16 research outputs found

    Verhältnis der effektiven Spielzeit und der Pause beim Weltklassentennis

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    Analizirani su finalni mečevi svjetskih igrača tenisa na U. S. Openu 1988. i 1992. radi uvida u značajke vrhunskog profesioonalnog tenisa. Vremena efektivne igre mjerena su video-snimkama mečeva. U prvom je susretu (dvaju igrača s osnovne linije) omjer efektivne igre i stanke 1 : 3,4 (66 min: 277 min), uz prosječno trajanje poena 12, 2 sekunde, dok je u ovogodišnjem finalu (dva servis/volej igrača) poen prosječno trajao svega 3, 8 sekunda uz omjer efketivne igre i stanke 1 : 8, 5 (16 min: 155 min). Prosječna stanka zmeđu poena iznosila je 21, 8 odnosno 28, 3 sekunde. Čak i u susretu dvaju igrača s osnovne linije 50 % poena trajalo je kraće od 10 sekundi, a u ovogodišnjem finalu 95, 7 %. Sve što je navedneo ukazuje da je u vrhunskom tenisu prvenstveno angažman alaktanti anaerobni metabolizam, te da razvoj vrhunskog tenisa ide prema još većem favoriziranju ofanivnog (servis/volej) stila igre s daljnjim skraćivanjem prosječnog vremena trajanja poena, odnosno sve većem udjelu fosofagenog anaerobnog metabolizma, na račun laktatnog. Osnovna uloga aerobnog sustava je brza regeneracija utrošenih anaerobnih izvora energije, u stankama između poena i pri promjeni strana. Budući da je osnovna pretpostavka svakog sportskog trening aprepoznavanje udjela pojedinih energetskih sustava pri danoj aktivnosti, dobiveni se rezultati mogu iskoristiti u planiranju i programiranju specifične pripreme tenisačaThe final matches of the world top tennis players 1988 & 1992 Men\u27s U. S. Open were analyzed to provide information on the components of the sport of tennis at the elite professional level. The work/rest intervals were timed from a video tape recording of the matches. In 1988 Final (two baseline players ranked No 1 and No2 in the world) the work/rest ratio was 1 : 3,4 (66 min : 227 min) with the average point duration 12, 2 seconds, while in this year\u27s final (two serve & volley players ranked also No 1 and No 2) the points lasted on average only 3,8 seconds, with an overall 1 : 8,5 work/rest ratio (16 min : 155 min). The average rest period between points was 28,3 and 21,8 seconds, respectively. Even in the 1988 final with two baseline players, 60 % of the points were less than 10 second in duration, and in this year\u27s final 95,7%. These results indicate that in professional tennis at the elite level (for the given surface) almost all of the energy derives from the anaerobic alactic metabolism and a trend towards a more offensive (serve & volley) style of play can be observed, with further shortening of average point duration. The main role of the aerobic metabolism would be to provide fast replenishment of the consumed anaerobic energy sources, during the rest intervals between points and games. The understanding of the energy production and provision of each of the three systems is basic for designing a training program that fits the demands of the sport. Following those principles of training, these results can be useful in planning a sport specific conditioning program for tennis players.In dieser Studie wurden Endspiele der höchstrangierten Tennisspieler bei den U. S. Open 1988 und 1992 und 1922 analysiert. Mit Hilfe von Videoaufnahmen wurden die effektive Spielzeit und due dazwischenliegenden Pausen gemessen. Beim ersten Spiel der erstem zwei Spieler der Weltrangliste (beide Grundlinienspieler), das gemessen wurde, betrug Verhältnis der effketiven Spielzeit zu den Pausen 1 : 3,4 (66 min : 227 min) wobei für den einzeln Punkt der Ball durschnittlich 12, 3 Sekunden im Spiel war. Beim diesjährigen Endispiel (zwei typische Ausfhlag/Volley Spieler, auch Nr. 1 und 2 der Weltrangliste) dauerte ein Punkt im Durchsnitt nur 3, 8 Sekunden und das Verhältnis der effektiven Spielzeit zu den Pausen betrug 1 : 8, 5 (16 Min : 155 Min). Die durchsnittliche Pausenzeit betrug 1 : 8, 5 (16 Min : 155 Min). Die durchschnittlishe Pausenzeit betrug 21, 8 bzw. 28, 3 Sek, Sogar beim Spiel zweier Grundlinienspieler dauerten 60 % der Punkte kürzer als 10 Sekunden, und beim diesjährigen Finale waren sogar 95, 7% kürzer als 10 Sek. Da zeigt, dass beim Weltklassentennis vorrangig der alaktizide anaerobe Metabolismus engagiert ist und dass beim Tennisspiel der Spitzenklasse immeer mehr ein offensivnes Spiel (Aufschlag/Volley) bevorzugt wird. Dadurch wird die durchsnittliche Dauer einzeler Punkte witerhin verkürzt, und der phosphagene anaerobe Metabolismus wird auf Kosten des laktaiden engagiert. Die Haupaufgabe des aeroben Systems ist ide schnelle Regeneration der verbrauchten anaeroben Energiequellen während der Pausen zwischen zweo Punkten und beim Seitenwechsel. Da das Verständnis für die Beteiligung einzelner Energiesysteme bei bestimmten Tätigkeiten die Vorassetzung für ein erfolgreiches sportliches Training ist, können die Ergebnisse dieser Studie bei Trainingsplanung für Tennisspieler sehr wohl gebraucht

