413 research outputs found

    Educational research networks principles of organization

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    Relevance. Modern society has global transformations; as a result, the level characteristics of its system development are changing, new opportunities and new situations to implement a self-organizing system to solve problems of self-government appear. Thus, there is the need to organize the multiplicity of interactions in the new environment, including education. The success of the development mechanisms, organizing innovative activities in the educational systems of different levels is largely determined by the active development of interaction network forms and interaction effective management. The article is devoted to development of theoretical ideas about the processes of network interaction in education to justify and describe the principles of modern scientific-educational network on the basis of system-synergetic approach. A leading approach to study this problem can be considered as system-synergetic which allows studying network interaction within the scientific and educational network as a holistic entity consisting of interrelated elements, structured and complex. The results of the study showed that described principles of effective networking and the conditions of scientific and educational networks development allow you to combine and re-combine the accumulated actors of this knowledge and practical experience interaction, turning them into the means of its innovative activities. The article can be useful to heads of educational institutions of different levels, as well as researchers of innovative processes development problems in education. © 2018 Authors

    Formation of a cluster integration system of educational institutions within the region

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    The relevance of the investigated issue is caused by the need to explore new approaches to the development of integration processes in the field of education which are of great interest for the development of an environment conducive to the creation and the active use of innovations in the education system. The aim of this study is the development of organizational and pedagogical bases for the formation of a cluster integration system of educational institutions within the regional educational space. The basic guideline of the implemented scientific study is the system approach, which provides an integrated study of the cluster system of educational institutions as a highly organized and orderly object comprised of interrelated elements. This article presents organizational and pedagogical bases for the formation of a cluster integration system of educational institutions, which will allow adapting the internal processes of educational entities (participants in the interaction) to regional conditions and adapting particular features of cluster participants to external conditions and developments in the market-based educational environment. © 2016 Davydova et al

    Research and educational network: Development management

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    Relevance of the study is determined by the fact that the management methodology of research and educational network development being of great interest for the improvement of the educational system, currently remains beyond the most scientific researches. Study purpose is aimed at the development of the organizational and pedagogical management model of research and educational network development in the field of education. Leading theoretical method of the research is the structural and functional approach enabling comprehensive consideration of the contents of the main components of the developing research and educational network and dependencies between them. The article presents the organizational and pedagogical management model of the developing research and educational network, describing the objectives, principles of participants’ interaction, functions, and structural networking components, revealing the scope of the activity, conditions, forms and types of the interaction. Materials may be useful to explore the possibilities of development of the intellectual capital of the subjects of network communication; training of specialists qualified in the field of generation and spread of new knowledge in the creation and development of research and education network. © 2016 Davydova et al


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    Nowadays, there is a growing consumer interest in food products, made from vegeta-ble raw materials. The article is devoted to an actual topic related to the choice of plant mate-rials, based on its nutritional and biological value, in order to create functional beverages. The analysis of the world market of vegetable analogues of milk was implemented. Based on the literature, the following raw materials were analyzed: cashew nuts, cannabis fruits, sesame and poppy seeds, almond kernels, buckwheat seeds and oats, soybeans. The data on nutritional value, vitamin-mineral and amino acid composition, as well as the composition of fatty acids of the specified raw materials was presented. The conclusion is made about the perspective of its use for the manufacture of drinks, alternative cow’s milk. The article reflects the results of research work on the creation of a functional drink based on sesame seeds, provides information about the nutritional value and biochemical composition of the drink, made on the basis of this raw material. Sesame milk when used regularly can help prevent diseases of the car-diovascular system, the gastrointestinal tract, the musculoskeletal system.Nowadays, there is a growing consumer interest in food products, made from vegeta-ble raw materials. The article is devoted to an actual topic related to the choice of plant mate-rials, based on its nutritional and biological value, in order to create functional beverages. The analysis of the world market of vegetable analogues of milk was implemented. Based on the literature, the following raw materials were analyzed: cashew nuts, cannabis fruits, sesame and poppy seeds, almond kernels, buckwheat seeds and oats, soybeans. The data on nutritional value, vitamin-mineral and amino acid composition, as well as the composition of fatty acids of the specified raw materials was presented. The conclusion is made about the perspective of its use for the manufacture of drinks, alternative cow’s milk. The article reflects the results of research work on the creation of a functional drink based on sesame seeds, provides information about the nutritional value and biochemical composition of the drink, made on the basis of this raw material. Sesame milk when used regularly can help prevent diseases of the car-diovascular system, the gastrointestinal tract, the musculoskeletal system


