460 research outputs found

    Use of peas in organic buffalo farming: effects on nutrient digestibility and milk production

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    Twenty lactating buffalo cows, organically farmed, were used to examine the effects of including peas in total mixed ration. Two concentrates were formulated to contain, as the main protein sources, either 350 g/kg of soybean cake (CC) or 450 g/kg of peas (ExpC). Cows were blocked into two groups according to parity and previous milk yield and were assigned to one of two dietary treatments: one group was fed a diet with 6 kg/d of CC, whereas the treatment group was fed diet in which 3kg/d of CC were replaced by an equal quantity of ExpC. Digestibility of the diets and milk production of the cows were measured. The experimental period covered the whole lactation period. No differences were observed between groups for milk yield and composition, and for total tract apparent digestibility. The main hypothesis tested, that the replacement of soybean cake with peas in buffalo diet would not affect milk yield and composition, was confirmed. This suggested that the partial substitution of soybean cake with peas in diet for buffalo cows can be possible without affect performances

    Feeding management and milk production in organic and conventional buffalo farms

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    The feeding management, milk yield and milk composition were investigated in two adjacent buffalo farms, one organic certified (on average, 220 lactating buffalo cows) and one conventional (on average, 314 lactating buffalo cows) located in the Sele Plain (southern Italy). Milk samples from the two farm were collected twice a month during the period from June to November 2006. Milk production was also recorded. The investigated milk components were the content of protein, fat, lactose, urea and the number of somatic cells. The following features about the feeding management of lactating buffalo cows were recorded during monthly farm visits: feed used, herbage utilization, ration composition. Fat and protein correct milk yield was higher in conventional farm than in organic one, but milk components were similar between the farms. The greatest differences were found in the somatic cell count, lower in organic milk than in conventional one, and the urea content, which was higher in organic milk than in conventional farm, but still within the normal range reported for buffalo milk

    Effect of Saccharomyces cerevisiae Live Cells on In Vivo Digestibility and Nitrogen Excretion in Lactating Buffaloes

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    The effects of dietary inclusion of Saccharomyces cerevisiae culture on intake, in vivo digestibility, and fecal nitrogen excretion were examined in dairy buffalo. Forty lactating buffalo cows were equally divided into Control and Saccharomyces groups, balanced for milk production, parity, and days in milk. Two subsequent 16-d experimental phases were carried out. For both groups during the first experimental period a TMR based on maize silage (maize-TMR) was used, whereas in the second period an alfalfa haylage (alfalfa-TMR) was administered to the animals. In each experimental period, Saccharomyces group was supplemented with 50 g/head/day of yeast (Biocell®, Limena, Padova, Italy), corresponding to 20—109 CFU/head/day Saccharomyces cerevisiae NCYC Sc47 strain. The yeast supplement was top-dressed onto the morning feed. Dry matter intake (DMI) was assessed for 6 consecutive d on group basis, by the difference between feed offered and refused. In the last 3 days of experimental period in vivo digestibility was determined by using acid-insoluble ash (AIA) as an intrinsic digestibility marker. Saccharomyces supplemented buffalo cows presented greater DMI of maize-TMR, whereas no statistical differences between the groups were observed for alfalfa-TMR. Saccharomyces supplementation significantly improved in vivo digestibility of both TMR. Fecal nitrogen excretion was significantly reduced by the use of yeast supplementation. Results suggest that the inclusion of Saccharomyces cerevisiae culture in the diet for lactating buffaloes can be recommended for its effects on cow's digestive efficiency and fecal nitrogen excretion

    A new generation photodetector for astroparticle physics: the VSiPMT

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    The VSiPMT (Vacuum Silicon PhotoMultiplier Tube) is an innovative design we proposed for a revolutionary photon detector. The main idea is to replace the classical dynode chain of a PMT with a SiPM (G-APD), the latter acting as an electron detector and amplifier. The aim is to match the large sensitive area of a photocathode with the performance of the SiPM technology. The VSiPMT has many attractive features. In particular, a low power consumption and an excellent photon counting capability. To prove the feasibility of the idea we first tested the performance of a special non-windowed SiPM by Hamamatsu (MPPC) as electron detector and current amplifier. Thanks to this result Hamamatsu realized two VSiPMT industrial prototypes. In this work, we present the results of a full characterization of the VSiPMT prototype

    Dinamización sociocultural en la comunidad de Blanca Rosa (Cuba): alternativa de desarrollo y empoderamiento femenino

