217 research outputs found

    Annular interdigital transducer focuses piezoelectric surface waves to a single point

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    We propose and demonstrate experimentally the concept of the annular interdigital transducer that focuses acoustic waves on the surface of a piezoelectric material to a single, diffraction-limited, spot. The shape of the transducing fingers follows the wave surface. Experiments conducted on lithium niobate substrates evidence that the generated surface waves converge to the center of the transducer, producing a spot that shows a large concentration of acoustic energy. This concept is of practical significance to design new intense microacoustic sources, for instance for enhanced acouto-optical interactions

    Field enhancement in a circular aperture surrounded by a single channel groove

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    International audienceNumerical analysis of diffraction by a single aperture surrounded by a circular shallow channel in a metallic screen shows the possibility of a 50-fold increase of the electric field intensity inside the central aperture, when compared to the incident field. Detailed analysis of cavity modes and their coupling through surface plasmon wave determine the parameters leading to maximum field enhancement. This effect can be used in high-efficiency single-molecule fluorescence analysis in attoliter volumes

    Chiral plasmonics and enhanced chiral light-matter interactions

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    International audienceChirality, which describes the broken mirror symmetry in geometric structures, exists macroscopically in our daily life as well as microscopically down to molecular levels. Correspondingly, chiral molecules interact differently with circularly polarized light exhibiting opposite handedness (left-handed and right-handed). However, the interaction between chiral molecules and chiral light is very weak. In contrast, artificial chiral plasmonic structures can generate “super-chiral” plasmonic near-field, leading to enhanced chiral light-matter (or chiroptical) interactions. The “super-chiral” near-field presents different amplitude and phase under opposite handedness incidence, which can be utilized to engineer linear and nonlinear chiroptical interactions. Specifically, in the interaction between quantum emitters and chiral plasmonic structures, the chiral hot spots can favour the emission with a specific handedness. This article reviews the state-of-the-art research on the design, fabrication and chiroptical response of different chiral plasmonic nanostructures or metasurfaces. This review also discusses enhanced chiral light-matter interactions that are essential for applications like chirality sensing, chiral selective light emitting and harvesting. In the final part, the review ends with a perspective on future directions of chiral plasmonics

    Les émotions en contexte de reconversion professionnelle : revue de questions et pistes de recherche

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    Cet article théorique explore les possibles relations entre émotions et reconversions professionnelles, encore peu étudiées. Trois grandes dimensions sont abordées : les manifestations émotionnelles lors des reconversions professionnelles, les fonctions des émotions au cours de ces périodes et l’impact des caractéristiques des reconversions sur les émotions. D’une part, l’émotion est étudiée comme réponse à un événement, d’autre part, comme génératrice de comportements et de décisions. Cet article fournit un modèle théorique exploratoire des dimensions émotionnelles des reconversions ainsi que des pistes de recherche pour stimuler les études sur ce sujet.This theoretical article explores the possible relationships between emotions and career changes, currently an under studied field. Three major aspects are addressed: emotional manifestations during the career change, the functions of emotions during this period, and the characteristics of the career change and their impact on emotions. On one hand, emotions are examined as a response to an event; on the other hand, as generators of behaviours and decisions. This article provides an exploratory theoretical model of the emotional dimensions of the career change, as well as directions for further research

    Three-dimensional subwavelength confinement of light with dielectric microspheres

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    International audienceDielectric microspheres are shown to be capable of confining light in a three-dimensional region of subwavelength dimensions when they are illuminated by tightly focused Gaussian beams. We show that a simple configuration, not involving resonances, permits one to reach an effective volume as small as 0.6 (l/n)3. It is shown that this three-dimensional confinement arises from interferences between the field scattered by the sphere and the high angular components of the incident Gaussian beam passing aside the sphere

    In vitro prediction of stop-codon suppression by intravenous gentamicin in patients with cystic fibrosis: a pilot study

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    BACKGROUND: Cystic fibrosis (CF) is caused by mutations in the gene encoding the cystic fibrosis transmembrane conductance regulator (CFTR) protein, which acts as a chloride channel activated by cyclic AMP (cAMP). The most frequent mutation found in 70% of CF patients is F508del, while premature stop mutations are found in about 10% of patients. In vitro aminoglycoside antibiotics (e.g. gentamicin) suppress nonsense mutations located in CFTR permitting translation to continue to the natural termination codon. Pharmacologic suppression of stop mutations within the CFTR may be of benefit to a significant number of patients. Our pilot study was conducted to determine whether intravenous gentamicin suppresses stop codons in CF patients and whether it has clinical benefits. METHODS: A dual gene reporter system was used to determine the gentamicin-induced readthrough level of the most frequent stop mutations within the CFTR in the French population. We investigated readthrough efficiency in response to 10 mg/kg once-daily intravenous gentamicin perfusions in patients with and without stop mutations. Respiratory function, sweat chloride concentration, nasal potential difference (NPD) and CFTR expression in nasal epithelial cells were measured at baseline and after 15 days of treatment. RESULTS: After in vitro gentamicin incubation, the readthrough efficiency for the Y122X mutation was at least five times higher than that for G542X, R1162X, and W1282X. In six of the nine patients with the Y122X mutation, CFTR immunodetection showed protein at the membrane of the nasal epithelial cells and the CFTR-dependent Cl(- )secretion in NPD measurements increased significantly. Respiratory status also improved in these patients, irrespective of the gentamicin sensitivity of the bacteria present in the sputum. Mean sweat chloride concentration decreased significantly and normalised in two patients. Clinical status, NPD and sweat Cl(- )values did not change in the Y122X patients with no protein expression, in patients with the other stop mutations investigated in vitro and those without stop mutations. CONCLUSION: Suppression of stop mutations in the CFTR gene with parenteral gentamicin can be predicted in vitro and is associated with clinical benefit and significant modification of the CFTR-mediated Cl(- )transport in nasal and sweat gland epithelium

    Optical antennas: new materials and nanoscale characterization

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