5,615 research outputs found

    Model Order Selection Rules For Covariance Structure Classification

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    The adaptive classification of the interference covariance matrix structure for radar signal processing applications is addressed in this paper. This represents a key issue because many detection architectures are synthesized assuming a specific covariance structure which may not necessarily coincide with the actual one due to the joint action of the system and environment uncertainties. The considered classification problem is cast in terms of a multiple hypotheses test with some nested alternatives and the theory of Model Order Selection (MOS) is exploited to devise suitable decision rules. Several MOS techniques, such as the Akaike, Takeuchi, and Bayesian information criteria are adopted and the corresponding merits and drawbacks are discussed. At the analysis stage, illustrating examples for the probability of correct model selection are presented showing the effectiveness of the proposed rules

    Mergulho do comunicador no cotidiano alheio:entre o maravilhamento e a dissonância.

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    Jornalistas da região Sudeste do Brasil mergulharam por alguns dias em um cotidiano totalmente distinto do que estão habituados: vivenciaram a cotidianidade do Pantanal brasileiro. O objetivo deste artigo é refletir sobre as reações dos profissionais que participaram da experiência, promovida por um projeto de comunicação organizacional. A pesquisa etnográfica sustenta a metodologia. Os resultados indicam que os profissionais da imprensa passaram pela sensação de maravilhamento naquele ambiente, mas uma equipe desenvolveu depois a dissonância cognitiva, por se sentir incomodada no local

    Comunicação organizacional na Yahoo!: um modelo polêmico.

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    Resenha do livro: CARLSON, Nicholas. Marissa Mayer: a CEO que revolucionou o Yahoo! Tradução de Maria Silvia Mourão Netto. São Paulo: Benvirá, 2015, 336 p.bitstream/item/142744/1/yahoo.pdfResenha

    Agroecologia e comunicação: matérias publicadas a partir do clipping da Embrapa Pantanal.

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    De janeiro a 15 de setembro de 2008, a Embrapa Pantanal contabilizou em seu clipping 110 matérias publicadas ou veiculadas pela mídia sobre agroecologia e produção orgânica. Trata-se do segundo tema mais disseminado pela Unidade da Embrapa em Corumbá (MS), perdendo apenas para assuntos ligados à pesca. O resultado surpreende, considerando que dos 40 pesquisadores da Embrapa Pantanal, apenas um se dedica inteiramente à agroecologia. A contagem é observada a partir da perspectiva do agenda setting, hipótese da comunicação que considera que as pessoas vão dialogar sobre temas que são publicados pela imprensa. A agroecologia não ocupa lugar central nas discussões nacionais em função da divulgação pela mídia, mas entre o público que se interessa por agropecuária, é um tema relevante. A assessoria de comunicação da Embrapa Pantanal constatou ainda que a ação conjunta com outras assessorias influencia quantitativamente no esforço de divulgação de matérias. From January to September 15th 2008, Embrapa Pantanal has listed 110 published news about agroecology or organics products on its clipping. This is the second most published theme by Embrapa in Corumbá (MS). The first one is Fishing. This is a very surprising result, as Embrapa Corumbá has just one researcher working full time on this subject. From the perspective of agenda setting, the counting was observed. Agenda setting is a communication hypothesis that consider that people will talk about subjects published by media. Agroecology doesn?t figure in the ranking of the most talked country subjects. Despite this, it?s a very important topic among agropecuary readers. The Embrapa Pantanal journalism team has discovered that working together with other news agencies has a huge influence in publicizing

    A busca por relações humanizadas no trabalho de assessoria de imprensa da Embrapa Pantanal.

