74 research outputs found

    Clear cell chondrosarcoma in Von Hippel-Lindau disease

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    A diagnosis of clear cell chondrosarcoma of the ulna was made in a patient with Von Hippel-Lindau disease (VHL). After surgery, genetic analysis of the tumor tissue showed loss of heterozygosity at the VHL gene locus. Immunohistochemical analysis confirmed loss of expression of the VHL protein in the tumor cells. In addition, abundant Cyclin D1 expression in the tumor was observed. Chondrosarcoma has been described before in a VHL patient and VHL protein expression has been correlated to tumor grade in a series of sporadic chondrosarcomas. In this report, we show that clear cell chondrosarcoma may be a rare but canonical VHL manifestation through a cell-autonomous mechanism involving somatic loss-of-heterozygosity of the VHL tumor suppressor gene. We discuss the relevance of this observation with regard to the pathogenesis of clear cell chondrosarcoma in the context of VHL

    Longitudinal characteristics of T2-FLAIR mismatch in IDH-mutant astrocytomas: Relation to grade, histopathology, and overall survival in the GLASS-NL cohort.

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    BACKGROUND: The T2-FLAIR mismatch sign is defined by signal loss of the T2-weighted hyperintense area with Fluid-Attenuated Inversion Recovery (FLAIR) on magnetic resonance imaging, causing a hypointense region on FLAIR. It is a highly specific diagnostic marker for IDH-mutant astrocytoma and is postulated to be caused by intercellular microcystic change in the tumor tissue. However, not all IDH-mutant astrocytomas show this mismatch sign and some show the phenomenon in only part of the lesion. The aim of the study is to determine whether the T2-FLAIR mismatch phenomenon has any prognostic value beyond initial noninvasive molecular diagnosis. METHODS: Patients initially diagnosed with histologically lower-grade (2 or 3) IDH-mutant astrocytoma and with at least 2 surgical resections were included in the GLASS-NL cohort. T2-FLAIR mismatch was determined, and the growth pattern of the recurrent tumor immediately before the second resection was annotated as invasive or expansive. The relation between the T2-FLAIR mismatch sign and tumor grade, microcystic change, overall survival (OS), and other clinical parameters was investigated both at first and second resection. RESULTS: The T2-FLAIR mismatch sign was significantly related to Grade 2 (80% vs 51%), longer post-resection median OS (8.3 vs 5.2 years), expansive growth, and lower age at second resection. At first resection, no relation was found between the mismatch sign and OS. Microcystic change was associated with areas of T2-FLAIR mismatch. CONCLUSIONS: T2-FLAIR mismatch in IDH-mutant astrocytomas is correlated with microcystic change in the tumor tissue, favorable prognosis, and Grade 2 tumors at the time of second resection

    LKB1 as the ghostwriter of crypt history

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    Familial cancer syndromes present rare insights into malignant tumor development. The molecular background of polyp formation and the cancer prone state in Peutz-Jeghers syndrome remain enigmatic to this day. Previously, we proposed that Peutz-Jeghers polyps are not pre-malignant lesions, but an epiphenomenon to the malignant condition. However, Peutz-Jeghers polyp formation and the cancer-prone state must both be accounted for by the same molecular mechanism. Our contribution focuses on the histopathology of the characteristic Peutz-Jeghers polyp and recent research on stem cell dynamics and how these concepts relate to Peutz-Jeghers polyposis. We discuss a protracted clonal evolution scenario in Peutz-Jeghers syndrome due to a germline LKB1 mutation. Peutz-Jeghers polyp formation and malignant transformation are separately mediated through the same molecular mechanism played out on different timescales. Thus, a single mechanism accounts for the development of benign Peutz-Jeghers polyps and for malignant transformation in Peutz-Jeghers syndrome

    One-fits-all pretreatment protocol facilitating Fluorescence in Situ Hybridization on formalin-fixed paraffin-embedded, fresh frozen and cytological slides

