviews and 115 original articles. Principal emerging disorders from the research are depressive syndrome (poor concentration at work, feeling down, or anger and somatization), anxiety, alcohol or substance abuse, and poor sleep quality. This causes low life conditions, which is also due to marginalization from the social context and strenuous work; in fact, migrant workers may suffer verbal or physical abuse, and they are often employed in dangerous, unhealthy jobs. It is therefore essential to increase the role of occupational medicine and promote wellbeing for this vulnerable job categor

    Different patterns of lung recruitment maneuvers in primary acute respiratory distress syndrome: effects on oxygenation and central hemodynamics.

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    Role of PET gamma detection in radioguided surgery: a systematic review

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    Purpose This systematic review aimed to collect published studies concerning intraoperative gamma detection of positronemitting tracers for radioguided surgery (RGS) applications. Methods A systematic literature search of studies published until October 2022 was performed in Pubmed, Web Of Science, Central (Cochrane Library) and Scopus databases, including the following keywords: “Positron Emission Tomography” OR “PET” AND “Gamma” OR “γ” AND “Probe” AND “Radioguided Surgery” OR “RGS”. The included studies had to concern RGS procedures performed in at least 3 patients, regardless of the administered radiopharmaceutical and the field of application. Results Among to the 17 selected studies, all published between 2000 and 2022, only 2 investigations were conducted with gallium-68 (68Ga)-labeled somatostatin analogues, with fluorine-18-fluoro-2-deoxyglucose ([ 18F]FDG) being the most commonly used agent for RGS applications. Almost all studies were performed in oncologic patients, with only one paper also including inflammatory and infectious findings. The analysis showed that the largest part of procedures was performed through the intraoperative use of conventional gamma probes, not specifically designed for the detection of annihilation photons (n = 9), followed by PET gamma probes (n = 5) and with only three studies involving electronic collimation. Conclusions Regardless of the intraoperative devices, RGS with positron emitters seems to lead to significant improvements in surgeons’ ability to obtain a complete resection of tumors, even if the nature of photons resulting from positron–electron collision still remains extremely challenging and requires further technical advances

    Yield, quality, antioxidant, and sensorial properties of diced tomato as affected by genotype and industrial processing in Southern Italy

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    Research was carried out on processing tomato in Southern Italy in order to compare four round-prismatic type hybrids oriented to diced produce (4420, Miceno, Nemabrix, Impact as a control). The hybrid Nemabrix attained the highest marketable yield (180.9 t ha–1, due to both the highest number of fruit per plant and their mean weight (103.7 and 70 g, respectively), and it was not significantly different from the other genotypes in terms of processing efficiency both as a total and along dicing chain (67.8% and 65.6%, respectively). Lycopene attained the highest concentration in Nemabrix (155 mg kg–1), and β–carotene was most concentrated in 4420 and Miceno (2.8 mg kg–1). Significant differences arose between the genotypes with regard to the sensorial variables aspect, colour, taste, firmness, and fresh taste

    Urban noise and psychological distress: A systematic review

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    Chronic exposure to urban noise is harmful for auditory perception, cardiovascular, gastrointestinal and nervous systems, while also causing psychological annoyance. Around 25% of the EU population experience a deterioration in the quality of life due to annoyance and about 5–15% suffer from sleep disorders, with many disability-adjusted life years (DALYs) lost annually. This systematic review highlights the main sources of urban noise, the relevant principal clinical disorders and the most effected countries. This review included articles published on the major databases (PubMed, Cochrane Library, Scopus), using a combination of some keywords. The online search yielded 265 references; after selection, the authors have analyzed 54 articles (5 reviews and 49 original articles). From the analysis, among the sources of exposure, we found the majority of items dealing with airports and wind turbines, followed by roads and trains; the main disorders that were investigated in different populations dealt with annoyance and sleep disorders, sometimes associated with cardiovascular symptoms. Regarding countries, studies were published from all over the world with a slight prevalence from Western Europe. Considering these fundamental health consequences, research needs to be extended in such a way as to include new sources of noise and new technologies, to ensure a health promotion system and to reduce the risk of residents being exposed

    Association between work related stress and health related quality of life: the impact of socio-demographic variables. A cross sectional study in a region of central Italy

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    The aim of this work is investigate relationship between health-related quality of life and work-related stress and the impact of gender, education level, and age on this relationship. A cross-sectional study was conducted among workers of various setting in Rome and Frosinone. Work-related stress was measured with a demand-control questionnaire and health-related functioning by SF (short form)-12 health survey. There were 611 participants. Men reported high mental composite summary (MCS) and physical composite summary (PCS). In multivariate analysis age, gender (p < 0.001) and job demand (0.045) predicted low PCS. Low MCS predicted poor PCS. Job demand and educational level resulted negatively associated with MCS. In an analysis stratified for age, gender, and educational level, gender and age resulted effect modifier for MCS, gender and education level for PCS. In women increase of decision latitude predict (p = 0.001) an increase in MCS; a low job demand predict high MCS in male (p ≤ 0.001). In younger workers, a lower level of job demand predicted high MCS (<0.001). For PCS, gender and education level resulted effect modifier. In women, high decision latitude predicted higher PCS (p = 0.001) and lower level of job demand results in higher PCS (p ≤ 0.001). Higher educational level resulted predictor of low PCS. Management of risk about work-related stress should consider socio-demographic factors

    Alcohol consumption and employment: a cross-sectional study of office workers and unemployed people

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    Background. Alcohol is a psychoactive substance with toxic and addictive properties. Biomarkers like GGT, AST, ALT and MCV are influenced by excessive ethanol consumption. Alcohol consumption represents a health risk and it has been linked to unemployment. The aim of this study how working status predict alcohol consumption through a cross sectional study comparing alcohol-related biomarkers levels in office workers and unemployed people. Methods. This study includes 157 office workers and 157 unemployed people, who were recruited from January to December 2018. A propensity score matching procedure was applied to obtain two homogenous groups in terms of age and gender. A non- parametric analysis was performed on serum biomarkers that are generally altered by alcohol consumption. Logistic regression models were designed to evaluate how working status predict abnormal biomarker levels related with alcohol consumption. Results. No differences in median biomarker values were found between groups. Lo- gistic regression analysis showed that office work is a negative predictor of pathological biomarker levels. Office workers had a significant relation with the levels of GGT (OR 0.48; 95% CI [0.28-0.84]), AST (OR 0.42; 95% CI [0.22-0.78]), ALT (OR 0.39; 95% CI [0.23-0.66]), and MCV (OR 0.37; 95% CI [0.19-0.70]). Conclusion. Office workers had lower absolute frequencies of pathological values of alcohol consumption biomarkers, after matching for age and gender compared with unemployed people. In addition, a significant negative association between office work is a negative predictor of biomarker levels of alcohol consumption. These results showed that work is an important determinant of health and that can represent a benefit for workers in terms of reducing the risk of consuming alcohol
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