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    El Centro de Intercambio y Referencia Iniciativa Comunitaria (CIERIC), vinculado a la Unión de Artistas y Escritores de Cuba (UNEAC), se ha vinculado desde sus inicios al trabajo comunitario promoviendo la participación, la visión integral y articulación de actores. Se promueve la dimensión cultural de desarrollo a nivel local y comunitario mediante una metodología para la gestión de proyectos y de los procesos de desarrollo territorial, promoviendo un cambio cultural en sujetos individuales y colectivos que contribuye a la construcción de una sociedad con bienestar, inclusiva, con equidad, sostenible y ambientalmente responsable. En la comunidad de Santa Rosa, una comunidad tunera del municipio de Majibacoa, en la región oriental de Cuba, se están acompañan do precisamente procesos de desarrollo basados en una concepción cultural, con el objetivo proponer una estrategia de dinamización sociocultural que desarrolle la comunidad y favorezca el empoderamiento de las mujeres. El estudio combina la utilización de métodos de investigación teóricos, prácticos y empíricos; así como de técnicas e instrumentos para la búsqueda de información. Las acciones propuestas favorecen un desarrollo integral de Blanca Rosa y un mejoramiento del escenario social, económico y político donde el centro de atención son las mujeres

    Moving Buffalo Farming beyond Traditional Areas: Performances of Animals, and Quality of Mozzarella and Forages

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    An observational case study was designed to highlight issues associated with a possible expansion of dairy buffalo (Bubalus bubalis) farming outside the traditional coastal plains of southern Italy. Twenty pregnant buffaloes were transferred to a hilly inland farm. After calving, production and reproduction data were collected monthly throughout lactation. From 4 to 6 months of lactation, buffaloes were enrolled in a feeding trial to evaluate the effects of locally grown forages (maize silage vs. hay) on milk production and in vivo digestibility. Sensory properties of mozzarella cheese produced at a local dairy were also evaluated. No obvious effects of diet were found. Compared to the data recorded in the previous lactation completed in the farm of origin, milk yield was reduced by 37.2%, and milk protein by 6.1%, whereas milk fat improved (+4.5%). A lower pregnancy rate (−13.3%), increased days open (+122%), and a prolonged intercalving period (+26.9%) were also observed. Lactation length was shorter than the standard value of 270 d. The results showed that peculiar reproductive characteristics, lower environmental temperatures, and the specificity of the mozzarella production process are the main problems to be addressed in an expansion of buffalo farming outside traditional area

    Predictive Response to Immunotherapy Score: A Useful Tool for Identifying Eligible Patients for Allergen Immunotherapy

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    A specific predictive tool of allergen immunotherapy (AIT) outcome has not been identified yet. This study aims to evaluate the efficacy of a disease score referred to as Predictive Response to Immunotherapy Score (PRIS) to predict the response to AIT and identify eligible patients. A total of 110 patients diagnosed with allergic rhinitis with or without concomitant asthma were enrolled in this study. Before beginning sublingual immunotherapy (SLIT), patients were evaluated by analyzing clinical and laboratory parameters. A specific rating was assigned to each parameter to be combined in a total score named PRIS. At baseline (T0) and follow-up [after 12 (T12) and 24 months (T24) of SLIT], a Visual Analogue Scale (VAS) was used to calculate a mean symptom score (MSS). Finally, the percentage variation between the MSS at T0 and at T12 [ΔMSS-12(%)] and T24 [ΔMSS-24 (%)] was measured. We observed a significant improvement of symptoms at T12 and T24 compared to T0 in all groups undergoing SLIT. PRIS was effective in predicting ΔMSS-24 (%) in patients treated with single-allergen SLIT. In addition, PRIS was effective in predicting ΔMSS-24 (%) in both patients with only rhinitis and with concomitant asthma. PRIS assessment can represent a useful tool to individuate potential responders before SLIT prescription


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    This paper deals with a notable updated topic in the realm of literary studies. It focuses literary analysis from the perspective of comparative studies, by means of a proposal which makes it possible the identification of relations and contacts which are found within the text and in its relations with other literary texts. Its authors provide theoretical grounds on literary analysis to back up comparative studies, stemming from the directions for the analysis which guide the comparison taking into account literary genres and text characteristics; it also provides methodological instructions to develop comparisons in the context of literary analysis.El presente estudio aborda una temática de gran actualidad dentro  de los estudios literarios, pues enfoca el análisis literario desde la perspectiva de los estudios comparados a través de una propuesta que permite establecer las relaciones  y puntos de contacto que se establecen dentro del texto literario y con otros textos literarios. Sus autores ofrecen fundamentos teóricos y de análisis literario en función de los estudios comparados a partir de las direcciones de análisis diseñadas para realizar la comparación en consecuencia con los géneros literarios y las características textuales de las obras literarias objeto de comparación, asimismo ofrece indicaciones de carácter metodológico de cómo desarrollarlo y establecerlo dentro del análisis literario