    Einige metabolische und ventilationsparameter der kroatischen spitzenruderer bei Dem erschöpfenden Training auf Ruder Ergometer

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    Ventilacijski i metabolički parametri mjereni su u 29 vrhunskih hrvatskih veslača otvorenom spiroergometrijskom metodom tokom testa s progresivnim opterećenjem na veslačkom ergometru. Maksimalni minutni volumen disanja kretao se od 147 do 232 l/min, dok je maksimalni primitak kisika u prosjeku iznosio 5,59 l/min, odnosno 65,0 mi/kg*min, pri frekvenciji srca od 175 do 211/min. i pulsu kisika od 26,3 do 34,3 ml O,/sistoli. Visoke prosječne vrijednosti respiracijskog kvocijenta (RQ = 1,12) i ekspiriranog ugljičnog dioksida (VCO, = 6,26 I/min) ukazuju na izrazito učešće anaerobnih izvora energije 1 iscrpljujući karakter testa. Pri anaerobnom pragu (pri koncentraciji mliječne kiseline u krvi od 4 mmol/L) prosječeni primitak kisika iznosi 4,85 + 0.44 I/min (86 + 3% VO₂max) uz ergometrijski učinak od 305 + 28 W. Visoke vrijednosti aerobnog kapaciteta hrvatskih veslača u rangu su s rezultatima vrhunskih veslača drugih zemalja, Sto s obzirom na mladost (prosječena dob 20 godina) i kvalitetne uvjete za razvoj, obećava dobru perspektivu hrvatskog veslanja.On the sample of 29 elite Croatian oarsmen we have measured the ventilatory and metabolic parameters by means of the open spiroergometric method during incremental exercise test on a rowing ergometer. The maximum ventilation ranged from 147 to 232 l/min, whereas the average maximum oxygen uptake amounted to 5.59 l/min, ie. 65.0 ml/kg* min, heart rate ranging from 175 to 211/min, and the oxygen pulse 26.3 to 34.3 ml O,/systole. High average figures of the respiratory quotient (RO = 1.12 ) and of the expirated carbon dioxide (VCO, = 6.26 I/min ) show both significant. participation of anaerobic energy sources, and the exhausting character of the test. At the anaerobic threshold (with the concentration of the lactic acid in blood of 4 mmol/L) the average oxygen uptake amounts to “OS + O44 I/min (86 +/- 3% VO₂max) at the workload of 305 +/- 28 W High values of aerobic capacity of Croatian oarsmen correspond to the results of elite oarsmen from other countries. This represents a good basis for further improvement of Croatian oarsmen if we take into consideration their youth (the average age is 20) and good training conditions.Ventilations- und metabolische Parameter wurden bei 29 kroatischen Spitzenruderern wahrend des Tests mit progressiver Belastung auf Ruderer Ergometer nach der spiroergometrischen Methode gemessen. Die maximale Ventilation variierte zwischen 147 und 232 l/min, während die maximale Sauerstoffeinnahme im Durchschnitt 5,59 l/min bzw. 65,0 ml/kg betrug, bei der Herzfrequenz von 175 bis 211/min und Sauerstoffpuls von 26,3 bis 34,3 ml 02/Systole. Die hohen Durchschnittswerte des respiratorischen Quotients (RQ=1,12) und des ausgeatmeten Kohlendioxyds (VCO,=6,26 l/min) weisen auf ausgesprochene Beteiligung der anaeroben Energiequellen und auf den erschöpfenden Charakter des Tests. Auf der anaeroben Schwelle (bei der Konzentration der Milchsäure im Blut von 4 mmol/L) beträgt die durchschnittliche Sauerstoffeinnahme 4,85 +/- 0,44 I/min (86+/- 3% VO₂max) bei der ergometrischen Leistung von 305 +/- 28W. Die hohen Werte der aeroben Kapazität der kroatischen Sportruderer sind im Rang der Resultate der Spitzensportruderern aus anderen Ländern, was, weil das Durchschnittsalter unserer Ruderer 20 Jahre beträgt, und weil dafür die qualitativ guten Voraussetzungen bestehen, eine gute Perspektive dem kroatischen Rudersport sichert

