670 research outputs found

    Performance And Economic Analysis Of Finished Lambs In Feedlot

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    This study aimed to evaluate animal performance and economic performance of feedlot crossbred lambs (Santa Inês+ - Suffolk) fed different diets based on hay from Cynodon dactylon genotypes, through the use of financial measures considering only the period of feedlot, without relating it to the complete management cycle. A total of 30 intact crossbred Suffolk lambs, identified with earrings, with an average age of 90 days and an average body weight of 21.5 kg were used in this study. Diets were formulated using as treatments a standard concentrate and hay of the Cynodon dactylon genotypes Jiggs, Vaquero, Tifton 68, Coast-Cross, Tifton 85 and Russell in a 60:40 forage-to-concentrate ratio. The treatments were distributed in a randomized complete block design with five replicates. There were significant differences between diets in terms of total expenditure on food, and the highest values were obtained for the Jiggs genotype (BRL 48.96/animal). The animals fed diets based on Tifton 68 hay had a higher rate of return (2.16%) and profitability (34.63%) compared to the other diets. The use of diets based on Tifton 68 hay for feedlot lambs in the finishing phase brings higher economic returns compared to the remaining diets.37129330

    Flutuação populacional de Diaphorina citri (Hemiptera: Psyllidae), vetor do HLB (huanglongbing) no Recôncavo da Bahia.

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    O psilídeo Diaphorina citri é, atualmente, o inseto vetor da doença mais devastadora dos citros. Ganhou esse status por ser o transmissor da bactéria Candidatus Liberibacter spp., causadora, do HLB. De origem asiática, o HLB foi detectado no Brasil em 2004 e encontra-se disseminada no estado de São Paulo, e em vários municípios de Minas Gerais e Paraná

    Biologia do Curimbatá (Prochilodus lineatus), Pintado (Pseudoplatystoma corruscans) e Cachara (Pseudoplatystoma fasciatum) na bacia hidrográfica do Rio Miranda, Pantanal do Mato Grosso do Sul, Brasil.

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    E analisada a biologia do curimbata (P. lineatus), do pintado (P. corruscans) e da cachara (P. fasciatum) na bacia hidrografia do rio Miranda. Estas especies realizam migracoes ascendentes para reproducao a partir de setembro-outubro. A desova, do tipo total, ocorre nos cursos superiores dos rios Miranda e Aquidauna, principalmente de dezembro a fevereiro. Apos a desova, retornam aos cursos inferiores, onde se espalham pelas areas alagadas, alimentando-se fartamente. Este padrao de migracao esta ligado ao ciclo fluviometrico desses rios. P. lineatus e uma especie detritivora, enquanto P. corruscans e P. fasciatum sao ictiofagas generalistas. Jovens e adultos apresentam distribuicao diferenciada. O crescimento dessas especies e analisado.bitstream/item/37461/1/BP02.pd

    Utilization of metabolic flux analysis for metabolome data validation of xylose-fermenting yeasts.

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    Made available in DSpace on 2019-12-21T00:36:11Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Metabolicfluxanalysis.pdf: 2466512 bytes, checksum: 556ba9be15e8bcd17f6197378aee60d9 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2019bitstream/item/207742/1/Metabolic-flux-analysis.pd

    Productivity and quality of Tempranillo grapes cultivated on three different soils in the Sao Francisco Valley, Brazil.

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    Brazilian viticulture ocupies an area of 81 thousand hectares, with vineyards planted from extreme south until regions nearby equator line. At northeast of Brazil, especially at the San Francisco Valley, occured an expansion of grapevine culture, due to ideal conditions of soil and climate, obtaining more than one harvest per year. Studies aiming the grapevine zoning of the region indicates the potential of several cultivars adapted to local conditions and suitable to contribute for the typicality of the wines, as for example, using grapes from Tempranillo cultivar. The objective of this work was to evaluate the productivity of Tempranillo cultivar grapevines on three different soil types and how these soils interfere on fruit quality. The study took place at Santa Maria farm, with Tempranillo cultivar, producing 2 harvests in 2017 (May and November) in an eight year stablished vineyard, growed in spalier, at the county of Lagoa Grande-Pernambuco State, Brazil. Three soil profiles were described and sampled, identified as: Argissolo Vermelho-Amarelo Eutrófico abrúptico plintossólico (Ultisol), Argissolo Amarelo Eutrófico abrúptico (Ultisol), with medium texture and Argissolo Amarelo Eutrófico abrúptico (Ultisol), with coarse texture, abunding with gravel and pebbles. The area of each soil was delimited, and in these areas were harvested grapes, counted, weighed, and measured the pH, total soluble solids (ºBrix), total titratable acidity (TTA) of the must and the mass and volume of 100 berries. The Yellow Argisol with medium texture presented average yield aproximately 20% higher than the Red-Yellow Argisol on both harvest, while the Red-Yellow Argisol presented lower productivity in comparison to the two other types of soil on both harvest. However, this lower productivity can promote concentration levels of phenolic and aromatic compounds, wich have great importance in enology, since they are related directly or indirectly to wine quality, being responsable for its color, body and astringency. The number and weight of bunches per plant also presented higher values on the area of the Yellow Argisol with medium texture, differing statistically from the other areas on the winter harvest. The pH, ºBrix, TTA, mass and volume of bunches did not differ statistically on both harvests. Also, differences can be noticed between the values that can lead to wine production with different quality, so that can aggregate value to the product

    Identificação de fontes de resistência ao câncro das hastes em melancia.

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    O experimento em campo, teve o objetivo de efetuar uma caracterização morfológica dos frutos dos tratamentos que estavam sendo avaliados