287 research outputs found

    Міжнародні стандарти гендерної політики в секторі безпеки і оборони України

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    Стаття присвячена визначенню ролі гендеру в побудові національного сектору безпеки і оборони. Аналізуються основні міжнародні, регіональні та, пов’язані з ними, національні правові акти, що стали основою для впровадження гендерної компоненти в сектор безпеки і оборони України. Забезпечення ґендерної рівності у секторі безпеки і оборони України стало одним із основних пріоритетних напрямів державної політики у сфері євроатлантичної інтеграції відповідно до стандартів та рекомендацій НАТО.The article is devoted to the definition of the role of gender in the formation of the national security and defense sector. The author analyzes the main international, regional and the related national legal acts that create the basis for the implementation of the gender component in the security and defense sector of Ukraine. The key findings of the study prove that legal science needs elaboration of the categorial framework, especially the categories denoting equality of sexes, social equality and human rights. Ensuring gender equality in the national security and defense sector has become one of the main priorities of the Ukrainian state policy in the field of Euro-Atlantic integration, which demands approximation to the NATO standards and recommendations. In modern societies protecting human rights has become the main goal of the whole legal system and the concept of equality is a fundamental principle of the legal science in general. It allows utilization of the appropriate methods and ways of the rights realization and protection. The principle of equality has become the determinant principle of life in a democratic and legal state

    Stable multiple-charged localized optical vortices in cubic-quintic nonlinear media

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    The stability of two-dimensional bright vortex solitons in a media with focusing cubic and defocusing quintic nonlinearities is investigated analytically and numerically. It is proved that above some critical beam powers not only one- and two-charged but also multiple-charged stable vortex solitons do exist. A vortex soliton occurs robust with respect to symmetry-breaking modulational instability in the self-defocusing regime provided that its radial profile becomes flattened, so that a self-trapped wave beam gets a pronounced surface. It is demonstrated that the dynamics of a slightly perturbed stable vortex soliton resembles an oscillation of a liquid stream having a surface tension. Using the idea of sustaining effective surface tension for spatial vortex soliton in a media with competing nonlinearities the explanation of a suppression of the modulational instability is proposed.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figures. Submitted to Journal of Optics A. The proceedings of the workshop NATO ARW, Kiev 2003 Singular Optics 200

    To the question of the level of readiness and the degree of motivation of the student of the pedagogical higher education institution to professional activity

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    The article deals with the problem of the level of professional readiness of the student to work in conjunction with the level of his motivation. These multifactorial processes interdepend each otherВ статье рассматривается проблема уровня профессиональной готовности студента к деятельности во взаимосвязи с уровнем его мотивированности. Эти многофакторные процессы взаимообуславливают друг друг

    Stability of two-dimensional spatial solitons in nonlocal nonlinear media

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    We discuss existence and stability of two-dimensional solitons in media with spatially nonlocal nonlinear response. We show that such systems, which include thermal nonlinearity and dipolar Bose Einstein condensates, may support a variety of stationary localized structures - including rotating spatial solitons. We also demonstrate that the stability of these structures critically depends on the spatial profile of the nonlocal response function.Comment: 8 pages, 9 figure

    Assessment of the biological value of forages according to the control tests of milk and its use in the organization of feeding of dairy cattle

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    The article presents the results of the assessment of the biological usefulness of feed according to the control tests of milk. Scientific research was carried out in LLC "Minskoye" of the Kostroma district of the Kostroma region on a population of 369 cows of the Kostroma and Black-and-White breeds according to the seasons of the year. The authors found that in terms of the level of digestible protein in lactating cows, there is an imbalance in almost all seasons of the year, so most animals are prone to diseases associated with metabolic disorders. The level of rumen acidity in animals of the Koroma breed was more stable (pH = 6.2-6.4) in all seasons of the year, which indicates a lower likelihood of developing acidosis, in contrast to Black-and-White breed cows. Based on the indicators of milk control tests, insufficient supply of raw protein to cows of the Kostroma and Black-and-White breeds during the milking period was established. The highest daily milk yields (more than 30 kg of milk) were obtained from cows in the first and second periods of lactation in all seasons of the year. In animals with a level of availability of digestible protein of 10.3-10.9 g/MJ, there is a normal ratio of fat: protein (1.26:1), with a profitability level of 66.11%, while animals with an insufficient level availability of digestible protein of 10.2 g/MJ and less, had the level of profitability of milk production 73.93 and 86.44%, respectively. When the level of availability of digestible protein is more than 11.0 g/MJ in animals, the likelihood of acidosis increases. Evaluation of the biological value of feeds according to control tests of milk during the period of control milkings will allow monitoring the energy and protein nutrition of animals

    Youth Subcultures as a Social Phenomenon

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    The article deals with the features of youth subcultures, their place in society, interaction with the common culture of the causes of formation, the role in the lives of young people. Examples of youth subcultures that emerged in the West and in Russia in the XX century are given.В статье рассматриваются особенности молодёжных субкультур, их место в обществе, взаимодействие с общепринятой культурой, причины формирования, роль в жизни молодых людей. Приводятся примеры молодёжных субкультур, возникших на Западе и в России в XX веке

    Effect of antibodies to glutamate on age-related memory changes in C57Bl/6 mice

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    Chronic intranasal administration of antibodies to glutamate to aging C57Bl/6 mice improved passive avoidance conditioning, had no effect on horizontal and vertical locomotor activity, but slowed locomotion in the open-field test. Administration of antibodies to glutamate increased the content of dopamine and its metabolites in mouse hippocampus, but had no effect on the metabolism of neurotransmitter amino acids. In the frontal cortex, antibodies to glutamate did not affect neurotransmitter metabolism, but increased the level of both excitatory and inhibitory amino acids without changing their ratio

