132 research outputs found

    Kwalitatieve evaluatie van 10 jaar zorgcoördinatie en case management in de Oost-Vlaamse drughulpverlening: een rondvraag bij hulpverleners en cliënten

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    Sinds 10 jaar wordt door de Provincie Oost-Vlaanderen – in samenwerking met het provinciaal overlegplatform geestelijke gezondheidszorg (PopovGGZ) en alle betrokken voorzieningen – geïnvesteerd in zorgvernieuwing, coördinatie en afstemming van de zorg in de drughulpverlening. Dit heeft naast heel wat ‘onzichtbare’ realisaties (bv. grotere bekendheid van het zorgaanbod, de intakeprocedure en werkwijze van andere voorzieningen, betere samenwerking tussen voorzieningen als gevolg van meer (informele) contactmomenten), ook tot een aantal duidelijk tastbare resultaten geleid. Het betreft onder meer de oprichting van een netwerkcomité middelenmisbruik, de aanstelling van een zorgcoördinator, de uitbouw van een case managementteam en de organisatie van een driewekelijks cliëntenoverleg. Met name deze laatste twee realisaties komen in voorliggend onderzoeksrapport uitgebreid aan bod. We doen dit in de eerste plaats door de direct betrokkenen (cliënten, hulpverleners en verantwoordelijken) zelf aan het woord te laten. De bevindingen van onze kwalitatieve evaluatie worden afzonderlijk besproken met betrekking tot het cliëntenoverleg en case management. Vooreerst worden beide werkvormen beschreven en worden enkele cijfergegevens meegegeven over de interventie in kwestie. Daarna volgt een beknopte bespreking van de gevolgde methodologie. Bij de rapportage van de onderzoeksresultaten wordt een onderscheid gemaakt tussen de bevindingen van hulpverleners over het cliëntenoverleg, de visie van cliënten over case management en het perspectief van case managers en projectverantwoordelijken over deze laatste interventie. We sluiten af met een aantal globale conclusies en aanbevelingen voor de toekomstige praktijk, die we terugbrachten tot tien concrete suggesties ter optimalisatie van het cliëntenoverleg en het case management. In tegenstelling tot eerdere publicaties beroepen we ons in dit onderzoeksrapport slechts in beperkte mate op de literatuur. In voorliggend rapport wilden we vooral het ‘insider’-perspectief laten primeren en voor meer theoretische beschouwingen verwijzen we dan ook naar eerdere publicaties (cf. Vanderplasschen, 2004)

    FLIAT, an object-relational GIS tool for flood impact assessment in Flanders, Belgium

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    Floods can cause damage to transportation and energy infrastructure, disrupt the delivery of services, and take a toll on public health, sometimes even causing significant loss of life. Although scientists widely stress the compelling need for resilience against extreme events under a changing climate, tools for dealing with expected hazards lag behind. Not only does the socio-economic, ecologic and cultural impact of floods need to be considered, but the potential disruption of a society with regard to priority adaptation guidelines, measures, and policy recommendations need to be considered as well. The main downfall of current impact assessment tools is the raster approach that cannot effectively handle multiple metadata of vital infrastructures, crucial buildings, and vulnerable land use (among other challenges). We have developed a powerful cross-platform flood impact assessment tool (FLIAT) that uses a vector approach linked to a relational database using open source program languages, which can perform parallel computation. As a result, FLIAT can manage multiple detailed datasets, whereby there is no loss of geometrical information. This paper describes the development of FLIAT and the performance of this tool

    Ferraris, the legend

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    At the end of the eighteenth century, a large-scale map of the Austrian Netherlands and the Prince-Bishopric of Liege was manufactured, covering more or less the current territory of Belgium. The work for this Carte de Cabinet was carried out by artillerists under the guidance of count Joseph de Ferraris, who was commissioned for the task by the Habsburg government. At the time that the map was designed, no modern legend was included. This paper tries to fill that gap by presenting a legend that was constructed more systematically than any of its predecessors. It is based on the structure of the legend of the Topographic Map of Belgium and the CORINE land cover map, making it an easy-to-use tool for modern researchers. The problems encountered during the development of the legend are described, and the link between the Carte de Cabinet and eighteenth-century French cartography as well as with cartographic manuals is also discussed

