749 research outputs found

    A going down theorem for Grothendieck Chow motives

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    Let X be a geometrically split, geometrically irreducible variety over a field F satisfying Rost nilpotence principle. Consider a field extension E/F and a finite field K. We provide in this note a motivic tool giving sufficient conditions for so-called outer motives of direct summands of the Chow motive of X_E with coefficients in K to be lifted to the base field. This going down result has been used S. Garibaldi, V. Petrov and N. Semenov to give a complete classification of the motivic decompositions of projective homogeneous varieties of inner type E_6 and to answer a conjecture of Rost and Springer.Comment: Final version of the manuscrip

    Classification of upper motives of algebraic groups of inner type A_n

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    Let A, A' be two central simple algebras over a field F and \mathbb{F} be a finite field of characteristic p. We prove that the upper indecomposable direct summands of the motives of two anisotropic varieties of flags of right ideals X(d_1,...,d_k;A) and X(d'_1,...,d'_s;A') with coefficients in \mathbb{F} are isomorphic if and only if the p-adic valuations of gcd(d_1,...,d_k) and gcd(d'_1,..,d'_s) are equal and the classes of the p-primary components A_p and A'_p of A and A' generate the same group in the Brauer group of F. This result leads to a surprising dichotomy between upper motives of absolutely simple adjoint algebraic groups of inner type A_

    Motivic decompositions of projective homogeneous varieties and change of coefficients

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    We prove that under some assumptions on an algebraic group GG, indecomposable direct summands of the motive of a projective GG-homogeneous variety with coefficients in Fp\mathbb{F}_p remain indecomposable if the ring of coefficients is any field of characteristic pp. In particular for any projective GG-homogeneous variety XX, the decomposition of the motive of XX in a direct sum of indecomposable motives with coefficients in any finite field of characteristic pp corresponds to the decomposition of the motive of XX with coefficients in Fp\mathbb{F}_p. We also construct a counterexample to this result in the case where GG is arbitrary

    Lifting vector bundles to Witt vector bundles

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    Let pp be a prime, and let SS be a scheme of characteristic pp. Let n≥2n \geq 2 be an integer. Denote by Wn(S)\mathbf{W}_n(S) the scheme of Witt vectors of length nn, built out of SS. The main objective of this paper concerns the question of extending (=lifting) vector bundles on SS to vector bundles on Wn(S)\mathbf{W}_n(S). After introducing the formalism of Witt-Frobenius Modules and Witt vector bundles, we study two significant particular cases, for which the answer is positive: that of line bundles, and that of the tautological vector bundle of a projective space. We give several applications of our point of view to classical questions in deformation theory---see the Introduction for details. In particular, we show that the tautological vector bundle of the Grassmannian GrFp(m,n)Gr_{\mathbb{F}_p}(m,n) does not extend to W2(GrFp(m,n))\mathbf{W}_2(Gr_{\mathbb{F}_p}(m,n)), if 2≤m≤n−22 \leq m \leq n-2. In the Appendix, we give algebraic details on our (new) approach to Witt vectors, using polynomial laws and divided powers. It is, we believe, very convenient to tackle lifting questions.Comment: Enriched version, with an appendi

    Motivic rigidity of Severi-Brauer varieties

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    Let D be a central division algebra over a field F. We study in this note the rigidity of the motivic decompositions of the Severi-Brauer varieties of D, with respect to the ring of coefficients and to the base field. We first show that if the ring of coefficient is a field, these decompositions only depend on its characteristic. In a second part we show that if D remains division over a field extension E/F, the motivic decompositions of several Severi-Brauer varieties of D remain the same when extending the scalars to E.Comment: more details, ~10p, final versio

    Smooth profinite groups, III: the Smoothness Theorem

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    Let pp be a prime. The goal of this article is to prove the Smoothness Theorem 5.1 (Theorem D), which notably asserts that a (1,∞)(1,\infty)-cyclotomic pair is (n,1)(n,1)-cyclotomic, for all n≥1n \geq 1. In the particular case of Galois cohomology, the Smoothness Theorem provides a new proof of the Norm Residue Isomorphism Theorem. Using the formalism of smooth profinite groups, this proof presents it as a consequence of Kummer theory for fields.Comment: Added index for reader's convenience. Comments welcom
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