29 research outputs found

    an overview of the MHONGOOSE survey: Observing nearby galaxies with MeerKAT

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    © Copyright owned by the author(s). MHONGOOSE is a deep survey of the neutral hydrogen distribution in a representative sample of 30 nearby disk and dwarf galaxies with H I masses from ∼ 106 to ∼ 1011 M, and luminosities from MR ∼ 12 to MR ∼ −22. The sample is selected to uniformly cover the available range in log(MHI). Our extremely deep observations, down to H I column density limits of well below 1018 cm−2 — or a few hundred times fainter than the typical H I disks in galaxies — will directly detect the effects of cold accretion from the intergalactic medium and the links with the cosmic web. These observations will be the first ever to probe the very low-column density neutral gas in galaxies at these high resolutions. Combination with data at other wavelengths, most of it already available, will enable accurate modeling of the properties and evolution of the mass components in these galaxies and link these with the effects of environment, dark matter distribution, and other fundamental properties such as halo mass and angular momentum. MHONGOOSE can already start addressing some of the SKA-1 science goals and will provide a comprehensive inventory of the processes driving the transformation and evolution of galaxies in the nearby universe at high resolution and over 5 orders of magnitude in column density. It will be a Nearby Galaxies Legacy Survey that will be unsurpassed until the advent of the SKA, and can serve as a highly visible, lasting statement of MeerKAT’s capabilities

    WALLABY – an SKA Pathfinder H i survey

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    The Widefield ASKAP L-band Legacy All-sky Blind surveY (wallaby) is a next-generation survey of neutral hydrogen (H i) in the Local Universe. It uses the widefield, high-resolution capability of the Australian Square Kilometer Array Pathfinder (ASKAP), a radio interferometer consisting of 36 × 12 -m dishes equipped with Phased-Array Feeds (PAFs), located in an extremely radio-quiet zone in Western Australia. wallaby aims to survey three-quarters of the sky (− 90 ∘\u3c δ\u3c + 30 ∘) to a redshift of z≲ 0.26 , and generate spectral line image cubes at ∼30 arcsec resolution and ∼1.6 mJy beam−1 per 4 km s−1 channel sensitivity. ASKAP’s instantaneous field of view at 1.4 GHz, delivered by the PAF’s 36 beams, is about 30 sq deg. At an integrated signal-to-noise ratio of five, wallaby is expected to detect around half a million galaxies with a mean redshift of z∼ 0.05 (∼200 Mpc). The scientific goals of wallaby include: (a) a census of gas-rich galaxies in the vicinity of the Local Group; (b) a study of the H i properties of galaxies, groups and clusters, in particular the influence of the environment on galaxy evolution; and (c) the refinement of cosmological parameters using the spatial and redshift distribution of low-bias gas-rich galaxies. For context we provide an overview of recent and planned large-scale H i surveys. Combined with existing and new multi-wavelength sky surveys, wallaby will enable an exciting new generation of panchromatic studies of the Local Universe. — First results from the wallaby pilot survey are revealed, with initial data products publicly available in the CSIRO ASKAP Science Data Archive (CASDA)

    The extended H i halo of NGC 4945 as seen by MeerKAT

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    The State Agency for Research of the Spanish Ministry of Science, Innovation and Universities through the ‘Center of Excellence Severo Ochoa’ awarded to the Instituto de Astrofísica de Andalucía; the Economic Transformation, Industry, Knowledge and Universities Council of the Regional Government of Andalusia and the European Regional Development Fund from the European Union; the South African Radio Astronomy Observatory (SARAO); BMBF Verbundforschung; DFG Sonderforschungsbereich and the European Research Council (ERC).http://mnras.oxfordjournals.orghj2022Physic

    Extended Theories of Gravity and their Cosmological and Astrophysical Applications

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    We review Extended Theories of Gravity in metric and Palatini formalism pointing out their cosmological and astrophysical application. The aim is to propose an alternative approach to solve the puzzles connected to dark components.Comment: 44 pages, 11 figure

    Has the Rate of CD4 Cell Count Decline before Initiation of Antiretroviral Therapy Changed over the Course of the Dutch HIV Epidemic among MSM?

