12 research outputs found

    A machine learning approach for banks classification and forecast

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    n this research, a classification model is developed for the banking sector using the machine earning technique GLMNET. In the first place, a clustering process was developed, where 3 clearly differentiated groups were found. Subsequently, a Fuzzy analysis was performed finding the probabilities of transition of the banks to each group found, finally, the GLMNET algorithm was implemented, the automatic classification of the banks according to their financial items, obtaining a result of 95% accuracy. © 2019 International Business Information Management Association (IBIMA)

    Factors that affect quality of work life of the millennials linked to the commercial sector in Colombia

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    The present investigation has two aims: (1) to empirically examine the factors that affect QWL among the millennials working in the commercial sector in Colombia and (2) to investigate the role of a set of individual differences as moderators (for example, gender, educational level and type of contract) in a complete QWL model, based on the methodology of (Tarhini, Hone, & Liu, 2014). The instrument used was the Work Quality of Life Tool (Wage and Subjective Conditions) which has been validated in the previous studies. The total of 1,163 surveys were conducted with workers from the commercial sector in Colombia who belong to the generation Y or the millennial generation, that is, born between 1981 and 2000. The results show that training, promotion, wages and the relationship of the individual with their work directly and positively affect the quality of work life in the study sample. We conduct a confirmatory factor analysis based on structural equations, revealing that the majority of the hypothesis associated with gender, educational level and type of contract were supported. This study serves to support the establishment of programs, projects and management plans to generate adequate use of the talents and skills of the millennials and thus create challenging and satisfactory jobs that increase organizational productivity. © 2021, Centre of Sociological Research. All rights reserved

    Método de evaluación de la calidad del servicio de una unidad de atención al usuario en una empresa de servicio de agua en Colombia

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    This research study proposes a method to evaluate the quality of service of a user service unit in a water service company in Colombia. Based on the theoretical foundation associated with the quality of service and the Six Sigma concept, service quality dimensions were identified to consolidate their valuation and to analyze the results in terms of defects per parts per million (DPMO), sigma level, and performance. It was found that the performance of the service quality dimensions was satisfactory due to the results obtained in all calculated metrics. The results showed that the user's attention center had an excellent performance during this research study. In conclusion, the present study provides a service quality evaluation method to the service sector in a public service company by using Six Sigma. © 2020 Centro de Informacion Tecnologica. All rights reserved

    Administrative efficiency of IPS providers of health entities accredited in quality in Colombia

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    This study evaluated the efficiencies of the IPS health providers accredited in quality in Colombia. The normative framework associated with the Mandatory Quality System, the quality accreditation standards for the IPS and the Data Envelopment analysis models, related to the purely technical or administrative efficiency were used as theoretical support. As an epistemological conception, we worked with the logical positivism paradigm, with which the scientific verification and the logical analysis for the development of all the research were sought. The research type had an evaluative approach. As a population, 27 accredited IPS health service providers were taken, which lent their financial statements to the superintendence of health in 2015 and 2016. The inductive and deductive method was used. The information generated by the health superintendence and the Ministry of Health were used as primary sources. The DEA BCC-O model focused on the optimization of outputs was used as an analysis technique. As a result of this research, a method to evaluate the efficiencies of high-quality accredited IPSs in Colombia was provided. Likewise, it could be demonstrated with empirical evidence that the implementation of high-quality standards in the IPSs studied has a significant impact on administrative efficiency. The research showed that the best IPS accredited in Colombia was the Pablo VI Hospital in Bosa. © 2019 International Business Information Management Association (IBIMA)

    Creación de Perfiles Empresariales para Compañías Exportadoras mediante Aprendizaje No Supervisado

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    This research presents a method for the creation of business profiles of export companies in the city of Barranquilla - Colombia. The method is supported by the development of unsupervised data learning techniques, Principal Component Analysis and Cluster analysis. The database used corresponds to primary financial information of 107 companies registered in the Chamber of Commerce of Barranquilla. First, a review of the context of global and local exports is presented. Next, the analysis of components allowed the creation of new uncorrelated variables and the joint visualization of variables in a two-dimensional space. Subsequently, the cluster analysis of the companies was interpreted in the cluster analysis according to the financial items studied. The work shows that the methodology employed allows identifying the type of service that an enterprise needs to achieve the best levels of performance, which in turns facilitates the implementation of development plans and of public and private policies of business promotion. © 2019 Centro de Informacion Tecnologica. All rights reserved

    Diseño de ubicaciones de almacenamiento de vehículos en la planta de SEAT Martorell

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    Para el presente proyecto se desarrollará un modelo de simulación de eventos discretos, será usada para estimar la longitud de las filas requeridas para generar un máximo aprovechamiento de la campa de almacenamiento en la planta de SEAT S.A Martorell, se encontró que la simulación fue capaz de entregar un buen resultado gracias a la capacidad de almacenar los atributos y analizar los niveles de colas generadas para cada bloque, flujo de destino y modo de transporte

    Diseño de ubicaciones de almacenamiento de vehículos en la planta de SEAT Martorell

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    Para el presente proyecto se desarrollará un modelo de simulación de eventos discretos, será usada para estimar la longitud de las filas requeridas para generar un máximo aprovechamiento de la campa de almacenamiento en la planta de SEAT S.A Martorell, se encontró que la simulación fue capaz de entregar un buen resultado gracias a la capacidad de almacenar los atributos y analizar los niveles de colas generadas para cada bloque, flujo de destino y modo de transporte