39,898 research outputs found

    Role of electrostatics in the texture of islands in free standing ferroelectric liquid crystal films

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    Curved textures of ferroelectric smectic C* liquid crystals produce space charge when they involve divergence of the spontaneous polarization field. Impurity ions can partially screen this space charge, reducing long range interactions to local ones. Through studies of the textures of islands on very thin free-standing smectic films, we see evidence of this effect, in which materials with a large spontaneous polarization have static structures described by a large effective bend elastic constant. To address this issue, we calculated the electrostatic free energy of a free standing film of ferroelectric liquid crystal, showing how the screened coulomb interaction contributes a term to the effective bend elastic constant, in the static long wavelength limit. We report experiments which support the main features of this model

    The cost effectiveness of integrated care for people living with HIV including antiretroviral treatment in a primary health care centre in Bujumbura, Burundi

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    The incremental cost effectiveness of an integrated care package (i.e., medical care including antiretroviral therapy (ART) and other services such as psychological and social support) for people living with HIV/AIDS was calculated in a not-for-profit primary health care centre in Bujumbura run by Society of Women against AIDS-Burundi (SWAA-Burundi), an African non-governmental organisation (NGO). Results are expressed as cost-effectiveness ratio 2007, constant USperdisability−adjustedlifeyear(DALY)averted.UnitcostsareestimatedfromtheNGO′saccountingdataandactivityreports,healthcareutilisationisestimatedfromthemedicalrecordsofacohortof149patients.Effectivenessismodelledonthesurvivalofthiscohort,usingstandardcalculationmethods.TheincrementalcostofintegratedcareforpeoplelivingwithHIV/AIDSintheBujumburahealthcentreofSWAA−Burundiis258US per disability-adjusted life year (DALY) averted. Unit costs are estimated from the NGO's accounting data and activity reports, healthcare utilisation is estimated from the medical records of a cohort of 149 patients. Effectiveness is modelled on the survival of this cohort, using standard calculation methods. The incremental cost of integrated care for people living with HIV/AIDS in the Bujumbura health centre of SWAA-Burundi is 258 US per DALY averted. The package of care provided by SWAA-Burundi is therefore a very cost-effective intervention in comparison with other interventions against HIV/AIDS that include ART. It is however, less cost effective than other types of interventions against HIV/AIDS, such as preventive activities

    Dynamics of the molecular orientation field coupled to ions in two-dimensional ferroelectric liquid crystals

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    Molecular orientation fluctuations in ferroelectric smectic liquid crystals produce space charges, due to the divergence of the spontaneous polarization. These space charges interact with mobile ions, so that one must consider the coupled dynamics of the orientation and ionic degrees of freedom. Previous theory and light scattering experiments on thin free-standing films of ferroelectric liquid crystals have not included this coupling, possibly invalidating their quantitative conclusions. We consider the most important case of very slow ionic dynamics, compared to rapid orientational fluctuations, and focus on the use of a short electric field pulse to quench orientational fluctuations. We find that the resulting change in scattered light intensity must include a term due to the quasistatic ionic configuration, which has previously been ignored. In addition to developing the general theory, we present a simple model to demonstrate the role of this added term

    Plaquette expectation value and lattice free energy of three-dimensional SU(N) gauge theory

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    We use high precision lattice simulations to calculate the plaquette expectation value in three-dimensional SU(N) gauge theory for N=2,3,4,5,8. Using these results, we study the N-dependence of the first non-perturbative coefficient in the weak-coupling expansion of hot QCD. We demonstrate that, in the limit of large N, the functional form of the plaquette expectation value with ultraviolet divergences subtracted is 15.9(2)-44(2)/N^2.Comment: 14 pages, 6 figures. v2: references added; published versio

    The electroclinic effect and modulated phases in smectic liquid crystals

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    We explore the possibility that the large electroclinic effect observed in ferroelectric liquid crystals arises from the presence of an ordered array of disclination lines and walls. If the spacing of these defects is in the subvisible range, this modulated phase would be similar macroscopically to a smectic A phase. The application of an electric field distorts the array, producing a large polarization, and hence a large electroclinic effect. We show that with suitable elastic parameters and sufficiently large chirality, the modulated phase is favored over the smectic A and helically twisted smectic C* phases. We propose various experimental tests of this scenario.Comment: 9 pages, 7 figures; new version includes dipolar interactions and bend-twist couplin

    XTE J1550-564: INTEGRAL Observations of a Failed Outburst

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    The well known black-hole X-ray binary transient XTE J1550-564 underwent an outburst during the spring of 2003 which was substantially underluminous in comparison to previous periods of peak activity in that source. In addition, our analysis shows that it apparently remained in the hard spectral state over the duration of that outburst. This is again in sharp contrast to major outbursts of that source in 1998/1999 during which it exhibited an irregular light curve, multiple state changes and collimated outflows. This leads us to classify it as a "failed outburst." We present the results of our study of the spring 2003 event including light curves based on observations from both INTEGRAL and RXTE. In addition, we studied the evolution of the high-energy 3-300 keV continuum spectrum using data obtained with three main instruments on INTEGRAL. These spectra are consistent with typical low-hard-state thermal Comptonization emission. We also consider the 2003 event in the context of a multi-source, multi-event period-peak luminosity diagram in which it is a clear outlyer. We then consider the possibility that the 2003 event was due to a discrete accretion event rather than a limit-cycle instablility. In that context, we apply model fitting to derive the timescale for viscous propagation in the disk, and infer some physical characteristics.Comment: 22 pages, 8 figures, to be published in The Astrophysical Journa

    Intra- and extra-cellular excretion of carboxylates

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    Carboxylates, such as malate and citrate, are widely acknowledged to have a central role in plant metabolism. They are involved in the production of energy and its storage as well as contributing to the cellular osmolyte pool and participating in the regulation of cellular pH. As we discuss here, recent research has demonstrated the functional importance of carboxylate excretion into the soil, apoplast and vacuole, particular with respect to the regulation of stomatal and root function

    MA/BR 65 (Sambaiba): nova cultivar de soja adaptada para o Estado do Piaui.

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