570 research outputs found

    Educational research networks principles of organization

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    Relevance. Modern society has global transformations; as a result, the level characteristics of its system development are changing, new opportunities and new situations to implement a self-organizing system to solve problems of self-government appear. Thus, there is the need to organize the multiplicity of interactions in the new environment, including education. The success of the development mechanisms, organizing innovative activities in the educational systems of different levels is largely determined by the active development of interaction network forms and interaction effective management. The article is devoted to development of theoretical ideas about the processes of network interaction in education to justify and describe the principles of modern scientific-educational network on the basis of system-synergetic approach. A leading approach to study this problem can be considered as system-synergetic which allows studying network interaction within the scientific and educational network as a holistic entity consisting of interrelated elements, structured and complex. The results of the study showed that described principles of effective networking and the conditions of scientific and educational networks development allow you to combine and re-combine the accumulated actors of this knowledge and practical experience interaction, turning them into the means of its innovative activities. The article can be useful to heads of educational institutions of different levels, as well as researchers of innovative processes development problems in education. © 2018 Authors

    Managing the development of network interaction of educational institutions and industrial enterprises

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    Рассмотрена необходимость изучения новых подходов к развитию интеграционных процессов в сфере образования, способствующих развитию среды, благоприятствующей созданию и активному использованию нововведений в данной системе. Представлены подходы к развитию научно-образовательной сети образовательных организаций и промышленных предприятий, в которой ведется системная деятельность по разработке образовательных инноваций, и рассматриваются условия, формы и виды взаимодействия субъектов совместной деятельности в условиях научно-образовательной сетиThe relevance of the research problem due to the need to explore new approaches to the development of integration processes in the field of education.of great interest for the development of an environment conducive to the creation and active use of innovations in the education system. The article presents approaches to the development of scientific-educational network between educational institutions and industrial enterprises, which conducted systematic work on the development of educational innovations, ensuring the formation of joint capital between educational institutions and industrial enterprises, and elaborates on the conditions, forms and types of interaction between subjects of joint activity in the scientific and educational networ

    Effect of frictional treatment on the microstructure and surface properties of low-carbon steel

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    The microstructure of annealed low-carbon (0.17 wt% C) steel subjected to frictional treatment with a sliding hard-alloy indenter is studied by EBSD analysis, as well as its micromechanical characteristics. It has been found that frictional treatment results in high dispersity of the structure in the steel surface, down to the submicro- and nanocrystalline state. Instrumented microindentation has revealed that, under all the loads, the values of the contact elastic modulus E ∗ of low-carbon (0.17 wt% C) steel after frictional treatment are lower than those in the initial annealed state. Particularly, the mean value of E ∗ decreases from 208 to 168 GPa under a load of 1 gf on the indenter, from 213 to 176 GPa under a load of 25 gf and from 204 to 155 GPa under a load of 200 gf. It is for the first time that the effect of a decrease in the elastic modulus is observed for a carbon steel subjected to frictional treatment. It also follows from the microindentation data that frictional treatment increases the capability of the surface of annealed low-carbon (0.17 wt% C) steel to withstand higher contact loads prior to plastic deformation. © 2018 Author(s)

    Dielectric spectroscopy in benzophenone: The beta relaxation and its relation to the mode-coupling Cole-Cole peak

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    We report a thorough characterization of the glassy dynamics of benzophenone by broadband dielectric spectroscopy. We detect a well pronounced beta relaxation peak developing into an excess wing with increasing temperature. A previous analysis of results from Optical-Kerr-effect measurements on this material within the mode coupling theory revealed a high-frequency Cole-Cole peak. We address the question if this phenomenon also may explain the Johari-Goldstein beta relaxation, a so far unexplained spectral feature inherent to glass-forming matter, mainly observed in dielectric spectra. Our results demonstrate that according to the present status of theory, both spectral features seem not to be directly related.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figures; second version as published; small changes of text according to referee suggestions; title changed according to editor's demand


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    Nowadays, there is a growing consumer interest in food products, made from vegeta-ble raw materials. The article is devoted to an actual topic related to the choice of plant mate-rials, based on its nutritional and biological value, in order to create functional beverages. The analysis of the world market of vegetable analogues of milk was implemented. Based on the literature, the following raw materials were analyzed: cashew nuts, cannabis fruits, sesame and poppy seeds, almond kernels, buckwheat seeds and oats, soybeans. The data on nutritional value, vitamin-mineral and amino acid composition, as well as the composition of fatty acids of the specified raw materials was presented. The conclusion is made about the perspective of its use for the manufacture of drinks, alternative cow’s milk. The article reflects the results of research work on the creation of a functional drink based on sesame seeds, provides information about the nutritional value and biochemical composition of the drink, made on the basis of this raw material. Sesame milk when used regularly can help prevent diseases of the car-diovascular system, the gastrointestinal tract, the musculoskeletal system.Nowadays, there is a growing consumer interest in food products, made from vegeta-ble raw materials. The article is devoted to an actual topic related to the choice of plant mate-rials, based on its nutritional and biological value, in order to create functional beverages. The analysis of the world market of vegetable analogues of milk was implemented. Based on the literature, the following raw materials were analyzed: cashew nuts, cannabis fruits, sesame and poppy seeds, almond kernels, buckwheat seeds and oats, soybeans. The data on nutritional value, vitamin-mineral and amino acid composition, as well as the composition of fatty acids of the specified raw materials was presented. The conclusion is made about the perspective of its use for the manufacture of drinks, alternative cow’s milk. The article reflects the results of research work on the creation of a functional drink based on sesame seeds, provides information about the nutritional value and biochemical composition of the drink, made on the basis of this raw material. Sesame milk when used regularly can help prevent diseases of the car-diovascular system, the gastrointestinal tract, the musculoskeletal system


