3 research outputs found

    Profili attuali della soggezione del giudice alla \u201clegge\u201d e della vincolativit\ue0 del precedente

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    In una fase di rilevante difficolt\ue0 per il paradigma tradizionale del principio di legalit\ue0, si \ue8 discusso ampiamente del ruolo dell\u2019interpretazione in relazione all\u2019equilibrio di poteri definito dalla Costituzione. Vero \ue8 che il giudice \ue8 soggetto soltanto alla legge. Tuttavia, \ue8 divenuto impossibile prevedere la effettiva qualificazione giuridica di un fatto se non avendo a mente l\u2019orientamento ermeneutico seguito dalla giurisprudenza di legittimit\ue0. Occorre, perci\uf2, indagare l\u2019assetto attuale della funzione nomofilattica giacch\ue9 solo la sinergia tra legislatore e giudice promette di scongiurare gravi violazioni delle garanzie sovranazionali. Al riguardo, la \u201ccultura del precedente\u201d offre indicazioni di metodo che potrebbero rivelarsi utili, persino in un modello di civil law, quale chiave di lettura delle recenti riforme legislative.While the traditional idea of legality faces a significant crisis, the debate upon interconnections among judicial interpretation and balance of constitutional powers acquires relevance. On one hand, the judge is subject to the law. On the other hand, judicial interpretation became essential in order to assess criminal liability. Thus, it is necessary to deeper examine the function exerted by the Italian Supreme Court: the equilibrium between legislator and judge is the one able to ensure supranational guarantees. In this frame, the \u2018stare decisis doctrine\u2019 could provide the civil law paradigm with useful indications to understand recent legislative reforms.En un periodo de creciente dificultad para el paradigma tradicional del principio de legalidad, se ha discutido ampliamente sobre el rol de la interpretaci\uf3n judicial en relaci\uf3n al equilibrio de poderes definido por la Constituci\uf3n. Por una parte, es cierto que el juez se encuentra sujeto solamente a la ley. Sin embargo, la praxis demuestra que es casi imposible prever la efectiva calificaci\uf3n jur\ueddica de un hecho si no se tiene en consideraci\uf3n el orientamiento hermen\ue9utico seguido por la jurisprudencia. Por lo tanto, es necesario investigar con mayor profundidad la estructura actual de la funci\uf3n nomofil\ue1ctica, toda vez que solo la sinergia entre el legislador y el juez puede asegurar el cumplimiento de las garant\uedas supranacionales. Al respecto, la \u201ccultura del precedente\u201d podr\ueda proveer, al sistema de civil law, \ufatiles indicaciones para entender las recientes reformas legislativas

    Genes Associated To Sucrose Content

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    Modern sugarcane cultivars are complex hybrids resulting from crosses among several species of the Saccharum genus. Traditional breeding methods have been extensively employed in different countries along the past decades to develop varieties with increased sucrose yield, and resistant to plagues and diseases. Conventional varietal improvement is, however, limited by the narrow pool of suitable markers. In this sense, molecular genetics is seen as a promising tool to assist in the process of molecular marker identification. The present invention concerns the identification of 348 genes associated with sucrose content in sugarcane plants. The genes were found to be differentially expressed when high sucrose and low sucrose plants and populations of plants were compared and/or when high and low sucrose internodes were compared. The expression data was obtained using cDNA microarray and quantitative PCR technologies. The genes identified can be used to identify, distinguish, characterize and/or develop plants with increased sucrose content. More preferably SEQ ID Nos:. 1 to 203 should be useful as molecular markers. SEQ ID Nos: 204 to 228 are given as controls or examples of genes never associated with sucrose content. SEQ ID Nos. 1-203 and SEQ ID Nos. 229 to 373 can be targeted in the development of transgenic or non-transgenic varieties with increased sucrose content.US2010162442 (A1)A01H5/00US20100713112A01H5/0

    Genes Associated To Sucrose Content

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    Modern sugarcane cultivars are complex hybrids resulting from crosses among several species of the Saccharum genus. Traditional breeding methods have been extensively employed in different countries along the past decades to develop varieties with increased sucrose yield, and resistant to plagues and diseases. Conventional varietal improvement is, however, limited by the narrow pool of suitable markers. In this sense, molecular genetics is seen as a promising tool to assist in the process of molecular marker identification. The present invention concerns the identification of 348 genes associated with sucrose content in sugarcane plants. The genes were found to be differentially expressed when high sucrose and low sucrose plants and populations of plants were compared and/or when high and low sucrose internodes were compared. The expression data was obtained using cDNA microarray and quantitative PCR technologies. The genes identified can be used to identify, distinguish, characterize and/or develop plants with increased sucrose content. More preferably SEQ ID Nos: 1 to 203 should be useful as molecular markers SEQ ID Nos: 204 to 228 are given as controls or examples of genes never associated with sucrose content. SEQ ID Nos. 1-203 and SEQ ID Nos. 229 to 373 can be targeted in the development of transgenic or non-transgenic varieties with increased sucrose content.US2012079621 (A1)A01H5/00A01H1/06A01H5/10US201113070392A01H5/00A01H1/06A01H5/1