2,986 research outputs found

    Superspace formulation of general massive gauge theories and geometric interpretation of mass-dependent BRST symmetries

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    A superspace formulation is proposed for the osp(1,2)-covariant Lagrangian quantization of general massive gauge theories. The superalgebra os0(1,2) is considered as subalgebra of sl(1,2); the latter may be considered as the algebra of generators of the conformal group in a superspace with two anticommuting coordinates. The mass-dependent (anti)BRST symmetries of proper solutions of the quantum master equations in the osp(1,2)-covariant formalism are realized in that superspace as invariance under translations combined with mass-dependent special conformal transformations. The Sp(2) symmetry - in particular the ghost number conservation - and the "new ghost number" conservation are realized as invariance under symplectic rotations and dilatations, respectively. The transformations of the gauge fields - and of the full set of necessarily required (anti)ghost and auxiliary fields - under the superalgebra sl(1,2) are determined both for irreducible and first-stage reducible theories with closed gauge algebra.Comment: 35 pages, AMSTEX, precision of reference

    Creating figures: why re-imagining urban structure supports a regenerative urban model

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    Some authors describe the contemporary metropolis like the field where co-exist simultaneous strategies of exploitation of fragmentary opportunities provided by the specific conditions of places (Florida, Bagnasco, SolĂĄ-Morales): physical (geography, infrastructures, etc.), social (people, culture and local values, etc.) and economic conditions. In their opinion, the causes of the ‘lateral’ development of the city could be (i) the relationships between the different elements of the land mosaic (Forman) and (ii) the fragmentary logics of the current urban realities. This important process of transformation would integrate the classic ‘lineal’ growth, more related to the urban rising along infrastructures. The result of these interactions is the change of scales in the performing of contemporary urban phenomena. Several authors have been interested in studying this new reality, called ‘exopolis’ (Soja), city-region (De las Rivas, Portas & al.) or metropolizated territory (Indovina, MonclĂșs). Those not-conventional approaches are necessary to understand the contemporary urban condition and its complex, unstable, transient dynamics. Nowadays, several traditional concepts and ideas have become less useful and too rigid to achieve this target. This lack of effectiveness regards the discipline as a whole, divided between sectorial analysis and fragmentary solutions. In our opinion, using figures as ‘images with the potential to represent new territorial realities’ is one of the most important steps to produce an innovative and non-conventional understanding of post-metropolitan (Soja) urban space. This paper is aimed at explaining why figures are more useful than images to understand the complex urban pattern of current territory, as well as demonstrating this idea with the case studies of Valladolid and its emerging urban area. The result is a way to show the structure of this territory, which is more coherent with a contemporary narrative of space, and closer to its spatial and temporal dimensions. This is something not completely original but in this paper we present our views on it

    A study on PDC drill bits quality

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    The quality of innovating PDC (Polycrystalline Diamond Compact) bits materials needs to be determined with accuracy by measuring cutting efficiency and wear rate, both related to the overall mechanical properties. An original approach is developed to encompass cutting efficiency and wear contribution to the overall sample quality. Therefore, a lathe-type test device was used to abrade specific samples from various manufacturers. Post-experiment analyzes are based on models establishing coupled relationships between cutting and friction stresses related to the drag bits excavation mechanism. These models are implemented in order to evaluate cutting efficiency and to estimate wear of the diamond insert. Phase analysis by XRD and finite element simulations were performed to explain the role of physicochemical parameters on the calculated quality factor values. Four main properties of PDC material were studied to explain quality results obtained in this study: cobalt content in samples that characterizes hardness/fracture toughness compromise, undesired phase as tungsten carbide weakening diamond structure, diamond grains sizes and residual stresses distribution affecting abrasion resistance

    Scaling in many-body systems and proton structure function

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    The observation of scaling in processes in which a weakly interacting probe delivers large momentum q{\bf q} to a many-body system simply reflects the dominance of incoherent scattering off target constituents. While a suitably defined scaling function may provide rich information on the internal dynamics of the target, in general its extraction from the measured cross section requires careful consideration of the nature of the interaction driving the scattering process. The analysis of deep inelastic electron-proton scattering in the target rest frame within standard many-body theory naturally leads to the emergence of a scaling function that, unlike the commonly used structure functions F1F_1 and F2F_2, can be directly identified with the intrinsic proton response.Comment: 11 pages, 4 figures. Proceedings of the 11th Conference on Recent Progress in Many-Body Theories, Manchester, UK, July 9-13 200

    Anålise faunística e flutuação populacional de cigarrinhas (Cicadellidae: Cicadellinae) potenciais vetoras de Xylella fastidiosa associadas à cultura da videira nos municípios de Bento Gonçalves e Pinto Bandeira, RS.