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    Background: The Fluorescence In Situ Hybridization (FISH) technique is a very useful tool for diagnostic and prognostic purposes in molecular pathology. However, clinical testing on patient tissue is challenging due to variables of tissue processing that can influence the quality of the results. This emphasizes the necessity of a standardized FISH protocol with a high hybridization efficiency. We present a pretreatment protocol that is easy, reproducible, cost-effective, and facilitates FISH on all types of patient material simultaneously with good quality results. During validation, FISH analysis was performed simultaneously on formalin-fixed paraffin-embedded, fresh frozen and cytological patient material in combination with commercial probes using our optimized one-fits-all pretreatment protocol. An optimally processed sample is characterized by strong specific signals, intact nuclear membranes, non-disturbing autofluorescence and a homogeneous DAPI staining. Results: In our retrospective cohort of 3881 patient samples, overall 93% of the FISH samples displayed good quality results leading to a patient diagnosis. All FISH were assessed on quality aspects such as adequacy and consistency of signal strength (brightness), lack of background and / or cross-hybridization signals, and additionally the presence of appropriate control signals were evaluated to assure probe accuracy. In our analysis 38 different FISH probes from 3 commercial manufacturers were used (Cytocell, Vysis and ZytoLight). The majority of the patients in this cohort displayed good signal quality and barely non-specific background fluorescence on all tissue types independent of which commercial probe was used. Conclusion: The optimized one-fits-all FISH method is robust, reliable and reproducible to deliver an accurate result for patient diagnostics in a lean workflow and cost-effective manner. This protocol can be used for widespread application in cancer and non-cancer diagnostics and research

    Multicenter Comparison of Molecular Tumor Boards in The Netherlands:Definition, Composition, Methods, and Targeted Therapy Recommendations

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    Background Molecular tumor boards (MTBs) provide rational, genomics-driven, patient-tailored treatment recommendations. Worldwide, MTBs differ in terms of scope, composition, methods, and recommendations. This study aimed to assess differences in methods and agreement in treatment recommendations among MTBs from tertiary cancer referral centers in The Netherlands. Materials and Methods MTBs from all tertiary cancer referral centers in The Netherlands were invited to participate. A survey assessing scope, value, logistics, composition, decision-making method, reporting, and registration of the MTBs was completed through on-site interviews with members from each MTB. Targeted therapy recommendations were compared using 10 anonymized cases. Participating MTBs were asked to provide a treatment recommendation in accordance with their own methods. Agreement was based on which molecular alteration(s) was considered actionable with the next line of targeted therapy. Results Interviews with 24 members of eight MTBs revealed that all participating MTBs focused on rare or complex mutational cancer profiles, operated independently of cancer type-specific multidisciplinary teams, and consisted of at least (thoracic and/or medical) oncologists, pathologists, and clinical scientists in molecular pathology. Differences were the types of cancer discussed and the methods used to achieve a recommendation. Nevertheless, agreement among MTB recommendations, based on identified actionable molecular alteration(s), was high for the 10 evaluated cases (86%). Conclusion MTBs associated with tertiary cancer referral centers in The Netherlands are similar in setup and reach a high agreement in recommendations for rare or complex mutational cancer profiles. We propose a "Dutch MTB model" for an optimal, collaborative, and nationally aligned MTB workflow. Implications for Practice Interpretation of genomic analyses for optimal choice of target therapy for patients with cancer is becoming increasingly complex. A molecular tumor board (MTB) supports oncologists in rationalizing therapy options. However, there is no consensus on the most optimal setup for an MTB, which can affect the quality of recommendations. This study reveals that the eight MTBs associated with tertiary cancer referral centers in The Netherlands are similar in setup and reach a high agreement in recommendations for rare or complex mutational profiles. The Dutch MTB model is based on a collaborative and nationally aligned workflow with interinstitutional collaboration and data sharing