    Substance use among individuals with intellectual disabilities living independently in Flanders

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    Background: Over the past decades, there has been increased scientific and clinical interest in substance use among individuals with intellectual disabilities (ID). Despite raised interest and awareness in the topic, lack of supportive data on prevalence and risk factors highlights the need for ongoing research. The aims of this cross-sectional multicenter study were to examine the nature and extent of substance use in individuals with ID living independently, to investigate group differences in substance use and related problems, and to explore the role of substance-related knowledge and attitudes in substance use behaviors. Method: Participants were 123 individuals with mild to moderate ID receiving support from independent living services. Data were gathered by means of a structured interview strategy (i.e. the Substance Use and Misuse in Intellectual Disability - Questionnaire; SumID-Q). Results: Findings revealed that rates of lifetime use of licit and illicit substances were higher than those found in earlier studies among individuals with ID and the general population. While cannabis use was the only illicit substance reported, current tobacco and alcohol use were shown to be highly prevalent (48%-45.5%). Rates for the latter were similar to earlier studies among community samples of individuals with ID. In contrast to our hypotheses, few group differences in substance use behaviors were observed. Male gender was associated with age of onset of alcohol and tobacco use and tobacco use-related problems, while younger age was found to be associated with lifetime use of cannabis. No evidence was found regarding the role of knowledge; however, smokers and alcohol users rated tobacco and alcohol use more positively. Conclusion: This study demonstrated that individuals with ID living independently use a wide range of licit and illicit substances and present divergent levels and patterns of substance use. Notwithstanding the role of personal choice in substance use, more research is needed to better understand the nature and extent of substance use and related problems, as well as the role of substance-related knowledge and attitudes in individuals with ID

    Flood risk management in Flanders: past developments and future challenges

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    This paper presents the state of the art of flood risk management in Flanders, a low-lying region in the northern part of Belgium which is vulnerable to flooding. Possible flood hazard sources are not only the many rivers which pass through the Flemish inland, but also the North Sea, which is sensitive to the predicted sea level rise and which can affect large parts of the Flemish coastal area. Due to the expected increase in flood risks in the 21st century, the Flemish government has changed its flood management strategy from a flood control approach to a risk-based approach. Instead of focusing on protection against a certain water level, the objective now is to assure protection against the consequences of a flood, while considering its probability. In the first part, attention is given to the reasoning and functioning of the risk-based approach. Recent improvements to the approach are discussed, as well as the GIS-implementation of the entire model. The functioning of the approach is subsequently demonstrated in two case studies. The second part of the paper discusses future challenges for the flood risk management in Flanders. The driving force behind these challenges is the European Directive on the assessment and management of flood risks, which entered into force in 2007. The Flemish implementation of the directive is discussed and situated in the European landscape. Finally, attention is given to the communication of flood risks to the general public, since the "availability" of flood risk management plans is among the requirements of the EU Floods Directive

    Opwijk Millenniumstraat. Archeologisch onderzoek van een landelijke site

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    Dit rapport werd ingediend bij het agentschap samen met een aantal afzonderlijke digitale bijlagen. Een aantal van deze bijlagen zijn niet inbegrepen in dit pdf document en zijn niet online beschikbaar. Sommige bijlagen (grondplannen, fotos, spoorbeschrijvingen, enz.) kunnen van belang zijn voor een betere lezing en interpretatie van dit rapport. Indien u deze bijlagen wenst te raadplegen kan u daarvoor contact opnemen met: [email protected]

    Proefsleuvenonderzoek Mollem - Asse

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