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    O trabalho de jornalistas depende cada vez mais das tecnologias ligadas à comunicação. Por um lado, a mediação de contatos e entrevistas por aparatos técnicos facilita e acelera a apuração da notícia. Por outro, estabelece relações impessoais entre jornalista e fonte. Um projeto de comunicação iniciado em 2010 na Embrapa Pantanal propõe divulgar pela mídia a pecuária sustentável praticada em fazendas do Pantanal e busca romper essa impessoalidade, humanizando as relações entre profissional de imprensa, assessor e fonte por meio da aproximação física. As estratégias adotadas para incrementar o relacionamento com os veículos de comunicação de massa incluem viagens de assessores até as redações localizadas em grandes centros do Brasil e visitas de jornalistas a fazendas do Pantanal. A assessoria de imprensa criou um banco de dados dos jornalistas contatados durante o projeto, com informações que permitem conhecer seus perfis. Os contatos face-a-face começaram no segundo semestre de 2010 e vão até 2012. A princípio, a imersão de jornalistas no ambiente onde se dá a notícia e a possibilidade real de interação, com o mínimo de mediações, devem garantir um salto qualitativo na comunicação institucional praticada pela Embrapa Pantanal. A assessoria deverá monitorar os relacionamentos ao longo do tempo para comprovar ou não a eficácia do investimento. Journalism becomes evermore dependent on modern information technologies applied to communication. On one hand, interviews made by devices such as telephone, e-mails, chats or video conferences have accelerated and facilitated the process of news construction. On the other hand, it is possible that the use of these devices and remote-communication means leads to the establishment of non-personal relationships between the journalist and the source of information. The press office of Embrapa Pantanal has started a project with the objective of disseminating the sustainable beef-cattle raising used in ranches in the Pantanal by the mass media. The idea behind the project is to humanize the relationship between journalists, sources of information and press agents, using physical proximity. The strategies adopted to achieve this objective include the promotion of trips of Embrapa´s press agent to large Brazilian cities, where the offices of the major newspapers and national magazines are located. Also, Embrapa is inviting journalists to visit some ranches in Pantanal. The press office has created a database containing relevant information about these journalists. These face-to-face contacts began in the second half of 2010 and will continue until 2012. The immersion of journalists in the environment where the news happens and the possibility of interaction, with minimal mediation, should ensure an improvement in the quality of the institutional communication. The press office will monitor the relationships between actors over time to prove or disprove the effectiveness of the investment

    Irony as a support for journalistic discourse on livestock raising and climate change.

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    The aim of this qualitative study is to investigate how journalistic discourse stands in relation to the livestock raising/climate change duo at two distinct points in time for Brazilian agriculture and livestock raising research.(Embrapa Gado de Corte. Documentos, 216). Coordenador Roberto Giolo de Almeida. II SIGEE. Disponível em: . Acesso em: 01 dez. 2016

    An airspace utilization model for V/STOL terminal operations

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    Computer graphics display program for use in terminal operations and V/STOL approach and departure path synthesi

    On the Statistical Invariance for Adaptive Radar Detection in Partially Homogeneous Disturbance Plus Structured Interference

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    This paper deals with the problem of adaptive vector subspace signal detection in partially homogeneous Gaussian disturbance and structured (unknown) deterministic interference within the framework of invariance theory. It is first proved that the Maximal Invariant Statistic (MIS) for the problem at hand is scalar-valued and coincides with the well-known adaptive normalized matched filter evaluated after data projection in the complementary subspace of the interfering signal. Second, the statistical characterization of the MIS under both hypotheses is derived. Then, it is shown the statistical equivalence of (two-step) generalized-likelihood ratio test, Rao and Wald tests, as well as the more recently considered Durbin and Gradient test, to the above statistic. Finally, simulation results are provided to confirm our findings and analyze the performance trend of the MIS with the relevant parameters

    A Unifying Framework for Adaptive Radar Detection in Homogeneous plus Structured Interference-Part I: On the Maximal Invariant Statistic

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    This paper deals with the problem of adaptive multidimensional/multichannel signal detection in homogeneous Gaussian disturbance with unknown covariance matrix and structured deterministic interference. The aforementioned problem corresponds to a generalization of the well-known Generalized Multivariate Analysis of Variance (GMANOVA). In this Part I of the paper, we formulate the considered problem in canonical form and, after identifying a desirable group of transformations for the considered hypothesis testing, we derive a Maximal Invariant Statistic (MIS) for the problem at hand. Furthermore, we provide the MIS distribution in the form of a stochastic representation. Finally, strong connections to the MIS obtained in the open literature in simpler scenarios are underlined