8 research outputs found

    IT-supported integrated care pathways for diabetes: A compilation and review of good practices

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    Introduction: Integrated Care Pathways (ICPs) are a method for the mutual decision-making and organization of care for a well-defined group of patients during a well-defined period. The aim of a care pathway is to enhance the quality of care by improving patient outcomes, promoting patient safety, increasing patient satisfaction, and optimizing the use of resources. To describe this concept, different names are used, e.g. care pathways and integrated care pathways. Modern information technologies (IT) can support ICPs by enabling patient empowerment, better management, and the monitoring of care provided by multidisciplinary teams. This study analyses ICPs across Europe, identifying commonalities and success factors to establish good practices for IT-supported ICPs in diabetes care. Methods: A mixed-method approach was applied, combining desk research on 24 projects from the European Innovation Partnership on Active and Healthy Ageing (EIP on AHA) with follow-up interviews of project participants, and a non-systematic literature review. We applied a Delphi technique to select process and outcome indicators, derived from different literature sources which were compiled and applied for the identification of successful good practices. Results: Desk research identified sixteen projects featuring IT-supported ICPs, mostly derived from the EIP on AHA, as good practices based on our criteria. Follow-up interviews were then conducted with representatives from 9 of the 16 projects to gather information not publicly available and understand how these projects were meeting the identified criteria. In parallel, the non-systematic literature review of 434 PubMed search results revealed a total of eight relevant projects. On the basis of the selected EIP on AHA project data and non-systematic literature review, no commonalities with regard to defined process or outcome indicators could be identified through our approach. Conversely, the research produced a heterogeneous picture in all aspects of the projects’ indicators. Data from desk research and follow-up interviews partly lacked information on outcome and performance, which limited the comparison between practices. Conclusion: Applying a comprehensive set of indicators in a multi-method approach to assess the projects included in this research study did not reveal any obvious commonalities which might serve as a blueprint for future IT-supported ICP projects. Instead, an unexpected high degree of heterogeneity was observed, that may reflect diverse local implementation requirements e.g. specificities of the local healthcare system, local regulations, or preexisting structures used for the project setup. Improving the definition of and reporting on project outcomes could help advance research on and implementation of effective integrated care solutions for chronic disease management across Europe

    Evolution of the concept of avoidable hospitalization through the selections of causes and codes: evidence from a comprehensive review.

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    Background: Ambulatory care sensitive conditions (ACSCs) are diseases where the provision of primary health care (PHC) interventions may affect the severity of the disease and prevent hospitalization. This study aimed at exploring changes of different definitions and classification of ACSCs and the relationship with models of health care system in Established Market Economy countries, according to World Bank definition. Methods: A key-word search on the medical literature published till 2010, was carried out on MEDLINE; SCOPUS and Chinail. In addition grey literature was explored. Included studies were primary epidemiological searches that referred to analyse the relationship between ACSC, PHC and health care model classified as National Health Service (NHS) type, Social Insurance (SI) type and Private Health Insurance (PHI) type. Results: The primary search yielded 264 citations; after the selection process, 114 papers underwent detailed review. A total of 23 papers were eligible for inclusion. Most of the selected paper came from USA (10 studies), followed by European Countries (six studies), Canada (three studies), Australia/New Zealand (two studies) and other EME countries (two studies). By analysing health systems type, most of studies were targeted PHI model (39%), six studies (26%) were focalized on SI type of system, while eight studies were centered on NHS systems. The majority of studies have been carried on since 2002: from 2002 to 2006 (14 studies) and from 2006 to 2010 (three studies); before 2002 a small number of papers have been published (six studies). Conclusions: Findings of our ongoing research show that both in different health care delivery systems and overtime, the choice of different definitions and diagnostic codes for identifying ACSCs impact significantly on the proportion of hospitalization attributable to ACSCs. To properly identify ACSCs will be useful to health services researchers and health policy makers; doing so strengthened targeted policy interventions to efficiently improve access to primary care