    Usporedba Conconijevog i ventilacijskog anaerobnog praga određenog kratkim i standardnim protokolom testa na pokretnoj traci

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    The purpose of this study was to compare two methods for determination of anaerobic threshold from two different treadmill protocols. Forty-eight Croatian runners of national rank (ten sprinters, fifteen 400-m runners, ten middle distance runners and thirteen long distance runners), mean age 21.7}5.1 years, participated in the study. They performed two graded maximal exercise tests on a treadmill, a standard ramp treadmill test (TSR, speed increments of 1 km•h-1 every 60 seconds) and a fast ramp treadmill test (TFR, speed increments of 1 km•h-1 every 30 seconds) to determine and compare the parameters at peak values and at heart rate at the deflection point (HR DP) and ventilation threshold (VT ). There were no significant differences between protocols (p>0.05) for peak values of oxygen uptake (VO2max, 4.48±0.43 and 4.44±0.45 L•min-1), weight related VO2max (62.5±6.2 and 62.0±6.0 mL•kg-1•min-1), pulmonary ventilation (VE max, 163.1}18.7 and 161.3}19.9 L•min-1) and heart rate (HR max, 192.3}8.5 and 194.4}8.7 bpm) (TFR and TSR, respectively). Moreover, no significant differences between TFR and TSR where found for VT and HR DP when expressed as VO2 and HR . However, there was a significant effect of ramp slope on running speed at VO2max and at the anaerobic threshold (AnT) , independent of the method used (VT : 16.0}2.2 vs 14.9}2.2 km•h-1;HR DP: 16.5}1.9 vs 14.9±2.0 km•h-1 for TFR and TSR respectively). Linear regression analysis revealed high between-test and between-method correlations for VO2, HR and running speed parameters (r=0.78-0.89, p<0.01). The present study has indicated that the VT and HR DP for running (VO2, ventilation, and heart rate at VT /HR DP) are independent of test protocol, while there is a significant effect of ramp slope on VT and HR DP when expressed as running speed. Moreover, this study demonstrates that the point of deflection from linearity of heart rate may be an accurate predictor of the anaerobic threshold in trained runners, independently of the protocol used.Cilj istraživanja bio je usporediti dvije metode za utvrđivanje anaerobnog praga u dva različita protokola opterećenja. U istraživanju je sudjelovalo 48 trkača hrvatskog nacionalnog ranga (10 sprintera na 100 m, 15 sprintera na 400 m, 10 srednjeprugaša i 13 dugoprugaša) srednje dobi 21,7}5,1 god. Ispitanici su testirani dvama različitim protokolima maksimalnog opterećenja na pokretnoj traci: standardnim progresivnim protokolom opterećenja (TSR, brzina trake povećava se svake minute za 1 km/h) i brzo-rastućim progresivnim testom opterećenja (TFR, brzina trake povećava se za 1 km/h svakih 30 sekunda), u cilju mjerenja i usporedbe vršnih vrijednosti i vrijednosti pri ventilacijskom anaerobnom pragu (VT ) i točki defleksije frekvencije srca (HR DP). Vršne vrijednosti izmjerene u dva protokola (TFR :TSR) nisu se značajno razlikovale za primitak kisika (VO2max, 4,48:4,44 L/min), relativni VO2max (62,5:62,0 mL/kg/min), minutni volumen disanja (VE max, 163,1:161,3 L/min) i frekvenciju srca (192,3:194,4 otkucaja/min). Značajne razlike između TFR i TSR nisu utvrđene niti za VT i HR DP izražene primitkom kisika i frekvencijom srca. Međutim, utvrđen je značajan utjecaj protokola testa (akceleracije brzine trake) na brzine trčanja pri maksimumu i pri anaerobnom pragu, neovisno o primijenjenoj metodi (VT : 16,0±2,2 prema 14,9±2,2 km•h-1; HRDP: 16,5±1,9 prema 14,9±2,0 km•h-1 za TFR i TSR). Linearnom regresijskom analizom utvrđene su visoke pozitivne korelacije između protokola i između metoda određivanja praga za parametre primitka kisika, frekvencije srca i brzine trčanja (r=0,78-0,89, p<0,01). Rezultati rada pokazuju da su VT i HR DP za trčanje (VO2, VE i HR pri VT /HR DP) neovisni o protokolu testa, dok je značajan utjecaj protokola (brzine porasta brzine trake) na VT i HRDP izražene brzinom trčanja. Nadalje, ovo istraživanje pokazuje da se točka defleksije frekvencije srca (Conconijev test) može pouzdano koristiti za predviđanje anaerobnog praga u treniranih trkača neovisno o primijenjenom protokolu testa

