14,468 research outputs found

    Fate of in-medium heavy quarks via a Lindblad equation

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    What is the dynamics of heavy quarks and antiquarks in a quark gluon plasma? Can heavy-quark bound states dissociate? Can they (re)combine? These questions are addressed by investigating a Lindblad equation that describes the quantum dynamics of the heavy quarks in a medium. The Lindblad equations for a heavy quark and a heavy quark-antiquark pair are derived from the gauge theory, following a chain of well-defined approximations. In this work the case of an abelian plasma has been considered, but the extension to the non-abelian case is feasible. A one-dimensional simulation of the Lindblad equation is performed to extract information about bound-state dissociation, recombination and quantum decoherence for a heavy quark-antiquark pair. All these phenomena are found to depend strongly on the imaginary part of the inter-quark potential.Comment: 50 pages, 10 figures - added references - corrected typos and added a few comments - added appendix

    Asymptotic analysis of noisy fitness maximization, applied to metabolism and growth

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    We consider a population dynamics model coupling cell growth to a diffusion in the space of metabolic phenotypes as it can be obtained from realistic constraints-based modelling. In the asymptotic regime of slow diffusion, that coincides with the relevant experimental range, the resulting non-linear Fokker-Planck equation is solved for the steady state in the WKB approximation that maps it into the ground state of a quantum particle in an Airy potential plus a centrifugal term. We retrieve scaling laws for growth rate fluctuations and time response with respect to the distance from the maximum growth rate suggesting that suboptimal populations can have a faster response to perturbations.Comment: 24 pages, 6 figure

    Model predictive control of a free piston compressor/expander with an integrated linear motor/alternator

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    Linear positive displacement machines are becoming increasingly more attractive for applications that are normally known as unconquerable niches of rotary and scroll machines. Free-piston machines are characterized by the absence of a crank mechanism, since there is a direct transformation of electrical energy into the piston movement. From the point of view of manufacturing, these machines benefit from a higher robustness and reliability because of less mechanical components involved and reduced frictional losses associate with a conventional crank mechanism. However, the major challenge in replacing the rotary machines by linear ones is a lower efficiency at lower speeds which is unavoidable because of the nature of linear motion: continuous operation means a reciprocating movement within a stroke length with significantly long periods of acceleration and deceleration when the speed is far from its optimal value. However, the advantage of free-piston machines is the fact that the motion profile is freely configurable within physical constraints, which provides a possibility to optimize the speed given the efficiency map of particular linear motor. While the methods and results of the efficiency assessment for rotary machines are widely available, there is a lack of these analyses for linear machines. The current study provides in-depth analyses of a double-coil iron core linear motor also acting as a generator

    Easter Island’s Collapse : A Tale of a Population Race

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    The Easter Island tragedy has become an allegory for ecological catastrophe and a warning for the future. In the economic literature the collapse is usually attributed to irrational or myopic behaviors in the context of a fragile ecosystem. In this paper we propose an alternative story involving non-cooperative bargaining between clans to share the crop. Each clan’s bargaining power depends on its threat level when fighting a war. The biggest group has the highest probability of winning. A clan’s fertility is determined ex ante by each group. In the quest for greater bargaining power, each clan’s optimal size depends on that of the other clan, and a population race follows. This race may exhaust the natural resources and lead to the ultimate collapse of the society. In addition to well-known natural factors, the likelihood of a collapse turns out to be greater when the cost of war is low, the probability of succeeding in war is highly responsive to the number of fighters, and the marginal return to labor is not too low. We analyze whether these factors can account for the difference between Easter and Tikopia Islands. The paper also makes a methodological contribution in that it is the first fertility model to include strategic complementarities between groups’ fertility decisionsFertility, War, Bargaining Power, Collapse, Natural Resources

    An algorithm for constructing certain differential operators in positive characteristic

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    Given a non-zero polynomial ff in a polynomial ring RR with coefficients in a finite field of prime characteristic pp, we present an algorithm to compute a differential operator ÎŽ\delta which raises 1/f1/f to its ppth power. For some specific families of polynomials, we also study the level of such a differential operator ÎŽ\delta, i.e., the least integer ee such that ÎŽ\delta is RpeR^{p^e}-linear. In particular, we obtain a characterization of supersingular elliptic curves in terms of the level of the associated differential operator.Comment: 23 pages. Comments are welcom

    A GIS-based model to assess electric energy consumptions and usable renewable energy potential in Lazio region at municipality scale

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    The ongoing energy transition processes need a rapprochement between the places of energy production and consumption with the aim of creating innovative and integrated territorial models. Consequentially, models and strategies for increasing the use of local and renewable energy sources (RES) play a key rule for enhancing energy independence and sustainability of the considered areas. The main objective of this study is to analyse the energy system of the Lazio Region in Italy, comparing electricity consumptions and production from renewable sources at municipality scale. In order to estimate the electricity consumptions and the local production by RES, the main sectors of electricity consumption together with the potential of the available RES for the electricity production have been analysed. The obtained results pinpointed the main critical aspects of the Lazio region, that are mainly focalized in the city of Rome and in the most densely inhabited municipalities. Furthermore, research outputs provide an overall framework on the regional RES potential and allowed the formulation of proposals aimed at overcoming the identified criticalities and increasing the share of electricity production from renewables. Finally, the research approach could be replicated in other areas, providing a useful process for decision makers and stakeholders

    Easter Island’s collapse: A tale of a population race

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    We study different extended formulations for the set (formule) in order to tackle the feasibility problem for the set (formule). Here the goal is not to ïŹnd an improved polyhedral relaxation of conv(X+), but rather to reformulate in such a way that the new variables introduced provide good branching directions, and in certain circumstances permit one to deduce rapidly that the instance is infeasible. For the case that A has one row a we analyze the reformulations in more detail. In particular, we determine the integer width of the extended formulations in the direction of the last coordinate, and derive a lower bound on the Frobenius number of a. We also suggest how a decomposition of the vector a can be obtained that will provide a useful extended formulation. Our theoretical results are accompanied by a small computational study.fertility, war, bargaining power, collapse, natural resources.

    Effects of a trapped vortex cell on thick wing profile

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    Experimental investigation on the effects originated from a trapped vortex cell on the NACA0024 airfoi
