12 research outputs found

    Sigurnost sustava za e-učenje

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    The contemporary era of modern technologies has allowed for distance learning or e-learning supported by suitable systems. E-learning systems are subjected to threats and attacks, just as other IT systems. In order to design a safer system less subjected to attacks, it is necessary to make the analysis of the model of threats and identify as many vulnerabilities as possible. Access control for e-learning systems grants access only to authorized users of the system and defines levels of user permissions in accessing certain system objects.Današnje doba modernih tehnologija omogućava učenje na daljinu ili e-učenje podržano odgovarajućim sustavima. Sustavi za e-učenje izloženi su prijetnjama i napadima kao i drugi informatički sustavi. Kako bi se projektirao sigurniji sustav koji je manje izložen napadima, potrebno je napraviti analizu modela prijetnji i identificirati što je više moguće ranjivosti. Kontrola pristupa sustavu za e-učenje omogućava da pristup imaju samo ovlašteni korisnici sustava te definira korisničke razine dozvola u pristupanju određenim objektima sustava

    Fizikalno-kemijski profili hrvatskog meda s prikazom potrošnje među studentima zdravstvenog usmjerenja

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    Consumers are becoming more aware of consumption of honey – the food with properties beneficial for health. In accordance with The European Union Council Directive Relating to Honey, as well as with the current legislation in the Republic of Croatia, the requirement for labeling the botanical origin of nectar honey is the presence of the dominant flower pollen as well as sensory and physicochemical analysis. The paper is a confirmation of botanical origin, the profile of physicochemical parameters with differences within the seasons/regions and the consumption of honey. This research covered 200 samples of black locust honey, collected from beekeepers during two seasons in five Croatian regions - 20 samples from each region. A survey was conducted among 151 students to gather information on their honey consumption habits. The method used in the paper was melissopalynological and physicochemical analysis, ANOVA and a survey. All the tested samples contain the sufficient number of pollen grains >20% of Robinia pseudoacacia. The results of physicochemical quality parameters are as follows: mean water 15.99-18.03%; free acids 8.16-12.94 mEq/1000g; electrical conductivity 0.12-0.22 mS/cm; reducing sugars 66.94-70.88 g/100g; sucrose 0.10-2.90 g/100g; diastasis 9.07-15.14 DN; HMF 0.50-18.99 mg/kg. Conducted data analysis of variance within physicochemical parameters regarding seasons and regions showed statistically significant difference among seasons p < 0.05 for water, while for diastasis activity it showed statistically significant difference among regions p < 0.05. Out of 141 (93%) respondents who consume honey, 63 (44%) of them consume it in quantities which are smaller than the Croatian average.Potrošači postaju sve svjesniji potrošnje meda – hrane sa svojstvima korisnima za zdravlje. U skladu s Direktivom Vijeća Europske unije o medu, kao i sa sadašnjim zakonodavstvom u Republici Hrvatskoj, zahtjev za označavanje botaničkog podrijetla meda nektara jest prisutnost dominantnoga cvjetnog peluda te senzorska i fizikalno-kemijska analiza. Rad je prikaz potvrde botaničkog podrijetla i profila fizikalno-kemijskih parametara meda s razlikama u sezoni/regijama, kao i potrošnje meda. Ovim istraživanjem obuhvaćeno je 200 uzoraka meda bagrema, prikupljenih od pčelara kroz dvije sezone u pet hrvatskih regija – 20 uzoraka iz svake regije. Istraživanje je provedeno na 151 studentu kako bi se prikupile informacije o navikama konzumacije meda među studentima. U radu su primijenjene sljedeće metode istraživanja: melisopalinološka i fizikalno-kemijska analiza, test ANOVA i anketa. Svi ispitani uzorci sadrže dovoljan broj peludnih zrnaca > 20 % Robinia pseudoacacia. Rezultati su fizikalno-kemijskih parametara kvalitete sljedeći: voda 15,99 – 18,03 %, slobodne kiseline 8,16 – 12,94 mEq / 1000 g, električna vodljivost 0,12 – 0,22 mS/cm, reducirajući šećeri 66,94 – 70,88 g / 100 g, saharoza 0,10 – 2,90 g / 100 g, dijastaza 9,07 – 15,14 DN, HMF 0,50 – 18,99 mg/kg. Provedena analiza varijance podataka unutar fizikalno-kemijskih parametara s obzirom na sezone i regije pokazuje da postoji statistički značajna razlika (p-vrijednost) među sezonama (p < 0,05) za vodu, dok aktivnost dijastaze pokazuje statistički značajnu razliku između regija (p < 0,05). Od 93 % (141) ispitanika koji konzumiraju med, 44 % (63) ih konzumira med u količinama manjima od hrvatskog prosjeka