    Morphological Differences of Elite Croatian Track-and-Field Athletes

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    In this sudy we present the morphological characteristics of 54 Croatian national level track-and-field athletes. 21 anthropometric body measures were taken on a sample of 15 sprinters (S), 16 endurance sprinters (S4), 10 middle-distance runners (MD) and 13 long-distance runners (LD). Body fat percentage, body mass index and somatotype were also calculated. Canonical discriminative analysis showed significant difference between the athletes of various running events, in the measures of body volume and body fat, while no significant difference was found in the variables of longitudinal and transversal dimensions of the skeleton. ANOVA and Student t-test for independent samples showed statistically significantly higher thigh and lower leg circumference in sprinters, as well as greater upper arm skinfold in middle- distance runners. The mesomorphic component is a dominant characteristic of somatotype of the runners in all events, whereas the ectomorphic component is the least marke

    Usporedba Conconijevog i ventilacijskog anaerobnog praga određenog kratkim i standardnim protokolom testa na pokretnoj traci

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    The purpose of this study was to compare two methods for determination of anaerobic threshold from two different treadmill protocols. Forty-eight Croatian runners of national rank (ten sprinters, fifteen 400-m runners, ten middle distance runners and thirteen long distance runners), mean age 21.7}5.1 years, participated in the study. They performed two graded maximal exercise tests on a treadmill, a standard ramp treadmill test (TSR, speed increments of 1 km•h-1 every 60 seconds) and a fast ramp treadmill test (TFR, speed increments of 1 km•h-1 every 30 seconds) to determine and compare the parameters at peak values and at heart rate at the deflection point (HR DP) and ventilation threshold (VT ). There were no significant differences between protocols (p>0.05) for peak values of oxygen uptake (VO2max, 4.48±0.43 and 4.44±0.45 L•min-1), weight related VO2max (62.5±6.2 and 62.0±6.0 mL•kg-1•min-1), pulmonary ventilation (VE max, 163.1}18.7 and 161.3}19.9 L•min-1) and heart rate (HR max, 192.3}8.5 and 194.4}8.7 bpm) (TFR and TSR, respectively). Moreover, no significant differences between TFR and TSR where found for VT and HR DP when expressed as VO2 and HR . However, there was a significant effect of ramp slope on running speed at VO2max and at the anaerobic threshold (AnT) , independent of the method used (VT : 16.0}2.2 vs 14.9}2.2 km•h-1;HR DP: 16.5}1.9 