58 research outputs found

    Propuesta de modelo Logit para determinar la influencia de las comorbilidades y los síntomas en el desarrollo del diagnóstico de Covid-19 mediante la prueba PCR en Colombia

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    Este artículo propone a través de un modelo Logit abordar la injerencia que tienen los síntomas y las comorbilidades en el resultado de la Prueba de proteína C reactiva (PCR) para la detección de COVID-19 en Colombia. Para ello utiliza los datos de 8667 personas que se realizaron la prueba entre abril y diciembre del año 2020. Haciendo uso de estos datos es posible determinar los síntomas y comorbilidades más comunes que han presentado las personas que se han realizado la prueba y así establecer su influencia en la obtención de un diagnostico positivo o negativo de la prueba PCR. Al obtener que tanto afectan las comorbilidades y síntomas en el diagnóstico de la prueba se hace más sencillo el entender la importancia de los cuidados que se deben tener para no propagar más la enfermedad.Through a Logit model, this article proposes to address the inference that symptoms and comorbidities have in the result of the CRP test for the detection of COVID-19 in Colombia. To do this, is used the data of 8667 people who took the test between April and December of the year 2020. Using these data, it is possible to determine the most common symptoms and comorbidities that the people who have taken the test presented and thus establish their influence on obtaining a positive or negative diagnosis from the CRP test. By obtaining how much the comorbidities and symptoms affect in the diagnosis of the test, it is easier to understand the importance of the care that must be taken so as not to spread the disease further

    mEBAL2 Database and Benchmark: Image-based Multispectral Eyeblink Detection

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    This work introduces a new multispectral database and novel approaches for eyeblink detection in RGB and Near-Infrared (NIR) individual images. Our contributed dataset (mEBAL2, multimodal Eye Blink and Attention Level estimation, Version 2) is the largest existing eyeblink database, representing a great opportunity to improve data-driven multispectral approaches for blink detection and related applications (e.g., attention level estimation and presentation attack detection in face biometrics). mEBAL2 includes 21,100 image sequences from 180 different students (more than 2 million labeled images in total) while conducting a number of e-learning tasks of varying difficulty or taking a real course on HTML initiation through the edX MOOC platform. mEBAL2 uses multiple sensors, including two Near-Infrared (NIR) and one RGB camera to capture facial gestures during the execution of the tasks, as well as an Electroencephalogram (EEG) band to get the cognitive activity of the user and blinking events. Furthermore, this work proposes a Convolutional Neural Network architecture as benchmark for blink detection on mEBAL2 with performances up to 97%. Different training methodologies are implemented using the RGB spectrum, NIR spectrum, and the combination of both to enhance the performance on existing eyeblink detectors. We demonstrate that combining NIR and RGB images during training improves the performance of RGB eyeblink detectors (i.e., detection based only on a RGB image). Finally, the generalization capacity of the proposed eyeblink detectors is validated in wilder and more challenging environments like the HUST-LEBW dataset to show the usefulness of mEBAL2 to train a new generation of data-driven approaches for eyeblink detection.Comment: This paper is under consideration at Pattern Recognition Letter


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    La presente investigación aborda el tema del método de soldadura por fricción agitación FSW por su siglas en inglés (Friction-Stir Welding), en el cual la unión del metal se consigue en estado sólido y sin superar el punto de fusión, por lo tanto es un proceso empleado en su mayoría para unir metales y aleaciones que presenten baja soldabilidad por métodos de soldadura por fusión, como por ejemplo el aluminio el cual es utilizado en la industria aeronáutica, automotriz, naval, entre otras. En este tipo de soldadura la unión se produce por un efecto termomecanico causado por la fricción que se genera dado al contacto entre el metal base y una herramienta que rota y avanza a través de la junta, lo que produce un aporte de calor llevando el metal base a un estado plástico permitiendo la unión del mismo. Por lo tanto se busca evaluar el efecto de la variación de las velocidades de rotación y de avance, en uniones soldadas de Aluminio 6061, con el fin de identificar con que variables se obtiene las mejores condiciones en la soldadura, para lo cual se emplearon ensayos destructivos (de tensión, flexión y dureza) y análisis metalográfico

