20 research outputs found

    On the computational assessment of white matter hyperintensity progression: difficulties in method selection and bias field correction performance on images with significant white matter pathology

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    Introduction Subtle inhomogeneities in the scanner’s magnetic fields (B0 and B1) alter the intensity levels of the structural magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) affecting the volumetric assessment of WMH changes. Here, we investigate the influence that (1) correcting the images for the B1 inhomogeneities (i.e. bias field correction (BFC)) and (2) selection of the WMH change assessment method can have on longitudinal analyses of WMH progression and discuss possible solutions. Methods We used brain structural MRI from 46 mild stroke patients scanned at stroke onset and 3 years later. We tested three BFC approaches: FSL-FAST, N4 and exponentially entropy-driven homomorphic unsharp masking (E2D-HUM) and analysed their effect on the measured WMH change. Separately, we tested two methods to assess WMH changes: measuring WMH volumes independently at both time points semi-automatically (MCMxxxVI) and subtracting intensity-normalised FLAIR images at both time points following image gamma correction. We then combined the BFC with the computational method that performed best across the whole sample to assess WMH changes. Results Analysis of the difference in the variance-to-mean intensity ratio in normal tissue between BFC and uncorrected images and visual inspection showed that all BFC methods altered the WMH appearance and distribution, but FSL-FAST in general performed more consistently across the sample and MRI modalities. The WMH volume change over 3 years obtained with MCMxxxVI with vs. without FSL-FAST BFC did not significantly differ (medians(IQR)(with BFC) = 3.2(6.3) vs. 2.9(7.4)ml (without BFC), p = 0.5), but both differed significantly from the WMH volume change obtained from subtracting post-processed FLAIR images (without BFC)(7.6(8.2)ml, p < 0.001). This latter method considerably inflated the WMH volume change as subtle WMH at baseline that became more intense at follow-up were counted as increase in the volumetric change. Conclusions Measurement of WMH volume change remains challenging. Although the overall volumetric change was not significantly affected by the application of BFC, these methods distorted the image intensity distribution affecting subtle WMH. Subtracting the FLAIR images at both time points following gamma correction seems a promising technique but is adversely affected by subtle WMH. It is important to take into account not only the changes in volume but also in the signal intensity

    An Expectation Maximization-Like Algorithm for Multi-atlas Multi-label Segmentation

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    An Observation Model for Motion Correction in Nuclear Medicine

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    This paper describes a method of using a tracking system to track the upper part of the anterior surface during scanning for developing patient-specific models of respiration. In the experimental analysis, the natural variation in the anterior surface during breathing will be modeled to reveal the dominant pattern in the breathing cycle. The main target is to produce a patient-specific set of parameters that describes the configuration of the anterior surface for all respiration phases. These data then will be linked to internal organ motion to identify the effect of the morphology of each on motion using particle filter to account for previously unseen patterns of motion. In this initial study, a set of volunteers were imaged using the Codamotion infrared marker-based system. In the marker-based system, the temporal variation of the respiratory motion was studied. This showed that for the 12 volunteer cohort, the mean displacement of the thorax surface TS (abdomen surface AS) region is 10.7±5.6 mm (16.0±9.5mm). Finally, PCA was shown to capture the redundancy in the data set with the first principal component (PC) accounting for more than 96% of the overall variance in both AS and TS datasets. A fitting to the dominant modes of variation using a simple piecewise sinusoid has suggested a maximum error of about 1.1mm across the complete cohort dataset

    Automatic 3-D segmentation of internal structures of the head in MR images using a combination of similarity and free-form transformations: Part I, Methodology and validation on normal subjects

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    The study presented in this paper tests the hypothesis that the combination of a global similarity transformation and local free-form deformations can be used for the accurate segmentation of internal structures in MR images of the brain. To quantitatively evaluate our approach, the entire brain, the cerebellum, and the head of the caudate have been segmented manually by two raters on one of the volumes (the reference volume) and mapped back onto all the other volumes, using the computed transformations. The contours so obtained have been compared to contours drawn manually around the structures of interest in each individual brain. Manual delineation was performed twice by the same two raters to test inter- and intrarater variability. For the brain and the cerebellum, results indicate that for each rater, contours obtained manually and contours obtained automatically by deforming his own atlas are virtually indistinguishable. Furthermore, contours obtained manually by one rater and contours obtained automatically by deforming this rater's own atlas are more similar than contours obtained manually by two raters. For the caudate, manual intra- and interrater similarity indexes remain slightly better than manual versus automatic indexes, mainly because of the spatial resolution of the images used in this study. Qualitative results also suggest that this method can be used for the segmentation of more complex structures, such as the hippocampus.status: publishe

