4 research outputs found

    Composição florística de um fragmento de Mata Atlântica na Serra da Jibóia, Santa Terezinha, Bahia, Brasil

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    This paper presents a checklist of the phanerogamic flora of a Atlantic Rain Forest fragment in the Serra da Jibóia, municipality of Santa Terezinha, Bahia. The survey was based on collections previously made at the “Morro da Pioneira”, in the northern part of the mountain range, currently housed at the HUEFS herbarium. A total of 269 species belonging to 195 genera of 80 families of flowering plants are listed. The families with higher specific diversity were Leguminosae (29), Rubiaceae (16), Asteraceae (12), Melastomataceae (12), Orchidaceae (11), Myrtaceae (10), Solanaceae (10), Bromeliaceae (10), and Poaceae (9). Among canopy plants, the families most representative were Leguminosae (15), Myrtaceae (7), Melastomataceae (7), Solanaceae (6), Lauraceae (5), Annonaceae (4), Rubiaceae (4), Apocynaceae (3), and Clusiaceae (3). This survey illustrates the great floristic diversity and the presence of endemic and restricted distribution of Brazilian Atlantic Rain Forest species, characterizing this fragment as an important remainder of this biome in Bahia.Este trabalho apresenta uma lista da flora fanerogâmica de um fragmento de Mata Atlântica na Serra da Jibóia, município de Santa Terezinha, Bahia. O levantamento florístico foi baseado em coletas no Morro da Pioneira, extremo norte da serra, e em espécimes anteriormente depositados no herbário HUEFS. Foram listadas 269 espécies pertencentes a 195 gêneros de 80 famílias de fanerógamas. As famílias com maior diversidade específica foram Leguminosae (29), Rubiaceae (16), Asteraceae (12), Melastomataceae (12), Orchidaceae (11), Myrtaceae (10), Solanaceae (10), Bromeliaceae (10) e Poaceae (9). No estrato arbóreo, as famílias mais representativas foram Leguminosae (15), Myrtaceae (7), Melastomataceae (7), Solanaceae (6), Lauraceae (5), Annonaceae (4), Rubiaceae (4), Apocynaceae (3) e Clusiaceae (3). Constatou-se uma grande diversidade florística e a presença de espécies endêmicas e de distribuição restrita da Mata Atlântica, que permite caracterizar esse fragmento como um importante remanescente desse bioma na Bahia

    Phylogeny and biogeography of Ceiba Mill. (Malvaceae, Bombacoideae)

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    The Neotropics is the most species-rich area in the world, and the mechanisms that generated and maintain its biodiversity are still debated. This paper contributes to the debate by investigating the evolutionary and biogeographic history of the genus Ceiba Mill. (Malvaceae, Bombacoideae). Ceiba comprises 18 mostly Neotropical species, largely endemic to two major biomes, seasonally dry tropical forests (SDTFs) and rain forests. Its species are among the most characteristic elements of Neotropical SDTF, one of the most threatened biomes in the tropics. Phylogenetic analyses of DNA sequence data (from the nuclear ribosomal internal transcribed spacers [nrITS] for 30 accessions representing 14 species of Ceiba) recovered the genus as monophyletic. The phylogeny showed geographic and ecological structure in three main clades: (i) a rain forest lineage of nine accessions of C. pentandra sister to the remaining species; (ii) a highly supported clade composed of C. schottii and C. aesculifolia from Central American and Mexican SDTF, plus two accessions of C. samauma from semi-humid, inter Andean valleys in Peru; and (iii) a highly supported South American SDTF clade including 10 species showing little sequence variation. Within this South American SDTF clade, no species represented by multiple accessions were resolved as monophyletic. We demonstrate that the patterns of species age, monophyly, and geographic structure previously reported for SDTF species within the Leguminosae family are not shared by Ceiba, suggesting that further phylogenetic studies of unrelated groups are required to understand general patterns

    Plantas ornamentais da Amazônia: região do Rio Uatumã, Presidente Figueiredo, AM

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    O presente trabalho é resultante de um levantamento de flora realizado em Presidente Figueiredo, AM