    Descripción de la estructura organizacional del área de responsabilidad social del Fondo Nacional del Ahorro

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    Este trabajo de grado tiene como eje central dar cuenta de la estructura y actividades que en materia de responsabilidad social se han venido trabajando desde el Fondo Nacional del Ahorro. Dicho recuento muestra la historia y evolución que ha tenido el área dentro de la entidad y que le permite hoy mostrar resultados favorables y considerables de cara tanto al interior como al exterior de la organización. El trabajo fue realizado con el acompañamiento de funcionarios del grupo de responsabilidad social y se desarrolló alrededor de cuatro ejes centrales; la evolución del área, la plataforma estratégica, la división del trabajo y la coordinación del trabajo. Con el desarrollo del trabajo se evidencio la procuración y el enfoque social y humano en el que están orientados los lineamientos de las estrategias del grupo y la entidad.This degree work has as objective to account the structure and activities regarding to social responsibility that have been working in the Fondo Nacional del Ahorro. This account shows the history and evolution that has taken the area and the favorable and significant results inside and outside the organization. The work was done with the support of officials in the group of social responsibility, and developed around four main axes: the evolution of the area, the strategic platform, the division of labor and coordination of work. With the development of this degree work it was evidenced the procurement, the social and human approach in by which the guidelines and strategies of the organization and the group are oriented.Universidad del Rosari

    Medical students’ challenges and suggestions regarding research training: a synthesis of comments from a cross-sectional survey

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    Background: We previously reported on a cross-sectional study of students from the Michael G. DeGroote School of Medicine at McMaster University that found most respondents wanted more opportunities to participate in research. Students provided additional comments that we synthesized to enrich the findings of our quantitative analysis.   Methods: From our previously administered 13-item, online questionnaire, run across three campuses in Ontario, Canada, 498 of 618 medical students completed our survey and 360 (72%) provided optional written comments, which we synthesized using thematic analysis in this current study.  Results: Major themes that emerged were: (1) Active student participation to identify research opportunities and interested mentors are needed; (2) Types of research involvement; (3) Uncertainty whether research training translates into useable skills; (4) Desire for a formalized research curriculum and centralization of research opportunities across campuses.  Conclusion: Programs should stress to interested students the importance of actively looking for research opportunities and consider both large and small-group educational sessions

    MATT: Multimodal Attention Level Estimation for e-learning Platforms

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    This work presents a new multimodal system for remote attention level estimation based on multimodal face analysis. Our multimodal approach uses different parameters and signals obtained from the behavior and physiological processes that have been related to modeling cognitive load such as faces gestures (e.g., blink rate, facial actions units) and user actions (e.g., head pose, distance to the camera). The multimodal system uses the following modules based on Convolutional Neural Networks (CNNs): Eye blink detection, head pose estimation, facial landmark detection, and facial expression features. First, we individually evaluate the proposed modules in the task of estimating the student's attention level captured during online e-learning sessions. For that we trained binary classifiers (high or low attention) based on Support Vector Machines (SVM) for each module. Secondly, we find out to what extent multimodal score level fusion improves the attention level estimation. The mEBAL database is used in the experimental framework, a public multi-modal database for attention level estimation obtained in an e-learning environment that contains data from 38 users while conducting several e-learning tasks of variable difficulty (creating changes in student cognitive loads).Comment: Preprint of the paper presented to the Workshop on Artificial Intelligence for Education (AI4EDU) of AAAI 202

    Estudio de la Experiencia de Usuario mediante un Sistema de Dashboards de An\'alisis de Aprendizaje Multimodal