    Redefining palliative care-a new consensus-based definition

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    Context: The International Association for Hospice and Palliative Care developed a consensus-based definition of palliative care (PC) that focuses on the relief of serious health-related suffering, a concept put forward by the Lancet Commission Global Access to Palliative Care and Pain Relief. Objective: The main objective of this article is to present the research behind the new definition. Methods: The three-phased consensus process involved health care workers from countries in all income levels. In Phase 1, 38 PC experts evaluated the components of the World Health Organization definition and suggested new/revised ones. In Phase 2, 412 International Association for Hospice and Palliative Care members in 88 countries expressed their level of agreement with the suggested components. In Phase 3, using results from Phase 2, the expert panel developed the definition. Results: The consensus-based definition is as follows: Palliative care is the active holistic care of individuals across all ages with serious health-related suffering due to severe illness and especially of those near the end of life. It aims to improve the quality of life of patients, their families and their caregivers. The definition includes a number of bullet points with additional details as well as recommendations for governments to reduce barriers to PC. Conclusion: Participants had significantly different perceptions and interpretations of PC. The greatest challenge faced by the core group was trying to find a middle ground between those who think that PC is the relief of all suffering and those who believe that PC describes the care of those with a very limited remaining life span

    Targeted locus amplification to develop robust patient-specific assays for liquid biopsies in pediatric solid tumors

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    BackgroundLiquid biopsies combine minimally invasive sample collection with sensitive detection of residual disease. Pediatric malignancies harbor tumor-driving copy number alterations or fusion genes, rather than recurrent point mutations. These regions contain tumor-specific DNA breakpoint sequences. We investigated the feasibility to use these breakpoints to design patient-specific markers to detect tumor-derived cell-free DNA (cfDNA) in plasma from patients with pediatric solid tumors.Materials and methodsRegions of interest (ROI) were identified through standard clinical diagnostic pipelines, using SNP array for CNAs, and FISH or RT-qPCR for fusion genes. Using targeted locus amplification (TLA) on tumor organoids grown from tumor material or targeted locus capture (TLC) on FFPE material, ROI-specific primers and probes were designed, which were used to design droplet digital PCR (ddPCR) assays. cfDNA from patient plasma at diagnosis and during therapy was analyzed.ResultsTLA was performed on material from 2 rhabdomyosarcoma, 1 Ewing sarcoma and 3 neuroblastoma. FFPE-TLC was performed on 8 neuroblastoma tumors. For all patients, at least one patient-specific ddPCR was successfully designed and in all diagnostic plasma samples the patient-specific markers were detected. In the rhabdomyosarcoma and Ewing sarcoma patients, all samples after start of therapy were negative. In neuroblastoma patients, presence of patient-specific markers in cfDNA tracked tumor burden, decreasing during induction therapy, disappearing at complete remission and re-appearing at relapse.ConclusionWe demonstrate the feasibility to determine tumor-specific breakpoints using TLA/TLC in different pediatric solid tumors and use these for analysis of cfDNA from plasma. Considering the high prevalence of CNAs and fusion genes in pediatric solid tumors, this approach holds great promise and deserves further study in a larger cohort with standardized plasma sampling protocols

    Implications for sequencing of biologic therapy and choice of second anti-TNF in patients with inflammatory bowel disease: results from the IMmunogenicity to Second Anti-TNF Therapy (IMSAT) therapeutic drug monitoring study

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    Implications for sequencing of biologic therapy and choice of second anti-TNF in patients with inflammatory bowel disease:results from the IMmunogenicity to Second Anti-TNF therapy (IMSAT) therapeutic drug monitoring study