    Obesity as a risk factor for cardiovascular-coronary diseases

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    Kao vodeći uzrok smrtnosti današnjice, kardiovaskularne bolesti su u samom vrhu. Problem pretilosti, prekomjerne težine, manjak fizičke aktivnosti kao i loša svakodnevna ishrana izazivaju povećani rizik obolijevanja od kroničnih bolesti. Prevencija u ranoj dobi kao i doživotna kontinuirana edukacija svakako je bitan faktor u suzbijanju prekomjerne tjelesne težine pri čemu je rad medicinske sestre izuzetno važan. Medicinska sestra sudjeluje u edukaciji o pravilnoj prehrani, omogućuje istu u bolničkim uvjetima, te kontinuirano educira o važnosti fizičke aktivnosti unutar granica mogućnosti. Ovim će se radom potvrditi pretpostavke o povezanosti pretilosti i nastajanja kroničnih bolesti. Na temelju dobivenih rezultata učinak medicinske sestre očituje se u osvješćivanju bolesnika na problem povećanog ITM (indeks tjelesne mase) kao i na zdravstvene tegobe koje iz njega proizlaze. Na sestri je veliki zadatak edukacije putem poticanja i provođenja plana smanjenja ITM bolesnika. Za taj cilj bitno je da zadobije povjerenje bolesnika i da se provodi dosljedno. Obuhvaća cjelinu zdrave prehrane, fizičke aktivnosti i suzbijanja loših navika.Among the leading causes of death today, cardiovascular diseases are at the top. The problems of obesity, being overweight, lack of physical activity and poor everyday diet, cause an increased risk of chronic diseases. Prevention at an early age, as well as a continuing lifelong education are important factors in the prevention of obesity. Here the nurse’s work is of extreme importance. The nurse participates in educating in adequate nutrition and provides it in a hospital setting and continuously educates about the importance of physical activity within the boundaries of the person’s capabilities. This paper will confirm the assumptions regarding the connection between obesity and the appearance of chronic diseases. Based on the obtained results, the influence of a nurse is reflected in raising the patients’ awareness of the increased BMI (body mass index) and of the health problems that arise from it. The nurse has a challenging task to educate by encouraging and implementing the plan to lower the patient’s BMI. This aim requires gaining the trust of the patient and carrying out the plan consistently. It encompasses a healthy diet, physical activity and prevention of bad habits

