3 research outputs found

    Betel Leaf Decoction as an Antiseptic for Perineal Wound Healing

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    Perineal wound after delivery often causes infection. Perineal wound care can be done by washing the wound using an antiseptic solution. This study is aimed to compare the affectivity of betel leaf decoction for Perineal Wound Healing with the well-known antiseptic, 10% povidone iodine solution. We employed a quasy-experimental research design with non-randomized repeated measure with control group and post-test design. A total of thirty-four normal postpartum women with spontaneous delivery were recruited from a health centers in Banyuurip, Purworejo district, in December 2013 to February 2014, using a purposive sampling technique. The respondents were then distributed equally to control and experimental group. The normal postpartum women at the experimental group obtained betel leaf decoction for the wound recovery whilst the control group washed the wound with a 10%-povidone iodine solution. Either betel leaf decoction or a 10%- povidone iodine solution was given 20ml/day for washing the wound 2 times a day. By the result, we revealed the betel leaf decoction was effectively as 10% povidone iodine solution to heal the perineal wound regarding to the upper arm circumference (UAC), duration of perineal wound recovery, and Hg Level. As the conclusion we recommend betel leaf decoction as a natural antiseptic for perineal wound healing among the normal postpartum women


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    Latar Belakang : Kecemasan dalam kehamilan meningkatkan pelepasan hormon stres sehingga meningkatkan resiko melahirkan bayi dengan BBLR, prematur, asma, penyakit pada bayi, autis, IUGR dan stres postpartum. Terapi musik memiliki pengaruh positif pada fungsi saraf dan aktivitas hormonal. Sekresi hormon ?-endorphin dalam tubuh dapat meningkatkan suasana hati dan relaksasi.Tujuan Penelitian : Membuktikan efektivitas terapi musik terhadap tingkat kecemasan dan kadar hormon ?-endorphin pada ibu hamil primigravida trimester III.Desain Penelitian : Quasy experimental (pretest-posttest control group design). Jumlah sampel 39 responden dengan teknik purposive sampling yang dibagi menjadi 3 kelompok dengan 13 responden/kelompok. Kelompok intervensi 1 diberi perlakuan terapi musik dengan tekanan suara 40 dB dan kelompok intervensi 2 dengan tekanan suara 62 dB. Pemberian terapi musik selama 30 menit/hari selama 2 minggu. Kelompok kontrol diberi konseling tentang ketidaknyamanan kehamilan trimester III dan persiapan persalinan. Tingkat kecemasan dan kadar hormon ?-endorphin diukur 2x yaitu sebelum dan sesudah perlakukan. Analisa data menggunakan Paired t-test, uji One Way Anova dengan pos hoc bonferroni dan uji Kruskall Wallis dengan pos hoc Mann Whitney.Hasil Penelitian : Terapi musik terbukti efektif terhadap penurunan tingkat kecemasan (sig. 0,001) dan peningkatan kadar hormon ?-endorphin (sig. 0,019). Tingkat kecemasan kelompok intervensi 1 menurun 22,65%, kelompok intervensi 2 menurun 27,62%, dan kelompok kontrol meningkat 15,19%. Kadar hormon ?-endorphin kelompok intervensi 1 meningkat 17,91%, kelompok intervensi 2 meningkat 33,67%, dan kelompok kontrol menurun 9,88%.Kesimpulan : Terapi musik terbukti efektif terhadap penurunan tingkat kecemasan dan peningkatan kadar hormon ?-endorphin. Terapi musik dapat digunakan ibu hamil sebagai terapi pelengkap dalam mengatasi kecemasan


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    Objective: To examine the effectiveness of music therapy on anxiety levels and β-endorphin levels in primigravida during the third stage of pregnancy. Methods: This was a quasy experimental study with pretest-posttest control group design. The research was conducted in December 2016 - Januari 2017. There were 39 respondents selected using purposive sampling technique, which 13 assigned in the experiment group 1 (music therapy with a sound pressure of 40 dB), experiment group 2 (music therapy with a sound pressure of 62 dB) and control group (health counseling). Anxiety levels were measured using the HARS (Hamilton Anxiety Rating Scale), and β-endorphin hormone levels were measured using ELISA (Enzyme-Linked Immunosorbent Assay) method. Data analysis used paired t-test, One-Way Anova test with post-hoc bonferroni, and Kruskall Wallis test with post-hoc Mann Whitney. Results: Findings revealed that there was a decrease of the mean of anxiety levels in the experiment group 1 from 31.92 (pretest) to 24.69 (posttest), and the experiment group 2 from 34.54 (pretest) to 25 (posttest) with p-value <0.05; and there was an increase of the mean of β-Endorphin levels in the experiment group 1 from 53.63 (pretest) to 63.24 (posttest), and the experiment group 2 from 48.55 (pretest) to 64.9 (posttest) with p-value <0.05; however there was no effect of counseling in the control group on anxiety levels (p=0.413) and β-Endorphin levels (p= 0.394) Conclusion: Music therapy is effective in reducing anxiety levels and increasing β-endorphin levels. Thus, music therapy can be used as an alternative treatment for pregnant mothers at home who experienced anxiety