883 research outputs found

    Land of the dead: a comprehensive study of the Bronze Age burial landscape in north-western Belgium

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    ‘Dus meer baete dan schuld.’ Historische vermogensverhoudingen, en de sociale last van erfrecht en erfbelasting

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    Een aangifte van nalatenschap is een onovertroffen historische bron voor de studie van historische vermogens in de moderne tijden. Het geeft een unieke inkijk in de inboedels van Belgische huishoudens, op een welbepaald ogenblik tijdens de levensloop. De beschrijving van have en goed op het moment van overlijden wordt doorgaans terecht vergeleken met de beter gekende ‘staten van goed’ uit de vroegmoderne periode. Het is echter opmerkelijk dat de negentiende- en twintigste-eeuwse nalatenschapaangifte een veel minder nadrukkelijke rol is toebedeeld in academisch en lokaal-historisch onderzoek. Nochtans is het een eersterangsbron om meer te weten over erflater, erfgenaam, vermogen en onvermogen. Zoals deze bijdrage aantoont, levert het historische vermogensonderzoek op basis van de nalatenschapaangiften ontegensprekelijk meer baten dan nadeel op

    Enterohemorrhagic Escherichia coli with particular attention to the German outbreak strain O104:H4

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    This review deals with the epidemiology and ecology of enterohemorrhagic Escherichia coli (EHEC), a subset of the verocytotoxigenic Escherichia coli (VTEC), and subsequently discusses its public health concern. Attention is also given to the outbreak strain O104:H4, which has been isolated as causative agent of the second largest outbreak of the hemolytic uremic syndrome worldwide, which started in Germany in May 2011. This outbreak strain is not an EHEC as such but possesses an unusual combination of EHEC and enteroaggregative E. coli (EAggEC) virulence properties

    Bacteriological contamination and infection of shell eggs in the production chain

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    Limited association between disinfectant use and either antibiotic or disinfectant susceptibility of Escherichia coli in both poultry and pig husbandry

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    Background Farm disinfectants are widely used in primary production, but questions have been raised if their use can select for antimicrobial resistance. The present study examined the use of disinfectants in poultry and pig husbandry and its contribution to the antibiotic and disinfectant susceptibility of Escherichia coli (E. coli) strains obtained after cleaning and disinfection. On those field isolates antibiotic susceptibility was monitored and susceptibility to commonly used active components of farm disinfectants (i.e. glutaraldehyde, benzalkoniumchloride, formaldehyde, and a formulation of peracetic acid and hydrogen peroxide) was tested. Results This study showed a high resistance prevalence (> 50%) for ampicillin, sulfamethoxazole, trimethoprim and tetracycline for both production animal categories, while for ciprofloxacin only a high resistance prevalence was found in broiler houses. Disinfectant susceptibility results were homogenously distributed within a very small concentration range. Furthermore, all E. coli strains were susceptible to in-use concentrations of formaldehyde, benzalkoniumchloride and a formulation of peracetic acid and hydrogen peroxide, indicating that the practical use of disinfectants did not select for disinfectant resistance. Moreover, the results showed no indications for the selection of antibiotic resistant bacteria through the use of disinfectants in agricultural environments. Conclusion Our study suggests that the proper use of disinfectants in agricultural environments does not promote antibiotic resistance nor reduce E. coli disinfectant susceptibility
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