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    BACKGROUND: Anti-drug antibodies are associated with treatment failure to anti-TNF agents in patients with inflammatory bowel disease (IBD).AIM: To assess whether immunogenicity to a patient's first anti-TNF agent would be associated with immunogenicity to the second, irrespective of drug sequence METHODS: We conducted a UK-wide, multicentre, retrospective cohort study to report rates of immunogenicity and treatment failure of second anti-TNF therapies in 1058 patients with IBD who underwent therapeutic drug monitoring for both infliximab and adalimumab. The primary outcome was immunogenicity to the second anti-TNF agent, defined at any timepoint as an anti-TNF antibody concentration ≥9 AU/ml for infliximab and ≥6 AU/ml for adalimumab.RESULTS: In patients treated with infliximab and then adalimumab, those who developed antibodies to infliximab were more likely to develop antibodies to adalimumab, than patients who did not develop antibodies to infliximab (OR 1.99, 95%CI 1.27-3.20, p = 0.002). Similarly, in patients treated with adalimumab and then infliximab, immunogenicity to adalimumab was associated with subsequent immunogenicity to infliximab (OR 2.63, 95%CI 1.46-4.80, p < 0.001). For each 10-fold increase in anti-infliximab and anti-adalimumab antibody concentration, the odds of subsequently developing antibodies to adalimumab and infliximab increased by 1.73 (95% CI 1.38-2.17, p < 0.001) and 1.99 (95%CI 1.34-2.99, p < 0.001), respectively. Patients who developed immunogenicity with undetectable drug levels to infliximab were more likely to develop immunogenicity with undetectable drug levels to adalimumab (OR 2.37, 95% CI 1.39-4.19, p < 0.001). Commencing an immunomodulator at the time of switching to the second anti-TNF was associated with improved drug persistence in patients with immunogenic, but not pharmacodynamic failure.CONCLUSION: Irrespective of drug sequence, immunogenicity to the first anti-TNF agent was associated with immunogenicity to the second, which was mitigated by the introduction of an immunomodulator in patients with immunogenic, but not pharmacodynamic treatment failure

    Implications for sequencing of biologic therapy and choice of second anti-TNF in patients with inflammatory bowel disease:results from the IMmunogenicity to Second Anti-TNF therapy (IMSAT) therapeutic drug monitoring study

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    BACKGROUND: Anti-drug antibodies are associated with treatment failure to anti-TNF agents in patients with inflammatory bowel disease (IBD).AIM: To assess whether immunogenicity to a patient's first anti-TNF agent would be associated with immunogenicity to the second, irrespective of drug sequence METHODS: We conducted a UK-wide, multicentre, retrospective cohort study to report rates of immunogenicity and treatment failure of second anti-TNF therapies in 1058 patients with IBD who underwent therapeutic drug monitoring for both infliximab and adalimumab. The primary outcome was immunogenicity to the second anti-TNF agent, defined at any timepoint as an anti-TNF antibody concentration ≥9 AU/ml for infliximab and ≥6 AU/ml for adalimumab.RESULTS: In patients treated with infliximab and then adalimumab, those who developed antibodies to infliximab were more likely to develop antibodies to adalimumab, than patients who did not develop antibodies to infliximab (OR 1.99, 95%CI 1.27-3.20, p = 0.002). Similarly, in patients treated with adalimumab and then infliximab, immunogenicity to adalimumab was associated with subsequent immunogenicity to infliximab (OR 2.63, 95%CI 1.46-4.80, p < 0.001). For each 10-fold increase in anti-infliximab and anti-adalimumab antibody concentration, the odds of subsequently developing antibodies to adalimumab and infliximab increased by 1.73 (95% CI 1.38-2.17, p < 0.001) and 1.99 (95%CI 1.34-2.99, p < 0.001), respectively. Patients who developed immunogenicity with undetectable drug levels to infliximab were more likely to develop immunogenicity with undetectable drug levels to adalimumab (OR 2.37, 95% CI 1.39-4.19, p < 0.001). Commencing an immunomodulator at the time of switching to the second anti-TNF was associated with improved drug persistence in patients with immunogenic, but not pharmacodynamic failure.CONCLUSION: Irrespective of drug sequence, immunogenicity to the first anti-TNF agent was associated with immunogenicity to the second, which was mitigated by the introduction of an immunomodulator in patients with immunogenic, but not pharmacodynamic treatment failure