5,285 research outputs found

    Pyramiding resistance genes and widening the genetic base of the apple (Malus 7 domestica Borkh.) crop

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    Apple breeding is active worldwide and yet the apple crop is in a precarious state as it relies on few dominant cultivars and only the Rvi6 (formerly Vf) gene, that confers resistance to scab, has been extensively exploited in the cultivars entered the market in recent years. However, there are some 20 disease resistance genes described in apple and the apple germplasm includes thousands of accessions in the repositories. In this paper, a breeding programme is described, whereby 36 genotypes, including ancient and contemporary apple cultivars, were crossed to produce a new set of selections that combine extensive genetic resources with pyramided resistance genes to several apple diseases, such as scab and powdery mildew. The 110 cross combinations carried out successfully, of the 260 initially planned, produced 7,876 offsprings, reduced to 2,969 after screening with molecular markers associated with five resistance genes. Selections with three or two resistance genes and good agronomic characteristics were kept for further field observations with the aims of creating new cultivars for the market and new parents for future breeding projects

    Remarks on scalable frames

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    This paper investigates scalable frame in Rn{\mathbb R}^n. We define the reduced diagram matrix of a frame and use it to classify scalability of the frame under some conditions. We give a new approach to the scaling problem by breaking the problem into two smaller ones, each of which is easily solved, giving a simple way to check scaling. Finally, we study the scalability of dual frames

    Epiluminescence microscopy: Criteria of cutaneous melanoma progression

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    Background: Cutaneous melanoma develops through a series of evolutionary steps (intraepidermal, radial, and vertical growth phases) that are traceable in specific histologic features. Epiluminescence microscopy (ELM) is an in vivo technique that enables the visualization of morphologic structures in pigmented lesions correlated with specific histologic architectural characteristics. Many ELM criteria associated with cutaneous melanoma have been described, but their correlation with tumor progression has not yet been established. Objective: In this preliminary study our purpose was to explore the possibility of recognizing ELM criteria that allow the in vivo detection of the various phases of melanoma progression as well as tumor depth. Methods: Seventy-two cutaneous melanomas (41 'thin' melanomas [TnM], 0.75 mm thickness) were investigated with ELM for the presence of nine standard ELM criteria; their significance was determined by calculating the chi-square test of independence. Results: A significant association is found between the presence of pigment network and TaM and between the presence of gray-blue areas, vascular pattern, and TkM. Moreover, pigment network plus radial streaming is the most significant association of ELM criteria in TnM, whereas gray-blue areas plus vascular pattern is the greatest in TkM. Conclusion: This study shows a good correlation between certain ELM criteria and the histologic architecture of cutaneous melanoma for a preoperative evaluation of the tumor thickness. Further investigation is needed for verifying on a larger number of cases our pilot estimates of sensitivity and specificity of ELM criteria in thin and thick melanomas

    Clinical and dermatoscopic criteria for the preoperative evaluation of cutaneous melanoma thickness

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    Background: Melanoma thickness measured according to the Breslow method is used to determine surgical margin and in patient selection for sentinel node biopsy. Previous studies did not confirm the reliability of melanoma palpability for clinical prediction of tumor thickness. Recently we reported the usefulness of epiluminescence microscopy (dermatoscopy) for in vivo detection of the phases of melanoma progression, as well as tumor depth. Objective: Our purpose was to determine whether the combination of clinical and dermatoscopic criteria could increase the accuracy in preoperative evaluation of melanoma thickness with respect to the clinical elevation and dermatoscopic assessments considered separately. Methods: In a blind retrospective study, 122 cutaneous melanomas were studied to evaluate the presence of several clinical and dermatoscopic criteria and their relation with the histologic thickness. An algorithm of combined criteria was constructed and statistically assessed. Results: Combinations of palpability, diameter of more than 15 mm, pigment network, gray-blue areas, and atypical vascular pattern allowed correct prediction of thickness in 89% of melanomas when categorized in two groups of less than 0.76 mm and more than 0.75 mm thickness, compared with 75% using palpability, and 80% using dermatoscopic criteria. Lower values were obtained in the further subdivision of melanomas into groups of 0.76 to 1.5 mm and more than 1.5 mm thickness. Conclusion: The combination of clinical and dermatoscopic criteria is a more precise guide for the preoperative evaluation of melanoma thickness than either is alone. However, further studies are needed to verify its applicability in establishing the surgical approach to cutaneous melanoma

