38,613 research outputs found

    Educational assortative mating in Italy: what can Gini’s homogamy index still say?

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    The homogamy index proposed by Gini is applied to describe the changes occurred in marital choice - across time and regions in Italy. The relevant increase in education by women has provoked an increase in the number of homogamous couples and in an increasing proportion of women who marry downward. Relevant differences are observed in the case of informal unions and mixed marriages

    The Italians abroad after Unification. The analysis of emigration in Brazil through money flows data sources

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    Between 1961 and 1985 more than 1,400 thousand Italians left the country towards Brazil and there produced a great amount of wealth, part of which had been remitted in Italy. In this paper we will concentrate on the main estimate of the financial flows through the study of official sources and try to take information from various data sources, and provide an evaluation of figures relative to the years between Unification and 1910, a period highly important for the Italian emigration to Brazil

    Stability and change in family time transfers and workload inequality in Italian couples

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    This paper analyses changes from 2003 to 2014 in the magnitude and directions of time (i.e., non-market) family transfers and in the gender distribution of total work among Italian couples. The study draws on microdata from the 2003, 2009, and 2014 Italian Time Use Surveys. First, we follow the National Transfer Accounts methodology to estimate gender-specific age profiles of production and consumption of unpaid domestic work and of the related time transfers within families. Then, we focus on couples and build an indicator of workload inequality. Finally, we perform a multivariate statistical analysis to describe the characteristics of the partners associated with gender inequality in the division of work disfavouring women. Female non-market work considerably decreased during the 2003-2014 period. However, women continue to be net donors of time transfers within the family and to perform the bulk of the work within the couple. Households where both partners do not have a market job or where only the woman works in the market show the highest levels of inequality, with women contributing to about 70% of the couples’ total working time


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    Preface to the 2017 Annals of the Department of Methods and Models in Economics, Finance,Territory and Economic History, involuding a presentation of all the contirbutions in the issue

    Housework and childcare in Italy: a persistent case of gender inequality

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    This article focuses on the gender gap in housework and childcare in Italian couples. Italian women still carry out three-quarters of domestic work and two-thirds of childcare. We focus on three possible theoretical explanations for the persistence of the gendered division of labor: time availability, relative resources, and conformity with traditional gender ideology. Time Use data from the 2008/09 Survey edition have been used: we considered couples, married or in consensual unions, with at least one child under 14 years of age and with the mother employed

    International survey of integrated financial sector supervision

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    Despite the intense debate on the advantages and disadvantages of adopting integrated supervision that has taken place in recent years, little is known about the experiences of countries that have adopted it and the obstacles and challenges they have faced to implement it. In an attempt to shed light on this area, the authors present the results of a survey conducted in a group of 15 countries that have adopted integrated supervision. After a brief review of the literature on integrated supervision, the authors examine four topics: 1) The reasons cited by this group of countries for establishing an integrated supervisory agency. 2) The scope of regulatory and supervisory powers of these agencies. 3) The progress of these agencies in harmonizing their regulatory and supervisory practices across the intermediaries they supervise. 4) The practical problems faced by policymakers in adopting integrated supervision. The survey revealed that the group of integrated supervisory agencies is not as homogeneous as it seems. Important differences arise with regard to the scope of regulatory and supervisory powers the agencies have been given. In fact, contrary to popular belief, less than 50 percent of the agencies can be categorized as mega-supervisors. Another finding is that in most countries progress toward the harmonization of prudential regulation andsupervision across financial intermediaries remains limited. Interestingly, the survey revealed that practically all countries believe they have achieved a higher degree of harmonization in the regulation and supervision of banks and securities companies than between banks and insurance firms. The survey also identified some practical problems faced by this group of countries in establishing their unified supervisory agencies. The authors discuss these problems, along with the practical lessons and recommendations provided by the 15 agencies to other countries considering integrated supervision, in the final section of the paper.Banks&Banking Reform,Insurance&Risk Mitigation,Housing Finance,Payment Systems&Infrastructure,Financial Intermediation,Banks&Banking Reform,Insurance&Risk Mitigation,Financial Intermediation,Housing Finance,Environmental Economics&Policies

