1,865 research outputs found

    Citizen journalism and the North Belgian peace march

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    This chapter analyses relationships between professionalism and amateurism, and between citizen journalists and activists within a civilsociety context, showing the interconnections between - and hybridity of - these discursive categories and the related mediated practices. It focuses on one specific case, related to the political, legal, military and humanitarian crisis of the Iraq war, and the (communicative) counter-strategies of the peace movement it provoked (and still provokes. The case study of a peace march organised on March 16, 2008 by the peace movement and supported by a platform of 61 organisations in North Belgium

    Transfer of Sulfamethazine from Contaminated Beeswax to Honey

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    A liquid chromatographic tandem mass spectrometric method for the determination of sulfa drugs in beeswax was developed. When performing residue control on beeswax intended for the fabrication of wax foundations, residues of sulfonamides were found. A migration test was set up to study whether sulfonamide-containing beeswax could lead to the contamination of honey. The higher the concentration of sulfamethazine doped in the wax, the higher was the concentration of sulfamethazine found in the honey. The maximum transfer was 15.6, 56.9, and 29.5% of the initial amount spiked in the wax foundation. In a second experiment, the percentage of sulfamethazine migrating from medicated winter feed to beeswax in relation to the concentration in the syrup and the contact time was studied. The maximum transfer of sulfamethazine from medicated sucrose syrup to beeswax was 3.1%

    Regional differentiation of economic growth in Belgium: 1846-1977

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    Das Papier basiert auf regionalen Unterschieden im BeschĂ€ftigungswachstum in den belgischen Provinzen. Weil regionale Transformationen Langzeit-Prozesse sind, wird die Periode zwischen den Jahren 1846 und 1977 untersucht. Begonnen wird mit der rĂ€umlichen und sektoralen Ausbreitung der modernen Industrialisierung und fortgefahren mit der Entwicklung im Dienstleistungsbereich, der einherging mit der Urbanisierung im 20. Jahrhundert und endete mit der neuesten Krise. Im ersten Abschnitt werden die Wachstumsformen und die sich verĂ€ndernden Teile der Provinzen diskutiert. Der zweite Abschnitt bietet eine ErklĂ€rung fĂŒr diese VerĂ€nderungen. Die Unterschiede der sektoralen Strukturen und der spezifischen regionalen Überlegungen werden kombiniert im Schichten-Gesellschafts-Modell. Abschließend werden einige Effekte der Wachstumsunterschiede auf dem Arbeitsmarkt prĂ€sentiert. (KWĂŒbers.)'This paper focuses on the regional differences in employment growth in the Belgian provinces. Since regional transformations are long-run processes, the period studied covers the years between 1846 and 1977. It starts with the spatial and sectoral diffusion of modern industrialization, continues with the tertialisation process that went together with 20th century urbanization and ends with the recent crisis. In a first section, the growth figures and the changing shares of the provinces are discussed. A second section looks for an explanation of these changes. The differences of the sectoral structures and the specific regional advantages are combined in the shift share model. Finally, some effects of the differentiation of growth on the labour market are presented.' (author's abstract

    Knowledge management challenges in corporate venturing and technological capability building through radical innovations

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    radical innovation, technological capability, corporate venturing, knowledge management

    De IJzer: inventaris van de waterverontreiniging in het stroomgebied van de IJzer

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    The study of the pollution of the Yzer (West Flanders, Belgium) was created in the frame of the national programme for the physical and biological environment of the Interministrial Commission for Scientific Policy

    Evolutie van de waterkwaliteit van de Schelde in de periode 1977-1985

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    The quality of Belgian surface waters is monitored through a widespread monitoring network. All stations in this network are sampled 4 times a year, while the border stations are sampled each month. This study compiles the results of all stations along the Schelde river. 40 parameters per station are measured. Of these, 10 parameters have been chosen that are representative for the Schelde water quality. The data of these 10 parameters are analysed, compiled and interpreted graphically in this report