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    A cultura da videira Ă© de grande importĂąncia econĂŽmica e social, proporcionando a geração de empregos de forma direta ou indireta. PaĂ­ses da AmĂ©rica do Norte e Central estĂŁo enfrentando problemas causados pela doença de Pierce (?Pierce?s disease), provocada pela bactĂ©ria Xylella fastidiosa Wells et al., 1987, onde as cigarrinhas (Cicadellidae) atuam como vetoras. O objetivo desse estudo foi realizar a anĂĄlise faunĂ­stica e conhecer a flutuação populacional das espĂ©cies de cigarrinhas (Cicadellidae: Cicadellinae) potenciais vetoras de Xylella fastidiosa associadas Ă  cultura da videira em Bento Gonçalves e Pinto Bandeira, Rio Grande do Sul, Brasil. Para o trabalho foram realizadas coletas com cartĂ”es adesivos amarelos, medindo 8,5 x 11,5 cm em quatro vinhedos comerciais de Vitis vinifera (cultivar Merlot), localizados na cidade de Bento Gonçalves (dois no Vale dos Vinhedos) e dois em Pinto Bandeira. As amostragens foram realizadas no perĂ­odo de janeiro de 2011 a dezembro de 2012. Ao longo do perĂ­odo de amostragem foram coletados 5745 espĂ©cimes e identificadas as espĂ©cies de Cicadellinae comprovadamente vetoras de X. fastidiosa em outras culturas no Brasil, destacando a ocorrĂȘncia em todas as ĂĄreas amostradas: Cicadellini - B. xanthophis, H. similis, P. gratiosa e S. grossa; Proconiini - A. citrina, H. ignorata e O. facialis. Nos quatro vinhedos o pico populacional das cigarrinhas ocorreu nos meses de fevereiro e novembro com um declĂ­nio na população no mĂȘs de junho

    Towards equity and justice in ocean sciences

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    The global scientific community is currently going through a self-reckoning in which it is questioning and re-examining its existing practices, many of which are based on colonial and neo-colonial perceptions. This is particularly acute for the ocean research community, where unequal and unbalanced international collaborations have been rife. Consequently, numerous discussions and calls have been made to change the current status quo by developing guidelines and frameworks addressing the key issues plaguing our community. Here, we provide an overview of the key topics and issues that the scientific community has debated over the last three to four years, with an emphasis on ocean research, coupled with actions per stakeholder groups (research community, institutions, funding agencies, and publishers). We also outline some key discussions that are currently missing and suggest a path forward to tackle these gaps. We hope this contribution will further accelerate efforts to bring more equity and justice into ocean sciences

    Optical Line Emission from z∌\sim6.8 Sources with Deep Constraints on Lyα\alpha Visibility

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    We analyze a sample of zz-dropout galaxies in the CANDELS GOODS South and UDS fields that have been targeted by a dedicated spectroscopic campaign aimed at detecting their Lyα\alpha line. Deep IRAC observations at 3.6 and 4.5 ÎŒ\mum are used to determine the strength of optical emission lines affecting these bands at z∌\sim6.5-6.9 in order to i) investigate possible physical differences between Lyα\alpha emitting and non-emitting sources; ii) constrain the escape fraction of ionizing photons; iii) provide an estimate of the specific star-formation rate at high redshifts. We find evidence of strong [OIII]+HÎČ\beta emission in the average (stacked) SEDs of galaxies both with and without Lyα\alpha emission. The blue IRAC [3.6]-[4.5] color of the stack with detected Lyα\alpha line can be converted into a rest-frame equivalent width EW([OIII]+HÎČ\beta)=1500−440+530A˚^{+530}_{-440}\AA assuming a flat intrinsic stellar continuum. This strong optical line emission enables a first estimate of fescâ‰Č_{esc}\lesssim20% on the escape fraction of ionizing photons from Lyα\alpha detected objects. The objects with no Lyα\alpha line show less extreme EW([OIII]+HÎČ\beta)=520−150+170A˚^{+170}_{-150}\AA suggesting different physical conditions of the HII regions with respect to Lyα\alpha-emitting ones, or a larger fesc_{esc}. The latter case is consistent with a combined evolution of fesc_{esc} and the neutral hydrogen fraction as an explanation of the lack of bright Lyα\alpha emission at z>>6. A lower limit on the specific star formation rate, SSFR>>9.1Gyr−1Gyr^{-1} for Mstar=2×109M⊙M_{star}=2 \times 10^9 M_{\odot} galaxies at these redshifts can be derived from the spectroscopically confirmed sample.Comment: 10 pages, 7 figures; The Astrophysical Journal in press; matched to the published versio

    Entanglement and purity of two-mode Gaussian states in noisy channels

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    We study the evolution of purity, entanglement and total correlations of general two--mode Gaussian states of continuous variable systems in arbitrary uncorrelated Gaussian environments. The time evolution of purity, Von Neumann entropy, logarithmic negativity and mutual information is analyzed for a wide range of initial conditions. In general, we find that a local squeezing of the bath leads to a faster degradation of purity and entanglement, while it can help to preserve the mutual information between the modes.Comment: 10 pages, 8 figure