    Managerial features of the municipal educational system in Russia

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    © 2016, Econjournals. All rights reserved.The relevance of the paper is reasoned by the redistribution of powers and responsibilities in the field of education between the federal, regional and municipal authorities. There are preschool, secondary, secondary special and higher educational institutions, the establishments of additional, post-graduate education, institutions of retraining and professional development of different forms of ownership and administrative subordination (federal, regional, municipal) on the territory of the municipality. The purpose of the paper is to reveal managerial features of the municipal educational system in Russia. The leading method is the method of action research, allowing to obtain new knowledge about the management of municipal educational system, identify strategies and trends of development of municipal educational system. The article reveals the essence of municipal educational system as a sustainable and systematic cooperation of educational institutions on the territory of the municipality, as well as local government and education authorities, providing a highly efficient organization of educational services and the able to self-preservation and development through self-organization and self-government. Strategies (building on the territory of the municipal district of a unified educational environment, the development of mechanisms of state and public management, the creation of innovative organizational and managerial mechanisms of inter-corporate cooperation of educational institutions) and trends (the formation of educational complexes of different types, the establishment of an adaptive managerial mechanism, development of municipal system of measuring and evaluating of education’s quality, the creation of an integrated provision of municipal educational system’s development) for the development of municipal educational system are identified and scientifically justified. Paper submissions can be useful for research and teaching staff of the municipal educational system, experts of education authorities and regional authorities

    Structural and thermodynamic properties of molecular complexes of aluminum and gallium trihalides with bifunctional donor pyrazine: decisive role of Lewis acidity in 1D polymer formation

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    Solid state structures of group 13 metal halide complexes with pyrazine (pyz) of 2 : 1 and 1 : 1 composition have been established by X-ray structural analysis. Complexes of 2 : 1 composition adopt molecular structures MX3·pyz·MX3 with tetrahedral geometry of group 13 metals. Complexes of AlBr3 and GaCl3 of 1 : 1 composition are 1D polymers (MX3·pyz)∞ with trigonal bipyramidal geometry of the group 13 metal, while the weaker Lewis acid GaI3 forms the monomeric molecular complex GaI3·pyz, which is isostructural to its pyridine analog GaI3·py. Tensimetry studies of vaporization and thermal dissociation of AlBr3·pyz and AlBr3·pyz·AlBr3 complexes have been carried out using the static method with a glass membrane null-manometer. Thermodynamic characteristics of vaporization and equilibrium gas phase dissociation of the AlBr3·pyz complex have been determined. Comprehensive theoretical studies of (MX3)n·(pyz)m complexes (M = Al, Ga; X = Cl, Br, I; n = 1, 2; m = 1–3) have been carried out at the B3LYP/TZVP level of theory. Donor–acceptor bond energies were obtained taking into account reorganization energies of the fragments. Computational data indicate that the formation of (MX3·pyz)∞ polymers with coordination number 5 is only slightly more energetically favorable than the formation of molecular complexes of type MX3·pyz for X = Cl, Br. It is expected that on melting (MX3·pyz)∞ polymers dissociate into individual MX3·pyz molecules. This dovetails with low melting enthalpies of the (MX3·pyz)∞ complexes. Polymer stability decreases in the order AlCl3 > AlBr3 > GaCl3 > AlI3 > GaBr3 > GaI3. For MI3·pyz complexes computations predict that the monomeric structure motif is more energetically favorable compared to the catena polymer. These theoretical predictions agree well with the experimentally observed monomeric complex GaI3·pyz in the solid state. Thus, the Lewis acidity of the group 13 halides may play a decisive role in the formation of 1D polymeric networks

    Studying formation of <I>Pseudomonas aeruginosa</I> biofilms grown under different cultivation conditions

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    The purpose of the present study is to assess how cultivation conditions influence growth and formation of Pseudomonas aeruginosa biofilms. The topic is of great importance due to high incidence of P. aeruginosa-caused infections and P. aeruginosa resistance associated with its ability to form biofilms. The paper analyzes factors that influence biofilm formation, i.e.: growth phase used for inoculation (log, stationary), volume of the growth medium (0.2 and 1.0 ml) and concentration of nutrients (liquid nutrient media diluted to concentrations of 50; 25; 12.5 and 6%) in the cultivation volume. As the research demonstrates, all these factors influence biofilm formation; and a P. aeruginosa growth phase before inoculation is a determining factor in the biofilm formation. When P. aeruginosa is inoculated at a stationary phase, biofilm formation shows non-linear dependence on concentration of nutrients and on their total amount in the cultivation volume. The linear dependence of biofilm formation on concentration of nutrients in the culture medium is more pronounced, when P. aeruginosa is inoculated at a log phase. The study shows that lower concentrations of nutrient media components lead to more noticeable differences in biofilm formation, and such differences are statistically significant. Two-fold dilution of the liquid nutrient medium does not affect the intensity of biofilm formation; however, a 4 to 8-folddecrease in concentration of nutrients in 0.2 ml of cultivation volume in habited the biofilms formation. In 1.0 ml of the culture medium, the biofilm forms evenly, and in 0.2 ml of 4–8-fold dilution of nutrient medium it grows slower. The slow growth rate is statistically significant. The cultivation volume is also of great importance. For example, cultures grown in 0.2 ml of nutrient medium at different concentrations of nutrients formed fewer biofilms than microorganisms cultivated in 1.0 ml. At the same time, when inoculating P. aeruginosa both at log and stationary growth phases, biofilm formation is more pronounced in wells containing more cultivation volume