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    In the article, we present a Web-based System called M2LADS, which supports the integration and visualization of multimodal data recorded in user experiences (UX) in a Learning Analytics (LA) system in the form of Web-based Dashboards. Based on the edBB platform, the multimodal data gathered contains biometric and behavioral signals including electroencephalogram data to measure learners' cognitive attention, heart rate for affective measures and visual attention from the video recordings. Additionally, learners' static background data and their learning performance measures are tracked using LOGGE tool. M2LADS provides opportunities to capture learners' holistic experience during their interactions with the learning analytic system in order to improve the system and the user experience of the learners. -- En este art\'iculo, presentamos M2LADS, un sistema que permite la integraci\'on y visualizaci\'on de datos multimodales en forma de Dashboards Web. Estos datos provienen de sesiones de experiencia de usuario en un sistema de Learning Analytics (LA) llevadas a cabo por estudiantes de MOOCs. Los datos multimodales incluyen se\~nales biom\'etricas y de comportamiento monitorizados por la plataforma edBB, como electroencefalogramas (EEG) de 5 canales, frecuencia card\'iaca, atenci\'on visual, videos en el espectro visible y NIR, entre otros. Adem\'as, se incluyen datos de interacci\'on de los estudiantes con el sistema de LA a trav\'es de la herramienta LOGGE. Toda esta informaci\'on proporciona una comprensi\'on completa de la experiencia del usuario al utilizar el sistema de LA, lo que ha permitido tanto mejorar el sistema LA como la experiencia de aprendizaje de los estudiantes de MOOCs.Comment: Accepted in "XXIII CONGRESO INTERNACIONAL DE INTERACCI\'ON PERSONA-ORDENADOR 2023". Article in Spanish language. The abstract in English and Spanish. There is an extended abstract of 2 pages in Englis

    Efecto de la incorporación de polialcoholes, fructooligosacáridos y péptidos antihipertensivos en un masmelo depositado

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    Traditional marshmallows are made with sucrose and glucose syrup; an option for making healthy, sucrose-free marshmallows with functional components is the use of polyols, fructo oligosaccharides (FOS) and antihypertensive peptides. The objective of this research was to evaluate the effect of the inclusion of Nutraflora® (FOS), maltitol (M), sorbitol syrup (JS) and antihypertensive peptides in a marshmallow on the elastic modulus (EM) of the prototypes produced. A 3x2² factorial arrangement (FA) was proposed to evaluate the effects of the proportions of polyols - FOS, gelatin and antihypertensive peptides on the EM of the prototypes, followed by a completely randomized design (CRD) to compare a control masmelo and an extreme vertex mixture design (EVMD) to optimize the formulation. Finally, the texture profile (TPA) of the developed masmelo was determined. The proportions of polyols in the FA and DCA caused effect on the ME (p<0.05). The DMVE determined the corresponding proportions of 8.45% FOS; 46.55% M and 25% JS. The regression model obtained an r² = 93.60, r² (adjusted) = 90.40 and r² (predicted) = 80.03.Los masmelos tradicionales se elaboran con sacarosa y jarabe de glucosa, una opción para elaborar masmelos libres de sacarosa, saludables y con componentes funcionales, es el uso de polialcoholes, fructooligosacáridos (FOS) y péptidos antihipertensivos. El objetivo de esta investigación fue evaluar el efecto de la inclusión de Nutraflora® (FOS), maltitol (M), jarabe de sorbitol (JS) y péptidos antihipertensivos en un masmelo, sobre el módulo elástico (ME) de los prototipos elaborados. Para esto, se planteó un arreglo factorial (AF) 3x2² sobre el ME de los prototipos, también, un diseño completamente al azar (DCA) para comparar un masmelo control y uno de mezclas de vértices extremos (DMVE) para optimizar la formulación. Finalmente, se determinó el perfil de textura (TPA) del masmelo desarrollado. Las proporciones de polialcoholes en el AF y el DCA causaron efecto sobre el ME (p<0.05). El DMVE determinó las proporciones correspondientes de 8.45% de FOS; 46.55% de M y 25% de JS. El modelo de regresión obtuvo un r² = 93.60, r² (ajustado) = 90.40 y un r² (predicción) = 80.03