vs 14.9±2.0 km•h-1 for TFR and TSR respectively). Linear regression analysis revealed high between-test and between-method correlations for VO2, HR and running speed parameters (r=0.78-0.89, p<0.01). The present study has indicated that the VT and HR DP for running (VO2, ventilation, and heart rate at VT /HR DP) are independent of test protocol, while there is a significant effect of ramp slope on VT and HR DP when expressed as running speed. Moreover, this study demonstrates that the point of deflection from linearity of heart rate may be an accurate predictor of the anaerobic threshold in trained runners, independently of the protocol used.Cilj istraživanja bio je usporediti dvije metode za utvrđivanje anaerobnog praga u dva različita protokola opterećenja. U istraživanju je sudjelovalo 48 trkača hrvatskog nacionalnog ranga (10 sprintera na 100 m, 15 sprintera na 400 m, 10 srednjeprugaša i 13 dugoprugaša) srednje dobi 21,7}5,1 god. Ispitanici su testirani dvama različitim protokolima maksimalnog opterećenja na pokretnoj traci: standardnim progresivnim protokolom opterećenja (TSR, brzina trake povećava se svake minute za 1 km/h) i brzo-rastućim progresivnim testom opterećenja (TFR, brzina trake povećava se za 1 km/h svakih 30 sekunda), u cilju mjerenja i usporedbe vršnih vrijednosti i vrijednosti pri ventilacijskom anaerobnom pragu (VT ) i točki defleksije frekvencije srca (HR DP). Vršne vrijednosti izmjerene u dva protokola (TFR :TSR) nisu se značajno razlikovale za primitak kisika (VO2max, 4,48:4,44 L/min), relativni VO2max (62,5:62,0 mL/kg/min), minutni volumen disanja (VE max, 163,1:161,3 L/min) i frekvenciju srca (192,3:194,4 otkucaja/min). Značajne razlike između TFR i TSR nisu utvrđene niti za VT i HR DP izražene primitkom kisika i frekvencijom srca. Međutim, utvrđen je značajan utjecaj protokola testa (akceleracije brzine trake) na brzine trčanja pri maksimumu i pri anaerobnom pragu, neovisno o primijenjenoj metodi (VT : 16,0±2,2 prema 14,9±2,2 km•h-1; HRDP: 16,5±1,9 prema 14,9±2,0 km•h-1 za TFR i TSR). Linearnom regresijskom analizom utvrđene su visoke pozitivne korelacije između protokola i između metoda određivanja praga za parametre primitka kisika, frekvencije srca i brzine trčanja (r=0,78-0,89, p<0,01). Rezultati rada pokazuju da su VT i HR DP za trčanje (VO2, VE i HR pri VT /HR DP) neovisni o protokolu testa, dok je značajan utjecaj protokola (brzine porasta brzine trake) na VT i HRDP izražene brzinom trčanja. Nadalje, ovo istraživanje pokazuje da se točka defleksije frekvencije srca (Conconijev test) može pouzdano koristiti za predviđanje anaerobnog praga u treniranih trkača neovisno o primijenjenom protokolu testa