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    В статье рассматриваются основные условия и особенности научно-образовательного сетевого взаимодействия инновационно-активных образовательных организаций. Определена последовательность необходимых событий для формирования сетевого взаимодействия в образованииThe article describes the potentiality of active learning technologies for forming of professional-pedagogical competenc

    Research and educational network: Development management

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    Relevance of the study is determined by the fact that the management methodology of research and educational network development being of great interest for the improvement of the educational system, currently remains beyond the most scientific researches. Study purpose is aimed at the development of the organizational and pedagogical management model of research and educational network development in the field of education. Leading theoretical method of the research is the structural and functional approach enabling comprehensive consideration of the contents of the main components of the developing research and educational network and dependencies between them. The article presents the organizational and pedagogical management model of the developing research and educational network, describing the objectives, principles of participants’ interaction, functions, and structural networking components, revealing the scope of the activity, conditions, forms and types of the interaction. Materials may be useful to explore the possibilities of development of the intellectual capital of the subjects of network communication; training of specialists qualified in the field of generation and spread of new knowledge in the creation and development of research and education network. © 2016 Davydova et al

    Basic approaches and research methods ways of development of scientific-educational networks in the sphere of professional education

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    The work is devoted to the development of theoretical ideas about the processes of networking in professional education in terms of justification and description of approaches and methods of organization of modern scientific and educational network in the field of vocational educationРазвиваются теоретические представления о процессах сетевого взаимодействия в профессиональном образовании в части обоснования и описания подходов и методов организации деятельности современной научно-образовательной сети в сфере профессионального образовани

    Eddy-current testing of fatigue degradation upon contact fatigue loading of gas powder laser clad NiCrBSi-Cr 3 C 2 composite coating

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    The possibilities of the eddy-current method for testing the fatigue degradation under contact loading of gas powder laser clad NiCrBSi-Cr 3 C 2 composite coating with 15 wt.% of Cr 3 C 2 additive have been investigated. It is shown that the eddy-current testing of the fatigue degradation under contact loading of the NiCrBSi-15%Cr 3 C 2 composite coating can be performed at high excitation frequencies 72-120 kHz of the eddy-current transducer. At that, the dependences of the eddy-current instrument readings on the number of loading cycles have both downward and upward branches, with the boundary between the branches being 3×10 5 cycles in the given loading conditions. This is caused, on the one hand, by cracking, and, on the other hand, by cohesive spalling and compaction of the composite coating, which affect oppositely the material resistivity and, correspondingly, the eddy-current instrument readings. The downward branch can be used to monitor the processes of crack formation and growth, the upward branch - to monitor the degree of cohesive spalling, while taking into account in the testing methodology an ambiguous character of the dependences of the eddy-current instrument readings on the number of loading cycles. © 2017 Author(s)

    Institutional Guaranteeing of Educational Innovations

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    In the context of the new «Law on Education», the paper considers the problem solving approaches to the legal protection of pedagogic innovations. The necessary conditions for increasing the effective innovation activity is viewed as objectivization of pedagogic creativity, which involves accepting accurate and clear criteria defining the innovative features of the content or resulting organizational changes. Finding the creativity objects in educational process should precede the formalization procedures of the above criteria. Solving the problem requires the uniform understanding of pedagogic concepts and terms by pedagogic society, reaching the agreement on the content of pedagogic notions, categories, principles etc, and the rules inserting the content amendments.В статье в контексте широкого обсуждения нового закона «Об образовании» рассматриваются подходы к решению проблемы правовой охраны инноваций, касающихся непосредственно педагогического процесса. Необходимым условием повышения эффективности инновационной деятельности в сфере образования является объективизация педагогического творчества, предполагающая принятие точных, понятных всем субъектам образовательного процесса критериев определения инновационности содержательных или организационных изменений. Оформлению таких критериев должно предшествовать выделение объектов творчества в образовательной деятельности. Решение этой задачи требует единого понимания всеми педагогами содержания используемых в педагогике понятий и терминов, заключения педагогическим сообществом своего рода договора о единстве содержания используемых педагогических понятий, категорий, принципов и т. д., о правилах внесения поправок в это содержание.Работа выполнена при поддержке грантов РГНФ № 11-06-01030А, РГНФ № 11–06–00771а