    La produzione del sudžuk in conformità alla normativa HRN BAS 1049:210

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    Primjena halal norme HRN BAS 1049:2010 u proizvodnji sudžuka uvjetovana je implementiranim HACCP sustavom te certificiranjem od strane Centra za certificiranje halal kvalitete. U radu su prikazani zahtjevi halal norme u proizvodnji sudžuka od nabave sirovine do gotovog proizvoda. Tradicionalni proizvod, sudžuk, je suha začinjena kobasica porijeklom iz Bosne i Hercegovine, a proizvod čini mljeveno goveđe meso uz dodatak začina (sumak, bijeli luk, sol, crvena paprika). Proizvodnja sudžuka bazirana je isključivo na izvor sirovina sa halal certifikatom. Tijekom procesa proizvodnje onemogućena je križna kontaminacija halal (dozvoljenih) i haram (nedozvoljenih) sirovina i proizvoda pri čemu je definirano 5 HrCCP (haram kritične kontrolne točke): HrCCP1 - nabava, prijem i skladištenje sirovina, HrCCP2 - priprema sirovina, HrCCP3 - izrada nadjeva, HrCCP4 - dimljenje, HrCCP5 - skladištenje gotovih proizvoda. Oznaku halal kvalitete može imati isključivo proizvod koji je proizveden u skladu sa zahtjevima halal norme HRN BAS 1049:2010.The application of the Halal Standard HRN BAS 1049:2010 in the production of Sujuk is prescribed by the implementation of HACCP system and the certification issued by the Centre for Halal Quality Certification. The paper presents halal standard requirements in the course of Sujuk production from raw materials to finished products. Sujuk is a traditional dry, spicy sausage originating from Bosnia and Herzegovina consisting of ground beef with the addition of various spices (sumac, garlic, salt, red pepper). The production of Sujuk is based solely on raw material sources awarded the halal certification. The process of production prevents the cross contamination of halal (permitted) and haram (prohibited) raw materials and products by defining the 5 HrCCP (Haram Critical Control Points): HrCCP1 – procurement, reception and storage of raw materials, HrCCP2 – raw material preparation, HrCCP3 – production of sausage meat, HrCCP4 – smoking, HrCCP5 – storage of finished products. The halal quality certification may only be awarded to a product produced in accordance with the requirements of the Halal Standard HRN BAS 1049:2010.Die Einhaltung der Halal-Norm HRN BAS 1049:2010 bei der Herstellung von Sudzuk ist durch das implementierte HACCP-System und das durch das Zentrum für die Zertifizierung der Halal-Qualität erteilte Zertifikat bedingt. In der Arbeit werden die Anforderungen der Halal-Norm bei der Herstellung von Sudzuk dargestellt, von der Beschaffung der Rohstoffe bis zum Fertigprodukt. Sudzuk ist eine traditionelle, kräftig gewürzte Rohwurst, die aus Bosnien und Herzegowina stammt. Die Wurst besteht aus gehacktem Rindfleisch mit Zugabe von Gewürzen (Sumak, Knoblauch, Salz, roter Paprika). Die Herstellung von Sudzuk beruht ausschließlich auf Lebensmitteln mit einem Halal-Zertifikat. Bei der Herstellung ist eine Kreuzkontamination der Halal-Rohstoffe (erlaubt) mit den Haram-Rohstoffen und Produkten (verboten) ausgeschlossen, wobei insgesamt 5 HrCCP (Haram kritische Kontrollpunkte) festgelegt wurden: HrCCP1 – Beschaffung, Eingang und Lagerung von Rohstoffen, HrCCP2 - Rohstoffvorbereitung, HrCCP3 – Anfertigung der Füllung, HrCCP4 - Räucherung, HrCCP5 – Lagerung von Fertigprodukten. Die Bezeichnung der Halal-Qualität kann nur ein Produkt bekommen, das ausschließlich in Übereinstimmung mit den Anforderungen der Halal-Norm HRN BAS 1049:2010 hergestellt wurde.La aplicación de la norma halal HRN BAS 1049:2010 en la producción del sucuk está condicionada por la implementación del sistema HACCP y por la certificación del Centro de Certificación de Garantía Halal. En este trabajo fueron mostrados los requisitos de la norma halal en la producción del sucuk desde la materia prima hasta el producto final. El sucuk, un producto tradicional, es la salchicha condimentada proveniente de Bosnia y Herzegovina, que consiste de carne bovina picada con especias (zumaque, ajo, sal, pimentón). La producción de sucuk está basada exclusivamente en las materias primas con la certificación halal. Durate el proceso de producción está impedida la contaminación cruzada de las materias primas halal (permitidas) y haram (prohibidas) y de los productos, para lo que están definidos 5 PCC (haram puntos crÍticos de control): PCC1 – la adquisición, recepción y el almacenamiento de materias primas, PCC2 – la preparación de materias primas, PCC3 – la elaboraración del relleno, PCC4 – el ahumado, PCC5 – el almacenamiento de productos finales. El sello de calidad halal puede tener un producto que está elaborado exclusivamente de acuerdo con los requisitos de la norma halal HRN BAS 1049:2010.L’applicazione della normativa Halal HRN BAS 1049:210 nella produzione del sudžuk è condizionata dall’implementazione del sistema HACCP e dalla certificazione da parte del Centro per la certificazione della qualità Halal. Nello studio sono illustrati i requisiti richiesti dalla normativa Halal nella produzione del sudžuk, dall’acquisto delle materie prime alla produzione del prodotto finito. La salsiccia secca sudžuk è un prodotto insaccato tradizionale originario della Bosnia e Erzegovina, fatto con carne bovina macinata e condita con l’aggiunta di varie spezie (sumac, aglio, sale, paprika rossa). La produzione del sudžuk si basa esclusivamente su materie prime munite del certificato Halal. Nel corso del processo produttivo viene impedita la contaminazione delle materie prime e dei prodotti Halal (ammessi) con le materie prime e i prodotti Haram (non ammessi). A questo proposito, sono stati definiti 5 HrCCP o punti critici di controllo Haram: HrCCP1 – l’acquisto, il ricevimento e lo stoccaggio delle materie prime; HrCCP2 – la lavorazione delle materie prime; HrCCP3 – la produzione dell’impasto; HrCCP4 – l’affumicatura; HrCCP5 – lo stoccaggio dei prodotti finiti. Il marchio di qualità Halal può essere assegnato esclusivamente a quei prodotti il cui processo produttivo sia conforme alla normativa HRN BAS 1049:2010

