204 research outputs found

    Automatic Classification of Queries by Expected Retrieval Performance

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    International audienceThis paper presents a method for automatically predicting a degree of average relevance of a retrieved document set returned by a retrieval system in response to a query. For a given retrieval system and document collection, prediction is conceived as query classification. Two classes of queries have been defined: easy and hard. The split point between those two classes is the median value of the average precision over the query collection. This paper proposes several classifiers that select useful features among a set of candidates and use them to predict the class of a query. Classifiers are trained on the results of the systems involved in the TREC 8 campaign. Due to the limited number of available queries, training and test are performed with the leave-one-out and 10-fold cross-validation methods. Two types of classifiers, namely decision trees and support vector machines provide particularly interesting results for a number of systems. A fairly high classification accuracy is obtained using the TREC 8 data (more than 80% of correct prediction in some settings)

    ASR error management for improving spoken language understanding

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    This paper addresses the problem of automatic speech recognition (ASR) error detection and their use for improving spoken language understanding (SLU) systems. In this study, the SLU task consists in automatically extracting, from ASR transcriptions , semantic concepts and concept/values pairs in a e.g touristic information system. An approach is proposed for enriching the set of semantic labels with error specific labels and by using a recently proposed neural approach based on word embeddings to compute well calibrated ASR confidence measures. Experimental results are reported showing that it is possible to decrease significantly the Concept/Value Error Rate with a state of the art system, outperforming previously published results performance on the same experimental data. It also shown that combining an SLU approach based on conditional random fields with a neural encoder/decoder attention based architecture , it is possible to effectively identifying confidence islands and uncertain semantic output segments useful for deciding appropriate error handling actions by the dialogue manager strategy .Comment: Interspeech 2017, Aug 2017, Stockholm, Sweden. 201

    Dialogue history integration into end-to-end signal-to-concept spoken language understanding systems

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    This work investigates the embeddings for representing dialog history in spoken language understanding (SLU) systems. We focus on the scenario when the semantic information is extracted directly from the speech signal by means of a single end-to-end neural network model. We proposed to integrate dialogue history into an end-to-end signal-to-concept SLU system. The dialog history is represented in the form of dialog history embedding vectors (so-called h-vectors) and is provided as an additional information to end-to-end SLU models in order to improve the system performance. Three following types of h-vectors are proposed and experimentally evaluated in this paper: (1) supervised-all embeddings predicting bag-of-concepts expected in the answer of the user from the last dialog system response; (2) supervised-freq embeddings focusing on predicting only a selected set of semantic concept (corresponding to the most frequent errors in our experiments); and (3) unsupervised embeddings. Experiments on the MEDIA corpus for the semantic slot filling task demonstrate that the proposed h-vectors improve the model performance.Comment: Accepted for ICASSP 2020 (Submitted: October 21, 2019

    Quaternion Convolutional Neural Networks for End-to-End Automatic Speech Recognition

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    Recently, the connectionist temporal classification (CTC) model coupled with recurrent (RNN) or convolutional neural networks (CNN), made it easier to train speech recognition systems in an end-to-end fashion. However in real-valued models, time frame components such as mel-filter-bank energies and the cepstral coefficients obtained from them, together with their first and second order derivatives, are processed as individual elements, while a natural alternative is to process such components as composed entities. We propose to group such elements in the form of quaternions and to process these quaternions using the established quaternion algebra. Quaternion numbers and quaternion neural networks have shown their efficiency to process multidimensional inputs as entities, to encode internal dependencies, and to solve many tasks with less learning parameters than real-valued models. This paper proposes to integrate multiple feature views in quaternion-valued convolutional neural network (QCNN), to be used for sequence-to-sequence mapping with the CTC model. Promising results are reported using simple QCNNs in phoneme recognition experiments with the TIMIT corpus. More precisely, QCNNs obtain a lower phoneme error rate (PER) with less learning parameters than a competing model based on real-valued CNNs.Comment: Accepted at INTERSPEECH 201

    Real to H-space Encoder for Speech Recognition

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    International audienceDeep neural networks (DNNs) and more precisely recurrent neural networks (RNNs) are at the core of modern automatic speech recognition systems, due to their efficiency to process input sequences. Recently, it has been shown that different input representations, based on multidimensional algebras, such as complex and quaternion numbers, are able to bring to neural networks a more natural, compressive and powerful representation of the input signal by outperforming common real-valued NNs. Indeed, quaternion-valued neural networks (QNNs) better learn both internal dependencies, such as the relation between the Mel-filter-bank value of a specific time frame and its time derivatives, and global dependencies, describing the relations that exist between time frames. Nonetheless, QNNs are limited to quaternion-valued input signals, and it is difficult to benefit from this powerful representation with real-valued input data. This paper proposes to tackle this weakness by introducing a real-to-quaternion encoder that allows QNNs to process any one dimensional input features, such as traditional Mel-filter-banks for automatic speech recognition

    Total Variability Space for LDA-based multi-viewtext categorization

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    Paru sous le titre Compact Multiview Representation of Documents Based on the Total Variability SpaceInternational audienceMapping text document into LDA-based topic-space is a classical way to extract high level representation of text documents. Unfortunatly , LDA is higly sensitive to hyper-parameters related to class number or word and topic distribution , and there is not any systematic way to prior estimate optimal configurations. Morover , various hyperparameter configurations offer complementary views on the document. In this paper , we propose a method based on a two-step process that , first , expands representation space by using a set of topic spaces and , second , compacts representation space by removing poorly relevant dimensions. These two steps are based respectivelly on multi-view LDA-based representation spaces and factor-analysis models. This model provides a view-independant representation of documents while extracting complementary information from a massive multi-view representation. Experiments are conducted on the DECODA conversation corpus and Reuters-21578 textual dataset. Results show the effectiveness of the proposed multi-view compact representation paradigm. The proposed categorization system reaches an accuracy of 86. 9% and 86. 5% respectively with manual and automatic transcriptions of conversations , and a macro-F1 of 80% during a classification task of the well-known studied Reuters-21578 corpus , with a significant gain compared to the baseline (best single topic space configuration) , as well as methods and document representations previously studied
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