    Epiluminescence microscopy for the diagnosis of doubtful melanocytic skin lesions: Comparison of the ABCD rule of dermatoscopy and a new 7-point checklist based on pattern analysis

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    Objective: To compare the reliability of a new 7-point checklist based on simplified epiluminescence microscopy (ELM) pattern analysis with the ABCD rule of dermatoscopy and standard pattern analysis for the diagnosis of clinically doubtful melanocytic skin lesions. Design: In a blind study, ELM images of 342 histologically proven melanocytic skin lesions were evaluated for the presence of 7 standard criteria that we called the 'ELM 7-point checklist.' For each lesion, 'overall' and 'ABCD scored' diagnoses were recorded. From a training set of 57 melanomas and 139 atypical non-melanomas, odds ratios were calculated to create a simple diagnostic model based on identification of major and minor criteria for the '7-point scored' diagnosis. A test set of 60 melanomas and 86 atypical non-melanomas was used for model validation and was then presented to 2 less experienced ELM observers, who recorded the ABCD and 7-point scored diagnoses. Settings: University medical centers. Patients: A sample of patients with excised melanocytic lesions. Main Outcome Measures: Sensitivity, specificity, and accuracy of the models for diagnosing melanoma. Results: From the total combined sets, the 7-point checklist gave a sensitivity of 95% and a specificity of 75% compared with 85% sensitivity and 66% specificity using the ABCD rule and 91% sensitivity and 90% specificity using standard pattern analysis (overall ELM diagnosis). Compared with the ABCD rule, the 7-point method allowed less experienced observers to obtain higher diagnostic accuracy values. Conclusions: The ELM 7-point checklist provides a simplification of standard pattern analysis because of the low number of features to identify and the scoring diagnostic system. As with the ABCD rule, it can be easily learned and easily applied and has proven to be reliable in diagnosing melanoma

    Reliability and inter-observer agreement of dermoscopic diagnosis of melanoma and melanocytic naevi

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    The aim of this study was to analyse the reliability and the inter- observer agreement of dermoscopy in the diagnosis of melanocytic skin lesions. Nine dermatologists, with a different training experience and who routinely used dermoscopy in different hospitals in Italy, evaluated clinical and dermoscopy photographs of 15 melanocytic lesions (four invasive melanomas, four histologically common naevi, and seven naevi with histological atypia). A further series of dermoscopic photographs of 40 melanocytic lesions was evaluated to quantify inter-observer concordance in recognizing dermoscopic criteria. Compared to the true (histological) diagnosis, clinical diagnosis (categories: melanoma, common naevus, atypical naevus) was correct in 40% of cases (range, 27-53%). The percentage raised to 55% (40-73%) by the use of dermoscopy, with an average improvement of 15.6%. Concerning melanoma, clinical diagnosis resulted in a sensitivity of 41.9%, specificity of 77.8%, positive predictive value (PPV) of 36.1%, negative predictive value (NPV) of 81.8%. By using dermoscopy, an improvement of diagnostic performance was found (sensitivity 75%, specificity 88.8%, VPP 71.0%, VPN 90.7%). The inter-observer agreement in melanoma diagnosis, by using dermoscopy, was similar to that obtained by clinical examination (k statistics = 0.54 and 0.52, respectively). Concerning dermoscopic criteria, the best agreement among observers was found for pseudopods, a dermoscopic parameter related to the radial growth phase of melanoma. We conclude that dermoscopy is an useful tool for a non-invasive diagnosis of melanocytic skin lesions, improving the diagnostic performance compared to clinical examination

