47 research outputs found


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    Reducing health disparities by increasing access to health information is a national priority. Research demonstrates that direct-to-consumer advertising (DTCA) is effective in educating consumers about health issues. However, research also identified racial disparities in such advertising. In 2009, the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) issued a report that included a number of recommendations for enhancing the ability of DTCA to reach disadvantaged populations, including racial and ethnic minorities. This study compared the pharmaceutical advertisements placed in five popular women’s magazines published prior to and following the 2009 FDA report to assess the impact of these recommendations on the content and appearance of advertisements placed in magazines of differing racial orientation

    Nonclassical noise features in a correlation plenoptic imaging setup

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    Sub-shot-noise imaging and correlation plenoptic imaging are two quantum imaging techniques that enable to overcome different problems of classical imaging systems. Combining the two techniques is not trivial, since the former is based on the detection of identical corresponding modes to subtract noise, while the latter requires the detection of different modes to perform directional reconstruction. In this paper, we experimentally show the possibility to obtain a noise-reduction factor smaller than one, a necessary condition to perform sub-shot-noise imaging, in a setup that can be adapted to correlation plenoptic imaging

    The Readiness Estimate and Deployability Index and Psychometric Properties in Army Reserve Nurses and Medics

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    The Readiness Estimate and Deployability Index measures the level of individual deplo3Tnent readiness in Army Nurse Corps officers. The primary purposes of this pilot study were to determine the psychometric properties of the measure for Army Reserve component nurses and enlisted medical personnel and to compare the reliability between groups. The convenience sample consisted of 92 subjects. Internal consistency reliability for three of the six competencies and construct validity using the contrasted-groups approach were examined. Nurses reported greater competency than enlisted personnel in clinical and operational nursing skills but were lower in their self-assessment of soldier and survival skills. Findings suggest that more training in warrior tasks and drills is needed for both groups and that enlisted soldiers must enhance their clinical and operational skills. Unit commanders can use the Readiness Estimate and Deployability Index to measure individual readiness

    Development of a stiffness sensing system for lateral knee ligaments for clinical stress test

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    This study has as a goal to develop a stiffness-sensing device (SSD) that can improve the detection of lateral collateral ligament (LCL) and medial collateral ligament laxity (MCL) by having quantifiable and storable data, that fits in the medical workflow, and that can be affordable for the clinics. A prototype for a new method of testing is developed to check the state of the MCL and LCL. This device brings the benefit of repeated tests which allows one to keep track of the situation of the ligaments during a rehabilitation period. In this way, having quantifiable results of the diagnosis will give the possibility to see more in depth if the health of a patient is increasing or which treatment could be better fitting for them


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    Environmental science education in a small island state : integrating theory and local experience

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    The importance of education to address current sustainability challenges in small island states has been widely recognized. Environmental education may increase knowledge, while also increasing environmental awareness and motivating students to become agents of change. Student engagement in introductory environmental science courses may benefit from operationalizing abstract concepts by embedding course material and activities within this local context. Here, we describe an introductory course in environmental science that has been tailored to the local context of a small island state in the Caribbean. In addition to reaching academic course goals, pre- and post-course surveys showed that course participants? environmental awareness increased on the dimensions ?Personal Value System? and ?Willingness to Take Environmental Action?. The described course provides a template for the development of a low-cost introductory environmental science course that integrates general theory and application within the context of Caribbean island states