    A Concrete Composite 2-Higgs Doublet Model

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    We consider a Composite Higgs Model (CHM) with two isospin doublet Higgs fields arising as pseudo Nambu-Goldstone bosons from a SO(6)SO(4)×SO(2){\rm SO}(6)\to {\rm SO}(4)\times {\rm SO}(2) breaking. The main focus of this work is to explicitly compute the properties of these Higgses in terms of the fundamental parameters of the composite sector such as masses, Yukawa and gauge couplings of the new spin-1 and spin-1/2 resonances. Concretely, we calculate the Higgs potential at one-loop level through the Coleman-Weinberg mechanism from the explicit breaking of the SO(6){\rm SO(6)} global symmetry by the partial compositeness of fermions and gauge bosons. We derive then the phenomenological properties of the Higgs states and highlight the main signatures of this Composite 2-Higgs Doublet Model at the Large Hadron Collider, including modifications to the SM-like Higgs couplings as well as production and decay channels of heavier Higgs bosons. We also consider flavour bounds that are typical of CHMs with more than one Higgs doublet.Comment: 45 pages, 16 figures, version accepted for publication in JHE

    Italy: Delayed adaptation of social institutions to changes in family behaviour

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    Considering its very low fertility and high age at childbearing, Italy stands alone in the European context and can hardly be compared with other countries, even those in the Southern region. The fertility decline occurred without any radical change in family formation. Individuals still choose (religious) marriage for leaving their parental home and rates of marital dissolution and subsequent step-family formation are low. Marriage is being postponed and fewer people marry. The behaviours of young people are particularly alarming. There is a delay in all life cycle stages: end of education, entry into the labour market, exit from the parental family, entry into union, and managing an independent household. Changes in family formation and childbearing are constrained and slowed down by a substantial delay (or even failure) with which the institutional and cultural framework has adapted to changes in economic and social conditions, in particular to the growth of the service sector, the increase in female employment and the female level of education. In a Catholic country that has been led for almost half a century by a political party with a Catholic ideology, the paucity of attention to childhood and youth seems incomprehensible. Social policies focus on marriage-based families already formed and on the phases of life related to pregnancy, delivery, and the first months of a newborn’s life, while forming a family and childbearing choices are considered private affairs and neglected.adaptations, childbearing, Europe, family, fertility, Italy

    Amada puta: reescribiendo el matrimonio, la maternidad y la identidad en Filumena Marturano, de Eduardo De Filippo

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    La obra de teatro Filumena Marturano, escrita por Eduardo De Filippo en 1946 y situada en la ciudad de Nápoles desolada por la guerra, comienza con una acalorada discusión entre Domenico Soriano, un hombre de negocios de mediana edad, y Filumena Marturano, su amante, una mujer que, tras haber pasado veinticinco años ejerciendo como esposa de hecho, finalmente le tiende una trampa que le lleva al matrimonio. Con el paso del tiempo, Filumena transformará en moral tradicional aquello que la sociedad había designado como una aberración sexual; en el proceso, se reescribirá a sí misma como esposa y madre de los tres hijos que ha tenido fuera del matrimonio. Dentro de la auténtica tradición neorrealista, De Filippo ofrece una visión panorámica de una sociedad devastada por la guerra y dividida aún por las diferencias de clase, en la que la familia se convierte en vehículo y razón de la supervivencia. Filumena, al igual que el propio Nápoles, se alza triunfante desde las ruinas del pasado, no ya a la manera idílica del “felices para siempre”, sino al modo neorrealista, con una consciencia renovada, a través de la acción colectiva, y con la creencia en la inevitabilidad de futuras reconciliaciones.Eduardo De Filippo’s 1946 play Filumena Marturano, situated in the war-ravaged city of Naples, begins with a heated discussion between Domenico Soriano, a middle-aged business man, and Filumena Marturano, his mistress, a woman who, after spending twentyfive years as his de facto wife, has finally tricked him into marriage. Filumena will eventually transform what society has designated as aberrant sexuality to traditional morality and rewrite herself as wife and mother to the three sons she has had out of wedlock. In true neorealist tradition, de Filippo takes a panoramic view of a society, devastated by war and still divided by class distinctions, in which the family becomes the vehicle to and the reason for survival. Filumena, like Naples itself, rises from the ruins of the past and emerges triumphant not in the idealism of happily-ever-after but in neorealist fashion -with a renewed consciousness, collective action, and the belief in the inevitability of future reconciliations