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    Cilj istraživanja bio je usporediti parametre aerobnog kapaciteta, izmjerene pomoću dva testa progresivnog opterećenja na pokretnom sagu različitog trajanja u trkačica. Deset trkačica različitih disciplina podvrgnute su dvama progresivnim testovima opterećenja do iscrpljenja na pokretnom sagu (ST: porast brzine saga 1 kmh /min; KT: porast brzine saga 1 kmh /30 s). spiroergometrijski podaci usrednjeni su na vremenski period od 30 s, te je drugi ventilacijski (anaerobni) prag (P) određen metodom. Postignuta maksimalna brzina trčanja (v : 17,1±1,4 km/h; v : 19,4±1,2 km/h) kao i brzina trčanja pri P(v : 12,3±1,5 km/h; v : 13,8±1,5 km/h) značajno su se razlikovale između protokola (p<0.05), tj. v i v bile su obrnuto proporcionalne ukupnom trajanju testa, odnosno duljini trajanja pojedinog stupnja opterećenja. Maksimalna frekvencija srca bila je značajno niža u KT testu (FS : 194,9±6,8/min, FS : 190,4±6,0/min; p=0,03) što se može pripisati inerciji kardiovaskularnog sustava, dok se FS pri P nije značajno razlikovala između protokola (FS : 178,2±8,7/min, FS : 175,2±10,9/min; p>0,05). Maksimalni primitak kisika nije se razlikovao između testova (VO : 52,6±4,9 ml/kg, VO : 53,9±6,2 ml/kg; p>0.05), dok pri P, iako mala, razlika u primitku kisika bila je statistički značajna (VO : 45,6±5,2 ml/kg, VO : 47,7±5,2 ml/kg; p=0.03). Korelacijskom analizom utvrđena je visoka povezanost između svih parametara dvaju primijenjenih protokola (r = 0.77-0.96, p<0.05), izuzev respiracijskog kvocijenta (RQ) pri P i pri maksimalnom opterećenju (r=0.01-0.52, p>0.05). RQ nije se razlikovao između testova pri P (RQ : 0.98±0,04, RQ : 0,96±0,08; p>0.05), niti pri maksimalnom opterećenju (RQ : 1.20±0,09, RQ : 1,25±0,11; p>0.05). Nešto niže vrijednosti RQ u odnosu na vrijednosti opisane u trkača muškog spola mogu se objasniti većim udjelom lipolize u žena uslijed razlika u hormonalnom statusu. Rezultati istraživanja ukazuju da je pri usporedbi rezultata progresivnih testova opterećenja potrebno voditi računa o značajkama primijenjenog protokola, odnosno duljini trajanja testa.The aim of this study was to compare different indicators of aerobic capacity derived from two graded treadmill exercise test protocols of different duration. Ten female runners completed two graded treadmill tests to exhaustion with increasing speed of : 1) 1 kmh /60 s (ST) and 2) 1 kmh /30 s (KT). Spiroergometric parameters were registered b and averaged to 30 s. The second ventilatory (anaerobic) threshold (P) was determined by the simplified method. The maximum running speed (v : 17,1±1,4 kmh ; v : 19,4 ± 1,2 kmh ) and running speed at the P (v : 12,3 kmh ± 1,5; v : 13,8 ± 1,5 kmh ) differed significantly between protocols (p<0.05), and were inversely related to single stage and overall test duration. Heart rate value (FS) at the maximum intensity was significantly lower in KT (FS : 194,9±6,8 bpm; FS : 190,4±6,0 bpm; p=0,03) which can be attributed to the inertia of cardiovascular dynamics, while FS at P did not differ significantly between protocols (FS : 178,2±8,7 bpm; FS : 175,2±10,9 bpm; p>0,05). Maximal oxygen uptake did not differ between protocols (VO : 52,6±4,9 ml/kg, VO : 53,9±6,2 ml/kg; p>0.05), while at the P, a small but statistically significant difference was found (VO : 45,6±5,2 ml/kg, VO : 47,7±5,2 ml/kg; p=0,03). Correlation analysis revealed high to very high relationships between all test parameters (r = 0.77–0.96, p<0.05), except for the respiratory exchange ratio (RQ) at P and at maximum (r = 0.01-0.52, p>0.05). RQ did not differ between tests at P (RQ : 0.98±0,04, RQ : 0,96±0,08; p>0.05) nor at maximum intensity (RQ : 1.20±0,09, RQ : 1,25±0,11; p>0.05). Lower values in the RQ in relationship to values reported in the literature for male runners may be explained by a relatively higher share of energy for muscle work by oxidation of fats in females compared to males, probably due to the influence of gender specific hormonal status. The results of this study indicate that test characteristics and overall test duration should be considered when comparing results obtained from different graded exercise test protocols

    The Effects of Strength Training on Some Parameters of Aerobic and Anaerobic Endurance

