2,028 research outputs found


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    A common test for spatial dependence in regression analysis with continuous dependent variables is the Moran's I. For limited dependent variable models, the standard definition of a residual breaks down because yi is qualitative. Efforts to correct for potential spatial effects in limited dependent variable models have relied on ad-hoc methods such as including a spatial lag variable or using a regular sample that omits neighboring observations. Kelejian and Prucha have recently developed a version of Moran's I for limited dependent variable models. We present the statistic in a more accessible way and use it to test the value of previously-used ad-hoc techniques with a specific data set. Keywords: Morans I, Spatial Autocorrelation, Limited Dependent Variable Models, Land-Use Change, Geographical Information Systems (GIS),Moran's I, Spatial Autocorrelation, Limited Dependent Variable Models, Land-Use Change, Geographical Information Systems (GIS), Research Methods/ Statistical Methods,

    Modeling Deforestation and Land Use Change: Sparse Data Environments

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    Land use change in developing countries is of great interest to policymakers and researchers from many backgrounds. Concerns about consequences of deforestation for global climate change and biodiversity have received the most publicity, but loss of wetlands, declining land productivity, and watershed management are also problems facing developing countries. In developing countries, analysis is especially constrained by lack of data. This paper reviews modeling approaches for data-constrained environments that involve methods such as neural nets and dynamic programming and research results that link individual household survey data with satellite images using geographic positioning systems.Land Economics/Use, Q15, Q23, R14,

    Assessing the Robustness of Predictions in Spatially Explicit Models of Land Use

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    We propose an information-theoretic approach to assess the performance of a discrete choice model used to analyze land use and land use change. We show that our disaggregated measure can be used to compare robustness of predictions across land use categories and across models. Furthermore, a proper reformulation of the problem shows that a disaggregated (observation by observation) log-likelihood lends itself to an information theoretic interpretation, which allows comparisons performance across models.Land Economics/Use,


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    Environmental Economics and Policy, Resource /Energy Economics and Policy, Risk and Uncertainty,

    Climate and social studies services: Experiences from country engagements and lessons learned

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    A framework, created by a team of researchers at the International Food Policy Research Institute, supports the integrated analysis of climate change, gender, youth and nutrition

    Climate change, gender, youth and nutrition situation analysis - Ethiopia

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    Provides a situational analysis for climate change, gender, youth, and nutrition in Ethiopia

    Climate change, gender, youth and nutrition situation analysis - Uganda

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    Situational analyais of climate change, gender, youth and nutrition in Uganda

    Climate change, gender, youth and nutrition situation analysis - Ghana

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    Situation analysis of climate change, gender, youth and nutrition in Ghana

    Climate change, gender, youth and nutrition situation analysis - Uganda

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    Situational analyais of climate change, gender, youth and nutrition in Uganda

    Potential of carbon markets for small farmers

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    While agriculture accounts for an estimated 10 to 14 percent of total greenhouse gas emissions, its role as a mitigating force is receiving increasing attention. This discussion paper provides a quick overview of the literature on the climate change mitigation potential of agriculture, the regulatory and voluntary frameworks under which such a contribution could be rewarded, and the economic literature that focuses on agriculture’s participation in climate change mitigation efforts. While there is general agreement on the potential for mitigation, several barriers have prevented farmers from entering the so-called carbon markets. The paper reviews the main challenges faced by smallholder farmers in accessing such markets.carbon markets, Carbon sequestration, Smallholder farmers,
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