    Progetto Valorizzazione Foraggi Campani (VALFOCAM) “

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    Le attività del progetto VALFOCAM, approvato con DRD n.163 del .231 del 25/11/2019, sono finalizzate ad incrementare l’efficienza degli allevamenti e migliorare la qualità della mozzarella di bufala e del fiordilatte bovino utilizzando nuovi miscugli foraggeri ad alta incidenza di leguminose, in due areali differenti della Campania, le colline del Beneventano e la Piana del Sele. Nelle aree montane, la bovinocoltura ha difficoltà a garantire redditività agli operatori in un mercato dei prodotti caseari sempre più globalizzato e aggressivo, mentre in quelle di pianura, i problemi sono essenzialmente connessi alla valorizzazione della Mozzarella di Bufala Campana DOP e all’impatto ambientale degli allevamenti bufalini. Per entrambi i settori, ridurre i costi di produzione e migliorare la qualità, anche in termini di maggiore ecosostenibilità, del prodotto finale ai fini di un premio di prezzo, rappresentano obiettivi da raggiungere nel breve periodo, pena la stessa permanenza sul mercato delle aziende più fragili. I foraggi rappresentano in media il 60% della sostanza secca della razione per ruminanti da latte. Ne consegue che la qualità dei foraggi influenza quantità e qualità delle produzioni, il bilancio dei nutrienti e dell’energia, e il risultato economico aziendale dato che, qualunque sia la specie allevata e il prodotto finale, l’alimentazione rappresenta la parte più consistente dei costi variabili. Proprio a causa dei suoi numerosi risvolti, la scelta del foraggio da coltivare deve tener conto sia dei costi di produzione del foraggio alla mangiatoia (vale a dire prendendo in considerazione costi e perdite di trasformazione) sia dell’impatto del foraggio sul costo di approvvigionamento dei concentrati, sulle prestazioni degli animali e sulla qualità dei prodotti. Va tenuto conto, inoltre, della stabilità della resa e della qualità della coltura foraggera e degli effetti sulla fertilità del suolo e sulla produttività della coltura successiva. In Campania, gli erbai autunno-vernini rappresentano una quota importante dell’approvvigionamento foraggero. Un loro miglioramento è potenzialmente in grado di ridurre l’approvvigionamento esterno degli alimenti, di influenzare positivamente la qualità dei prodotti caseari, e di limitare l’impatto ambientale degli allevamenti. L’obiettivo del progetto è quello di selezionare i miscugli foraggeri in grado di innalzare la quota foraggera della razione consentendo di: (a) ridurre l’acquisto di concentrati; (b) potenziare la fertilità dei suoli; (c) incrementare l’ecosostenibilità delle aziende; (d) migliorare la qualità della mozzarella di bufala, del fiordilatte e del latte bovino (e) migliorare il reddito degli agricoltori

    Final height in Italian patients with congenital hypothyroidism detected by neonatal screening: A 20-year observational study

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    Background: Linear growth and final height are reported as normal in congenital hypothyroid patients in the neonatal screening era. Methods: We evaluated the final height in 215 patients with congenital hypothyroidism to assess if it improved over the last 2 decades. Results: Final height (-0.1∈±∈1.0 SDS) was higher than target height (-0.8∈±∈1.0 SDS, p∈<∈0.001) and not different among the 4 quartiles for birthdate. It was correlated with target height (r2∈=∈0.564, p∈<∈0.001) and height at puberty onset (r2∈=∈0.685, p∈<∈0.001), but not with age at diagnosis or the starting LT4/kg/day dose. The curve fitting analysis showed that the age at diagnosis progressively decreased during the 20-year study period, while the target height and the starting LT4/kg/day increased. Final height was not affected by the birthdate, the age at diagnosis, the starting LT4 dose. Conclusions: The final height is higher than the target height, but despite the improvement in the screening and the treatment, it did not improve over the last 20 years. These findings are in keeping with the described secular trend and suggest that earlier diagnosis and replacement therapy do not significantly modify final height in these patient