161 research outputs found

    Characterization of french coriander oil as source of petroselinic acid

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    Coriander vegetable oil was extracted from fruits of French origin in a 23% yield. The oil was of good quality, with a low amount of free fatty acids (1.8%) and a concurrently high amount of triacylglycerols (98%). It is a rich source of petroselinic acid (C18:1n-12), an important renewable building block, making up 73% of all fatty acids, with also significant amounts of linoleic acid (14%), oleic acid (6%), and palmitic acid (3%). The oil was characterized by a high unsaponifiable fraction, comprising a substantial amount of phytosterols (6.70 g/kg). The main sterol markers were β-sitosterol (35% of total sterols), stigmasterol (24%), and Δ7-stigmastenol (18%). Squalene was detected at an amount of 0.2 g/kg. A considerable amount of tocols were identified (500 mg/kg) and consisted mainly of tocotrienols, with γ-tocotrienol as the major compound. The phospholipid content was low at 0.3%, of which the main phospholipid classes were phosphatidic acid (33%), phosphatidylcholine (25%), phosphatidylinositol (17%), and phosphatidylethanolamine (17%). About 50% of all phospholipids were non-hydratable. The β-carotene content was low at 10 mg/kg, while a significant amount of chlorophyll was detected at about 11 mg/kg. An iron content of 1.4 mg/kg was determined through element analysis of the vegetable oil. The influence of fruit origin on the vegetable oil composition was shown to be very important, particularly in terms of the phospholipids, sterols, and tocols composition21

    Wplyw rafinacji fizykalnej na sklad oleju kukurydzianego

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    Przeprowadzono serię 7 eksperymentów fizykalnej rafinacji oleju kukurydzianego w instalacji pilotowej. Eksperymenty różniły się między sobą zastosowaną temperaturą, ciśnieniem, ilością dodanej pary wodnej, a także czasem trwania. Zaobserwowano, że wyższa temperatura i większa ilość dodanej pary wodnej powodowały obniżenie tokoferolu w oleju rafinowanym. Przedłużanie czasu rafinacji w wyższej temperaturze powodowało wzrost zawartości izomerów trans kwasów tłuszczowych. Najwyższą zawartość składników frakcji polarnej zaobserwowano w próbce rafinowanej w najwyższej temperaturze.The series of 7 experiments of the physical refining of the corn oil has been conducted in the pilot scale installation. The influence of such parameters like: time, temperature, pressure and amount of steam on final product composition has been studied. It was observed, that tocopherols content was influenced by amount of applied steam and temperature. Sample refined at the highest temperature contained the greatest amount of polar compounds. The temperature and time of refinning had impact on the amount of created trans fatty acids