    Atlas-based segmentation of the brain for 3-dimensional treatment planning in children with infratentorial ependymoma

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    This paper presents a fully automated brain segmentation method that has been applied to a group of patients with infratentorial ependymoma. The purpose of the study was to test the hypothesis that fully-automated atlas-based segmentation methods provide useful normal tissue dosimetry from which dose-volume modeling may be performed in a manner equivalent to dose-volume data obtained from manual contouring. To test this hypothesis, we compared the integrated average dose for three small (chiasm, pituitary, hypothalamus) and three large (temporal lobes and total brain) normal tissue structures from ten patients using automated and manual contouring. There was no significant difference in the calculated average dose for the structures of interest. The greatest difference was noted for smaller structures which were located along the midline and in the gradient of dose. The results of this study form the basis of an ongoing larger study involving similar patients to evaluate automated and manual contouring as well as the clinical significance of any differences using dose-volume modeling

    Comparison and evaluation of retrospective intermodality brain image registration techniques

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    PURPOSE: The primary objective of this study is to perform a blinded evaluation of a group of retrospective image registration techniques using as a gold standard a prospective, marker-based registration method. To ensure blindedness, all retrospective registrations were performed by participants who had no knowledge of the gold standard results until after their results had been submitted. A secondary goal of the project is to evaluate the importance of correcting geometrical distortion in MR images by comparing the retrospective registration error in the rectified images, i.e., those that have had the distortion correction applied, with that of the same images before rectification. METHOD: Image volumes of three modalities (CT, MR, and PET) were obtained from patients undergoing neurosurgery at Vanderbilt University Medical Center on whom bone-implanted fiducial markers were mounted. These volumes had all traces of the markers removed and were provided via the Internet to project collaborators outside Vanderbilt, who then performed retrospective registrations on the volumes, calculating transformations from CT to MR and/ or from PET to MR. These investigators communicated their transformations again via the Internet to Vanderbilt, where the accuracy of each registration was evaluated. In this evaluation, the accuracy is measured at multiple volumes of interest (VOIs), i.e., areas in the brain that would commonly be areas of neurological interest. A VOI is defined in the MR image and its centroid c is determined. Then, the prospective registration is used to obtain the corresponding point c' in CT or PET. To this point, the retrospective registration is then applied, producing c" in MR. Statistics are gathered on the target registration error (TRE), which is the distance between the original point c and its corresponding point c". RESULTS: This article presents statistics on the TRE calculated for each registration technique in this study and provides a brief description of each technique and an estimate of both preparation and execution time needed to perform the registration. CONCLUSION: Our results indicate that retrospective techniques have the potential to produce satisfactory results much of the time, but that visual inspection is necessary to guard against large errors.Journal of computer assisted tomography, vol. 21, no. 4, pp. 554-566, 1997, Lippincott-Raven Publishers, Philadelphia, PA, USA (1997 Giovanni DiChiro Award for Outstanding Scientific Research published in the Journal of Computer Assisted Tomography)status: publishe

    Automatic Segmentation of the Ribs, the Vertebral Column, and the Spinal Canal in Pediatric Computed Tomographic Images

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    We propose methods to perform automatic identification of the rib structure, the vertebral column, and the spinal canal in computed tomographic (CT) images of pediatric patients. The segmentation processes for the rib structure and the vertebral column are initiated using multilevel thresholding and the results are refined using morphological image processing techniques with features based on radiological and anatomical prior knowledge. The Hough transform for the detection of circles is applied to a cropped edge map that includes the thoracic vertebral structure. The centers of the detected circles are used to derive the information required for the opening-by-reconstruction algorithm used to segment the spinal canal. The methods were tested on 39 CT exams of 13 patients; the results of segmentation of the vertebral column and the spinal canal were assessed quantitatively and qualitatively by comparing with segmentation performed independently by a radiologist. Using 13 CT exams of six patients, including a total of 458 slices with the vertebra from different sections of the vertebral column, the average Hausdorff distance was determined to be 3.2 mm with a standard deviation (SD) of 2.4 mm; the average mean distance to the closest point (MDCP) was 0.7 mm with SD = 0.6 mm. Quantitative analysis was also performed for the segmented spinal canal with three CT exams of three patients, including 21 slices with the spinal canal from different sections of the vertebral column; the average Hausdorff distance was 1.6 mm with SD = 0.5 mm, and the average MDCP was 0.6 mm with SD = 0.1 mm