623 research outputs found

    Absolute determination of D_s branching ratios and f_{D_s} extraction at a neutrino factory

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    A method for a direct measurement of the exclusive D_s branching ratios and of the decay constant f_{D_s} with a systematical error better than 5% is presented. The approach is based on the peculiar vertex topology of the anti-neutrino induced diffractive charm events. The statistical accuracy achievable with a neutrino factory is estimated

    Heavy quark studies with nuclear emulsions

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    Emulsions have started particle physics with the discovery of natural radioactivity by Becquerel in 1896. The development of the ``nuclear emulsions'' made it possible to detect tracks of single particle and to perform detailed measurements of their interactions. The discovery of the pion in 1947 was the first, spectacular demonstration of their unique features for the direct observation of the production and decay of short-lived particles, with negligible or very low background. In particular, these features are now exploited for studies of heavy quark physics in experiments where nuclear emulsions are combined with electronic detectors and profit is taken of the remarkable technological progress in automated analysis. In these experiments, neutrinos provide a selective probe for specific quark flavors. Interesting results on charm production and decay are expected in the very near future.Comment: To be published on the book for the eightieth birthday of Roberto Salmeron, World Scientifi

    Prediction of charm-production fractions in neutrino interactions

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    The way a charm-quark fragments into a charmed hadron is a challenging problem both for the theoretical and the experimental particle physics. Moreover, in neutrino induced charm-production, peculiar processes occur such as quasi-elastic and diffractive charm-production which make the results from other experiments not directly comparable. We present here a method to extract the charmed fractions in neutrino induced events by using results from e+e−e^+e^-, πN\pi N, ÎłN\gamma N experiments while taking into account the peculiarities of charm-production in neutrino interactions. As results, we predict the fragmentation functions as a function of the neutrino energy and the semi-muonic branching ratio, BÎŒB_\mu, and compare them with the available data

    Virtual prototyping of medieval weapons for historical reconstruction of siege scenarios starting from topography and archaeological investigations

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    Chronicles of sieges to castles or fortresses, using “machinae”, can often be found in historical sources. Moreover, archaeological excavations of castles or fortresses has brought to light rocks or projectiles whose carving suggests a military usage. Nevertheless, chronicles and discoveries alone, are seldom enough to propose a faithful reconstruction of these machines. Therefore, the aim of this research is the development of methodologies for reconstructing virtual scenarios of sieges, starting from the scarce information available. In order to achieve it, a procedure for the virtual reconstruction of the siege machine has been set up, focusing on typology and dimensions of the machines, also investigating possible fire positions according to topography. The entire procedure has been developed using the siege of Cervara di Roma’s Rocca as a case study. Late medieval chronicles (end of 13th Century) report the siege brought by the papal army in order to restore the jurisdiction on the Cervara’s stronghold, following the insurrection of a group of vassals headed by a monk named Pelagio. The discovery, in the area of the Rocca, of a stone that could have been used as a projectile confirms what reported. The proposed methodology is composed of two parts. The first one is connected to the study of the “internal ballistics”, to understand the performances and to build virtual models of siege machines. The second part is the study of the “external ballistics”, then to the positioning and shooting ability of possible machines, analysing the topography of the area. In this paper, we present the feasibility of this methodology through the preliminary results achieved correlating internal and external ballistics

    Study of defect formation in Al 7050 alloys

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    The Al 7050 alloy is an Al-Zn-Mg-Cu-Zr alloy having good mechanical properties. This alloy has been developed in order to overcome stress corrosion cracking problems that characterise 7xxx Al alloys. Despite Al 7050 is widely used for aerospace applications, it can be subjected to crack initiation and propagation during the manufacturing process. In this work cracked Al 7050 components have been analysed in order to identify possible causes of crack formation such as coarse intermetallic phase presence, voids or wrong mechanical machining processes

    A search for Z' in muon neutrino associated charm production

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    In many extensions of the Standard Model the presence of an extra neutral boson, Z', is invoked. A precision study of weak neutral-current exchange processes involving only second generation fermions is still missing. We propose a search for Z' in muon neutrino associated charm production. This process only involves Z' couplings with fermions from the second generation. An experimental method is thoroughly described using an ideal detector. As an application, the accuracy reachable with present and future experiments has been estimated.Comment: 13 pages, 3 figures, late

    SBV regularity for Hamilton-Jacobi equations in Rn\mathbb R^n

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    In this paper we study the regularity of viscosity solutions to the following Hamilton-Jacobi equations ∂tu+H(Dxu)=0inΩ⊂R×Rn. \partial_t u + H(D_{x} u)=0 \qquad \textrm{in} \Omega\subset \mathbb R\times \mathbb R^{n} . In particular, under the assumption that the Hamiltonian H∈C2(Rn)H\in C^2(\mathbb R^n) is uniformly convex, we prove that DxuD_{x}u and ∂tu\partial_t u belong to the class SBVloc(Ω)SBV_{loc}(\Omega).Comment: 15 page

    Directionality preservation of nuclear recoils in an emulsion detector for directional dark matter search

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    Nuclear emulsion is a well-known detector type proposed also for the directional detection of dark matter. In this paper, we study one of the most important properties of direction-sensitive detectors: the preservation by nuclear recoils of the direction of impinging dark matter particles. For nuclear emulsion detectors, it is the first detailed study where a realistic nuclear recoil energy distribution with all possible recoil atom types is exploited. Moreover, for the first time we study the granularity effect on the emulsion detector directional performance. As well as we compare nuclear emulsion with other directional detectors: in terms of direction preservation nuclear emulsion outperforms the other detectors for WIMP masses above 100 GeV/c2^2.Comment: Prepared for submission to JCA