    Veno-occlusive disease of the liver in children treated for Wilms tumor

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    Hepatotoxicity consistent with the clinical diagnosis of veno-occlusive disease (VOD) of the liver has been suspected after conventional anti-cancer chemotherapy in children. To establish the incidence of hepatotoxicity and its relationship with VOD, we analyzed toxicity data obtained on 511 children affected by Wilms tumor and treated according to the SIOP-9 protocol. They all received pre- and postnephrectomy chemotherapy using dactinomycin (AD) and vincristine (VCR) +/- other drugs +/- radiotherapy according to surgical stage and histology. Sixty-four patients suffered at least one episode of hepatotoxicity and 41 satisfied the criteria for a clinical diagnosis of VOD. In this latter group, toxicity occurred during preoperative treatment in 15 patients and was confirmed histopathologically in 9 of the 16 liver biopsies obtained. There was a higher percentage of children aged less than 1 year at diagnosis in the VOD group than in the other patients (24% vs. 11.4%). The degree of liver damage in the younger patients seems important, as suggested by a higher increase in transaminases. VOD developed in 12% of the 68 irradiated children vs. 7% in the non-irradiated group. Statistical analysis showed an increased risk of VOD in younger patients (p < 0.001) and in those receiving radiotherapy (p < 0.001). All patients recovered after 6-180 days using supportive therapy only. (1) 8% of children treated according to the SIOP-9 protocol, developed hepatotoxicity consistent with VOD. Excluding patients who received radiotherapy, the incidence was 6%. These figures are much higher than in earlier reports, though different diagnostic criteria were used. (2) Chemotherapy with AD and VCR seems to be a major cause of VOD. (3) Risk factors are young age and concomitant radiotherapy. (4) VOD does not prejudice positive outcome for these patient

    Activation of the motor cortex during phasic rapid eye movement sleep

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    When dreaming during rapid eye movement (REM) sleep, we can perform complex motor behaviors while remaining motionless. How the motor cortex behaves during this state remains unknown. Here, using intracerebral electrodes sampling the human motor cortex in pharmacoresistant epileptic patients, we report a pattern of electroencephalographic activation during REM sleep similar to that observed during the performance of a voluntary movement during wakefulness. This pattern is present during phasic REM sleep but not during tonic REM sleep, the latter resembling relaxed wakefulness. This finding may help clarify certain phenomenological aspects observed in REM sleep behavior disorder

    The reflection of very cold neutrons from diamond powder nanoparticles

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    We study possibility of efficient reflection of very cold neutrons (VCN) from powders of nanoparticles. In particular, we measured the scattering of VCN at a powder of diamond nanoparticles as a function of powder sample thickness, neutron velocity and scattering angle. We observed extremely intense scattering of VCN even off thin powder samples. This agrees qualitatively with the model of independent nanoparticles at rest. We show that this intense scattering would allow us to use nanoparticle powders very efficiently as the very first reflectors for neutrons with energies within a complete VCN range up to 10−410^{-4} eV

    Tunable Short-Term Plasticity Response in Three-Terminal Organic Neuromorphic Devices

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    Reversibly tunable short-term plasticity (STP) of the channel current in organic neuromorphic devices is demonstrated with a three-terminal architecture. Electrolyte-gated organic transistors - EGOTs - are driven with square voltage pulses at the drain electrodes, while the gate bias enables the modulation of the amplitude and characteristic time scale of the depressive STP spiking response up to 1 order of magnitude. The gate potential sets the baseline and the steady-state current, preluding multilevel memory writing. The fine-tuning of the STP response, which is not possible with two-electrode organic neuromorphic devices, is reversible and does not imply chemical modifications of the active layer
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