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    В статье рассматриваются основные условия и особенности научно-образовательного сетевого взаимодействия инновационно-активных образовательных организаций. Определена последовательность необходимых событий для формирования сетевого взаимодействия в образованииThe article describes the potentiality of active learning technologies for forming of professional-pedagogical competenc

    Immune changes at the injured sites in oxazolone-induced ulcerous colitis: Influence of ozone therapy

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    Impaired immunoregulation and development of autoimmune response to antigens of own intestinal microbiota and inflammation-altered antigens of colonic cells represent the key links in pathogenesis of inflammatory bowel diseases. Multimodal biological effects of ozone presunme the usage of local and systemic ozone therapy in complex treatment of many inflammatory diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. The aim of our work was to study effects of intraperitoneal and rectal ozone therapy upon immune parameters of the lesion focus in oxazolone-induced ulcerative colitis in the course of time. The study was carried out on 64 adult male inbred Wistar rats weighing 240±20 g. Experimental ulcerative colitis was produced by oxazolone treatment (4-ethoxymethylene-2-phenyl-2-oxazolin-5-one) (SigmaAldrich, USA). The ozone-oxygen mixture was injected intraperitoneally or rectally at a concentration of 1.0-1.2 mg/l, once a day, in a volume of 10 ml, at the 6-day course. The results of experiments were recorded on the days +2, +4 and +6. The concentrations of IL-17 and IL-23 was determined in a homogenate of intestinal tissues (Bender Medsystems, Austria) using a Personal LAB analyzer; expression of CD4 and FoxP3 on intestinal lymphocytes was determined by immunohistochemistry technique (ElisaKit, China). The observed tissue damage of large intestine showed an increase from day 2 to day 6 of oxazolone-induced ulcerative colitis. The total number of lymphocytes significantly increased upon development of experimental colitis, with parallel decrease in the number of CD4+ lymphocytes and FoxP3-positive T lymphocytes. IL-17 and IL-23 concentrations in the tissues increased with the severity of inflammatory changes in the lesion focus. Intraperitoneal ozone administration was associated with significant reduction of lymphocyte contents in the damaged tissues on the 6th day, whereas the numbers of CD4+ and FoxP3 positive T lymphocytes normalized by the 6th day. The levels of IL-17 and IL-23 increased from day 2 to day 6, with a lower IL-23 values on day 6 as compared with non-treated animals. Rectal administration of ACS led to the normalization of FoxP3 cells on the 6th day to the values of intact animals. The levels of proinflammatory cytokines (IL-17 and IL-23) significantly decreased on the 6th day as compared to the group of animals without treatment, which could be due to anti-inflammatory properties of ozone