    Visual function in infants with West syndrome: correlation with EEG patterns

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    PURPOSE: Several studies have reported behavioral and electrophysiological evidence of visual impairment during the active stage of West syndrome. The underlying mechanisms are, however, poorly understood, and little has been reported about the correlation between visual impairment, EEG patterns, and brain lesions. The aim of the study was to assess visual function at the onset of spasm and 2 months thereafter and relate visual findings to brain lesions and EEG features. METHODS: Twenty-five infants with West syndrome were enrolled and studied with (a) a full clinical assessment including a battery of tests specifically designed to assess visual function, (b) a video-polygraphic study, and (c) brain magnetic resonance imaging (MRI). Besides brain neuroimaging and EEG comparison with visual function, an intra-EEG analysis was performed to investigate the possible relation of EEG patterns to fluctuating visual behavior (fixation and following). RESULTS: Twenty-two children had at least one abnormal result on one or more of the tests assessing visual function at T0. Visual impairment at the spasm onset was related to the sleep disorganization rather than to the hypsarrhythmic pattern in awake EEG. After 2 months, both EEG features become significantly linked to visual function. Visual function improved in several cases after 2 months, in parallel with the seizure regression. No relation was found between EEG patterns and fluctuating visual behavior. CONCLUSIONS: The study supplies new evidence of the involvement of visual function in West syndrome. The presence of abnormal visual findings in infants without lesions on brain MRI suggests that visual abnormalities are due not only to brain injury but also to epileptic disorder per se. New insight is also provided into the possible mechanisms underlying clinical and EEG abnormalities

    Early health system responses to the COVID-19 pandemic in Mediterranean countries: A tale of successes and challenges

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    This paper conducts a comparative review of the (curative) health systems’ response taken by Cyprus, Greece, Israel, Italy, Malta, Portugal, and Spain during the first six months of the COVID-19 pandemic. Prior to the COVID-19 pandemic, these Mediterranean countries shared similarities in terms of health system resources, which were low compared to the EU/OECD average. We distill key policy insights regarding the governance tools adopted to manage the pandemic, the means to secure sufficient physical infrastructure and workforce capacity and some financing and coverage aspects. We performed a qualitative analysis of the evidence reported to the ‘Health System Response Monitor’ platform of the European Observatory by country experts. We found that governance in the early stages of the pandemic was undertaken centrally in all the Mediterranean countries, even in Italy and Spain where regional authorities usually have autonomy over health matters. Stretched public resources prompted countries to deploy “flexible” intensive care unit capacity and health workforce resources as agile solutions. The private sector was also utilized to expand resources and health workforce capacity, through special public-private partnerships. Countries ensured universal coverage for COVID-19-related services, even for groups not usually entitled to free publicly financed health care, such as undocumented migrants. We conclude that flexibility, speed and adaptive management in health policy responses were key to responding to immediate needs during the COVID-19 pandemic. Financial barriers to accessing care as well as potentially higher mortality rates were avoided in most of the countries during the first wave. Yet it is still early to assess to what extent countries were able to maintain essential services without undermining equitable access to high quality care. © 202

    Balancing financial incentives during COVID-19: a comparison of provider payment adjustments across 20 countries.

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    Objective Provider payment mechanisms were adjusted in many countries in response to the COVID-19 pandemic in 2020. Our objective was to review adjustments for hospitals and healthcare professionals across 20 countries. Method We developed an analytical framework distinguishing between payment adjustments compensating income loss and those covering extra costs related to COVID-19. Information was extracted from the Covid-19 Health System Response Monitor (HSRM) and classified according to the framework. Findings We found that income loss was not a problem in countries where professionals were paid by salary or capitation and hospitals received global budgets. In countries where payment was based on activity, income loss was compensated through budgets and higher fees. New FFS payments were introduced to incentivize remote services. Payments for COVID-19 related costs included new fees for out- and inpatient services but also new PD and DRG tariffs for hospitals. Budgets covered the costs of adjusting wards, creating new (ICU) beds, and hiring staff. Conclusions We conclude that public payers assumed most of the COVID-19-related financial risk. In view of future pandemics policymakers should work to increase resilience of payment systems by: (1) having systems in place to rapidly adjust payment systems; (2) being aware of the economic incentives created by these adjustments such as cost-containment or increasing the number of patients or services, that can result in unintended consequences such as risk selection or overprovision of care; and (3) periodically evaluating the effects of payment adjustments on access and quality of care