4 research outputs found
Teachers\u27 attitudes towards school and instruction
Ein Überblick über Untersuchungen zum Lehrerbewußtsein weist auf, daß dieses Forschungsgebiet mit wichtigen theoretischen Problemen kämpft. Diese Probleme werden exemplarisch an dem Konstanzer Projekt „Lehrereinstellungen“, einer der gediegensten Untersuchungen in diesem Bereich, näher bestimmt. Gleichzeitig wird versucht, die Möglichkeiten des dabei verwendeten Analyserahmens zur Lösung dieser Probleme zu sondieren. Der Analyserahmen besteht aus vier Analysekategorien, mit denen vier verschiedene „Lernkonzepte“ beschrieben werden. Wie die kritische Betrachtung zeigt, finden diese in der analysierten Studie nur sehr eingeschränkt bzw. mit kaum interpretierbaren Überlappungen Berücksichtigung. (DIPF/Orig.)A survey of studies on teachers\u27 attitudes shows that research in this field has to tackle important theoretical problems. One of the most thorough studies conducted in this sphere, the Constance research project on teachers\u27 attitudes, is analyzed in order to exemplify and to determine these difficulties. At the same time, the analytical framework applied is examined as to the possible solutions it might offer. This framework consists of four analytical categories which in turn are used to describe four different concepts of learning. These concepts are hardly taken into account by the study analyzed, and where they are considered the results are questionable. (DIPF/Orig.
Empirical Exploration of a Unified Model of Task-Specific Motivation
The aim of this investigation was to explore the merits of the Unified Model of Task-specific Motivation (UMTM). As in this model task-specific components from several partly conflicting theories were integrated, this study constitutes an important contribution to the further development of consensus about motivation theory. Four relatively independent types of valences are the core of the UMTM. Affective and cognitive valences represent feelings while doing an activity and thoughts about the value of its consequences respectively; both types of valences can be positive and negative, hence calling for approach and avoidance motivation respectively. The interaction between these four categories of valences results in a valence expectation, which influences readiness for action. Valences in turn are influenced by four categories of task-specific antecedents, namely appraisals of autonomy, feasibility, and social relatedness, and subjective norm. The global question we tried to answer was to what extent motivational data on specific activities could be modeled in accordance with the UMTM and how different, specific activities affect the influence that the components of the model exert. Structural equation modeling of questionnaire responses of 335 teachers on all components of the model except negative valences with respect to three imaginary types of professional learning activities (formal training, personal study, and reflection on practice) revealed that characteristics of the task determine to what extent components of the model come into play. It is concluded that the model represents a first promising step towards reuniting conflicting theories of motivatio
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