163 research outputs found

    Non-invasive methods of computer vision in the posture evaluation of adolescent idiopathic scoliosis

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    Purpose: Reviewing techniques for non-invasive postural evaluation of adolescent idiopathic scoliosis (AIS) based on information extraction from images based on computer methods. Methods: The Scopus, Web of Science, MEDLINE, ScieLo and PubMed databases were used, for the period 2011-2015. Results: 131 articles were found based on keyword of which 15 articles met the established eligibility criteria. Of these, 4 were based on photogrammetry, and 11 based on laser, structured light, ultrasound, and Moire projection. In these studies, the methodological quality varied from low to high. Conclusions: The findings indicated diversity in methodologies; 14/15 articles reviewed were limited to the evaluation of the topography of the posterior back. A study, using two-dimensional photogrammetry, presented a whole body postural evaluation. As the asymmetry in AIS can be extended to the whole body, more attention should be given to develop full body assessment techniques to provide important additional data to aid in treatment decisio

    The macroecology of phylogenetically structured hummingbird-plant networks

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    Aim To investigate the association between species richness, species' phylogenetic signal, insularity and historical and current climate with hummingbird-plant network structure. Location 54 communities along a c. 10,000 kilometer latitudinal gradient across the Americas (39ºN - 32ºS), ranging from sea level to c. 3700 m asl, located on the mainland and on islands, and covering a wide range of climate regimes. Methods We measured null-modeled corrected complementary specialization and bipartite modularity (compartmentalization) in networks of quantitative interactions between hummingbird and plant species. Using an ordinary least squares multi-model approach, we examined the influence of species richness, phylogenetic signal, insularity, and current and historical climate conditions on network structure. Results Phylogenetically-related species, especially plants, showed a tendency to interact with a similar array of partners. The spatial variation in network structure exhibited a constant association with species' phylogeny (R2=0.18-0.19). Species richness and environmental factors showed the strongest associations with network structure (R2=0.20-0.44; R2138 =0.32-0.45, respectively). Specifically, higher levels of complementary specialization and modularity were associated to species-rich communities and communities in which closely-related hummingbirds visited distinct sets of flowering species. On the mainland, warmer temperatures and higher historical temperature stability associated to higher levels of complementary specialization. Main conclusions Previous macroecological studies of interaction networks have highlighted the importance of environment and species richness in determining network structure. Here, for the first time, we report an association between species phylogenetic signal and network structure at macroecological scale. Specifically, null model corrected complementary specialization and modularity exhibited a positive association with species richness and a negative association with hummingbird phylogenetic signal, indicating that both high richness and high inter-specific competition among closely-related 150 hummingbirds exhibit important relationships with specialization in hummingbird-plant networks. Our results document how species richness, phylogenetic signal and climate associate with network structure in complex ways at macroecological scale

    Anales de Edafología y Agrobiología Tomo 47 Número 3-4

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    Suelos. Física. Resistencia del suelo y susceptibilidad a la compactación en terrenos a monte sometidos a pastoreo. Por R. Pérez Moreira y F. Diaz-Fierros Viqueira.-- La reserva de agua útil de los suelos de Galicia. l. Relación con la textura y el contenido de materia orgánica. Por A. M. Martinez Cortizas.-- Química Empleo de aminas alifáticas en el estudio de asociaciones haloisita-esmectita en suelos. Por F. J. Aragoneses, J. Casas, y J. L. Martin de Vidales.-- Quelación por EDDHA de micronutrientes en suelos calizos. Ecuación de límite máximo. Por M. Juárez, J. Sánchez-Andréu, L. Pla y J. Jorda.-- Quelación por EDDHA de micronutrientes en suelos calizos. Ecuación de orden "n ".Por J. Sánchez-Andréu, M. Juarez, L. Pla y J. Jordá.-- Génesis, Clasificación y Cartografía Caracterización de un podsol ferro - húmico en el Puerto de la Quesera (Sierra del Ayllón). Por R. Espejo Serrano, F. Guerrero López y A. Saa Requejo.-- Natrixerales en el Baix Segre (Lleida). Por J. Bech i Borrás, J. Garrigo i Reixach y J. R. Torrento i Marselles.-- Aspectos micromorfológicos del horizonte superior en suelos artificiales (Sorribas) de las Islas Canarias. Por A. Rodríguez Rodríguez y J. M. Ontañón Sánchez.-- Fertilidad Influencia de diferentes factores del suelo sobre su contenido en microelementos asimilables: Mn, Fe, Cu y Zn. Por B. C. Ortega, Ma C. Ortega y J. G. de las Heras.--Incidencia de la salinidad del agua de riego en la mineralización del nitrógeno orgánico en suelos calizos del sureste español. Por J. García-Serna, J. Sánchez Andréu, M. Juárez y J. Mataix.-- Biología Vegetal-Fisiología Efectos de la toxicidad del flúor sobre el ciclo biológico en especies herbáceas dicotiledoneas. Por M. Ibarra, F. López Belmonte y Ma A. Diez.-- Efectos de la toxicidad del flúor sobre el ciclo biológico de especies de monocotiledoneas. Por M. Ibarra, F. López-Belmonte y Mª A . Diez.-- Proteasas ácidas en uvas Vitis vinifera (variedad Macabeo). l. Actividad proteásica durante su maduración. Por J. Marín Expósito, C. Miguel Gordillo, J. l. Maynar Mariño y J. L. Mesias Iglesias.-- Agro biología Efectos de enmiendas calcáreas en suelos fijadores de fósforo. Por S. G. Ramos Hernández y N. Aguilera Herrera.-- III. Trabajo Recapitulativo. Una deriva hacia hemiparasftismo de los líquenes epifitos: Análisis fisiológico de las relaciones con sus fitoforos. Por C. VicentePeer reviewed2019-08.- CopyBook.- Libnova.- Biblioteca IC

    H2S biosynthesis and catabolism: new insights from molecular studies

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    Hydrogen sulfide (H2S) has profound biological effects within living organisms and is now increasingly being considered alongside other gaseous signalling molecules, such as nitric oxide (NO) and carbon monoxide (CO). Conventional use of pharmacological and molecular approaches has spawned a rapidly growing research field that has identified H2S as playing a functional role in cell-signalling and post-translational modifications. Recently, a number of laboratories have reported the use of siRNA methodologies and genetic mouse models to mimic the loss of function of genes involved in the biosynthesis and degradation of H2S within tissues. Studies utilising these systems are revealing new insights into the biology of H2S within the cardiovascular system, inflammatory disease, and in cell signalling. In light of this work, the current review will describe recent advances in H2S research made possible by the use of molecular approaches and genetic mouse models with perturbed capacities to generate or detoxify physiological levels of H2S gas within tissue