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    Introduction:Studies suggest that the HIV-1 epidemic in the Netherlands may have become more virulent, leading to faster disease progression if untreated. Analysis of CD4 cell count decline before antiretroviral therapy (ART) initiation, a surrogate marker for disease progression, may be hampered by informative censoring as ART initiation is more likely with a steeper CD4 cell count decline.Methods:Development of CD4 cell count from 9 to 48 months after seroconversion was analyzed using a mixed-effects model and 2 models that jointly modeled CD4 cell counts and time to censoring event (start ART

    Non-AIDS defining cancers in the D:A:D Study-time trends and predictors of survival : a cohort study

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    BACKGROUND:Non-AIDS defining cancers (NADC) are an important cause of morbidity and mortality in HIV-positive individuals. Using data from a large international cohort of HIV-positive individuals, we described the incidence of NADC from 2004-2010, and described subsequent mortality and predictors of these.METHODS:Individuals were followed from 1st January 2004/enrolment in study, until the earliest of a new NADC, 1st February 2010, death or six months after the patient's last visit. Incidence rates were estimated for each year of follow-up, overall and stratified by gender, age and mode of HIV acquisition. Cumulative risk of mortality following NADC diagnosis was summarised using Kaplan-Meier methods, with follow-up for these analyses from the date of NADC diagnosis until the patient's death, 1st February 2010 or 6 months after the patient's last visit. Factors associated with mortality following NADC diagnosis were identified using multivariable Cox proportional hazards regression.RESULTS:Over 176,775 person-years (PY), 880 (2.1%) patients developed a new NADC (incidence: 4.98/1000PY [95% confidence interval 4.65, 5.31]). Over a third of these patients (327, 37.2%) had died by 1st February 2010. Time trends for lung cancer, anal cancer and Hodgkin's lymphoma were broadly consistent. Kaplan-Meier cumulative mortality estimates at 1, 3 and 5 years after NADC diagnosis were 28.2% [95% CI 25.1-31.2], 42.0% [38.2-45.8] and 47.3% [42.4-52.2], respectively. Significant predictors of poorer survival after diagnosis of NADC were lung cancer (compared to other cancer types), male gender, non-white ethnicity, and smoking status. Later year of diagnosis and higher CD4 count at NADC diagnosis were associated with improved survival. The incidence of NADC remained stable over the period 2004-2010 in this large observational cohort.CONCLUSIONS:The prognosis after diagnosis of NADC, in particular lung cancer and disseminated cancer, is poor but has improved somewhat over time. Modifiable risk factors, such as smoking and low CD4 counts, were associated with mortality following a diagnosis of NADC

    A new method for short-duration transient detection in radio images:searching for transient sources in MeerKAT data of NGC 5068

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    Transient surveys are a vital tool in e xploring the dynamic Universe, with radio transients acting as beacons for explosive and highly energetic astrophysical phenomena. However, performing commensal transient surveys using radio imaging can require a significant amount of computing power, data storage, and time. With the instrumentation available to us, and with new and exciting radio interferometers in development, it is essential that we develop efficient methods to probe the radio transient sky. In this paper, we present results from a commensal short-duration transient survey, on time-scales of 8 s, 128 s, and 1 h, using data from the MeerKAT radio telescope. The data set used was obtained as part of a galaxy observing campaign, and we focus on the field of NGC 5068. We present a quick, wide-field imaging strategy to enable fast imaging of large data sets, and develop methods to efficiently filter detected transient candidates. No transient candidates were identified on the time-scales of 8 s, 128 s, and 1 h, leading to competitive limits on the transient surface densities of 6.7 × 10−5, 1.1 × 10−3, and 3.2 ×10−2 deg−1 at sensitivities of 56.4, 19.2, and 3.9 mJy following primary beam correction for the respective time-scales. We find one possible candidate that could be associated with a stellar flare, which was rejected due to strict image quality control. Further short time-scale radio observations of this candidate could give definite results about its origin.</p