    Immune phenotype of tissues from exudative lesions of Reinke’s space

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    Non-inflammatory exudative lesions of Reinke’ pos space present the most common cause of phonation disorders in representatives of vocal professions. The leading role in pathogenesis of this disorder is given to the nearly complete absence of lymphatic drainage of Reinke space and local deposition of tissue fluid. The mechanisms of its progression are of particular importance when determining the condition of mucosaassociated laryngeal tissue. The aim of our work was to evaluate the parameters of immunohistochemical lymphocyte typing in exudative lesions from the Reinke’s space. Materials and methods: The main group consisted of 40 patients, at the mean age of 43.2±2.1 years, exhibiting tumor-like exudative lesions of Reinke’s space. The biopsy material was taken from the vocal folds, including polyps, vocal nodules and Reinke’s edema. Myxoid and angiomatous types of the polyps were separately assessed. Videofibrolaryngoscopy was performed using an Olympus TYPE 150 bronchofibroscope (Germany). Morphological studies were carried out using a DMRXA microscope (Leika, Germany) by means of the ImageScopeM computer program (Germany). The uniformly treated sections were stained with Hematoxylin & Eosin (Biovitrum, Russia). Immunohistochemical quantitative assessment of the main T cell populations (CD3+, CD4+, CD8+), B cells (CD20+), histiocytes (CD68+), and the cells expressing bcl-2 and p53 cell regulators was carried out automatically using the BenchMarkXT immunohistotainer (Ventana, USA). The results were expressed as U/mm2. Results and Discussion. Some special features of cellular immunophenotype were revealed in exudative lesions of Reinke’s space. Reinke’s edema was characterized by high content of CD3+ lymphocytes, CD4+, CD8+, CD20+, p53 positive cells of the basal epithelium, as well as low numbers of CD68+, bcl-2 positive lymphocytes and cells of the basal epithelium. Myxoid type of polyps was characterized by low content of CD3+, CD4+, CD8+, CD20+ lymphocytes, bcl-2 positive lymphocytes and basal epithelium cells, CD68+ monocyte-macrophage cells, and high amounts of p53 positive basal epithelial cells. In the angioma-type polyps, we have registered low contents of CD3+, CD4+, CD8+, CD20+ lymphocytes, high numbers of monocyte-macrophage CD68+ cells, MMP-9+, bcl-2 positive lymphocytes, and low content of p53 positive cells of basal epithelium. The samples from the vocal nodules were characterized by low content of CD3+, CD4+, CD8+, CD20+ and p53 positive basal epithelial cells; high numbers of CD68+ cells (monocyte-macrophage series), MMP-9+ and bcl-2 positive lymphocytes

    Basic approaches and research methods ways of development of scientific-educational networks in the sphere of professional education

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    The work is devoted to the development of theoretical ideas about the processes of networking in professional education in terms of justification and description of approaches and methods of organization of modern scientific and educational network in the field of vocational educationРазвиваются теоретические представления о процессах сетевого взаимодействия в профессиональном образовании в части обоснования и описания подходов и методов организации деятельности современной научно-образовательной сети в сфере профессионального образовани

    Time course of lymphocyte profile after femoral bone fracture

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    Isolated fractures of femur account for more than 10% of all road traffic injuries. Traumatic injury of femoral bone triggers a cascade of interrelated neuroendocrine reactions at systemic level, primarily at the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal axis, systemic response of immune system, initiated by release of tissue degradation products, cytokines and other mediators of damage into systemic blood circulation. Specific cellular reactions in response to traumatic injury to bone tissue include both innate and adaptive immune responses. In this regard, there is still scarce information on changes in blood lymphocyte subpopulations observed after closed isolated fracture of the femoral diaphysis at the middle third, before and after surgery. The aim of the present study was to evaluate the subpopulations of peripheral blood lymphocytes following closed isolated fracture of the femoral diaphysis with bone displacement in thecourse dynamics of surgical treatment, thus being required for studies in pathogenesis, development of diagnostic criteria and creating innovative treatment approaches. The study included 20 apparently healthy men and 36 men with closed isolated fracture of the femoral diaphysis of the middle third (32A and 32B, by AO/ASIF clinical classification, coded according to ICD-10 S72.3). The exclusion criteria were as follows: exacerbation of chronic comorbidities, diseases of lymphatic system and haematopoietic organs, oncological diseases, and evidence of osteoporosis. The spectrum of blood lymphocyte subsets was assessed on days 5, 7 (immediately after surgery) and on day 18 after closed isolated fracture of femoral diaphysis. We have found that, on the day 5 after IPBC along with leukocytosis in peripheral blood, the number of T-regulatory cells, cells with markers of early (CD25+) and late activation (HLA-DR+) proved to be increased, whereas representation of NK cells was decreased. On the day 7 after IPBC and immediately after surgery, leukocytosis persisted in blood, along with increased number of T-regulatory cells, CD3+ cells with early and late activation markers. On the day 18 after closed isolated fracture of the femoral diaphysis, the total numbers of leukocytes, T-lymphocytes, T-helpers, T-regulatory cells, T cells with an early activation marker are restored in peripheral blood, whereas the number of T-lymphocytes expressing HLA-DR+ molecules showed a significant increase