    Implementacija sustava i aplikacija softvera za monitoring sustava sigurnosti hrane u djelatnosti ugostiteljstva

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    In order to ensure a systematic and continuous monitoring of CPs and CCPs of the HACCP system in the hospitality sector – which ensures food safety – it is possible to provide support using information technology. In the case of a large number of devices (refrigeration and cooking equipment) spread across the entire facility, the proper solution is offered through the implementation of the system and application software equipment of the central monitoring system (CMS). The system equipment is realized via “novaPro” stations marked MASTER and Function Block Diagram programme. Application equipment consists of a control system, alerting on the monitoring level (ML), reports, AS (automatic stations) system, the ML chronology and the ML protection. Specification of software was created based on user requirements. Such a monitoring system will be presented in this paper. The advantages of the system are reflected in the continuous monitoring, in momentary identification of deviations from the current set of parameters, in establishing equipment failures, in facilitated documenting of parameters, and in the creation of a database that can be used for trend analysis and implementation of preventive actions, which affects the optimization of human resources.U cilju osiguravanja sustavnog i kontinuiranog nadzora KT i KKT HACCP sustava u djelatnosti ugostiteljstva, čime se osigurava sigurnost hrane, moguće je primijeniti informatičku podršku. U slučaju kada se radi o velikom broju uređaja (rashladne i termičke opreme) s velikom dislokacijom unutar cijelog objekta, odgovarajuće rješenje nudi se kroz uspostavu sistemske i aplikativne programske opreme centralnog nadzornog sustava (CNS). Sastoji se od sistemske i aplikativne programske opreme. Sistemska oprema postavljena je putem „novaPro“ stanica sa oznakom MASTER i Function Block Diagram programom. Aplikativnu opremu čine nadzorni sustav, alarmiranje na nadzornom nivou (NN), izvještaji, sustav AS-a (automatske stanice), kronologija na NN i zaštita na NN. Sastav programske opreme nastao je na temelju zahtjeva korisnika. Jedan takav sustav nadzora prikazati će se i u ovome radu. Prednosti sustava iskazuju se u kontinuiranom monitoringu, trenutnom prepoznavanju odstupanja od postavljenih parametara, ustanovljavanju kvarova opreme, olakšanom dokumentiranju parametara i stvaranju baze podataka koji se mogu iskoristiti za analizu trendova i provođenje preventivnih radnji, što utječe i na optimizaciju ljudskih resursa

    Eficacia de los programas prerrequisitos en la industria cárnica determinados por la reivindicación del sistema FSSC 22000

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    Sustav upravljanja sigurnošću hranom i kvalitetom procesa i proizvoda – FSSC sustav prihvaćen je od strane Globalne inicijative za sigurnost hrane (Global Food Safety Initiative - GFSI). Objedinjuje zahtjeve norme ISO 22000:2005 Sustavi upravljanja sigurnošću hrane (Zahtjevi za svaku organizaciju u lancu hrane) i norme ISO/TS 22002-1:2009 Preduvjetni programi za sigurnost hrane. Nedovoljno definirani zahtjevi preduvjetnih programa u normi ISO 22000:2005 u potpunosti su kompenzirani učinkovitošću putem sustava FSSC 22000. Time dolazi do suradnje dobavljača/ proizvođača s vodećim međunarodnim trgovačkim lancima. Rad prikazuje iskustvo hrvatske tvrtke. Djelatnost obuhvaća klanje životinja i preradu mesa. Bazne sirovine su većim dijelom podrijetlom s farmi sestrinskih tvrtki iz Hrvatske, a manji dio iz uvoza. Program za praćenje poslovanja u potpunosti je kompjuteriziran. HACCP sustav u objektu implementiran je od 2005., dok je FSSC certificiran od strane akreditirane tvrtke 2013. godine. Težište nadzora je na operativnim preduvjetnim programima i kritičnim kontrolnim točkama, pripremljenosti i odgovornosti u hitnim situacijama kao i na trendovima u rezultatima audita i upravljanja nesukladnostima. Rezultat primjene FSSC 22000 vidljiv je u poboljšanju kvalitete i sigurnosti hrane uz istodobnu integraciju s drugim sustavima upravljanja i smanjenje operativnih troškova poslovanja. Sustav prezentira ispunjavanje i trajno poboljšavanje regulatornih zahtjeva i zahtjeva kupaca i potrošača.The Global Food Safety Initiative (GFSI) recognized the implementation of Food Safety System Certification (FSSC) competent for the management of systems for food safety, and process and product quality. The FSSC system integrates the requirements of the standard ISO 22000:2005 (Food safety management systems -- Requirements for any organization in the food chain) and the standard ISO/TS 22002-1:2009 (Prerequisite programmes on food safety). The insufficiently defined requirements of prerequisite programmes laid down within the ISO 22000:2005 have been fully compensated by the effectiveness ensured by the FSSC 22000 system. This leads to a greater cooperation between suppliers/manufacturers and leading international retail chains. This paper focused on the experience of Croatian companies. Observed activities included the slaughter of animals and meat processing. Examined base raw materials mainly originated from farms owned by Croatian subsidiaries, and, in smaller part, from import. Examined operations monitoring programmes were fully computerized. The HACCP tool was implemented in 2005, and the accredited company started awarding FSSC certifications in 2013. The focus of control included operational prerequisite programmes and critical control points, preparedness and responsibilities in emergency situations, as well as trends emerging from audit results and non-compliance management. The result of the FSSC 22000 application is reflected in improving the quality and safety of food, further integration with other management systems, and subsequent reduction of operating costs. The system enables the fulfilment and continuous improvement of regulatory requirements and demands of customers and consumers.Das Managementsystem für die Lebensmittelsicherheit und die Prozess- und Produktqualität FSSC wurde von der Globalen Initiative für die Leben­smittelsicherheit (eng. Global Food Safety Initiative - GFSI) anerkannt. Das System vereint die Normen ISO 22000:2005 Managementsysteme für die Lebensmittelsicherheit (Anforderungen an Organisationen in der Lebensmittelkette) und ISO/TS 22002-1:2009 Präventivprogramme für die Lebensmittelsicherheit. Die nicht ausreichend festgelegten Anforderungen der Präventivprogramme in der Norm ISO 22000:2005 werden durch die Wirksamkeit des Systems FSSC 22000 zur Gänze ausgeglichen. Dadurch wird die Zusammenarbeit zwischen den Lieferanten/Herstellern und den führenden Lebensmittelketten hergestellt. In der Arbeit werden die Erfahrungen einer kroatischen Firma dargestellt, die sich mit dem Tierschlachten und der Fleischverarbeitung befasst. Die grundlegenden Rohstoffe stammen vorwiegend aus Farmen kroatischer Tochterunternehmen; nur ein geringerer Anteil wird eingeführt. Das Programm für die Verfolgung der geschäftlichen Tätigkeit ist komplett computerisiert. Das HACCP-System wurde in 2005 im Gebäude implementiert, während das FSSC durch eine akkreditierte Firma in 2013 zertifiziert wurde. Schwerpunkt der Aufsicht sind die Präventivprogramme und die kritischen Kontrollpunkte, die Bereitschaft und Verantwortung in Notfällen, die Trends bei den Auditergebni­ssen und die Verwaltung von Unstimmigkeiten. Die Ergebnisse der Anwendung von FSSC 22000 spiegeln sich in der Steigerung der Qualität und der Lebensmittelsicherheit wider, bei gleichzeitiger Integration mit anderen Managementsystemen und einer Senkung der Betriebskosten. Das System repräsentiert die Erfüllung und kontinuierliche Verbesserung der gesetzlichen Anforderungen sowie der Kunden- und Verbraucheranforderungen.Il sistema di gestione della sicurezza alimentare e della qualità del processo e dei prodotti – sistema FSSC, è stato accolto da par­te dell’Iniziativa globale per la sicurezza alimentare (Global Food Safety Initiative - GFSI). Esso comprende i requisiti della norma ISO 22000:2005 Sistemi di gestione della sicurezza alimentare (Requisiti per ciascuna organizzazione nella catena alimentare) e della norma ISO/TS 22002-1:2009 Programmi di prerequisiti per la sicurezza alimentare. Le carenze di definizione dei programmi di prerequisiti di cui alla norma ISO 22000:2005 sono state completamente compensate dall’efficenza del sistema FSSC 22000, il che porta alla collaborazione del fornitore/produttore con le maggiori catene commerciali internazionali. Lo studio illustra l’esperienza delle aziende croate. L’attività comprende la macellazione degli animali e la lavorazione delle carni. Le materie prime provengono in prevalenza da aziende zootecniche di società sorelle con sede in Croazia, mentre una minor parte è im­portata. Il programma di monitoraggio della gestione aziendale è completamente computerizzato. Il sistema HACCP nella azienda è stato implementato a partire dal 2005, mentre il certificato FSSC, rilasciato da un’agenzia accreditata, è stato ottenuto nel 2013. Il fulcro dell’attività di monitoraggio s’è incentrato sui programmi operativi di prerequisiti e sui punti critici di controllo, sulla prontezza di reazione e la responsabilità nelle situazioni di crisi e sulle tendenze intrinseche ai risultati dell’audit e della gestione della compliance normativa. I risultati dell’applicazione del sistema FSSC 22000 sono ben visibili nel miglioramento della qualità e della sicurezza alimentare, con la contemporanea integrazione con gli altri sistemi di gestione e di riduzione delle spese operative di gestione. Il sistema mette in evidenza il soddisfacimento e il miglioramento permanente dei requisiti dettati dall’organo di regolamentazione e delle esigenze dei clienti e dei consumatori.El Sistema de Gestión de Seguridad Alimentaria y Calidad de Procesos y Productos – FSSC el sistema aceptado por la Iniciativa Global de Seguridad Alimentaria (inglés: Global Food Safety Initiative - GFSI). Incluye los requisitos de la norma ISO 22000:2005 Los Sistemas de Gestión de Seguridad Alimentaria (Requisitos para cada organización en la cadena alimentaria) y de la norma ISO/TS 22002-1:2009 Los programas prerrequisitos para la seguridad alimentaria. Insuficientemente definidos requisitos de los programas prerrequisitos en la norma ISO 22000:2005 son completamente compensados por la eficacia mediante el sistema FSSC 22000. De ese modo se llega a la colaboración entre el suministrador/productor y las dirigen­tes cadenas comerciales internacionales. El trabajo presenta la experiencia de la empresa croata. La actividad comprende matar y carnear animales y la elaboración de carne. Básicas materias primas son, en la mayoría de los casos, originalmente de las granjas de las empresas asociadas de Croa­cia, y la minoría de la importación. El programa de seguimiento de la gestión está computarizado completamente. HACCP el sistema en instalación está implementado desde 2005., mientras que FSSC es certificado por la empresa acreditada en el año 2013. El centro de supervisión está tanto en los programas prerrequisitos y los puntos críticos del control, preparación y responsabilidad en las situaciones urgentes como también en las tenden­cias de resultados de audito y la gestión de disconformidades. Resultado de aplicación de FSSC 22000 está visto en la mejora de calidad y seguridad alimentaria junto a la integración concurrente con otros sistemas de gestión y disminución de los gastos operativos del negocio. El sistema presenta el cumplimiento y la mejora permanente de los requisitos regulativos y los requisitos de compradores y consumidores

    Ružička days : International conference 16th Ružička Days “Today Science – Tomorrow Industry” : Proceedings

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    Proceedings contains articles presented at Conference divided into sections: open lecture (1), chemical analysis and synthesis (3), chemical and biochemical engineering (8), food technology and biotechnology (8), medical chemistry and pharmacy (3), environmental protection (11) and meeting of young chemists (2)


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    FSSC 22000 is an effective management system for food safety and quality of processes and products that has been accepted by the Global Food Safety Initiative (GFSI). It encompasses the requirements of the ISO 22000:2005 Food Safety Management Standard - requirements for any organization in the food chain, and ISO/TS 22002-1:2009 Prerequisite programs on food safety. Insufficiently defined requirements of prerequisite programs of the ISO 22000:2005 have been fully compensated by this system. Moreover, it has a special significance for the realization of cooperation between the supplier/manufacturer and leading international retail chains since food safety presents a priority in their business. The aim of this paper is to present experience in the implementation of FSSC 22000 so as to highlight characteristics and specifics of its application in the meat industry. The emphasis has been placed on the control of the operational prerequisite programs and critical control points, preparedness and responsibility in emergency situations, trends in the results of auditing and non-conformities management, through the experience of the subject, consultants and auditors in the food business. The system has been successfully improved by defining responsibility, using resource management, planning and realization of products (with special emphasis put on the full scope of prerequisite programs, detailed hazard analysis, selection of the methodology of risk assessment and detection of operational prerequisite programs and critical control points), and identifying ways to validate and verify the system. This ultimately results in realization of the food safety objectives and the system certification by an accredited organization. The result of the application of FSSC 22000 is reflected in the improvement of food quality and safety with simultaneously integrating other management systems and reducing operating costs. The system presents fulfillment and continuous improvement of the regulatory requirements and demands of customers and consumers