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    The studies exploring the influence of resistance training on endurance in men have produced inconsistent results. The aim of this study was to examine the influence of an Olympic weight lifting training programme on parameters of aerobic and anaerobic endurance in moderately physically active men. Eleven physical education students (age: 24.1 ± 1.8 yr, height: 1.77 ± 0.04 m, body mass: 76.1 ± 6.4 kg; X ± SD) underwent a 12-week, 3 times/wk training programme of Olympic weight lifting. Specific exercises to master the lifting technique, and basic exercises for maximal strength and power development were applied, with load intensity and volume defined in relation to individual maximal load (repetitio maximalis, RM). Parameters of both, aerobic and anaerobic endurance were estimated from gas exchange data measured during a single incremental treadmill test to exhaustion, which was performed before, and after completion of the 12-wk programme. After training, there was a small, but significant increase in body mass (75.8 ± 6.4 vs. 76.6 ± 6.4, p0.05). However, there was a significant increase of anaerobic endurance, estimated from the distance run above VAT, from VAT to Vmax (285 ± 98 m vs 212 ± 104 m, p<0.01). The results of this study indicate that changes in both, anaerobic and aerobic endurance due to a 12-wk period of strength training in untrained persons can be determined from a single incremental treadmill test to exhaustion. The possible causes of those training effects include several possible mechanisms, linked primarily to peripheral adaptation

    Is there any difference in fitness profiles among the Croatian basketball players? Position specific analysis

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    The aim of the study was to establish possible differences in both aerobic and anaerobic fitness parameters among different positions (point guards, guards and small forwards, and power forwards and centers) in basketball. Based on previous research on certain differences among play positions in basketball, aerobic and anaerobic fitness capacity values of basketballers in different positions were analyzed. Seventy adult basketball players (age 24.37±4.05 years) from the Croatian Division 1 league were classified as point guards (n=20), shooting guards and small forwards (n=26), and power forwards and centers (n=24). Six variables of cardiopulmonary function were obtained using spirometry and spiroergometry test. Regarding aerobic abilities, a significant difference among the three positions was found only in the VO2max parameters (p=.00) in favor of power forwards and centers (5.55± 0.6 l/min) when compared to point guards (4.7± 0.6 l/min) and shooting guards and small forwards (5.01±0.6 l/min). No significant difference was found in the Croatian basketballers’ anaerobic capacity parameters among the three different play positions

    Seasonality and objective physical activity and sedentary behaviour among older adults from four european countries

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    © 2023 by the authors. Licensee MDPI, Basel, Switzerland. This article is an open access article distributed under the terms and conditions of the Creative Commons Attribution (CC BY) license (https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/).Objective: The present study aimed to explore the relationship between objective physical activity and sedentary behaviour with seasonality among a sample of older adults living in four European countries. Methods: A sample of 169 older adults living in Croatia, Greece, Portugal, and Poland (mean age = 72.2 ± 6.0, 68% female) had valid objective physical activity and sedentary behaviour data collected in different seasons of the year: spring and autumn/winter. Physical activity and sedentary behaviour were collected with accelerometers (ActiGraph, GT3X), over 7 consecutive days, in both periods. A valid record was defined as at least two weekdays and one weekend day with 10 hours of wearing time. Analyses were performed with IBM SPSS 28.0, using t-test, ANOVA, and binary logistic regressions. Results: Most older adults from the four countries met the physical activity guidelines in spring and autumn/winter. No significant variations were found across seasons for sedentary behaviour and physical activity both for light and vigorous intensity, regardless of sex, country, education, and body mass index (BMI). A decline in moderate physical activity intensity from spring to autumn/winter was found for those with lower education and higher BMI. Conclusion: The promotion of physical activity must be considered in programs to promote healthy aging throughout the year, especially considering the moderate intensity and those populations with higher BMI and lower educational levels.The current study has been designed as a part of the project “Interventions in the Elderly’s Mobility Modes for Promotion of their Physical Activity and Fitness” (FITOLD; project number 622623-EPP-1-2020-1-DE-SPO-SCP) funded by the ERASMUS+ program of the European Commission.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio