3,820 research outputs found

    Solunto archaeological park in Sicily: life under mosaic tesserae

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    Biodeterioration is a complex process induced by the growing and metabolic activity of a wide range of macro and microorganisms, becoming a revelling problem also for the mosaic tesserae of “Casa di Leda” in the Greco - Roman site of Solunto in Sicily. In this case-study, a thick biofilm inducing a deep alteration of mortar and consequently the mosaic tesserae detachment has been highlighted during the restoration plan. The biofilm microbial consortium has been investigated by an integrate approach based on Microscopy analysis (O.M., C.L.S.M.), in vitro culture (Nutrien and Saboraud media) and molecular biology investigation (DNA target sequence amplification, sequencing, sequence analysis). A microbial diversity has been revealed belonging to bacteria (Bacillus) and fungi (Alternaria, Aspergillus), besides cyanobacteria (Chroococcus) and green algae (Chlorella). In order to control the biofilm colonization two essential oils (EO), Thymus vulgaris and Origanum vulgare, have been utilized and their antimicrobial activity, preliminarily in vitro (agar disc diffusion methods) and after ex situ and in situ evaluated. This experimentation is aimed at identifying and implementing green biocides for the control of microbial colonization, a promising technology with a reduced impact on human health and environment, able to replace traditional biocide action

    Type II muscle fibers atrophy associated with silent corticotroph adenoma in a dog.

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    The Silent Corticotroph Adenoma (SCA) is a pituitary adenoma variant characterized by the immunoreactivity for adrenocorticotropic hormone (ACTH) and related peptides, without the clinical signs of Cushing's disease. SCA has been postulated to either secrete structurally abnormal ACTH that is inactive but detectable by immunohistochemistry or radioimmunoassay, or to secrete ACTH intermittently or at low levels continuously. Excess of ACTH has been associated to type II muscle atrophy. We describe a case of type II muscle fibers atrophy associated with silent corticotroph adenoma in a dog. The dog showed moderate to severe proximal muscle wasting and weakness with normal levels of muscle-associated enzymes. In the limb muscle biopsies, type II fibers were uniformly smaller than type I fibers. In temporalis muscles, there were few atrophic fibers, and several irregular areas of loss of enzymatic activity observed in NADH, SDH and COX stains. The tumour showed a trabecular growth pattern and immunohistochemical analysis demonstrated the presence of cytoplasmic immunoreactivity for ACTH. The muscle atrophy was considered to be related to an excess of inactive ACTH. Studying spontaneous occurring rare diseases in animals could help to understand the mechanism of similar diseases in human has well

    Machine learning models to predict daily actual evapotranspiration of citrus orchards under regulated deficit irrigation

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    Precise estimations of actual evapotranspiration (ETa) are essential for various environmental issues, including those related to agricultural ecosystem sustainability and water management. Indeed, the increasing demands of agricultural production, coupled with increasingly frequent drought events in many parts of the world, necessitate a more careful evaluation of crop water requirements. Artificial Intelligence-based models represent a promising alternative to the most common measurement techniques, e.g. using expensive Eddy Covariance (EC) towers. In this context, the main challenges are choosing the best possible model and selecting the most representative features. The objective of this research is to evaluate two different machine learning algorithms, namely Multi-Layer Perceptron (MLP) and Random Forest (RF), to predict daily actual evapotranspiration (ETa) in a citrus orchard typical of the Mediterranean ecosystem using different feature combinations. With many features available coming from various infield sensors, a thorough analysis was performed to measure feature importance, scatter matrix observations, and Pearson's correlation coefficient calculation, which resulted in the selection of 12 promising feature combinations. The models were calibrated under regulated deficit irrigation (RDI) conditions to estimate ETa and save irrigation water. On average up to 38.5% water savings were obtained, compared to full irrigation. Moreover, among the different input variables adopted, the soil water content (SWC) feature appears to have a prominent role in the prediction of ETa. Indeed, the presented results show that by choosing the appropriate input features, the accuracy of the proposed machine learning models remains acceptable even when the number of features is reduced to only 4. The best performance was achieved by the Random Forest method, with seven input features, obtaining a root mean square error (RMSE) and a coefficient of determination (R2) of 0.39 mm/day and 0.84, respectively. Finally, the results show that the joint use of SWC, weather and satellite data significantly improves the performance of evapotranspiration forecasts compared to models using only meteorological variables

    Do patients’ information needs decrease over the course of radiotherapy?

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    PURPOSE: We aimed to investigate if cancer patients’ information needs decrease during radiotherapy and if so, which patient, consultation and radiation oncologist characteristics are associated with a decrease in information needs over time. METHODS: In this longitudinal study, patients (n = 104) completed a baseline questionnaire a week before the initial radiotherapy consultation, immediately following this initial consultation, and 1 week prior to the first follow-up visit, which took place on average 3–5 weeks after the initial visit. Besides information needs, measured by the Information Preference for Radiotherapy Patients scale, the questionnaire assessed patient, consultation and radiation oncologist characteristics. RESULTS: Information needs decreased over time, but remained at a high level. Being religious, being male, having low health literacy and higher perceived involvement during the consultation were all statistically significantly associated to a decrease in information needs on specific domains (e.g. procedures or side effects). CONCLUSIONS: Cancer patients’ information needs decline between the initial consultation and the first follow-up visit, but remain high. It is therefore advised to investigate the patients’ information needs at every radiotherapy visit and not rely on giving information just once. Furthermore, radiation oncologists should check if the information given at first consultation is understood and remembered. By those means, tailored information giving becomes possible

    Pre-surgery supportive and goal-oriented strategies are associated with lower post-surgery perceived distress in women diagnosed with breast cancer

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    Background: Psycho-oncology literature pointed out that individual health outcomes may depend on patients’ propensity to adopt approach or, conversely, avoidant coping strategies. Nevertheless, coping factors associated with postoperative distress remain unclear, unfolding the lack of tailored procedures to help breast cancer patients manage the psychological burden of scheduled surgery. In view of this, the present study aimed at investigating: 1. pre-/post-surgery distress variations occurring among women diagnosed with breast cancer; 2. the predictivity of approach and avoidant coping strategies and factors in affecting post-surgery perceived distress. Methods: N = 150 patients (mean age = 59.37; SD = ± 13.23) scheduled for breast cancer surgery were administered a screening protocol consisting of the Distress Thermometer (DT) and the Brief-COPE. The DT was used to monitor patients’ distress levels before and after surgery (± 7 days), whereas the Brief-COPE was adopted only preoperatively to evaluate patients’ coping responses to the forthcoming surgical intervention. Non-parametric tests allowed for the detection of pre-/post-surgery variations in patients’ perceived distress. Factor analysis involved the extraction and rotation of principal components derived from the Brief-COPE strategies. The predictivity of such coping factors was investigated through multiple regression (Backward Elimination). Results: The Wilcoxon Signed-Rank Test yielded a significant variation in DT mean scores (TW = -5,68 < -zα/2 = -1,96; p <.001) indicative of lower perceived distress following surgery. The four coping factors extracted and Varimax-rotated were, respectively: 1. cognitive processing (i.e., planning + acceptance + active coping + positive reframing); 2. support provision (i.e., instrumental + emotional support); 3. emotion-oriented detachment (i.e., self-blame + behavioral disengagement + humor + denial); 4. goal-oriented detachment (i.e., self-distraction). Among these factors, support provision (B =.458; ÎČ = −.174; t = − 2.03; p =.045), encompassing two approach coping strategies, and goal-oriented detachment (B =.446; ÎČ = −.176; t = − 2.06; p =.042), consisting of one avoidant strategy, were strongly related to post-surgery distress reduction. Conclusion: The present investigation revealed that the pre-surgery adoption of supportive and goal-oriented strategies led to postoperative distress reduction among breast cancer patients. These findings highlight the importance of timely psychosocial screening and proactive interventions in order to improve patients’ recovery and prognosis

    A Full-Field Calibration Approach on Material Parameter Identification

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    In the recent years, the usage of HS-steels has risen significantly in the automotive field. Their characteristics, such as hardness and favorable weight to strength ratio, can increase safety, fuel efficiency and overall product profitability. In this context, for the design with this material it has become crucial to be able to characterize precisely HS-steels and accurately predict their failure in many complex conditions, to fully exploit their capabilities. One of the most accredited ways to approach the prediction of failure for a wide range of materials is the generalized incremental stress-state dependent damage model GISSMO. The model is highly flexible and provides a framework inside LS-DYNA in which failure parameters can be tuned to reproduce experimental data. The definition of the optimal parameters is an inverse problem, therefore it was implemented using LS-OPT. In this work, the experimental evaluation of the MS1500 was carried out using the digital image correlation (DIC). With such technology, the displacements’ field of the test specimen is recorded.The evalueted field was processed as a family of stress-strain curves (hyper-curves) and became the objective of the optimization. This approach is named full field calibration and in this work was split in two phases. First, the stress-strain curve of the material was defined, then the tuning of the GISSMO parameters was performed. To evaluate the effectiveness of the full field approach a parallel study was implemented. The same routine of optimization run with a single stress-strain curve, which was measured with an extensometer. The comparison between the results obtained with the traditional approach and the results obtained with the full field approach highlighted the strenghts and the limitations of the two methods

    Adverse Events Associated with BNT162b2 and AZD1222 Vaccines in the Real World: Surveillance Report in a Single Italian Vaccine Center

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    Aim: Despite huge efforts in developing specific drugs, vaccination represents the only effective strategy against COVID-19. Efficacy and safety of the COVID-19 vaccines were established during clinical trials. Nonetheless, it is very important to perform continuous surveillance. This observational study aimed to report potential Adverse Events Following Immunization (AEFI) following the first dose of two different COVID-19 vaccines, BNT162b2 and AZD1222. Methods and Results: Subjects who underwent vaccination at the vaccine center of the University Hospital of Salerno, Italy, were interviewed using an ad hoc questionnaire. AZD-vac group (n = 175) who received AZD1222 had a higher number of AEFI than the BNT-vac group (n = 1613) who received BNT162b2 (83% vs. 42%). The most frequent AEFI associated with AZD1222 and BNT162b2 were fever and pain at the injection site, respectively. The AZD-vac group used drugs to contrast AEFI more frequently than the BNT-vac group. In the BNT-vac group, there was a higher incidence of AEFI in women than in men (26.2% vs. 15.8%, p = 0.01), while no gender-related difference was observed in the AZD-vac group. Conclusions: AZD1222 and BNT162b2 vaccines show a good safety profile. Based on our results and literature data, there are no reasons to justify the reluctance that persists towards immunization

    Iron–Gold Nanoflowers: A Promising Tool for Multimodal Imaging and Hyperthermia Therapy

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    The development of nanoplatforms prepared to perform both multimodal imaging and combined therapies in a single entity is a fast-growing field. These systems are able to improve diagnostic accuracy and therapy success. Multicomponent Nanoparticles (MCNPs), composed of iron oxide and gold, offer new opportunities for Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) and Computed To-mography (CT) diagnosis, as well as combined therapies based on Magnetic Hyperthermia (MH) and Photothermal Therapy (PT). In this work, we describe a new seed-assisted method for the synthesis of Au@Fe Nanoparticles (NPs) with a flower-like structure. For biomedical purposes, Au@Fe NPs were functionalized with a PEGylated ligand, leading to high colloidal stability. Moreover, the as-obtained Au@Fe-PEG NPs exhibited excellent features as both MRI and CT Contrast Agents (CAs), with high r2 relaxivity (60.5 mM-1·s-1 ) and X-ray attenuation properties (8.8 HU mM-1·HU). In addition, these nanoflowers presented considerable energy-to-heat conversion under both Alternating Magnetic Fields (AMFs) (ÂżT ˜ 2.5ÂżC) and Near-Infrared (NIR) light (ÂżT ˜ 17ÂżC). Finally, Au@Fe-PEG NPs exhibited very low cytotoxicity, confirming their potential for theranostics applications. © 2022 by the authors. Licensee MDPI, Basel, Switzerland

    The human area postrema and other nuclei related to the emetic reflex express cAMP phosphodiesterases 4B and 4D

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    Phosphodiesterase 4 (PDE4) inhibitors, i.e. rolipram, are being extensively investigated as therapeutic agents in several diseases. Emesis is one of the most common side effects of PDE4 inhibitors. Given the fact that the area postrema is considered the chemoreceptor trigger zone for vomiting, the present study investigates the regional distribution and cellular localization of the four gene transcripts of the PDE4 subfamily (PDE4A, PDE4B, PDE4C and PDE4D) in human brainstem. In situ hybridization histochemistry was used to locate the mRNA distribution of the four PDE4 subfamilies in the area postrema and related nuclei of human postmortem brainstem. We have found that in the brainstem PDE4B and PDE4D mRNA expression is abundant and distributed not only in neuronal cells, but also in glial cells, and on blood vessels. The hybridization signals for PDE4B and PDE4D mRNAs in the area postrema were stronger than those in any other nuclei in the brainstem. They were also found in vomiting-related nuclei such as the nucleus of the solitary tract and the dorsal vagal motor nucleus. These findings suggest that cAMP signaling modification in the area postrema could mediate the emetic effects of PDE4 inhibitors in human brainstem.This work was supported by grants from Ministerio de EducaciĂłn y Ciencia and Fondo Europeo de Desarrollo Regional (SAF2006-10243). F.M. was on sabbatical leave from Hirosaki University School of Medicine. S.P.-T. was recipient of a predoctoral fellowship from CIRIT (Generalitat de Catalunya).Peer Reviewe

    INFN What Next: Ultra-relativistic Heavy-Ion Collisions

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    This document was prepared by the community that is active in Italy, within INFN (Istituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare), in the field of ultra-relativistic heavy-ion collisions. The experimental study of the phase diagram of strongly-interacting matter and of the Quark-Gluon Plasma (QGP) deconfined state will proceed, in the next 10-15 years, along two directions: the high-energy regime at RHIC and at the LHC, and the low-energy regime at FAIR, NICA, SPS and RHIC. The Italian community is strongly involved in the present and future programme of the ALICE experiment, the upgrade of which will open, in the 2020s, a new phase of high-precision characterisation of the QGP properties at the LHC. As a complement of this main activity, there is a growing interest in a possible future experiment at the SPS, which would target the search for the onset of deconfinement using dimuon measurements. On a longer timescale, the community looks with interest at the ongoing studies and discussions on a possible fixed-target programme using the LHC ion beams and on the Future Circular Collider.Comment: 99 pages, 56 figure
